e-Newsletter – December 2010 Welcome to the 17th Rushmoor

e-Newsletter – December 2010
Welcome to the 17th Rushmoor Schools Plus e-Newsletter with contributions from many different schools and
organisations working to support our children, young people and families. As ever, we suggest you select the bits of
information that are relevant to your own organisation, and disseminate those to the people you work with.
The next Rushmoor Schools Plus e-Newsletter will be available in the week beginning 7th February 2011. If you
want anything included, please send information by 4th February to Richard Mann at rick.mann@btinternet.com
Tony McGovern (Rushmoor Schools Plus Partnership Manager)
Rushmoor Directory – Facilities and Services for Families
An updated version of Rushmoor’s directory of facilities and services for families in Rushmoor is now available. It
was put together by Caroline Keith and Jo Whitfield, formerly of Hampshire Families, working with Rushmoor
Schools Plus to update the 2009 directory. Copies are available for your school or organisation by contacting Tony
Rushmoor Schools Plus Website / Database of Out of School Activities Providers
A reminder that the ‘Rushmoor Schools Plus’ website is available at www.rushmoorschoolsplus.org. The site
signposts to local and national information for children and families, points to local news and what’s on stories,
contains a photo gallery and a database of local out of school hours activities providers. It also has a Practitioner
Resource Area. If you would like anything added to the website, for example an event, please email
rick.mann@btinternet.com. We would be particularly interested to receive “good news” stories and photographs
for the Latest News section on the home page.
West End Centre
Queen’s Road, Aldershot GU11 3JD. Box office tel. 01252 330040. www.westendcentre.co.uk
WEC concessionary prices apply to the children of those in full-time education and those in receipt of any state
benefit – excluding child benefit. Proof of entitlement may be asked for.
Regular classes for under 19s. Classes do not run during half term
Starstruck Drama for 8-12s. Monday 10 Jan. (12 weeks). 5.00-6.30pm. £50 WEC £40.
THWAC Drama for 14-19s. Monday 10 Jan. (12 weeks). 7.00-9.00pm. £55 WEC £44.
WHAT! Drama for 12-14s. Tuesday 11 Jan. (12 weeks). 6.00-8.00pm. £55 WEC £44.
Little Sew-and-Sews. Thursday 13 Jan. and 3 Mar. (two 6-week courses). 8-12s. 4.30-6.00pm. £45 WEC £36.
Forever Young Family Saturdays
10.30am-12.30pm. £4 per adult and £4 per child, (concessionary price £3 per adult and £3 per child). A fantastic
opportunity for families to work together and create something amazing to take home with them. Materials
provided. All children must be accompanied by a paying adult. Dress for mess!
Saturday 29th January Pottery: Making faces. Make a funny face out of clay.
Saturday 12th February Valentine’s Special. Create a heart inspired canvas picture.
Children’s Festival
Packed with fun activities for children up to the age of 12 the Festival runs during the February half term, 21 st – 25th
February. Celebrate all the best about being a child. Visit the website for full details and book early as sessions are
popular and sell out quickly.
Princes Hall – Events and Activities
Princes Hall, Princes Way, Aldershot GU11 1NX. Box office tel. 01252 329155. www.princeshall.com
Thursday 9th December 2010 to Sunday 2nd January 2011. Cinderella - an action packed panto that’s fun for all the
family! Tickets: £15.50 / Children and Senior Citizens £14.50.
Princes Hall’s Youth Theatre
Princes Hall’s Youth Theatre is open to all young people between the ages of 5 and 16 (subject to availability). The
only requirement is an enthusiasm for theatre. The Youth Theatre Leaders are experienced drama professionals
whose weekly sessions cover exercises, theatre games, role-play and stagecraft. Each group works towards a yearly
public performance at the Princes Hall.
At times, students will have the opportunity to take part in workshops covering such aspects of theatre as stage
combat, dance, commedia (performance with masks) and stage make up. Members are expected to show
commitment to the Youth Theatre and are required to agree and sign a code of conduct, which needs to be
countersigned by a parent or guardian. Regular attendance is a condition of membership.
Saturdays:- 10.30am to 12.00 noon for 5 – 8 years. 10.30am to 12.30pm for 9 –11 years. 1.00pm to 3.00pm for 9 –
11 years. Tuesdays:- 7.00pm to 9.00pm for 12 – 16 years.
Each year there are three, eleven-week terms. Half-terms coincide with Hampshire’s school holiday dates. The cost
for each term is £65.00, (£60.00 for the 5 – 8 years age group). Youth Theatre fees must be received 2 weeks before
the start of term, otherwise places will be released to those on the waiting list. There is a strict waiting list policy.
To register for the Youth Theatre please visit www.princeshall.com/youththeatre.htm
Sunflowers Children's Centre
Healthy Living. Mondays 17, 24, 31 January and 7, 14 February, 10.00am – 12.00 noon at Sunflowers.
MAD Academy. Mondays 10, 17, 24, 31 January and 7, 14 February. 10.00am – 10.45am for 2 years 6 months - 4
years. 10.50am – 11.35am for walkers – 2 years. At the West End Centre.
Bumps and Babes. Informal and friendly drop in group for parents and babies up to 1 year old. Every Wednesday
from 12 January - 6 April, 10.00am – 11:30am at Aldershot Library. £1 contribution.
Stay and Play. Informal and friendly drop in session for parents and toddlers up to the age of 5 years. 13 January –
7 April (no session on 24 February). Every Thursday, 10.00am—11.30am at the Aldershot Baptist Church Hall. £1
In-betweeners. A new group for older babies who are starting to move around and find their feet, but aren't quite
ready for the hustle and bustle of Stay and Play. 11 January – 5 April (no session on 22 February). Every Tuesday,
10.00am – 11:30am at Aldershot Library. £1 contribution.
Baby Clinic. Offered by Aldershot Health Visiting team in conjunction with Sunflowers. Baby health checks and
information including weighing, advice and signposting. Weekly from 4 January. Every Tuesday, 1:30pm – 3.00pm
at Aldershot Library. Free.
Baby Massage. Thursdays 20, 27 January and 3, 10, 17 February (5 week course), 2.00pm – 3.00pm at Sunflowers.
PEEP Baby. Fridays 10.00am – 11.30am at Sunflowers.
Christmas Arts and Craft - Monday 20th December from 10:00am – 12.00 noon at the West End Centre.
For more details contact Sunflowers Children’s Centre on 01252 350182 or email Sunflowers.cc@hants.gov.uk
Farnborough Grange Infant School – Holiday Playscheme
Monday 20th to Thursday 23rd December, 8.30am to 5.30pm.
Playscheme fees:- 8.30am to 11.30am £6.00. 8.30am to 12.30pm £8.00. 1.30pm to 4.30pm £6.00. 1.30pm to
5.30pm £8.00. All day £14.00. Payment is required at the time of booking
To book a place phone 0759 231 0246 or 01252 541879 9.00am to 3.00pm.
Maple Vue Children's Centre
Maple Vue Children's Centre, Belle Vue Road, Aldershot GU12 4RZ. Telephone: 01252 316963. Email:
maplevuecc@hants.gov.uk Website: www3.hants.gov.uk/maple-vue-cc
The Centre runs a variety of regular activities and courses such as Working with Children Level 1; RHL adult health
trainer sessions; child health clinics; speech and language; first aid for parents; ante natal and child development
checks; maths; quit smoking clinics; baby massage; ESOL; and music and dance. Call or check the website for the
time table.
Mondays 12.30pm-2.30pm. Term time only. Let’s cook. For children 0-5 and their parents. Discover different ideas
to cook everyday foods in new and exciting ways. Recipes and ingredients are provided by the Children's Centre.
Booking is essential as places are limited. £1.00 per family.
Mondays 12.30pm-2.30pm. Freeplay. For children 0-5 and their parents. You can use all the toys and equipment
and take part in craft activities.
Tuesdays 1.30pm-3.00pm. Active Play for Bumps and Babies. For pregnant mums and parents and their babies
from 0 to walking. (1st Tuesday of each month Sensory Play. 4th Tuesday Baby Singing and Signing).
Wednesdays 10.00am-11.00am. Term time only. Active Play sensory time. For children 0-12 months. £1.00 per
child per session. Booking is essential as places are limited.
Thursdays 9.30am-11.30am. Term time only. The National Childminding Association hold support sessions.
Thursdays 1.00pm-3.00pm. Active Play for Toddlers. For toddlers who can walk up to the age of 5. Craft, painting,
sand and water play, and song and story time.
Saturday 11th December 9.00am - 6.00pm. Christmas Shopping for parents at the Christmas Market and High
Street in Bath. Festive food and drink, decorations, jewellery, accessories, crafts and children’s toys. £10.00 per
person. Booking is essential as spaces are limited.
Dads’ Club. Fun, games and bacon butties for you to enjoy with your children. 10.00am-12.00 noon Saturdays 29th
January, 12th February and 26th March.
Saint Bernadette’s Catholic Primary School
Forthcoming Events:
Monday 15th December. St Bernadette’s Bees Pre-school Nativity Play. 1.30pm – 2.15pm. This will be a very
worthwhile activity for the children and a fun way for them to begin to explore the true message of Christmas.
Advent performance for KS1 and KS2 2010. Dates & times:
KS1 Tuesday 14th December 1.15pm for 1.30pm in the school hall.
KS2 6.45pm for 7.00pm at Our Lady and St. Dominic Church (Farnborough).
KS1 Wednesday 15th December 1.15pm for 1.30pm in the school hall.
KS1 6.15pm for 6.30pm in the school hall.
KS2 Friday 17th December 1.45pm for 2.00pm in the school hall.
For further information please contact Mahja Abbasi on 01252 548123.
SOOOwls Children’s Centre
Owls Children’s Centre, Mayfield Road (on the site of Cherrywood Primary School), Farnborough GU14 8LH.
Telephone 01252 519920. E-mail owls.cc@hants.gov.uk. www3.hants.gov.uk/owls-cc
Adult and family learning opportunities are available throughout the year and a new timetable is produced each
term. If you want to find out more about a course or put your name down for one our Family Learning Advisor,
Jennie, is available on Mondays between 2.00pm and 3.00pm or just call or drop-in to the office and talk to our
reception staff. If there is a course you would like to do which would help you get back to work, please tell our staff.
Family support programme (all at Owls unless stated)
Job Centre Plus Advisor Drop-in – Mondays fortnightly 9.30am-2.30pm.
Language Group (referral only) – Mondays 1.00pm-3.00pm.
Breast Feeding Clinic Drop-in with an advisor from Frimley Park – Mondays and Thursdays 1.00pm-4.00pm.
Drop-in (at Pinewood Infants School) – Tuesdays 9.30am-11.30am.
Childminders’ Professional Support Group – Tuesdays 9.30am-11.30am.
Counselling (by appointment) – Tuesdays 9.30am-12.30pm.
Children’s Library Drop-in – Tuesdays 2.00pm-3.00pm, Wednesdays and Fridays 11.00am-12.00noon.
Bumps and Babes Plus Drop-in – Thursdays 9.30am-11.30am.
Child Health Clinic Drop-in with health visitors – Thursdays 9.30am-11.30am.
Rushmoor Healthy Living Energy and Debt Advisor Drop-in – Thursdays 9.30am-11.30am.
Friday Chill Out Drop-in – Fridays 1.00pm-3.00pm.
Stay and Play – For babies to 1 year old Mondays 9.30am-11.30am. 1 and 2 year olds Tuesdays 9.30am-11.30am at
Farnborough Grange Nursery/Infant School and 1.00pm-3.00pm at Owls. 2 and 3 year olds Wednesdays 9.30am11.30am at Owls and 9.30am-11.30am at Farnborough Grange Nursery/Infant School. 3 plus year olds Fridays
Adult learning opportunities (each course has a free crèche on site). Please book by telephone, e-mail or in person
at reception, or come into Owls on a Monday afternoon between 2.00-3.00pm and speak to Jennie, the Adult
Learning Advisor.
IT4U – an introduction to computers and the internet. Mondays 9.30am-11.30am from 24th January-4th April.
English (keep up with the kids) – develop your own literacy and work towards a qualification. Mondays 1.00pm3.00pm from 10th January-4th April.
Let’s Make Story Sacks – build your own and your child’s confidence and enjoyment in reading. Tuesdays 9.30am11.30am from 11th January for 21 weeks.
Working with Children Level 1 Part 2 – find out if working with children is the right path for you. Wednesdays
9.30am-11.30am from 2nd March-7th April.
First Aid. Wednesday 16th February 9.30am-11.30am.
Baby Massage – understand the benefits of infant massage for both you and your baby. Wednesdays 1.00pm3.00pm from 9th March-6th April.
Maths (keep up with the kids) – develop your own numeracy and work towards a qualification. Wednesdays
1.00pm-3.00pm from 12th January for 21 weeks.
Cook and Eat – learn some easy, tasty recipes. Thursdays 9.30am-11.30am from 13th January-17th February at Oak
Positive Parenting (Triple P) – look at and think of ways of encouraging a positive relationship with your child.
For parents with children aged 0-8 years. Thursdays 1.00pm-3.00pm from 20th January-17th March.
Using IT with the Family – to help parents gain confidence in using a computer and the internet to support their
children’s learning. Fridays 9.30am-11.30am from 21st January-18th February.
English for Families of Other Languages – if English is not your first language, this class will help you learn both
written and spoken English. Fridays 9.30am-11.30am from 14th January at the Church of the Good Shepherd.
English for Families of Other Languages – if English is not your first language, this class will help you learn both
written and spoken English. Fridays 1.00pm-3.00pm from 14th January.
Maths for Families of Other Languages – a basic maths course for speakers of other languages. Saturdays
Saturday 11th December 11.00 am – 2.00 pm. Christmas Fair. Charles Church Camberley Band playing traditional
carols. Raffle, pocket money stall and cake stall. Visit Santa for only £1 – this must be booked by 3rd December.
Working Parents’ Stay and Play Group. 0 – 5 years and siblings. Saturday 11th December. Meet other working
parents. Fun activities for all the children!
Dads’ Stay and Play Group. 0 – 5 years and siblings. Saturday 18th December. 10.00 am – 12.00 noon. Meet and
socialise with other dads. Spend quality time with your children. Sand and water play, cooking, crafts, modelling,
painting, outdoor play, bacon butties and healthy snacks.
Workshop for Dads - Getting in to Gardening. Saturday 26th March. 10.00 am – 12.00 noon. A great opportunity to
find out more about gardening, looking at planting, growing and cultivating plants with your child. Includes aspects
of personal safety and the use of tools. You don’t have to have a garden to enjoy this.
Free Football Coaching for Young People with Marc
On Tuesdays from 5.00 pm – 6.00 pm at Oak Farm Community School Sports Hall. For more details call 01252
398745 or email leisure@rushmoor.gov.uk
Free opportunities for young people
Street Cheer - a funky mix of cheerleading and street dance for 11 to 19 year olds.
Every Monday at the Prospect Centre, Mayfield Road, Farnborough from 6.00 pm – 7.00 pm. For more details
contact Vicky Ferguson on 07814 747 290 or email vicky.ferguson@hants.gov.uk
Every Tuesday at the Capricorn Centre, Connaught School, Aldershot from 5.00 pm – 6.00 pm. For more details
contact Vicky D on 07545 415 152.
Basketball Coaching with Ben. Mondays from 6.00 pm – 7.00 pm at Oak Farm Community School Sports Hall. For
more details call 01252 398745 or email leisure@rushmoor.gov.uk
Hawley Lane Youth Activity Centre
99 Hawley Lane, Farnborough GU14 8JG.
Thursday 20th January - Air Rifle taster session. Try shooting on their 6 yard indoor range under the watchful eye
of a NSRA Instructor. A great sport for all the family (minimum age 10 years). All equipment and insurance included
in the £4.00 per person fee. The shooting range and instructor can also be booked by groups or private parties.
Monday 21st February - Archery. All equipment and insurance included in the £4.50 per person fee.
The sessions are for 1 hour and start at 7.00pm. All groups are kept small so booking is essential. Email John on
jvr@btconnect.com or ring 01252 512281.
The Centre can be booked for training events or children’s parties. Enquiries to hawleylane@hampshire.sja.org.uk
Events at Aldershot and Farnborough Libraries
Our libraries are regularly worth a visit for free internet access, videos, PlayStation games and books! Christmas
cards for ‘Good Causes’ are on sale at both libraries. Farnborough Library has had a Learning and Community Zone
created on the first floor. This gives the library the opportunity to run courses and workshops, as well as having a
dedicated space for their regular groups, such as Knit and Natter who meet every four weeks.
Events at Farnborough Library and in the Learning and Community Zone
Prior booking for all courses and workshops essential.
Enquiry and booking line for events at Farnborough Library: 01252 516458.
Saturdays 8th Jan.
Saturday Storytime. Stories and crafts for the under 8’s who must be accompanied by an
and 5th Feb.
adult. 11.00am – 12.00 noon in the Children’s Library.
Monday 21st Feb.
Textiles for Families. Come and have fun making a patchwork collage that will be displayed in
10.00am – 12.00
the Library and Learning Centre. £5 per family plus £1.50 for materials.
Tuesday 22nd Feb. Tabla Drumming Sessions. Three drumming sessions for school age children and younger
siblings accompanied by an adult. £2 per person. Booking essential as places are limited.
Wednesday 23rd
Textiles for Families. Come and have fun making a patchwork collage that will be displayed in
Feb. 10.00am –
the Library and Learning Centre. £5 per family plus £1.50 for materials.
12.00 noon
Events at Aldershot Library and Learning Centre
Prior booking for all courses and workshops essential. Concessions available on selected courses.
Enquiry and booking line for events at Aldershot Library: 01252 322560.
1st Sunday of the
Storytime for the under 8’s. Drop in to Aldershot Library.
month 11.00 – 11.30am
Friday 10th Dec.
Baby signing and singing session. Suitable for babies to toddlers. Come and enjoy
11.15am – 11.45am
nursery rhymes and action songs at this free session!
Monday 10th Jan.
F.E.A.T. (Families Exploring and Achieving Together). Aimed at parents who are
10.00am – 12.00 noon.
speakers of other languages. Learn how to play and learn together as a family. Booking
Six week course.
Saturday 15th Jan. and
Chatterbooks. A book group for 8-11 year olds. Come and have fun talking about the
Saturday 12th Feb.
books you have read. 11.00am – 12.00 noon in the Children’s Library.
Sunday 27th Feb. Drop
Chinese New Year. Come and celebrate the Chinese New Year and make a rabbit
in between 11.00am
collage. Suitable for children 8 and under who must be accompanied by an adult.
and 1.00pm.
Monday 28th Feb.
Healthy Eating for the Family. Join this fun interactive course for parents to find out the
10.00am – 12.00 noon.
facts about different foods and how you can provide your family with a healthy balanced
Five week course.
The new 2010/2011 brochure for Aldershot Library and Learning Centre is now available and there is a great range
of courses and regular events on offer such as employment preparation, computers, leisure, craft and exercise.
There are also specialist courses on signing for people who are deaf, numeracy, ESOL and citizenship.
In addition, a range of course discounts is now available:
All employment preparation courses are free regardless of circumstances.
Those in receipt of a means tested benefit only pay 50p per learning hour on most other courses.
People who are over 60 get a 25% discount on course fees.
For further information on courses and activities, phone Aldershot Library on 01252 322560 or see the library
website: http://www3.hants.gov.uk/library/aldershot-library.htm
Junior Activities at Farnborough Leisure Centre
Westmead, Farnborough GU14 7LD. Please call 01252 370411 for more information on all these activities.
Festive Fun Day Camps
Fill the day with fun activities like Santa’s Workshop, Rudolph Races and Snowman Splash. Full day pass £20.00; Full
sibling day pass £16.00. A hot or cold lunch is included in the price. Booking is simple - pop into Farnborough
Leisure Centre or call 01252 370411. Full payment is required at the time of booking.
Book and Play Casual Sessions
Come and have fun this Christmas with their wide range of activities.
Santa’s Workshop
20th December 10.00am – 12.00 noon. Christmas arts and crafts session with the added extra of fun with food.
£4.00 per child. £2.00 sibling discount.
