National Oesophago-Gastric Cancer Audit OESOPHAGO-GASTRIC CSV FILE DEFINITIONS Version 1.8 Amendment History: Version Date Amendment History Draft July 2007 First draft for comment 1.1 August 2007 First official release 1.2 August 2007 1.3 September 2007 Help on Blank and Multi-value fields added 1.4 October 2007 Revision of endoscopic data items 1.5 November 2007 Correction of mandatory item 1.6 January 2010 Update of mandatory items 1.7 December 2010 Reformatted to make field definitions for tumour item 10 and pathology item 7 easier to view 1.8 June 2011 Correction to Anaesthetic permitted values in Endo-Palliative section Contents About this document Patient.csv: 3 Tumour.csv 5 Surgery.csv 11 Pathology.csv 15 ChemoRadio.csv 19 EndoPal.csv 21 1 About this document Purpose The purpose of this document is to describe the structure of National OesophagoGastric Cancer Audit import files. Audience This document has been written for the National Oesophago-Gastric Cancer Audit development team and for users of the National Oesophago-Gastric Cancer Audit IT system. Overview The National Oesophago-Gastric Cancer Audit IT system is an application in which audit information regarding oesophago-gastric cancer patients and their treatment is stored. The IT system allows the user to add data to the system by importing data files as an alternative to using the data-entry screens. All record types supported by the dataentry screens (Patient, Tumour, Surgery, Pathology, Chemo/Radiotherapy and Endopalliative) are supported by the file-import facility. Data files are uploaded to the system by the user via the web front-end, after which they enter a queue of files to be processed. The additional patient records will not be instantaneously available within the IT because the IT system will need to perform a variety of validation checks. Records which do not confirm to the import specification or which violate any of the import or validation rules will be rejected. It is the responsibility of the user to correct and resubmit the data. This document defines the structure of the import files. File structure The import files are comma-separated value (CSV) files. Each line of the file represents a single data record: “record” in this context refers to a single data entity, not all data associated with an individual. The following record types (data entities) are supported by the system: Patient Demographics Tumour; Surgery; Pathology; Chemo/Radiotherapy; Endo-palliative. Data files may contain any combination of record types, in any order. Records are processed individually and validated against the existing data in the database; it is therefore not required that associated records are uploaded in the same file. For example, it is permissible to upload a file containing a single tumour record, as long as the associated patient record is already present in the database. 1 File delimiters Each record in the file must be provided in the specified format: It must have the correct number of elements; Each element must be delimited by an element delimiter (a comma). Each element may be enclosed in text delimiters (double-quotes) but this is not mandatory All data fields must be provided, even when the value is unknown: when a data item is not known, an empty value must be provided. Example: The following example shows two records, one with quotation marks and one without: “2678901234”,”RA201”,”RA201”,”657123”,”Anybody”,”Jeremy”,”GU15123”,”1”,”01/0 1/1948” 2678901234,RA201,RA201,657123,Anybody,Jeremy,GU15123,1,01/01/1948 2 LEVEL 1 – PATIENT DEMOGRAPHICS Patient.csv: Field No Field Name 1 NHSNumber Permitted Value(s) 10 digit number Mandatory Y 2 Hospital Identifier (submitting organisation) Either 5 characters Or 3 characters Y 3 Hospital Identifier (contact organisation) Either 5 characters Or 3 characters Y 4 HospitalNumber Any value format 5 6 7 Surname Forename Patient Post Code Any text Any text Up to 8 character post code 8 Patient Gender Y Y Y Y 1 2 0 9 9 Date of Birth DD/MM/YYYY Y Description Text field National 10 digit NHS number 5 character National NHS organisation site code of the Unit submitting the patient record(s) (Note: the 3 character code is the code assigned by the OG application not the 3 character national standard Trust code. This is included in the individual IDs, e.g. Beverley Meeson/IAW/ccad. If in doubt contact the OG helpdesk 5 character National NHS organisation site code of the Unit submitting the patient record(s) (Note: the 3 character code is the code assigned by the OG application not the 3 character national standard Trust code. This is included in the individual IDs, e.g. Beverley Meeson/IAW/ccad. If in doubt contact the OG helpdesk) Text field – single value Local to each organisation Patient’s surname Patient’s forename Patient’s post code of usual address at the time of diagnosis Text field – single value A coded item used to record gender. Where: 1=Male 2=Female 0=Not known 9=Not specified Patient’s date of birth Example: The following example shows two records, one with quotation marks and one without: “2678901234”,”RA201”,”RA201”,”657123”,”Anybody”,”Jeremy”,”GU15123”,”1”,”01/01/1948” 2678901234,RA201,RA201,657123,Anybody,Jeremy,GU15123,1,01/01/1948 3 WARNING: Make sure there are no line feeds after the last character of the last line of data – if there are your file will not input correctly, eg, in the example above with the quotation marks end immediately after the last quote, and in the example without