Influence of environmental and genetic factors on the alliin content of garlic bulbs O. Huchette 1, R. Kahane2, J. Auger3, I. Arnault3, C. Bellamy1 1. DIJON CEREALES / COOPD’OR, R&D Department, INRA, BV 86510, 21065 Dijon Cedex, France 2. CIRAD-FLHOR, TA50/PS4, bd de la Lironde, 34398 Montpellier Cedex 5, France 3. IRBI, Université François Rabelais, Avenue Monge, 37200 Tours, France Keywords : Allium sativum, sulphur compounds, genotype, soil, light spectrum Abstract The influence of environmental conditions and genotype x environment effects on the alliin content of garlic bulbs were studied. The objective was to improve the quality of garlic bulbs with regard to alliin content. Field trials were carried out for 2 years in France and Spain with increasing sulphur fertilisation in soil: 0-50-100-200 or 400 kg SO4/ha were investigated on 3 varieties in 2000 (Printanor, Messidrôme and Morasol) and only on Printanor in 2001. S fertilisation affected alliin content on Printanor in France, but was not confirmed in Spain where alliin contents were 3 to 5 fold higher than in France. These results were correlated to the soil sulphur in the two areas as Spanish soil was always higher in water soluble and total sulphur than French soil. However, the influence of other factors could not be excluded. Experiments were also carried out in controlled conditions (in vitro and greenhouse) to study the influence of sulphur fertilisation combined to other environmental factors such as light, carbohydrate availability and temperature. A strong genotypic effect was confirmed in both controlled conditions with light spectral quality having a large effect on alliin content on the in vitro bulbs. Temperature did not have a large effect on alliin, but did interact with sucrose concentration to affect alliin accumulation in the bulbs. We also found an interaction between S fertilisation and genotype in greenhouse, and genotype by light spectrum interaction, in vitro. Our results confirm that multiple factors affect alliin accumulation in garlic, and that these factors should be considered when growing garlic for flavour or therapeutic value. INTRODUCTION Garlic (Allium sativum L.) is among the earliest domesticated plants and is cropped world-wide. It is well-known for its health benefits. Numerous therapeutic properties have been reported, i.e. antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral, antithrombotic, antitumor, hypotensive, hypoglycaemic, hypolipidemic (Augusti, 1996; Sato, 2000). Moreover, therapeutic value related to cardiovascular diseases, cholesterol metabolism, atherosclerosis (Kik et al, 2001), and cancer (Le Bon and Siess, 2000) were recently described. These benefits can be linked to garlic’s organosulfur compounds, particularly the cysteine sulfoxides and thiosulfinates. Among them is S-allyl-L-cysteine sulfoxide, or alliin, which derives from the related dipeptide -glutamyl-S-allyl-cysteine (GLUAlCS) and accumulates in high concentration in garlic. Alliin goes on to produce diallyl thiosulfinate, or allicin, which is formed following enzymatic transformation when the bulb is cut or crushed. Allicin is the characteristic compound of garlic flavour, but is unstable and degrades over time (Block, 1985 ; Block et al, 1993). The influence of environmental factors, such as temperature, daylength and carbohydrates has been often reported on bulb induction and development in garlic 1 (Takagi, 1990; Nagakubo et al, 1993; Kahane et al, 1997). In onion, light spectrum quality is of primary importance for bulb formation (Lercari, 1982; Kahane et al, 1992a). However, environmental factors not only influence bulb formation but also the flavour quality, as observed on onion (Randle, 1997; Randle and Lancaster, 2002). With garlic, only the influence of sulphate nutrition on different flavour components has been studied (Freeman and Mossadeghi, 1971). Thus, this work aims at exploring the influence of both environmental and genetic factors on garlic bulb alliin content as a specific flavour quality trait also related to its health-value. To that aim, five experiments were carried out on four cultivars from three different physiological groups (Messiaen et al, 1993) in natural conditions and in the greenhouse using different levels of sulphur nutrition. In addition, the influence of temperature, carbohydrates availability, and light spectrum were studied in vitro. MATERIAL AND METHODS Plant materials Three French garlic cultivars from different varietal Groups were supplied as virus-free certified cloves by INRA Avignon, France, and studied: Morasol from Group I, Printanor from Group II and Messidrôme from Group III (Messiaen et al, 1993). A Spanish variety (Morado de Cuenca), similar to Morasol, was provided by the University of Cordoba, Spain. Experimental environments 1. Field experiments. Two field trials were set up in two locations, in the South of France, and in Spain, over two years. Three accessions were studied in 2000 (Morado de Cuenca, Messidrôme and Printanor), and one in 2001 (Printanor). Growing protocols were similar in both locations (Table 1). The experiment included 5 sulphur treatments and 4 replications in a factorial arrangement using a randomised block design. Each plot comprised 100 plants spaced at 10 cm on a line and 30 cm between lines (2,5 m x 1,2 m). A control plots were placed between experimental plots and border plants surrounded the treatments. Sulphur fertilisation in the form of dry calcium sulphate (gypsum) was applied in two times (plantation and onset of bulbing) at rates of 0-50-100-200- and 400 kg/ha. Plants were harvested per plot at maturity (above 30° Brix of the juice). After a drying period, bulbs were weighed, extracted fresh and ground into powder. 