Bauble Bouncers
21st December. Session 1: 10.00am – 11.00am. Session 2: 11.00am – 12.00 noon. £4.00 per child. £2.00 sibling
Festive Funfactor
22nd December 10.00am – 12.00 noon. All your favourite playground games along with a bouncy castle. £4.00 per
child. £2.00 sibling discount.
Christmas Party
23rd December 2.30pm – 4.30pm. Lots of Christmas cheer at a party not to be missed! £4.00 per child. £2.00 sibling
Special offer: for every festive fun session attended your child will receive a free jungle soft play voucher!
Splash times for children in the main swimming pool run throughout the holidays– contact the centre for more
Aldershot Military Museum
Queen’s Avenue, Aldershot GU11 2LG. Open daily 10.00am – 5.00pm. Telephone 01252 314598 or visit
Exhibition runs until the Christmas closure. Behind Closed Doors - an opportunity to see some of the Museum’s
reserve collections that are normally stored ‘behind closed doors’.
Events and Activities 1st to 23rd December - seasonal quizzes, card making and Christmas fun.
Unless stated all activities are included in the admission charge. All children must be accompanied by an adult.
Aladdin – Scouts Pantomime
It’s pantomime season again and the Odiham District Fellowship (Scout Active Support Unit) show is returning to
Oak Farm School for two performances on 22nd January 2011 at 2.00 pm and 7.00 pm. This year the panto is
‘Aladdin’. The booking office is now open. Many of the cast are young people supported by adult cast members and
all profits are ploughed back into scouting for the benefit of young people in this area.
Oak Farm School, Ballantyne Road, Farnborough. Tickets are £7 each with a 10% discount for 12 or more tickets.
The box office number is 01252 546408.
Arts Open Day for Disabled Young People
Aiming High - an Arts Open Day for Disabled Young People - is being held at the West End Centre on Monday 20th
December from 12.00 to 4.00 pm. The cost is £3.00 per person. 12.00 noon - 1.00 pm - picnic. Please bring your
own packed lunch. 1.00 pm - 2.30 pm - make your own Christmas decorations. 2.45 pm - Christmas film screening.
Some care support is available but families are welcome to join in too. Join in with the activities or just sit back,
relax in the cosy bar area and meet new people. Booking in advance is recommended as places are limited and so
that care support needs can be discussed. Please telephone 01252 330040.
Website: www.westendcentre.co.uk. Address: Queen's Road, Aldershot GU11 3JD
Parents Action Group for Special Play (PAG)
PAG is a group run primarily by parents who have at least one child with a disability. Their aim is to create more and
better play opportunities for disabled children and young people, in Rushmoor and the local area. All staff and
volunteers are CRB checked. They have a regular club called MADD Club – Music Arts Dance Drama. Experienced
and qualified tutors are supported by keen volunteers, so that the right level of support is available for every
disabled child or young person. Parents remain on site and have become informal friendship/support groups of
their own.
If you would like to join the emailing list, or for more information about any PAG events and activities, please
complete the form on the website www.pagforspecialplay.co.uk
Parkside (Aldershot and District Mencap)
Hampshire County Council have issued a consultation questionnaire to parents / carers regarding the future of
adult social care and who will pay. The issues being raised are:
Service users being individually financially assessed to work out how much they could contribute towards
the cost of their own personal budget for social care.
Whether the Council should consider asking carers to contribute towards the cost of services that directly
benefit them.
If you would like to view the questionnaire online, please visit www.parksidealdershot.co.uk for the link. The
consultation closes on Friday 31st December 2010.
Parent Voice
Parent Voice is a network of parents and carers of children with disabilities in Hampshire and is funded by
Hampshire County Council. They provide a single point of contact for the information and advice you need for your
child aged 0-19. There are no eligibility criteria and families do not need a formal diagnosis to access the service.
Through Parent Voice you can share your experience, have opportunities to have your say on how services can be
shaped and developed for children/young people with disabilities/additional needs within Hampshire, be kept
informed of upcoming events and find out what is available locally for your child.
As they currently have over 1,000 people registered they can support local organisations by promoting their
services and passing information on to those who are registered. If you have any services that disabled children
and/or their parents and carers could access and would like them to send it out for you, please send them details
and they will ensure it gets passed out.
For more information about Parent Voice or to become a member please contact the team on 01256 472767 or
email Shrigowri.muguli@barnardos.org.uk. 0844 257 1893 is the number of their new information line which
provides Hampshire-specific information and is open from 6.00 pm – 9.00 pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Website
Funding for Short Breaks for Disabled Children
This funding opportunity may be of interest to groups working with, or supporting, disabled children. A grant
programme for the voluntary sector to apply for funding to provide short breaks for disabled children in 2011/12 is
now open. The contact details, application pack and guidance notes are available at
http://www3.hants.gov.uk/grants/csgrants.htm The closing date for applications is noon on Monday 10th January.
Return to Badminton Course
A “return to badminton” course is being run at Connaught Leisure in Aldershot for anyone who is interested in
starting up again, or is just a little rusty. The course will run from 10.00am – 11.00am on Sunday mornings starting
on 9th January and will run for six weeks. The cost for the six weeks is £12. The sessions will be taken by a qualified
coach and rackets and shuttles are available should you not have them. Places are now open for booking with a
maximum of 10. Contact Connaught Leisure direct on 01252 344438.
