Psychologist's Letterhead


Psychologist’s Letterhead

Mental Evaluation


___ Physically unkempt, unclean

___ Clothing disheveled, dirty

___ Clothing atypical, unusual, bizarre

___ Unusual physical characteristics

___ Casual

___ Clean

___ Attractive

___ Overweight/Underweight


___ Person

___ Place

___ Time

Behavior: ___________________________________________________


___ Illusions

___ Auditory hallucinations

___ Visual hallucinations

___ Gustatory hallucinations

___ Olfactory hallucinations

___ Tactile hallucinations


Intellectual functioning

___ Impaired attention span

___ Impaired abstract thinking

___ Impaired calculation ability

___ Impaired intelligence

___ Grossly intact

___ Not assessed


___ Difficulty in acknowledging the presence of psychological problems

___ Recognizes symptoms but provides a rational explanation

___ Primarily blames others or circumstances for problems

___ Good


___ Difficulty with daily living activities

___ Difficulty making reasonable life decisions

___ Difficulty making realistic future plans

___ Difficulty with reality testing

___ Good


___ Impaired immediate recall

___ Impaired recent memory

___ Impaired remote memory

___ Grossly intact

___ Not assessed


___ Inattentive

___ Distractible

___ Apathetic

___ Preoccupied

Thought Content

___ Obsessions

___ Compulsions

___ Phobias

___ Derealization, depersonalization

___ Suicidal ideation

___ Homicidal ideation

___ Delusions

___ Ideas of reference

___ Persecutory

Thought Form

___ Delusions of control

___ Somatic

___ Religious

___ Grandiose

___ Erotomanic

___ Jealous

___ Bizarre

___ Mood congruent

___ Mood incongruent

___ Thought broadcasting

___ Thought insertion

___ Loose associations

___ Tangential

___ Word-salad

___ Circumstantial

___ Perseveration

___ Concrete word use

___ Over inclusive word use


___ Clang association

___ Disturbed articulation

___ Dysprosody (disturbed rhythm)

___ Nonfluency

___ Pressured

___ Poverty of content

___ Circumscriptions

___ Paraphasic language

___ Neologistic language

___ Faulty grammar

Affect (external manifestation of emotion observable by clinician):

___ Sadness

___ Elation

___ Disgust

___ Anxiety

___ Anger

___ Perplexity

___ Guilt

___ Suspicion

___ Content

Missing affects? ______________________________

Affect expressed by

___ Gestures

___ Facial expressions

___ Posture

___ Grooming

___ Reactive movements

___ Goal-directed movements

___ Tone of voice

___ Pitch of voice

___ Selection of vocabulary

___ Verbal communication

Patient regulated his/her affect predominantly by

___ Suppression

___ Repression

___ Appropriate control

___ Acting out

___ Faking

___ None of the above

Intensity of affect

___ Blunted (reduced)

___ Flat (absence or near absence)

Range of affective display

___ Labile

___ Restricted/Constricted

Congruency between affect and content of speech/ideation

___ Inappropriate

Mood (subjective background emotion from patient’s description), pervasive, sustained :

___ Dysphoric

___ Elevated

___ Euthymic

___ Expansive

___ Irritable

___ Anxious

Volition (motivation):

___ Good

___ Fair

___ Poor

___ Externalized; to please another or fulfill requirement

Defensive Functioning Scale:

High Adaptive Level

___ Anticipation

___ Affiliation

___ Altruism

___ Humor

___ Self-assertion

___ Self-observation

___ Sublimation

___ Suppression

Mental Inhibitions Level (compromise formation)

___ Displacement

___ Dissociation

___ Intellectualization

___ Isolation of affect

___ Reaction formation

___ Repression

___ Undoing

Minor Image-Distorting Level

___ Devaluation

___ Idealization

___ Omnipotence

Disavowal Level

___ Denial

___ Projection

___ Rationalization

Major Image-Distorting Level

___ Autistic fantasy

___ Projective identification

___ Splitting of self-image or image of others

Action Level

___ Acting out

___ Apathetic withdrawal

___ Help-rejecting complaining

___ Passive aggression

Level of Defensive Dysregulation

___ Delusional projection

___ Psychotic denial

___ Psychotic distortion

Object Relations Development:


___ Strongest past attachment

___ Strongest current attachment

___ Abandonment feelings

___ Insecure attachment

___ Attachment through false self


___ Boundaries

___ Can access help

___ Empty

Primary narcissism ______________________________

Secondary narcissism ______________________________

___ Shame


___ Guilt/Conscience/Moral development

___ Id

___ Ego

___ Superego

___ Adult authority

___ Relationally interdependent

___ Ability to express thoughts, feelings and needs


___ Denial

___ Projection

___ Projective identification

___ Idealization

___ Reaction formation

___ Substances/Addictions

___ Sublimation

___ Arts

___ Humor

___ Rationalizations

___ Blaming/Externalizing

___ Immediate discharge of affect

Additional Observations:












