Rockford Furniture Companies: History & Products (1920s)

Blackhawk Furniture Company (still in business in the 1920s)
Manufacturers of Bedroom Furniture: Bed Room Suites Complete including the
following pieces which are sold separately: Chairs, Bedroom Sets of; Beds, Bow
End, Four Poster; Dressers; Vanities; Benches; Night Tables; Chests of Drawers.
Rockford, Illinois
Permanent Exhibit
Chicago IL, Space 1647, American Furniture Mart, 666 Lake Shore Dr.
(exhibiting Grand Rapids, July 1921)
Central Furniture Company (still in business in the 1920s)
Established in 1872 – according to logo and 1920s ads
Established 1878 – according to “The Swedish Element in Illinois” book.
Formed by a co-op group of 46 Swedish stockholders.
Capital $22,500. Officers: President, S.A. Johnson; Vice-President, I.M. Noling;
Secretary, August Peterson; Treasurer, A.P. Floberg; Superintendants, A.C.
Johnson and Andrew Noling.
(in 1920s) Manufacturers of Dining Room Furniture: Dining Room
Suites, Regular Size and Apartment (or small) Size. Also separate dining room
pieces as follows: Buffets and Colonial Buffets; Chairs, Arm and Side; China
Cabinets and Closets; Servers; Tables.
Race and Mill Streets, Rockford, ILL
Permanent Exhibits
Chicago, IL, Spaces 1519-22, American Furniture Mart
Rockford, ILL, at Factory
From an 1891 brochure, Industrial and Picturesque Rockford
Located at the southeast end of water power; organized in 1878; capital, $125,000. Its
present officers are: S. A. Johnson, President: J. R. Anderson, Vice-President; Aug.
Peterson, Secretary and Treasurer.
They are manufacturers of bookcases, desks and extension tables, and estimate their
annual output at $150,000. They employ 140 hands, with an annual payroll of $75,000.
The size of its factories are 40x100, 40x70, 80x102, four stories : and 50x52, two stories
Clitrax Slide and Table Company.
From an 1891 brochure, Industrial and Picturesque Rockford
Capital stock, $50,000.
B. A. Knight, President; E. R. Lahman, Secretary. Manufactures extension table slides
and center tables. Annual output, $50,000; employ forty hands; pay roll $25.000;
factory (brick) 3(5x70, three stories high.
Colonial Desk Company (still in business in the 1920s)
Makers of Fine Furniture
Rockford, ILL
Grand Rapids Mich., Second Floor, Klingman Building
Manufacturer of: Highboys, Colonial; Lowboys, Colonial; Chests: Luxor-Queen
Anne; Secretaries: Cabinet-Swell Front-Desk-Colonial-Straight front-Queen
Anne-French Provincial-Governor Winthrop; Desks: Governor Winthrop-John
Hancock-Straight Front-Wall-Ladies’-Spinet-Secretary-Cabinet-Swell Front;
Bookcases: One, Two, and Three Door Style-Open Shelf; Cabinets: Silver-LinenChina-Corner-Pier; Tables: Console-Occasional-Coffee-Carved; Commodes,
William and Mary Marquetry; Chairs: Odd Desk-Dining; Dinette Suites,
Complete, including Buffet, China, Table and Chairs. Also sold as separate
Continental Desk Company (1917) (still in business in the 1920s)
Makers of office desks, tables and other details of office furniture.
Corner of Cedar and West Streets
Rockford, IL
(exhibiting Grand Rapids, July 1921)
Co-operative Furniture Company (in business 1917) (still in business in the 1920s)
Established 1879.
Capital $100,000.
Officers: Alfred Larson, E.C. Jocobson & C.J. Lundberg. Operative force of 125
with annual output at more than $200,000.
Diamond Furniture Company
From an 1891 brochure, Industrial and Picturesque Rockford
Formed in March, 1890, succeeding to the business of Fred Bigalow.
They manufacture patent office chairs and other
similar Hues of furniture. The capital stock is $50,00i), and the officers are A. F. Judd,
President: and Fred A. Dow, Secretary and Treasurer.
The company employs fifty hands, with an annual pay roll of $30,000, and turn out a
product aggregating $60,000. They are about to build a new factory in Manning's
subdivision (1891).
Empire Manufacturing Company (still listed in business in 1920s)
Excel Manufacturing Company (still listed in business in 1920s)
(in business 1917)
Manufacturer exclusively of Dining Tables
J.A. Carlstrom, secretary
Excelsior Furniture Company
From an 1891 brochure, Industrial and Picturesque Rockford
Organized in 1881, with a capital stock of $50,000. The present officers are Thos. D.
Reber, President; Aug. Haegg, Vice-President ; C. F. Salstrom, Secretary and Treasurer.
They manufacture a fine grade of parlor furniture. The annual output is $90,000. They
employ seventy-five hands, with an annual pay roll of $35,000. The factory is of brick
and wood 60x100 and 80x100, three stories in height, with an engine house 60x20.
Forest City Furniture Company (out of business summer 1919)
Established 1875.
Formed by 15 Swedish American immigrants.
Capital $50,000.
A.C. Johnson, Superintendant
After 5 years, the factory employed 100 men and had an average yearly output
valued at $125,000. Additional capital being needed, several Americans were
admitted as stockholders, Gilbert Woodruff included.
From an 1891 brochure, Industrial and Picturesque Rockford
Rockford's pioneer industry in the furniture line.
The business was established in 1869 by A. C. Johnson, and the
present company was incorporated in 1875. The officers are: Gilbert Woodruff,
President; R. W. Emerson, Secretary and Treasurer; A. C. Johnson, Superintendent
A general line of furniture and office desks is manufactured. The capital stock of the
company is $150,000. The plant of the company includes four large four-story brick
buildings, with a floor area of 150,000 square feet. They also have six acres of yard room
for lumber storage. They employ an average of 240 hands and do a business exceeding
$300,000 a year.
Forest City Phonograph Company
Officially recorded March 1920
Purchased Forest City Furniture Company building and equipment
Manufacturer of Brunswick Phonographs
Haddorff Piano Company
Established 1891 (Sinnissippi Saga lists start at 1901)
Capital $500,000.
P.A. Peterson, president; C.A. Haddorff, mechanical head; A.E. Johnson,
Hanson Clock Company, Inc. (still in business in the 1920s)
Founded in 1921
Manufacturers of High Grade Hall Clocks
Rockford, ILL, U.S.A.
Permanent Exhibits
Chicago, IL, Space 624, American Furniture Mart
New York, N.Y., Space 403, New York Furniture Exchange
Illinois Cabinet Company (in business 1917) (still listed in business in 1920s)
Established 1905.
Capital $100,000.
Officers in 1917: J.P. Lindell, president; K.E. Knutson, secretary-treasurer.
Illinois Chair Company
From an 1891 brochure, Industrial and Picturesque Rockford
Organized in April, 1891; capital stock of $50,000, with R. L. McCulloch, President; G.
E. Knight, Secretary. They will employ 200 hands, with an annual pay roll of $100,000,
and estimate their annual output at $200,000.
They will manufacture a fine line of chairs. The main building will be
of brick 135x65, three stories high, with large warehouse, 80x80, three stories.
Illinois School Furniture Company (in business 1917)
Officers: W. O. Jones, H. W. Williams, C. F. Bollman, T. E. Jacobson, N. J. Wall
(according to The Furniture Worker, January 1920, Mr. Jones had “disposed” of
the company “some time ago”, and it was now devoted to the manufacture of a
line of bedroom furniture. He had been president and general manager with the
company for about 10 years.)
Imperial Furniture Company
Exhibiting: (December 1919)
1411 S. Michigan Ave, 3rd Floor, Chicago
(exhibiting Grand Rapids, July 1921)
Landstrom Furniture Corporation (still in business in the 1920s)
Established 1879.
Manufacturers of Bedroom, Dining Room, and Living Room Furniture.
Products: Bedroom and Dining Room Suites Complete, including the following
pieces which are sold separately: Dressers; Vanity Dressers; Wardrobes;
Chifforobes; Toilet Tables; Chests of Drawers; Beds: Four Poster-Bow EndStraight End; Chairs, Dining Room; Chairs, Bedroom Sets of; Dining Room
Extension Tables; Buffets; Servers; China Cabinets; Secretaries; Secretary-Desks:
John Hancock-Governor Winthrop; Desks: Spinet-Ladies’.