Oak Farm Community School
Oak Farm offer a host of part time Adult Learning courses, both leisure and skills based. Junior courses are also
available and they have some excellent facilities for hire.
The range of courses includes bookkeeping; creative techniques; computing and office skills; art and craft; digital
photography; floristry; food and drink; hair and beauty; health and therapy; languages; music and drama; personal
development; sewing; soft furnishing and upholstery; learn electronics the easy way; and sport, fitness and dance.
For more information and course fees please call 01252 401087 or 01252 401081or email:
For more information about hiring their facilities, please call Irene James on 01252 401080 or
email community.lettings@oakfarm.hants.sch.uk
News from The Wavell School
12 students were invited by the Rotary Club to help them plant crocus bulbs in North Camp. The Rotary Club were
planting purple bulbs so that there will be flowers the colour of the Rotary badge displayed during the Club’s
anniversary in February. They asked the Science Club to help as they wanted the students to be involved in
celebrating their anniversary and to add some vibrant colour to North Camp. The 12 members of the Science Club
who went along on a Friday lunchtime were excellent ambassadors for the school and did a great job of planting
bulbs and replacing the turf.
On Friday 5th November and Monday 8th November two groups of twelve students from Wavell headed off to
Southampton to lead on a Youth Conference, run by Hampshire County Council’s Find Your Talent programme.
Wavell’s reputation for its inclusive ethos and rights respecting attitude has spread throughout the county and
Hampshire wanted Wavell students to act as ambassadors at the all-day conference. “Use Your Talent! …Focus on
Discrimination” was designed to get schools working together to highlight why differences can be good and how
students can tackle discrimination. The Young Apprentice style set up for the day was a huge success and got
students from a variety of schools working together to produce outstanding art, drama, dance, music and spoken
presentations. One group’s slogan captured the message of the day wonderfully, “hear it, see it, squash it!”. Nicola
Cossburn, Modern Foreign Languages teacher, said: ‘they reminded everyone that ignoring an issue doesn’t help.
You might not be the victim or the aggressor but it is everyone’s responsibility to stamp out discrimination’. The
day gave all students the opportunity to be part of a film promoting how young people feel about discrimination
and how they can make a difference. The participating students from Wavell are looking forward to seeing the DVD
of their day and are excited about sharing their experiences with their peers during PSHE lessons to spread the
message that Respect Rules!
Clocktower Youth Group
Are you between 8 and 11 years old? Would you like to be part of a fun and social youth group? If the answer to
these questions is yes, then join the Clocktower Youth Group on Mondays from 6.00pm – 7.30pm. For more
information call Linzi Neal, Community Development Worker, on 01252 347559. The first week is free and it’s 50p
per week afterwards.
The Duke of Edinburgh's Award Scheme
The Duke of Edinburgh’s (D of E) is a voluntary scheme for those aged 14-25 years and is a personal development
programme for young people that allows them to undertake various activities within the four sections of
volunteering, personal skills, physical activities and the expedition. This is a fun and enjoyable way to try out new
exciting activities, develop your skills, meet new friends and also get a recognised award for your efforts. There are
three levels of the award, Bronze, Silver and Gold, with each demanding more commitment at each level. To find
out more about doing your D of E visit http://www.dofe.org/
Many schools and colleges in the local area do operate the D of E but there are also some open centres which offer
the D of E to young people who cannot complete it at their school or college or perhaps want to progress to a
higher level of the award. To find out where you can do the D of E in your local area please contact Chris Golby, D of
E Field and Development Officer, North Hampshire by email: chris.golby@hants.gov.uk or phone 07540 238241.
Rushmoor CAB launch a new telephone advice service
Aldershot and Farnborough CAB are working together to launch a new telephone advice service. This follows the
need to close Aldershot CAB’s drop in service between 29th November and 31st December to allow essential
ventilation work to be carried out at their office on the High Street. As well as telephone and email advice during
that period, they will continue to see some clients by appointment. During the closure the bureau will be
continuing to raise awareness of the service, with a stand in the Wellington Centre and also increased outreach
provision at different locations in the community.
The new telephone service will eventually be linked to the national Citizens Advice “Adviceline” and uses an initial
assessment to ensure that all calls are dealt with quickly, ensuring reduced costs to clients, and a speedy referral to
the appropriate help. The new number is 08444 111 304. Posters and leaflets to advertise the new number will be
circulated widely. Existing clients, or those needing to contact particular staff members, can still use the
Administration Line on 01252 333618. Updates on the service, opening times and the re-opening of the Aldershot
premises can be found on the bureau website www.rushmoorcab.org.uk.
For more information contact Aldershot CAB Manager Karyle Davidge-Stringer on 01252 310137. The Aldershot
Citizens Advice Bureaux is at 39 High Street, Aldershot GU11 1BH.
Heron Wood Clothing Exchange
The new clothing exchange at the Heron Wood Community Base in Andover Way opened on Friday 3rd December.