2. Greenhouse experiment. This experiment was set up under insect-proof conditions in France in 2002. The three cultivars Printanor, Messidrôme and Morasol were planted in boxes with washed river sand (12 cloves per box) on the 1st March. Three boxes were planted for Printanor and Morasol, one for Messidrôme. Water and 50-100 ml per day of a fertilising solution of: 779 mg/l Ca(NO3)2,4H2O, 556 mg/l KNO3, 73 mg/l (NH4)2,H2PO4, 246 mg/l MgSO4,7H2O, 1 ml/l Fe-EDTA and micro nutrients (1.47 mg/l H3BO3, 1.85 mg/l MnCl2, 1.04 mg/l ZnSO4, 0.24 mg/l CuSO4, 0.05 mg/l H2MoO4) were supplied by drip irrigation. Sulphur was supplied at 0, 1x and 4x that of the original fertility solution. Garlic was harvested when two to three leaves remained green. After one week of drying at room temperature, three bulbs per replicate were sampled (five for Messidrôme), weighed and prepared for analysis. 3. In vitro experiments. The plant material was introduced in vitro and propagated following a cyclic multiplication previously reported for onion (Kahane et al, 1992b) to 2 produce enough material for three experiments. Temperature, sucrose (30 and 60 g/L) and spectral quality (red vs. far-red light) were varied in vitro for each cultivar during bulbing. Following a cold induction period (2 months at 3°C - photoperiod 10-24 hrs - white light), bulb formation was initiated in a warm environment (22-24°C as standard temperature) under long photoperiods (16-24 hours), with or without far-red light. Analyses 1. Soil sulphur. Soil analysis were performed in 2001 by INRA Arras (France) from soil samples collected in experimental plots in France and Spain without any additional application of gypsum (CaSO4). Total and water soluble sulphur were analysed before planting and at two dates during the cultural period (14 May, 20 June). 2. Sampling for HPLC analysis. Three to five bulbs per replicate were sampled from the greenhouse experiment and crushed in a methanol / acidified water mixture in order to stop the enzymatic reaction. For the experiments in vitro, all bulbs were used for analysis (16 bulbs minimum per treatment). For the field experiments, 1 g of dried garlic powder was extracted in 10 ml of solvent where as 1 g of fresh bulb tissue was extracted in 3ml of solvent (Kamenetsky et al, in press). The extract was then derivatized for the Pico-Tag ® HPLC analysis and diluted for the HPLC analysis using the ion-pairing method. 3. HPLC Methods. Two HPLC methods were used: the ion-pairing method (Arnault et al, 2003), which allowed the screening of alliin and allicin; and the Pico-Tag method® (Auger et al, 1993), which is more sensitive than ion-pairing, but only allowed for the quantification of alliin. The Pico-Tag method was only used for analyzing the in vitro temperature study. Alliin content is only reported here due to space limitations. Statistical analysis Results of garlic bulb alliin content are reported as means and standard deviations of two to four replicates per treatment in vitro. In the other experiments data were analysed by ANOVA (p = 0.05) with the software SYSTAT 10 for main plot effects and appropriate interactions. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Influence of the genotype In greenhouse, the three varieties tested presented significant differences in alliin content (Figure 1). Printanor had indeed the highest level of alliin (104.3 nmol/ mg fresh matter in average on all S-treatments), while Messidrôme had the lowest one (73.7 nmol/ mg fresh matter) and Morasol was intermediate (79.7 nmol/ mg fresh matter ). This influence of the genotype was also observed in field trials, but only in France (Figure 2). Results showed a higher quality of bulbs in terms of alliin content in spring varieties (Printanor, Morasol), compared to the autumn one. These data confirm observations on onion where flavour intensity varied among cultivars grown in a single and uniform environment (Randle, 1997), but also with developing information in wild garlic (Kamenetsky et al, in press). Influence of environmental factors In the field trials, all varieties tested in 2000 presented higher alliin content, on average, when cultivated in Spain (102.2 nmol/mg) than in France (62.1 nmol/mg) 3 (Figure 2). In 2001, Printanor grown in Spain had about four fold high alliin than that measured from plants in France (Table 2). Moreover, no significant difference was found among varieties in Spain, contrary to what observed in France (Figure 2). Surprisingly, no influence of sulphur fertilisation was observed in Spain (Table 2). This, however, may be explained by the soil analyses (Table 3). High total and water soluble sulphur levels were found in Spanish soil, suggesting that sulphur supply was perhaps saturated for the plants (Randle and Lancaster, 2002). This could partially explain the lack of differences observed on alliin content among varieties grown in Spain, and is