Rockford, ILL
Permanent Exhibits
Chicago, IL, Space 1519, American Furniture Mart, 666 Lake Shore Drive
(also operates in conjunction with Central Furniture Company)
Mechanics Furniture Company (still in business in the 1920s)
Established 1890.
L.M Noling, president; Jonas Peters, secretary; A.P. Floberg, treasurer.
Manufacturers of Desks, Secretaries, Cabinets, Highboys and Dining Room Furn.
Rockford, IL, U.S.A.
Listing of products in 1920s: Corner Closets; Desks-- Combination Bookcase
types-- For Ladies; Secretary Desks; Highboys; Silver Cabinets. Also: Dining
Room Suites, Large Size and Apartment (small size) including: Buffets; Chairs;
Servers; Extension Tables; China Cabinets and Closets.
Exhibiting: (January 1920)
Sixth Floor, Manufacturers Bldg.
Grand Rapids, MI
From an 1891 brochure, Industrial and Picturesque Rockford
Formed in the spring of 1890, with the following officers: L. M. Noling, President; John
Ek, Vice President; Jonas Peters, Secretary; A. P. Floberg, Treasurer; Alfred Kjerner,
superintendent. Manufacture a line of hall trees, desks, book-cases and cabinets. Capital,
$75,000; employ eighty bands, with an annual pay roll of $40,000, and a product of
The factory is of brick and frame, located at the corner of Seminary Street and the C. & I.
crossing. The building is 80x144 feet in size and four stories high.
National Chair Company, Inc.
Established: July 11, 1927
Organized by Winfield L. Anderson, Gilbert W. Johnson, C. Amos Stockhus,
M.A. Kjellgren, Frank I. Johnson, Alfred A. Carlson, and John H. Lindblade.
Capital: $100,000.
Contracted with eight different Rockford furniture factories to supply chairs
during its early years – including Rockford Chair and Furniture Company. By
1942, labor and government restrictions caused the company to consider
dissolution. The company sold off part of its plant and premises in 1943 and
finally dissolved the corporation in May of 1954.
Old Colony Chair Company (still in business in the 1920s)
John Kasper (mentioned as working for company – The Furniture Worker, 1920)
Phoenix Furniture Company
Organized 1890. Destroyed by fire 1893.
From an 1891 brochure, Industrial and Picturesque Rockford
Located at the corner of Fulton and Latham Ave., North End;
Are manufacturers of chamber suits, extension tables, and chiffoniers. Organized July
1st, 1890, with a capital stock of $50,000, with Ed. H. Marsh, President; Geo. Penfield,
Vice President; Chas. E.Cohoe, Secretary and Treasurer; employ 100 hands, with an
annual pay roll of $36,500; estimated annual output $125,000. The buildings are brick,
128x80, four stories high and a basement, engine
room 40x50.
Premier Furniture Company (still in business in the 1920s)
(exhibiting at the Furniture Temple Bldg, Grand Rapids – July, 1921 according to
an ad in The Grand Rapids Furniture Record)
Rockford Bookcase Company
Established 1907 ??
Capital $60,000.
P.A. Peterson, president; William Pearson, vice-president; Winfield L. Anderson,
secretary; A.E. Johnson, treasurer.
Among other items, woodwork for Free Sewing Machines.
Rockford Burial Case Company
From an 1891 brochure, Industrial and Picturesque Rockford
Located corner Peach and Ogden Streets.
Capital stock, $75,000. L. B. Williams, President; W. C. Blinn,
Vice-President; C. L. Grout, Secretary and Treasurer.
Company organized in 1882. They manufacture wood and cloth finished caskets. Annual
product. $75,000; employ thirty hands, with a pay roll yearly of $15,000; factory of brick,
100x50 and 50x50, four stories and basement.
Rockford Cabinet Company (still in business in the 1920s)
Established 1894.
(mentioned in “The Furniture Worker” Aug. 1917)
(apparently run by the same people who run Central Furniture Co.)
Secretary, Oscar Landstrom (runs both companies)
Dining Room, Library, Bedroom and other furniture
From an 1891 brochure, Industrial and Picturesque Rockford
Organized in 1880. Recently moved to the West End.