It will be open almost every Friday from 10.00am – 12.00 noon. Bring your good as new clothing along. Each item is
worth one credit. You can then exchange your credits for more clothing that fits. Both children’s and adults’
clothing is welcome. The volunteers have already got a good stock of clothing for you to choose from. Come and
meet Sarah and Kate, the friendly volunteers. The exchange is supported by First Wessex and the volunteers are
supported by Marie Jarvis at Rushmoor Voluntary Services. For more information contact Marie on 01252 540162.
Contraception and Sexual Health Service (CASH)
CASH offer services across Aldershot, Farnborough, Fleet, Basingstoke, Bordon, Alton and the surrounding areas.
They welcome people of any age, but in particular those under the age of 25, and can provide information and
advice, contraception, emergency contraception and chlamydia screening for those under the age of 25. They are a
friendly, confidential and free service as part of NHS provision. All clinics offer a walk in service or alternatively an
appointment can be made. Please visit www.hampshirecash.org.uk for information about local clinics and contact
details. Recently their Aldershot clinics, which were run from the Aldershot Institute, Station Road, have moved to
the Aldershot Centre for Health (Level 2 Entrance Level), Hospital Hill, Aldershot GU11 1AY.
Teenage pregnancy initiative
As part of the multi-agency teenage pregnancy partnership in Hampshire all secondary education settings, colleges
and youth settings have been written to encouraging them to take the opportunity to share some top tips with
young people prior to the Christmas and New Year holidays. National and local data reveal that the festive time
usually results in increased conceptions amongst young people, 70% of which are unintended. These messages
have been designed with years 10 and 11 in mind but can be adapted to suit the needs of other settings and
communities. These ‘top tips’ or ‘discussion points’ can be used in a year group assembly or with tutor groups /
The key messages are also available on a PowerPoint presentation which can be requested from
teenagepregnancy@hants.gov.uk or downloaded from the professionals’ page on www.getiton.nhs.uk
The Get It On website also contains up to date information on opening times for pharmacies and contraception and
sexual health services during the Christmas and New Year holidays. Opening times and days can be significantly
reduced during bank holidays so it is vital that young people have the updated information to ensure that they can
access services.
Runway’s End Activity Centre
Work is well underway to bring this exciting new development to Rushmoor. Run and managed by Hampshire
County Council in conjunction with the Blackwater Valley scout group, the centre will be available for education
groups, the scouting/guiding community and the general public. Facilities will include multi climbing walls, a high
and low ropes course, a caving system, canoeing, an indoor activity hall for shooting and archery, meeting rooms,
camping facilities and an accommodation block for 50 people.
For further information , including the Runway’s End blog, photographs and more please go to:
Creations - An Interfaith Calendar 2011
The Hampshire Interfaith Network is delighted to report that their 2011 calendar is now available for ordering. The
calendar features designs from school children and young people from across Hampshire, with each design relating
to one of the 100 plus religious festivals and events from the nine faith groups represented. It is in an A4 booklet
format which when opened becomes an A3 wall calendar. The calendar will be available to purchase at £3.50 with
discounts on bulk orders - 25 to 49 calendars £2.98 each; 50 to 99 calendars £2.80 each; 100 plus calendars £2.63
each. To order, please follow this weblink http://www.hants-interfaith.org/cal.htm
Domestic Abuse
Christmas is often a very stressful time where there is abuse or control taking place within the family environment
and a lot of people who are victims of abuse make decisions around this time of year that they don’t want to carry
on living as they are at the moment. Domestic abuse can include physical, emotional, sexual or financial abuse.
If this applies to you, or someone you know, you can find out about what your options are by accessing information
at www.saferrushmoor.com/domestic.htm or calling any of numbers listed below.
Citizens Advice Bureau: 08444 111304
Moving Forward support group: 01252 338835
Police Domestic Abuse Unit: 01256 405273 (or 999 in an emergency)
Taking Steps support and personal development group: 07810 430689
National helplines:
Broken Rainbow (for those in same sex relationships): 08452 604460
Mankind (for men who are being abused): 01823 334244
Stalking helpline: 0300 636 0300
Victim Support: 0845 3030 900
Women’s Aid: 0808 2000 247
A low-cost sports wheelchair
Motivation are a disability and development organisation and they have developed a low-cost sports wheelchair at
the request of the International Paralympic Committee to help foster grassroots sport. They worked with the
International Tennis Federation and the International Wheelchair Basketball Federation to develop a sports chair
which was launched in May 2009. They have been delighted with the response they have received due to its cost
and its ability to help wheelchair sports worldwide. The current UK recommended retail price is £425.
More information can be found on their website www.motivation.org.uk/sports or email
sports@motivation.org.uk or call 01275 464012 and ask for Jason.
The Anaphylaxis Campaign - Are you AllergyWise?
The Anaphylaxis Campaign has launched online training courses for families, carers and individuals. AllergyWise
anaphylaxis information and resources have been developed for anyone wanting to know more about anaphylaxis,
whether you have a severe allergy yourself or are a relative, childminder, nursery nurse or nanny, friend or an
This online resource is packed full of advice on how to manage a serious allergic reaction. It includes a step-by-step
guide on what to do in an emergency; information on allergen exposure, food labelling and how to reduce the risk
of cross-contamination; long-term management and how to develop individual management plans.