in line with observations on the flavour of onion cultivated on different soil types (Hamilton et al, 1998). However, the dramatic difference in alliin accumulation between the French and Spanish trials suggests that other factors may also have an influence ultimate accumulation. In vitro, the influence of temperature was tested on Printanor in correlation with the carbohydrate level in the medium (Figure 3), but no effect was found for temperature when averaged over carbohydrate levels. However, carbohydrate availability affected the level of alliin accumulated, but was dependent on the growing temperature of the plants. At the lower temperatures, alliin accumulation was favoured with the higher carbohydrate level, but at the higher temperature, the opposite was found. A strong effect of the light spectral quality was found in the spring garlic varieties (Figure 4). The addition of far-red light during the bulbing period increase alliin content by four-fold for Printanor and by seven-fold for Morasol. However, no influence was observed on the autumn variety Messidrôme, suggesting an interaction between genotype and environmental factors. These experiments show that alliin accumulation in garlic is dependent both and the variety utilized and the environmental conditions in which the plants are grown. To maximize alliin, proper cultivar selection is required as well as growing the plants in the most conducive environment. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Experiments were carried out within the framework of a program called "Garlic and Health" funded by an European Union FP5 grant in the Quality of Life program (QLK1-CT-1999-0498). The authors would like also thank Dr S. Ochatt and Dr. W.M. Randle for reviewing the paper and correcting the English. Literature Cited Arnault, I., Christidès, J.P., Mandon, N., Kahane, R., Haffner, T. and Auger J. 2003. 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Year, Location Variety Planting date Harvest date 2000, France MC PRI MES MC PRI MES PRI PRI 12-13 January 12-13 January 23 December 16-17 November 22-23 November 22-23 November 15 January 15 January 10 July 10 July 28 June 16 June 26 June 15 June 13 July August 2000, Spain 2001, France 2001, Spain Treatments (*) Kg/ha 0-50-100-200 0-50-100-200 0-100-200-400 0-100-200-400 (*) Sulphur fertilisation in the form of dry Calcium sulphate (gypsum) applied in two times (50% each) Table 2 : Mean alliin content (in nmol/mg) obtained in 2000 and 2001 on field trials set in France and Spain using Printanor (n=3). Statistical mean difference analysed by ANOVA was characterised per location and expressed as significant with different letters, as determined by a Newman-Keuls Test (p = 0.05). Treatment (S04 unit) 0 50 100 200 400 Mean France 2000 France 2001 Spain 2000 Spain 2001 46.7 a 59.7 b 69.1 c 89.7 d 66.3 57.8 a 75.2 b 90.2 c 88.8 c 78.0 102.2 300.6 a 302.2 a 308.8 a 329.9 a 310.4 Table 3 : Sulphur analysis throughout the growing period of garlic on soil samples collected in France and Spain in 2001. Data was collected in experimental plots without any additional application of SO4. Data expressed in mg/kg dry soil. Sulphur in mg / 25/08/00 kg dry soil France Spain Total 217 226 Water soluble 9 27.1 14/05/01 France 189 5,6 20/06/01 Spain 234 9,5 France 156 8 6 Figures ns 100 Alliin content in bulbs (nmol/mg FW) ns ns 120 ns ns 80 bc ab a ns 60 40 20 104.3 PRI MOR 79.7 MES 73.7 0 0S 78.0 2S 88.4 Sulphur fertilisation level (in meq) Variety 8S 91.2 Fig.1. Concentration of alliin in garlic bulbs harvested in the greenhouse in 2002. Statistical mean difference within varieties were analysed by ANOVA and characterised and expressed as significant with different letters, as determined by a Newman-Keuls Test (p = 0.05). Non significant differences were indicated as ns. Alliin content in bulbs (nmol/mg) 120 106.8 ns 90.2 ns 100 81.2 a 80 60 109.7 ns 66.3 b 38.9 c 40 20 0 Spain MES France MC PRI Variety Fig.2. Mean alliin content (in nmol/mg) obtained in 2000 on field trials set in France and Spain with Messidrôme (MES), Morado (MC) and Printanor (PRI). Alliin content was measured in samples of garlic powder (n=3). Statistical mean difference analysed by ANOVA was characterised per location and expressed as significant with different letters, as determined by a Newman-Keuls Test (p = 0.05). Non significant differences were indicated as ns. 7 Alliin content (nmol/mg FW) 0.25 0.20 0.15 S30 0.10 S60 0.05 0.00 22-24°C 27°C Temperature Fig. 3. Influence of the culture temperature in vitro on the alliin content of bulbs from the variety Printanor (PRI) according to the sucrose level in the medium (30 and 60 g/l). Bulb formation occurred under fluorescent light, after a cold induction period of 2 months. Bars represent means ± S.E. 0.90 a 0.82 a Alliin content in bulbs (nmol/mg FW) 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.12 b 0.20 b 0.4 0.18 b 0.2 ' 0.17 b 0.0 F+i MOR PRI Variety MES F Light condition Fig. 4. Influence of the light spectrum in vitro on the alliin content of bulbs from varieties Printanor (PRI), Morasol (MOR) and Messidrôme (MES). Bulb formation at 22-24°C with 60 g/l sucrose, after a cold induction period of 2 months. Statistical mean difference analysed by ANOVA was characterised and expressed as significant with a NewmanKeuls Test (p=0.05). 8