“The Southern Cross” HERMANUS ASTRONOMY CENTRE NEWSLETTER JULY 2012 Welcome to this month’s newsletter, which we hope you enjoy reading. The Centre is currently developing a news interest group on astro-photography. At the monthly meeting on 21 June, Deon Krige, the committee member responsible for this, gave a verbal overview of the aims of the group and also made a request for interested members to contact him. He also sent out an e-mail to all members, the main points of which are paraphrased below. The overall purpose of the group will be to establish a platform which will enable members to develop and share knowledge, information, and experience on astrophotography. All levels of expertise will be welcome, and it is not necessary to own a telescope or advanced photographic equipment. Activities of the group will include all aspects of both capturing and processing images. These will include member’s own images, and use of images accessible online. A dedicated webpage on the Centre’s website will be developed to provide information and links, and also to allow members final images to be displayed. If you are interested in finding out more about the group and/or wanting to join it, please contact Deon at astronomy.hermanus@gmail.com WHAT’S UP? The largest and brightest globular cluster, Omega Centauri (NGC 5139), is visible high in the southern winter sky. Forming an almost equilateral triangle with Alpha Centauri (the Pointer furthest from the Southern Cross) and Beta Crucis at the top of the Southern Cross, it is visible to the naked eye as a hazy star about the size of the full Moon. But even with binoculars, its breathtaking beauty and density, created by several million stars, is revealed. Originally discovered by Halley in 1677 and listed as a nebula, it was William Herschel, in the 1830s, who recognised it as a globular cluster. Located 17,000 ly away, it has a diameter of 180 ly. About 12 billion years old, like other globular clusters, its stars are some of the oldest in the Milky Way, most within the cluster being of a similar age. LAST MONTH’S ACTIVITIES Monthly centre meeting On 21 June, Centre member Johan Retief gave an informative and amusing presentation on pulsars, pulsating stars which behave like ‘lighthouses in the sky’. He described the accidental discovery of regular, rapid radio signals by Jocelyn Bell in 1967 and the subsequent search to find their origin. Eventually, small, but fast rotating massive neutron stars, the remnants of supergiant stars which died in huge supernova explosions, were found to be the source. In some neutron stars, the emissions from their magnetised iron cores emit concentrated streams of radio waves which, if in line with Earth, we can detect as pulsing signals. Over 2,000 pulsars have so far been identified. Johan explained further that our solar system is probably the result of material liberated during supernova explosions, and the meeting ended with a viewing of the DVD ‘Our Sun’s brilliant future’ which explained the end stages of a comparatively small star like the Sun. Interest groups Cosmology On 4 June, 25 members attended the third set of two episodes of the DVD series ‘Modern Physics for beginners’ presented by Professor Richard Wolfson. They were ‘Speed c- relative to what?‘(Lecture 5) and ‘Earth and the ether: a crisis in physics’ Lecture 6). Beginner’s astronomy 13 people (8 members, 5 visitors) attended the meeting held on 11 June. In addition to the indoor presentations, limited cloud cover allowed for star-gazing, particularly of Saturn. Other activities Sidewalk astronomy No one attended the session on 15 June, and only four did so on 16 June. The committee is planning to review the scheduling of these events during the winter months. Article in Whale Talk An article by John Saunders titled ‘There are some very ‘weird stars’ out there!’ was published in the June/July issue of Whale Talk THIS MONTH’S ACTIVITIES Monthly centre meeting This will take place on 19 July at 7 pm at SANSA. The topic ‘Optical instrumentation at SALT’ will be presented by Lisa Crause from SAAO in Cape Town. Weather permitting, there will be an opportunity for stargazing from the SANSA car park. An entrance fee of R20 will be charged per person for non-members and R10 for children and students. Interest group meetings The Cosmology group meets meeting on the first Monday of the month at 7 pm at SANSA. From April to September, the DVD series ‘Modern Physics for beginners’ presented by Professor Richard Wolfson will be shown. The DVDs for the meeting on 2 July are ‘Einstein to the rescue’ (Lecture 7) and ‘Uncommon sense: stretching time’ (Lecture 8). An entrance fee of R20 will be charged per person for non-members and R10 for children and students. For further information on these meetings, or any of the group’s activities, please contact Pierre Hugo at pierre@hermanus.co.za Beginner’s astronomy Meetings take place monthly on the second Monday of the month at 7 pm at SANSA. The meeting on 9 July will include presentations on the common theme of the Sun – viewing of the DVD ‘Our sun, the nearest star’ and a talk by Pierre de Villiers and Johan Retief on how to observe the Sun. An entrance fee of R20 will be charged per person for non-members and R10 for children and students. Please contact Pierre de Villiers at pierredev@hermanus.co.za for further details. FUTURE ACTIVITEIS Sidewalk astronomy Details of the next sessions will be circulated when they have been arranged. Visits to observatories A date for the Cederberg visit in September/October is still awaited. Details will follow. The visit to Sutherland on 10-11 November has been arranged. Details will be sent out later in the year. 2012 MONTHLY MEETING DATES These take place at 7 pm at SANSA. 