Your Spanish 2 Class at a glance… Teacher: Señora Richardson Room#: 263 email: Course Goals: Spanish 2 is a Novice-Mid level class. The beginning of the course is designed to reinforce the basics learned in Spanish 1. As the year progresses students will improve their language skills by increasing their vocabulary, learning new grammatical structures and most importantly communicating in the target language with high frequency. By the end of the year students will be able to express details of their everyday lives and past experiences. Classroom Procedures: The following procedures are intended to help you understand how things should run in my class. If we can all follow these procedures it will help class run most efficiently! 1) What do I do when I arrive to class? a) Sra. Richardson doesn’t start this class. The bell doesn’t start this class. YOU start the class. b) Each day when you arrive, written instructions for starting class will be posted at the front. Please begin class as soon as you are ready – with homework in the homework basket, your folder on your desk, your comprehension card out of the folder on top of your desk, you are copying the objective for the day’s lesson, you’re completing the “Do Now” assignment, and then greet two students in Spanish. There is no need to wait for me or for the bell. c) While you begin class, I will take attendance. 2) What if I arrive to class unprepared? a) If you need a pencil or paper you should ask another student before class starts, to borrow the needed materials, in Spanish. b) If you need to go to your locker to get materials, you will be tardy if you are not back in your seat by the bell. If you need to leave after the bell rings you will be required to use one of your 3 passes. 3) What if I am entering class late, without a pass? a) Quickly and quietly join in whatever activity the other students are doing. If needed, ask the student next to you what you should be doing, without disrupting the class. Every third tardy becomes an unexcused absence. 4) What if I am entering class late with a pass? a) Show the teacher an adult’s signature and time on the pass. If you do not have both you will be marked tardy; in that case please just take your seat. 5) What if I need Sra. Richardson to sign something? a) If you have a paper that needs to be signed by me (e.g., prearranged absence form, grade report for sports, etc.) hand it to me before the bell rings at the beginning of class. b) I will sign it and return it to you by the end of class, or you can pick it up after the bell rings after the bell rings on your way out of class. 6) Where do I sit? a) You will be assigned to a seat. b) Assigned seats will be changed every few weeks. c) If you have a request for a seat change it must be given to Sra. Richardson in writing (placed in the homework basket or via email). 7) What if Sra. Richardson needs the attention of everyone in the class a) You will often work individually, in small groups, or as a part of a whole class discussion. If I need your attention during class I will simply say “vale” or “atención”. When I do this, please… i)… stop talking ii) … stop working iii) … look at me b) If others around you continue to talk you may raise your hand if you like and continue to look at me. Please do not talk in order to get others to stop talking. 8) What should I be doing during class time? a) The first 5 minutes of class are spent preparing for the lesson – throwing gum in the garbage can, turning in homework, getting your folder, placing the comprehension card on top of your desk, writing the objective to be learned for the day’s lesson, and then completing the “Hazlo ahora,” and greeting two students in Spanish. I will then greet the class in Spanish and the class will stand and greet the teacher in Spanish and then be seated when the teacher says you may be seated. Respect is of utmost importance in my class and this begins with a proper greeting. Once I have checked to see who has completed the homework it will be returned by the “paper passer” to review in class unless I decide to keep the homework for some reason. b) I will begin by briefly reviewing the behavior-chart. Then, unless there is a quiz, a presentation, or an interpersonal assessment, I will teach a lesson and you will participate by listening attentively, following directions, and positively contributing to c) d) e) f) the lesson. The lesson will likely last no longer than 15 minutes, maybe less. Anybody can do anything for 15 minutes. You must stay on task during this time, speaking only Spanish at all times, completing the activity in a time efficient way. You may move around only if the assignment requires you to speak with various students. There are a few minutes for a break. Bring your own water bottle to class. Feel free to drink water at this time. Students will complete an activity to practice what has been taught. If I haven’t decided to keep the homework for commenting, students will go over homework together as a class - led by two students. Class will end by writing down earned points on the behavior-chart. The bell does not dismiss you. I dismiss you when I say, in Spanish, “Have a nice day” – (¡Qué tenga un buen día!) 9) What if I need to leave the room during class? a) Because class time is so valuable, you will only be allowed to leave the classroom three times during a marking period unless your parent or guardian notifies me of a health issue. Bathroom breaks should be made during lunch break if you are utilizing your time properly. My classes are right after lunch break therefore, regular bathroom breaks are unnecessary. At an appropriate time, (not when my attention is on the entire class or a particular student), hand me your pass with your destination written on the pass, and hand me a pen so that I can sign it. It will be noted in my notebook and dated. These passes should only be used if you are sick and need to be seen by the nurse or you have a note signed by your parent or guardian to be excused from class. Trips to the guidance councilor are only permitted during my class if the counselor notifies me. 10) What if I need an extra copy of a handout? Extra copies of handouts will be placed in a file in the back of the classroom, near the windows. For each class, the most recent handouts will be on the back table in a folder. It is your responsibility to collect the handouts you need from this file. 11) How do I turn in work to Sra. Richardson? a) There are three baskets for turning in homework. Place your work in the basket for your period before the bell rings. Work turned in after the bell will be considered late. b) Work collected during class may be placed in the basket or in my hand; if you put it anywhere else besides these two places then you risk your assignment being lost and receiving no grade for your hard work. 12) How will I get work back from Sra. Richardson? a) Work will be returned to you ASAP (as soon as possible). I will have the papers in the folder marked “OUT” – (AFUERA) in