The capital stock is $50,000. Present officers: Geo. F. Kellogg,
President; A. D. Early, Vice President; Chas. H. Porter, Secretary and Treasurer.
They manufacture a fine grade of wood mantles, and give employment to 65 hands, with
an annual pay roll of $30.000, and produce annually 875,000 worth of goods.
The factory is of brick, 64x128, four stories high.
Rockford Cedar Furniture Company (still in business in the 1920s)
Manufacturers of Cedar and Period Chests, window seat and console.
Rockford, ILL
Rockford Chair & Furniture Company (still in business in the 1920s)
Management: Robert C. Lind, C.A. Newman & Andrew Kjellgren
Manufacturers of Dining Room Suites, Bookcases, Desks and Secretaries
920 Ninth Street, Rockford, ILL
Grand Rapids Mich, Manufacturers Bldg.
From an 1891 brochure, Industrial and Picturesque Rockford
Organized in 1882.
Cap- ital, $100,000. The officers are: Andrew Kjellgren, President; Alex. Johnson, VicePresident: Robert C. Lind, Secretary and Treasurer. Located on Railroad Avenue.
Manufacture a line of book-cases, ladies' desks and fancy furniture. Their plant includes
three buildings, 50x150 four stories, 100x100 four stories, and an office and warehouse
50x150, one story high. They employ over 220 hands; annual pay roll, $90.000, and their
product exceeds $225,000 yearly.
Rockford Co-Operative Furniture Company
From an 1891 brochure, Industrial and Picturesque Rockford
Located at the corner of Ninth Street and Railroad Avenue.
Capital stock, $50,000. Present officers:
P. A. Peterson, President; C. A. Hult, Secretary and Treasurer; C. E. Knudson,
They manufacture a line of combination and cylinder book-cases,
sideboards, tables and office desks; annual output, $175,000; employ 135 hands, with an
annual pay roll of $65,000. The factories are of brick, four stories high, 42x110, 50x130,
with engine room 42x50.
Rockford Desk Company (still listed in business in 1920s)
Established 1896
Capital $70,000.
Manufacturers of Desks and Secretaries
(owned and operated by Rockford Furniture Company)
Rockford Desk and Furniture Company (burned in 1912?)
From an 1891 brochure, Industrial and Picturesque Rockford
Located on North Second Street, in the Knightville addition.
Capital, $50,000. The officers are: A. P. Floberg, President: Robert Bauch, VicePresident; O. Berquist, Secretary and Treasurer. Manufacture a line of desks, secretaries,
combination, library and extension tables. Their annual product will aggregate $110.000;
employ 115 hands, with an annual pay roll of $55,000. Their factory building is brick
veneered, 65xl2O feet in size and four stories and basement high.
Rockford Eagle Furniture Company (still in business 1920s)
Manufacturers of Cedar Chests: Solid Red Cedar Chests, including all Period
Designs in Walnut or Mahogany and the following styles: Console, Window
Rockford, ILL
Chicago, ILL, Space 201, American Furniture Mart
Rockford Fibre Kraft Furniture Company
Located Pine Street (will build new factory on Kishwaukee St. – according to the
March 1920 issue of The Furniture Worker
Rockford Folding Bed Company
Credit problems in 1893 – court case 1895.
Rockford Frame & Fixture Company
Filed bankruptcy (Oct. 1917)
Had been run primarily by women (2 out of 3 women directors)
Purchased and became Rockford Republic Furniture Company
J.A. Carlstrom, Secretary
Rockford Furniture Company (in business 1917, also in 1920s ads)
Manufacturers of Dining Room Suites, Desks and Secretaries: Complete Dining
Room Suites including the following pieces also sold separately: Buffets; Chairs;
Servers; Serving Tables; China Cabinets; Tables. Also Desks and Secretaries
manufactured by the Rockford Desk Company, owned and operated by the
Rockford Furniture Company.
1009 W. Jefferson Street, Rockford, ILL
Permanent Displays
Chicago, ILL, Space 201, American Furniture Mart
Rockford, ILL, at Factory
Rockford Light Furniture Company (in business 1917)
Manufacture of floor and table lamps as pictured in 1914 ad.
Leased land in 1916 from the Chicago, Milwaukee, Gary Railway Company
Rockford Mantel & Furniture Company
Established 1890.