19 July ‘Optical instrumentation at SALT‘ by Lisa Crause, SAAO, CT 23 August ‘Topic: TBA Presenter: Case Rijsidjk 20 September ‘Spreading the word: enlarging local interest in astronomy’ by Kechil Kirkham, Chair, ASSA Centre. 18 October ‘The Herschels – a family of astronomers’ by John Saunders 15 November ‘Tracking satellites and astronomical objects’ by Greg Roberts, amateur astronomer and satellite chaser 14 December. Christmas party EDUCATION CENTRE AND OBSERVATORY Overstrand Municipality has kindly agreed that submission of the fynbos and service infrastructure reports can be postponed until July, providing the leeway required by the experts for their completion. It is still anticipated that the lease application will be considered by the full Council at their meeting in late August. In order to meet the costs of the reports, and any other remaining expenses incurred as part of the planning process, the ‘Friends of the Observatory’ campaign, to which members have already generously contributed, is continuing. Both single donations and small, regular monthly donations are welcome. Contributions can take the form of cash, cheque or online transfer, The ABSA bank details are as follows: Account name – Hermanus Astronomy Centre Account number – 9230163786 Branch code – 632005. If you make an online donation, please include the word ‘pledge’, and your name, unless you wish to remain anonymous. For further information, please contact John Saunders on 028 314 0543 or at shearwater@hermans.co.za ASTRONOMY NEWS FROM STEVE KLEYN The Voyagers. 22 June: Voyagers 1 and 2 were launched nearly 35 years ago in 1977 when we were just 20 years into the ‘Space Age’. There was no certainty as to how long they would last or how far they would get. Today, they are still going strong and are about to leave the comfort of their place of origin; our little world of Earth in the Solar System, and take the plunge into Deep Space; the realm of interstellar space. Voyage 1 is about to cross the boundary of the edge of the heliosphere – the magnetic field of the Sun blown outwards into a huge bubble by the solar wind. The heliosphere is what shields us from a large proportion of dangerous high energy cosmic and gamma ray radiation pouring in from the neighbourhood of the Milky Way and outer space. A recent rapid increase in this radiation striking the spacecraft is the signal that they are leaving the heliosphere's protection. From early 2009 to 2012 there was a slow increase of strikes of about 25%, but now suddenly, since 7 May 2012, strikes have been increasing at a rate of 5% per week. This is a sure sign that crossing the frontier into deep space beyond the heliosphere's protection, 18 billion kms from Earth, is imminent. When the frontier has been left behind there will be several changes in the radiation and particles striking the spacecraft. Many energetic particles from the Sun will no longer be evident and the craft's magnetic field, which has been controlled by the Sun's up till now, will change direction under the influence of the unknown magnetism of interstellar space. Voyager 2 is hot on the heels of Voyager 1, but because of its slower pace, lags a few billion kilometres behind. These two little spacecraft are going the distance and have proven to be tough and reliable: a testament to the designers, builders and controllers. The “Space Age” is nearly 55 years old. Source; NASA news bulletins and archives. (For more news from the edge of the solar system, please visit voyager.jpl.nasa.gov ) Some quick facts about the Voyager missions The primary mission was the exploration of Jupiter and Saturn. After making a string of discoveries there -- such as active volcanoes on Jupiter's moon Io and the intricacies of Saturn's rings -- the mission was extended. Voyager 2 went on to explore Uranus and Neptune, and is still the only spacecraft to have visited those outer planets. The adventurers' current mission, the Voyager Interstellar Mission (VIM), will explore the outermost edge of the Sun's domain. And beyond. Launch: Voyager 2 launched on 20 August 1977, from Cape Canaveral, Florida aboard a Titan-Centaur rocket. On 5 September, Voyager 1 was launched second, although on a faster trajectory, also from Cape Canaveral aboard a Titan-Centaur rocket. Between them, Voyagers 1 and 2 explored all the giant planets of our outer solar system, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune; 48 of their moons; and the unique system of rings and magnetic fields those planets possess. Closest approach to Jupiter occurred on 5 March 1979 for Voyager 1; 9 July 1979 for Voyager 2. Closest approach to Saturn occurred on 12 November 1980 for Voyager 1; 25 August 1981 for Voyager 2. Closest approach to Uranus occurred on 24 January 1986 by Voyager 2. Closest approach to Neptune occurred on 25 August 1989 by Voyager 2. The Voyager spacecraft will be the third and fourth human spacecraft to fly beyond all the planets in our solar system. Pioneers 10 and 11 preceded Voyager in outstripping the gravitational attraction of the Sun, but on 17 February 1998, Voyager 1 passed Pioneer 10 to become the most distant human-made object in space. Source: NASA news bulletins and editorial. New Telescopes - big and small The recent breaking news of the awarding of the SKA contract has swamped the equally exciting news about the new BIGGEST and SMALLEST telescopes now on the cards. The biggest The European Southern Observatory (ESO) is to build the largest optical/infrared telescope in the world. At a meeting in Garching, near Munich, the ESO Council approved the European Extremely Large Telescope (E-ELT) Programme, pending confirmation of four so-called ad referendum votes. The EELT will start operations early in the next decade. It will be the biggest eye on the sky: a huge 39.3 metre segmented-mirror telescope sited on Cerro Armazones in northern Chile, close to ESO’s Paranal Observatory. The Optical configuration of the E-ELT An Artists impression of the E-ELT Observatory. (Note the diminutive sizes of cars and buses parked around the structure). The Smallest Scientists from The Ohio State University bucked the trend (of very big telescopes) last week when they announced having spotted two exoplanets using the diminutive Kilodegree Extremely Little Telescope (KELT North) in southern Arizona. (Its twin, KELT South, is in South Africa.) Astronomer Joshua Pepper (Vanderbilt University) built KELT North as part of his doctoral dissertation while at Ohio State. The scope sports a lens about as powerful as a high-end digital camera, says current OSU doctoral student Thomas Beatty, a member of the team behind the planetary find. The telescope, which cost less than $75,000 to build, performs automated, wide-field surveys of the northern sky. It takes in a 26°-square field of view through an off-the-shelf 80mm, f/1.9 lens and CCD camera. The telescope itself could "almost fit in a shoebox" and reaches only chest height when sitting on its mount, says Beatty. Credit; Joshua Pepper Pint-size though it may be, the planets it found are anything but. The more typical of the two, KELT-2A b, circles the primary star of the binary HD 42176 in the constellation Auriga, about 417 light-years distant. It's a third again larger than Jupiter and orbits every 4.1 days. The KELT team’s second discovery was argued to "reset(s) the bar for weird.” KELT-1 b is 850 light-years from Earth, in the constellation Andromeda. It’s slightly larger than Jupiter but 27 times more massive, a superdense ball of metallic hydrogen just 2 million miles from its star and whipping through its ‘yearly’ orbit in just 29 hours. Source: Sky and Telescope 20 June 2012. DID YOU KNOW? A brief history of the telescope Part 4 Seeing much more clearly: technology catches up with design A massive Herschel telescope Edwin Hubble at the The way a parabolic mirror 100 inch Hooker telescope focuses light at one Whatever their comparative design strengths and weakness, all early reflecting telescopes suffered the same underlying technical limitations. It wasn’t until half a century after Newton built his first telescope that, in 1721, James Hadley, an English mathematician, having solved many of the problems of making a parabolic mirror, demonstrated a reflecting telescope with a six inch parabolic mirror that produced images which competed successfully with the best images produced by the cumbersome refractors of the day. Newton had known that a deeper parabolic design was better than a shallower spherical one, but the latter demanded less technical accuracy in its grinding. Spherical mirrors are unable to bring all the incoming light from a distant object to a common focus. This so-called spherical aberration occurs because the reflection of rays striking the outer edges of the mirror does not converge at the same point as that of rays reaching the central area. In contrast, a parabolic mirror, with its steeper sides, is able to focus all incoming light onto one point, producing a clearer image. The parabolic design does have its own limitations, but it is a huge improvement on spherical mirrors. Following Hadley’s achievement, the size of reflecting telescopes grew rapidly, primary mirror diameter doubling approximately every fifty years. The first giant reflecting telescope is generally accepted to be that of William Herschel. Constructed in 1789, one of over 400 which he built himself, it had a 49 inch mirror