The online programme gives useful tips and information on managing severe allergies while away from home, and
is aimed at helping parents and carers deal with situations such as school outings and parties. Much of the content
is also relevant to adults and their employers, who need to manage severe allergies, while at work. Companies can
also use AllergyWise to train their staff on recognising and managing anaphylaxis for as little as £20.21 per person,
so that immediate and appropriate action is taken, should the need arise.
On sign-up they will send you trainer auto-injector pens in the post, which will enable you to practise administering
adrenaline in a calm and efficient manner. The online course includes film clips, showing the correct method of
using auto-injectors and also has medically reviewed fact sheets on the most common allergens, frequently asked
questions and some specifically focused sections for pre-school children and teenagers. The AllergyWise
information has been written and reviewed by medical experts to ensure it is all medically validated and approved.
One of The Anaphylaxis Campaign’s key objectives is to give everyone the knowledge they need to improve the
lives of those suffering from anaphylaxis and severe allergies. The AllergyWise online programmes have been
developed thanks to the support of Lincoln Medical Ltd. To sign up for AllergyWise online visit
www.anaphylaxis.org.uk and click on the online shop, or AllergyWise, or call 01252 546100.
The Rushmoor Plan - Consultation on the Draft Submission Core Strategy
Rushmoor Council is reviewing its planning policies and preparing a series of documents that will together replace
the Rushmoor Local Plan Review 1996 – 2011. These documents will be known as the Rushmoor Plan. The Core
Strategy is the key document in the Rushmoor Plan, and it sets out important policies relating to the location, scale
and timing of future development in the Borough up to 2027. The Council is publishing the Draft Submission Core
Strategy, along with a Sustainability Appraisal Report and a Habitats Regulation Assessment, for six weeks between
8 November and 20 December 2010. Comments on these documents are invited between these dates. Please
note that only comments received by the closing date will be considered.
These documents are available to view, along with supporting background information, on the Council’s web site
at: www.rushmoor.gov.uk/rushmoorplan. Paper copies of the documents, including the response form, are
available to view at the Borough’s libraries and the Council offices. The web site explains how you can make on-line
comments. However, you can also make your comments by emailing them to plan@rushmoor.gov.uk, or by writing
to the Planning Policy Team at the Council Offices.
Following the closure of the consultation period, the Council will submit the Core Strategy and other supporting
documents, along with a summary of the comments made on the Draft Submission Core Strategy, to the Secretary
of State. These will go on to be considered by an independent Inspector at a Hearing in the summer of 2011.
Greenfingers needs volunteers
The Greenfingers Club in Mayfield, Farnborough is looking for volunteers. Greenfingers is a gardening project which
gives children and young people the chance to learn how to grow and look after plants whilst improving their
neighbourhood. The project teaches skills, builds confidence and creates a sense of ownership and pride in
The project is run by volunteers with support from The Gaming Zone. Due to the popularity of the sessions we
urgently need more adults to assist with running them. You don’t need to have horticultural skills, just a love of
gardening and some experience and an aptitude for working with children and young people. The sessions are on
Wednesday afternoons from 3.45 pm to 5.30 pm and on Saturdays from 1.30 pm to 4.30 pm. Help is needed for
either or both sessions. An enhanced CRB disclosure is required for volunteers, but they will arrange this for you.
Please contact Kathleen Healy on 07985 976205, or email kathleen.healy@groundwork.org.uk , if you are
Calling all prospective badminton coaches
Have you ever wanted to become a badminton coach? Rushmoor Borough Council and Hampshire County Council
are joining forces to bring a level 1 course to the area which is likely to be held around February/March. The course
will run for 3 Sundays with the final Sunday being the assessment. The course fees are being sponsored by both
councils and therefore will only cost 50% of the usual price of £200. To receive a £100 reduction, in return they
would seek to utilise your newly discovered techniques and method by helping them to deliver sessions to sections
of the public at various places throughout the year which will help you gain valuable experience. Places are limited
to 8 so, to register you interest, please contact Martin Sterio at Rushmoor Borough Council on 01252 398763 or
email: martin.sterio@rushmoor.gov.uk
Quit for Life
...and a Happy New Year
Isn’t good health the best Christmas present you can give
yourself or someone you know?
To quit smoking is the single most important thing a smoker
can do to improve their health, so here is a gift from
quit4life to help you or someone you know give up smoking.
If you are a non-smoker, please feel free to give this voucher
to a smoker who is thinking of giving up. It will encourage
them to get support from quit4life AND receive free stop
smoking products for up to eight weeks.
This voucher will entitle you to an
exemption from the one-off charge
for all Nicotine Replacement
Therapy products for up to eight
Take this voucher to any quit4life stop smoking
drop-in session BEFORE 31 JANUARY 2011.
For details of venues and times ring 0845 602
4663, go to www.quit4life.nhs.uk or text QUIT to
It could be the best Christmas present ever!
Products Please
are supplied
is not
note this
is notthe
at pharmacy
and GP surgery stop smoking appointments. Photocopied
vouchers are not permitted. Valid until 31 January 2011.
Many thanks to all the organisations who contribute
information to this newsletter
Rushmoor Schools Plus