Capital $10,000.
Alex Johnson, president; L. Sandine, secretary-treasurer;
From an 1891 brochure, Industrial and Picturesque Rockford
Incorporated May 10, 1890, with a capital stock of $100,000. The officers are: Alex.
Johnson, President; P. A. Peterson, Vice-President; and Louis Sandine, Secretary and
They manufacture a line of mantels and hall trees, and produce annually $150,000 worth
of goods; give employment to 125 men, with a yearly pay roll of $75,000. The factory is
of brick 82x182, three stories and basement.
Rockford National Furniture Company (still in business in the 1920s)
Established 1907.
Capital $80,000.
Officers in 1917: C.F. Johnson, president; August Peterson, secretary; P.A.
Peterson, treasurer.
Manufacturers of Dining Room and Library Furniture
Products: Dining Room, Dinette, and Breakfast Room Suites comprising the
following pieces also sold separately: Buffets and Colonial Buffets; China
Cabinets and Closets; Chairs, Arm and Side; Servers and Serving Tables; Tables,
2300 Kishwaukee, Rockford, ILL
Rockford Palace Furniture Company (still in business in the 1920s)
Established 1897.
Capital $70.000.
Officers in 1917: Anton E. Carlson, J. Godfrey Grant, and Otto Grantz.
Manufacturers of Distinctive Period Dining Room Furniture, Desks, Bookcases,
And Radio Cabinets. Products in 1920s ads: Dining Room Suites, Complete,
including the following pieces which are sold separately: Secretary Desks, Radio
Cabinets, and Bookcases (Open Shelf and Glass Door Closed Types.) Authentic
Period Furniture: Chinese Chippendale, French Provincial, Heppelwhite, Adams,
Sheraton, English Chippendale, Colonial and Tudor periods.
1724 Woodruff Ave., Rockford, ILL
Grand Rapids, Mich, 5th Floor, Keeler Bldg.
New York, N.Y., New York Furniture Exchange
Showrooms at Factory in Rockford
(exhibiting Grand Rapids, July 1921)
Rockford Peerless Furniture Company (still in business in the 1920s)
Manufacturers of Lamps, Shades, Cabinets, Chests of Drawers, Desks,
Secretaries, Tables, and Dinette Suites (Ad lists numerous products and period
styles they are available in. Also shows many pieces with hand decorated fronts.)
11th St. and 20th Ave., Rockford, ILL
Rockford Republic Furniture Company (still in business in the 1920s)
(began business when they took over Rockford Frame & Fixture Company after
that company filed bankruptcy (October, 1917)
J. A. Carlstrom, Secretary.
In business and exhibiting Dining Room Furniture in 1921 in Chicago and Grand
Rapids, MI
Rockford Standard Furniture Company (still in business in 1920s ads)
Established 1886 – according to company ads.
Started with capital of $75,000. In 1917 employed 150 workers.
J.E. Swanson, manager; P.A. Peterson, president; F.E. Lundgren, vice-president
Manufacturers of Desks, Bookcases, and Dining Room Furniture:
Products: Medium and High Grade Library and Dining Room Furniture:
Bookcases—open shelf; Chests of Drawers; Desks—Cabinet—Governor
Winthrop—Ladies;--Library—Secretary—Spinet—Wall; Pier Cabinets.
Factory and General Offices, Eleventh Street, Rockford, ILL
Permanent Exhibits
New York, N.Y., Furniture Exchange, 206 Lexington Ave.
Chicago, IL, American Furniture Mart, 666 Lake Shore Drive
From an 1891 brochure, Industrial and Picturesque Rockford
Located on Railroad Avenue. Capital stock, $75,000. Officers : J. A. Lundgren,
President; P. H. Palmer, Vice-President and Superintendent; D. R. Peterson, Secretary
and Treasurer.
The company was organized in 1887, and manufactures a line of sideboards, book-cases,
cabinets and secretaries: employ 135 hands; annual product, $150,000, with an annual
pay roll of $65,000. Their plant includes two large four-story brick veneered buildings,
respectively 66x125 and 97x115 feet in size.
