Title: Google's 'Robocars' Drive Hands-Free Date: October 11, 2010 Grade: 4th Subject: Technology URL: http://www.newsy.com/videos/google-s-robocars-drive-hands-free Teacher Information: The video, Google’s ‘Robocars” Drives Hands-Free, discusses cars developed by Google that are able to drive without the assistance of a driver. The video can be used to introduce students to the topic of robotics. In addition, the concept of adding a “robo” feature to current mechanism can be discussed. In the lesson plan below, 4th graders create ideas for robo-device after viewing the video. Phase Preparation Task(s) Time Before the start of class, add the following information to your chalkboard, whiteboard, Interactive whiteboard, or PowerPoint presentation: 7 min Who’s driving the car? Driver: The person who controls the car. Can a car drive without a driver? Discussion Teacher will guide students through the information lists above. First, the 10 min teacher will ask the student to explain, “Who drives a car?” The class will discuss the question. Second, the teacher will discuss the word driver and ask students for examples of different types of vehicles (e.g. truck, SUV, car). Third, the teacher will ask the class the question, “Can a car drive with a driver?” Student will respond to the question. The teacher should involve the students in the discussion and ensure that everyone participates. Watch The class will watch the Newsy.com video: Google's 'Robocars' Drive Hands-Free http://www.newsy.com/videos/google-s-robocars-drive-hands-free Google's 'Robocars' Drive Hands-Free 2:14 min page 1 of 4 Discussion/ Explain assignment The teacher will ask for general comments from students concerning the 10 min video. Next, the teacher and class will discuss advantages and disadvantages of having a car that can drive without the driver’s assistance. The teacher will then insure that the students are familiar with the term, robot. From the online Wordsmyth Children’s Dictionary, Robot is defined as, “a machine that can perform some of the same tasks as a human being.” http://www.wordsmyth.net/?level=2&ent=robot The teacher and students will discuss the definition of robot and students will give example of robots (fictional or real). Then the teacher will explain that the car in the video is a form of robot because of the ability to drive with assistance. Teacher will ask for feedback. The teacher will then explain the assignment (see below) and give examples. In addition to the robocar, the teacher should explain the iRobot Roomba, the vacuum cleaner that cleans the floors without a human to assist; a robot vacuum cleaner. Individual Work Each student will create a list of three to five items/devices that he/she 5 min believes should be converted to a robo-device (e.g. an item that would help consumers by operating independently). Individual Work II Each student would select an item from the list and draw a picture of how Team Work Students would work in teams of approximately four to develop a short skit 10 min the transformed item would look. 10 min concerning one of the new robo-devices. The group item would be selected from one of the students’ pictures. Presentations Each group will present skit. Teams should be given a time limit for skit. varies Discussion Students will discuss the different robo-devices from the skits and from the 5 min previous student lists. Google's 'Robocars' Drive Hands-Free page 2 of 4 Title: Google's 'Robocars' Drive Hands-Free Extended Learning Activities – Optional Team Work Students work in a team to create a fictions company that produces and sells 100 min robo-devices. Working together, the team would develop a company name, logo, and product list. Team Work, Part 2 Each team will create a commercial for a specific robo-device. If available, varies student could use video cameras, computer and video editing equipment to create a video. Otherwise, the team will create and perform a commercial type skit to present to the class. Team Work, Part 3 Working on the same teams, student would work in teams to develop a 200 min brochure style publication concerning the company’s robo-devices. Microsoft Word, Publisher or similar program would be used to create the document. The advertisement would feature one of the student’s robodevices. If computers are not available for the project, students could develop the publication with paper, pencils, and color markers. Speech Each student would create and present a speech concerning one of the robo- varies devices from their list. Presentation Each student would use Microsoft PowerPoint to create a presentation 120 min concerning the robo-devices from the student’s list. Desktop Publishing Each student will create an advertisement type publication utilizing a 60 min computer lab or media center. Microsoft Word, Publisher or similar program would be used to create the document. The advertisement would feature one of the student’s robo-devices. Parent Involvement Each student would work with a parent or family member to create a model varies of a specific robo-device. Boxes, paper, cardboard, glue, tape, pens, and markers would be utilized. Google's 'Robocars' Drive Hands-Free page 3 of 4 Looking for related resources? Check out… Science: Robotics | eThemes The eThemes Robotics webpage provides resources for 15 online resources concerning robotics including educational games. http://ethemes.missouri.edu/themes/600 Let's make robots! The Let’s Make robots! Website provides detailed information and projects for creating robots. http://letsmakerobots.com/ Gears Educational Systems Website provides kits for creating robots, open-source software, and lesson plans for teachers. http://www.gearseds.com/ The Robot Cafe The Robot Cafe is a directory listing site that also features an online store and games. http://www.robotcafe.com/ Kids Online Resources - Science, Robots and Robotics The website provides a list of online resources concerning robots and robotics especially suited for children. http://www.kidsolr.com/science/page1c.html Robots - Lesson Plan Library | Discovery Education Classroom Resources A robot related lesson plan for grades 5-8. http://school.discoveryeducation.com/lessonplans/programs/robbie/ Science: Inventions | eThemes The eThemes Inventions webpage provides resources for 21 online resources concerning inventions. http://ethemes.missouri.edu/themes/215 Google's 'Robocars' Drive Hands-Free page 4 of 4