your class period’s file, which will be on the teacher’s desk. b) I will pass the papers out or have the paper passer pass the papers out. 13) What if I want to turn in assignments, projects or exams, (including midterms or finals) after the due date? a) Assignments will be accepted one day late with a deduction of 20%. A permanent zero is recorded after one day. b) With a busy schedule, a student can plan in advance to request an extension 24 hours or more before a deadline. i) To request an extension you must write 1) the name of the assignment, 2) the reason for the extension, and 3) the new due date requested. Place the request in the homework basket one day or more before the deadline and before the start of class. ii) I will review the extension request and sign it if approved. I will then return the extension request to the “OUT” folder by the end of class. c) If you are sick you may have an extension and I will tell you the due date of the assignment, test, quiz, or exam. If it is not turned in by the due date the above terms will apply. d) NOTE: Extensions are not available for long-term assignments known about for a week or more in advance. 14) What do I do if I’m absent from class and the absence is unexcused? a) When you return from an unexcused absence you should check the absentee folder on the back table. You will find handouts and homework missed. It will be your responsibility to get any missed notes from other students and any missed handouts or assignments from the file. b) You will not receive credit for work missed during an unexcused absence. 15) What do I do if I am absent from class and the absence is excused? a) If possible, contact me via phone or email. Perhaps I can send you your assignments, or a folder can be left for you in the main office for a parent or guardian to come and retrieve. Also, check my webpage. I will keep homework assignments posted there. Complete the assignments so you will not fall behind much. b) When you return from an excused absence you should check the absentee folder on the back table. You will find a description of the class activities, handouts, and homework missed. It will be your responsibility to get any missed notes from other students and any missed handouts or assignments from the file. c) Absent late work is due within one week of a student’s return to school. 16) What if I need extra help or I need to meet with Sra. Richardson? a) Students requiring extra time with the teacher are encouraged to come to the World Language office during lunch break or after school in the classroom. I will be available to meet with you at these times on a drop in basis. However, after school I may leave if no students have arrived and 15 minutes have passed. I will not be available after school on 1:49 days or when there are staff meetings. b) If you want to be sure that I meet with you at a specific time just talk to me about a specific time that you’d like to meet and I would be happy to make an appointment with you. 17) What if I want to know about my progress in this class? a) I will keep all grade information updated and I will give out progress reports periodically throughout the marking period. You will have the same information I have. b) If you have any questions about your grades please see me outside of class time, write me a note, or send me an email. Classroom Rules and Expectations: Classroom Rules: Students are expected to follow a few general rules during class time. 1. Respect- Students are expected to follow a few general rules during class time. Turn off cell phones before entering the classroom and all other technology. Putting phones on vibrate is not sufficient. If I see or hear a cell phone I will follow school rules and take it to the office. Throw out gum upon entering the class, take turns speaking, be an active listener, speak only Spanish, and please refrain from any side conversations. It’s very distracting. 2. Responsibility- Students must take responsibility for their own learning and achievement with the support of the teacher. All students should come to class prepared to learn. 3. Honesty- it is impossible to maintain a productive learning environment without honesty. Students are expected to be honest with each other and with the teacher at all times. Cheating: We expect you to demonstrate academic integrity. Any ideas you submit as your own should come from you. That being said, please do not use translators. They don’t show your true level in Spanish and often it does not work. Many expressions do not translate from English to Spanish and they sound incomprehensible in Spanish. So don’t do it. I will not give you credit for doing this. Also, any student taking answers from or providing answers to another student during a test or quiz will receive a zero on the test. 4. School Rules- Students will be expected to follow all policies and procedures found in the Princeton High School Student Handbook. Attendance policy: Please refer to the PHS Student Handbook. Tardy policy: Being on time means being in your seat and prepared for class when the bell rings. Attendance will be taken using the seating chart, so make sure that you are in your own seat so that you will not be marked absent. A late student is expected to enter the room silently to avoid causing any distraction. At an appropriate time the student can obtain needed directions and materials from a classmate. Every third tardy becomes an unexcused absence. Required Materials: 1 notebook – binder with paper Pencils/pens Spanish/English dictionary a pocket dictionary is fine Markers Crayons Colored pencils Highlighters If there is a problem with getting materials needed for an assignment you must let me know in advance or you will get a zero for the assignment. Course Evaluation: 25% of your grade is based on participation Participation - listening attentively and answering questions, active involvement in the lesson. Participation must be in Spanish. You may use gestures or ask “¿Cómo se dice …?” if there is a word that you don’t know how to say, or write me a note and give it to me after class or during a transition. You will be rated on daily participation. Points are taken off for speaking in English. A participation rubric will be used for grading. Homework is 25% of your grade. It must be turned in when it is due, otherwise it will result in a zero. Late homework is worth 20% less one day late and after one day it’s worth 0%. 25% of your grade is based on Tests/Quizzes – Students who actively participate in the daily lessons and do homework are very likely to do well on tests and quizzes. Projects/Presentations are worth 25% of your grade - All deadlines must be met unless there are extenuating circumstances such as, illness, death in the family, verified absences, etc. Come to class prepared with work completed on time. Failure to do presentations results in a zero. DISCLAIMER: The instructor reserves the right to change the syllabus as needed. Students will be informed of such changes.