Rockford Steel Furniture Company
(mentioned but no information found)
Rockford Superior Furniture Company (in business 1917) (still in business in 1920s)
F.M Yount – with the company 1920 – The Furniture Worker)
Rockford Union Furniture Company
(listed as Union Furniture Company in 1920s ads)
18th Avenue, Rockford, ILL.
Manufacturers of Library Furniture and Dining Room furniture:
Library Bookcases; Bookcases and Desks combined; Governor Winthrop Desks; Ladies’
Desks; Secretary Desks; Wall Desks – Dining Room Suites and separate pieces for the
Dining Room as follows: Buffets; Chairs; China Closets; Serving Tables; Tables;
Extension Tables.
Began in 1876 with 25 stockholders. Officers: A. Kjellberg, president; P.A. Peterson,
secretary; Jonas Peters, treasurer.
From an 1891 brochure, Industrial and Picturesque Rockford
Organized in 1876 – Rockford Union Furniture Company.
Capital and surplus, $100,000. Its present officers are: C. F. Anderson, President; C. F.
Blomberg, Vice-President; and P. A. Peterson, Secretary and Treasurer.
They are manufacturers of ladies' cabinet book-cases and pillar tables, and do an annual
business of over $250,000 per year; employ 250 bands, with an annual pay roll of
$125.000. The factory is of brick 80x176 and 128x160, three stories high.
Rockford Wood Turning Company (listed as still in business in 1920s)
Rockford World Furniture Company (still in business in 1920s)
(newer to the Rockford furniture group – Nov. 1917, The Furniture Worker)
Royal Mantel & Furniture Company (in business 1917)
Established 1892.
Officers: R. C. Lind, J. P. Lundell, D. R. Peterson
Manufacturers of Dining Room Furniture: Products: Dining Room
Suites, including the following pieces sold separately: Buffets; China Cabinets;
Arm Chairs; Side Chairs; Servers; Tables, Extension.
Rockford, ILL
(exhibiting Grand Rapids, July 1921)
Skandia Furniture Company (est. 1889) (still in business in 1920s)
Capital $50.000
President, P.A. Peterson; Secretary-treasurer, W.A. Brolin.
Manufacturers of Dining Room Furniture, Desks, and Bookcases (ads list
numerous styles and pieces.
Factory and General Offices, No. Second Street, Rockford, ILL
Permanent Exhibits
New York, N.Y., New York Furniture Exchange
Grand Rapids, Mich., Klingman Building
From an 1891 brochure, Industrial and Picturesque Rockford
Located on North Third Street.
Manufacture a line of hall-trees, book-cases, cylinder desks, secretaries and pillar
extension tables.
The company was organized in 1889, with a capital stock of
$75,000. Present officers: P. A. Peterson, President; G. Flodell, Vice-President; W. A.
Brolin, Secretary and Treasurer. They produce annually $150,000 worth of goods, and
give employment to 150 hands, with a pay roll of $72,000 per year. The buildings are of
brick, 64x128 and 64x128, four stories and a basement high.
(exhibiting Grand Rapids, July 1921)
Star Furniture Company.
From an 1891 brochure, Industrial and Picturesque Rockford
Located at corner of Eighteenth Avenue and Fourteenth Street. Manufacturers of
combination book and library cases, hall trees. Capital stock. $100.01)0. Its present
officers are F. G. Hogland, President; Anthony Stenholm. Vice-President : Aug. P.
Floberg, Treasurer; P. G. Lundquist, Secretary ; G. L. Wenerstrom, Superintendent They
employ 140 hands, with an annual pay roll of $60,000: annual product. $125,000: factory
is built of brick 80x160, four stories high, and it is their intention to build this summer a
warehouse 80x160, four stories high.
Union Furniture Company (est. 1876) (still in business in the 1920s)
Formed as a co-operative group by Swedish American immigrants.
Capital $30,000.
A. Kjellberg, president; P.A. Peterson, secretary; Jonas Peters, treasurer.
Manufacturers of Dining Room Furniture and Library Furniture
18th Avenue, Rockford, ILL
Permanent Exhibits
Chicago, IL, Space 1108-1109, American Furniture Mart
San Francisco, Calif., 180 New Montgomery St.
Grand Rapids, Mich., 5th Floor, Manufacturers Exhibition Bldg.
New York, N.Y., Space 1514, 206 Lexington Ave.