and a focal length of 40 feet. To avoid the loss of light from a speculum secondary mirror, he had the primary mounted at an angle to enable him to observe the image directly. Despite the physical challenges associated with telescopes of such a scale, in 1845, Lord Rosse built the 72 inch ‘Leviathan of Parsonstown’ with a focal length of 54 feet. Despite this literal growth in reflectors, the underlying problems of using speculum for mirrors persisted. Development of the achromatic refractor lens, made of several types of glass which, together, counteracted chromatic aberration, led to a resurgence in the development of refracting telescopes, enabling them to grow very large as well. Ultimately, the effect of gravity on lenses which, by the end of the 18th century, reached up to nearly 50 inches in diameter proved to be the force which prevented construction of refractors any larger than that. Unlike mirrors, which can be supported from underneath, lenses are supported round their edges, a requirement which eventually makes additional weight, literally, unsupportable. Running in parallel with the revival of the refractor were developments in mirrors which eventually enabled reflecting telescopes to overtake refractors in the size race. According to Pliny the Elder, the Phoenicians accidentally discovered glass around 3,500 BC when cooking on sand. Since then, many uses for glass were found, but it was only in the mid 19th century that the use of glass in mirrors was perfected. In 1857, Leon Foucault finetuned the process of silvering, the chemical process of depositing an ultra-thin layer of reflective silver on the surface of a piece of glass. This achievement created the first optical quality glass mirrors and literally opened up the skies to astronomers. The silver layer was not only much more reflective and longer lasting than the finish on speculum, it could be removed and reapplied without altering the shape of the mirror. Access to improved mirrors led to a mushrooming in telescope size, and a concomitant explosion in knowledge and understanding of celestial objects and the nature of space. Very large silver on glass telescopes like the 60 inch Hale telescope at Mount Wilson Observatory (1908) and the 100 inch Hooker telescope, also at Mount Wilson (1917) were built. It was use of the latter which enabled Hubble to observe the expansion of the universe. The next great advance in mirror design took another fifty years when, in 1932, the use of long-lasting aluminium coatings on mirrors was perfected. The 200 inch (5 metre) Hale Reflector at Mount Palomar Observatory, completed in 1948, was the largest telescope in the world until the Russian 238 inch (6 metre) Bolshoi telescope was built in the mid 1960’s. However, its size made it physically very difficult to use. The construction and use of even larger telescopes had to await the introduction of methods other than the rigidity of glass to hold the correct shape of the mirror. Advances in mirror design enabled them to be thinner and lighter, and computerisation has made smaller mounts possible. Computerisation has also led to the development of adaptive optics, the process which reduces the effects on optical clarity of the motion of air currents in the atmosphere, further improving the quality of images. Catadioptric telescopes are the third type of optical telescope. Developed only in the mid-20th century, they combine the use of lenses and curved mirrors. Developed from the Schmidt camera, the inclusion of a convex lens in addition to the primary mirror addresses an aberration found in parabolic mirrors. While they prevent spherical aberrations, enabling all reflecting rays to converge at the same point, their shape creates distortions at the edges. The addition of a lens counteracts these distortions, making this design particularly useful in achieving a wide field of view. Combined with the Cassegrain telescope, the SchmidtCassegrain is very popular for amateur use. Large Schmidt telescopes are used for research involving large areas of sky eg astronomical surveys, comet and asteroid searches. Sources: http://en.wikipedia.org, Oxford dictionary of astronomy, Astronomy (Dorling Kindersley – Eyewitness companions, Fitzgerald, M (20050 Stars of the southern skies (2nd ed), Fairall, A (2002) Starwatching For more information on the Hermanus Astronomy Centre and its activities, visit our website at www.hermanusastronomy.co.za COMMITTEE MEMBERS John Saunders (Chairman) 028 Laura Norris (Treasurer) 028 Peter Harvey (Secretary, including membership) 028 Pierre de Villiers (Education centre and observatory)) 028 Derek Duckitt (Website editor) 082 Lynette Geldenhuys (Education co-ordinator) 028 Deon Krige (MONET project and astrophotography) 028 Jenny Morris (Newsletter editor) 071 Non-committee members with roles: Pierre Hugo (Cosmology interest group co-ordinator) 028 Steve Kleyn ( Technical advisor & newsletter astronomy news) Johan Retief (Monthly sky maps) 028 314 316 316 313 414 316 314 350 0543 4453 3486 0109 4024 2428 1045 5560 312 1639 315 1132