(see also, Rockford Union Furniture Company)
Upson-Johnson Furniture Company
Established 1873
Southeast corner Race & Mill Streets
Organized by Andrew C. Johnson, J.P. Anderson and L.D. Upson.
Plant burned in 1877.
West End Furniture Company (still in business in the 1920s)
Established 1890.
Capital $50.000.
Organizers: B.A. Knight, O.W. Haegg, P.F. Schuster, John Sampson, Frank G.
Hogland, Emil Stenholm, C.E. Carlson, and P.A. Peterson.
From an 1891 brochure, Industrial and Picturesque Rockford
Located corner of Factory Street and Johnson Avenue.
Organized July 7. 1890. with a capital stock of $50,000. Present
officers are: B. A. Knight. President; O. W. Haegg, Vice President and Secretary: Paul
Schuster, Treasurer.
They are manufacturers of book-cases, side-boards, hall- trees, tables and chiffoniers:
give employment to 150 hands, with an annual pay roll of $80,000, and estimate their
output at $200, 000 per year. The factory is 80x144, five" stories and basement high, and
built of brick.
Winnebago Manufacturing Company (still in business in the 1920s)
Bedroom Suites and Plywoods
1109 Seminary Street, Rockford, ILL
Permanent Exhibits
Chicago, IL., Space 201, American Furniture Mart
Rockford, IL., Showroom at Rockford Furniture Co.
Manufacturers of
Bedroom Suites Complete, including the following pieces which are sold separately:
Benches, Bedroom;Beds--Bow End--Straight End--Four Poster--Twin; Chairs, Bedroom
Sets of; Dressing Tables; Dressing Table Benches; Night Tables; Vanities; Semi-Vanities
The Winnebago Manufacturing Company are also manufacturers of plywood.
Wright Desk Company
(recently organized – August issue, 1917, The Furniture Worker)
Manufacturer of office desks, typewriting stands, etc.
Located in a portion of the Empire Manufacturing plant.
The 1871 Chicago Fire was instrumental in the rise of the Rockford Furniture
In 1917, the construction of Camp Grant on the far eastside of the city caused a
shortage of workers for the Rockford furniture industry. It was difficult for output
to keep up with the demand for furniture.
1891 – There were 32 Furniture Factories in Rockford, controlled mostly by Swedes.
1893 – The Panic of 1893 wiped out 26 Rockford factories (not just furniture) in one
1905 – There were 16 furniture plants in Rockford, employing 4000 men.
1917 – There were 30-odd furniture making establishments in the city of Rockford
(September 1917 issue of The Furniture Worker)
1926 – There were 38 furniture plants in Rockford.
An 1891 brochure, “Industrial and Picturesque Rockford”, promoting Rockford
lists the following Furniture Manufacturers:
Clitrax Slide and Table Company.
Central Furniture Company
Diamond Furniture Company
Excelsior Furniture Company
Forest City Furniture Company
Illinois Chair Company
Mechanics' Furniture Company
Phoenix Furniture Factory
Rockford Burial Case Company
Rockford Co-operative Furniture Company
Rockford Chair and Furniture Company
Rockford Cabinet Company
Rockford Desk and Furniture Company
Rockford Mantel and Furniture Company
Rockford Standard Furniture Company
Rockford Union Furniture Company
Skandia Furniture Company
Star Furniture Company
West End Furniture Company
The Swedish Element in Illinois, by Ernst W. Olson
Published by the Swedish-American Biographical Association, Chicago, 1917.
The Furniture Worker
By Pacific Advisory Council of Furniture and Kindred Products Workers
Published monthly by Pacific Advisory Council of Furniture and Kindred Products
Workers, Cincinnati, Ohio. “A Journal Devoted to the Interests of the Furniture
Information from 1917 & 1920.
Industrial and Picturesque Rockford, compiled by Eugene Browne and F. Ford Rowe
Forest City Publishing Company, June 1891. (a brochure promoting Rockford)
American Manufactured Furniture, (Zone book 3 – includes Illinois) by Schiffer
Publishing, Atglen, PA, 1996. “A complete guide to furniture produced in the 1920s”.
Includes an alphabetical and geographical listing of concerns who sell their products to
furniture dealers. Numerous ads showing Rockford furniture manufacturers’ products.