the quotation marks, end immediately after the last character, don’t hit the enter key 4 LEVEL 2 – TUMOUR Tumour.csv Field no 1 Field Name NHSNumber Permitted Value(s) 10 digit number Mandatory Y 2 Hospital Identifier (submitting organisation) Either 5 characters Or 3 characters Y 3 Hospital Identifier (contact organisation) Either 5 characters Or 3 characters Y 4 HospitalNumber Any value format 5 ReferralSource 01 03 05 99 6 ReferralPriority 01 02 7 8 DatePrimaryReferral DiagnosisDate DD/MM/YYYY DD/MM/YYYY 5 Y Description Text field National 10 digit NHS number 5 character National NHS organisation site code of the Unit submitting the patient record(s) (Note: the 3 character code is the code assigned by the OG application not the 3 character national standard Trust code. This is included in the individual IDs, e.g. Beverley Meeson/IAW/ccad. If in doubt contact the OG helpdesk 5 character National NHS organisation site code of the Unit submitting the patient record(s) (Note: the 3 character code is the code assigned by the OG application not the 3 character national standard Trust code. This is included in the individual IDs, e.g. Beverley Meeson/IAW/ccad. If in doubt contact the OG helpdesk) Text field – single value Local to each organisation Text field – single value where: 01 = Following an emergency admission (includes all acute admissions via A & E, etc.) 03 = Referral from General Medical Practitioner (for out-patient or other non-emergency referrals) 05 = Referral from a consultant, other than in an A&E department (includes referrals from Screening Services) 99 – Not known (default) Text field – single value where: 01 = Urgent referral for suspected cancer from a General Medical Practitioner 02 = Other referral source or urgency Date format including forward slash Date format including forward slash LEVEL 2 – TUMOUR Field no 9 6 Field Name PretreatmentSite Permitted Value(s) 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 Mandatory Y Description Text field – single value where: 01=Oesophagus Upper third 02=Oesophagus Middle third 03=Oesophagus Lower third 04=Siewert 1 05=Siewert 2 06=Siewert 3 07=Fundus 08=Body 09=Antrum 10=Pylorus LEVEL 2 – TUMOUR Field no 10 7 Field Name PretreatmentHistology Permitted Value(s) M8140/3 M8142/3 M8144/3 M8145/3 M8211/3 M8260/3 M8480/3 M8481/3 M8490/3 M8576/3 M8070/3 M8071/3 M8072/3 M8074/3 M8083/3 M8560/3 M8041/3 M8042/3 M8020/3 M8021/3 M8010/3 M8011/3 M8012/3 M8014/3 M8032/3 M8033/3 M8200/3 M8430/3 M8512/3 M8980/3 M9100/3 M8000/3 Mandatory Y Description Text field – single value where: Adenocarcinoma M8140/3 Adenoncarcinoma NOS M8142/3 Linitis plastica M8144/3 Adenocarcinoma, intestinal type M8145/3 Carcinoma, diffuse type M8211/3 Tubular adenoncarcinoma M8260/3 Papillary adenoncarcinoma NOS M8480/3 Mucinous adenoncarcinoma M8481/3 Mucin-producing adenoncarcinoma M8490/3 Signet ring cell carcinoma M8576/3 hepatoid adenocarcinoma Squamous cell carcinoma M8070/3 Squamous cell carcinoma NOS M8071/3 Squamous cell carcinoma, keratinizing NOS M8072/3 Squamous cell carcinoma, large cell, non-keratinizing M8074/3 Squamous cell carcinoma, spindle cell M8083/3 basaloid squamous cell carcinoma Adenosquamous carcinoma M8560/3 Adenosquamous carcinoma Small-cell carcinoma M8041/3 Small-cell carcinoma NOS M8042/3 Oat-cell carcinoma Undifferentiated carcinoma M8020/3 Carcinoma, undifferentiated NOS M8021/3 Carcinoma, anaplastic NOS Other epithelial carcinoma M8010/3 Carcinoma, NOS M8011/3 Epitheleoma, malignant M8012/3 Large cell carcinoma NOS M8014/3 carcinoma with rhabdoid phenotype M8032/3 Spindle cell carcinoma M8033/3 Pseudosarcomatous carcinoma M8200/3 Adenoid cystic carcinoma M8430/3 Mucoepidermoid carcinoma M8512/3 Medullary carcinoma with lymphoid stroma M8980/3 Carcinosarcoma NOS M9100/3 Choriocarcinoma NOS Malignant neoplasm (histology not done) M8000/3 Neoplasm, Malignant LEVEL 2 – TUMOUR Field no 11 Field Name Staging Procedures Permitted Value(s) 2 4 5E L F 99 12 Pretreatment_T T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 TX 13 Pretreatment_N N0 N1 N2 N3 NX 14 Pretreatment_M M0 M1 M1a M1b MX 15 PerformanceStatus 0 1 2 3 4 5 8 Mandatory Description Text field – multi value where: 2=CT-Scan 4=PET/PET-CT 5E=Endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) L=Laparoscopy F=EUS Fine Needle Aspiration 99=Other Text field – single value where: T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 TX Text field – single value where: N0 N1 N2 N3 NX Text field – single value where: M0 M1 M1a M1b MX Text field – single value where: 0 = Able to carry out all normal activity without restriction 1 = Restricted in physically strenuous activity but able to walk & do light work 2 = Able to walk and capable of all self care but unable to carry out any work. Up and about >50% of waking hours 3 = Capable of only limited self care, confined to bed or chair >50% of waking hours 4 = Completely disabled. Cannot carry on any self care. Totally confined to bed or chair 5 = Not recorded LEVEL 2 – TUMOUR Field no 16 Field Name Comorbid1 Permitted Value(s) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 17 18 CancerCarePlanAgreed CarePlanIntent DD/MM/YYYY C P S 9 19 TreatmentModality 01 02 10 11 12 13 14 21 22 23 20 Palreason (This item shows if CarePlanIntent is palliative and there is a selected value in PalTreatmentModality) 01 02 03 04 99 Mandatory Y Description Text field – multi-value where: 1=Cardiovascular disease 2=COPD/asthma 3=Chronic Renal impairment 4=Liver failure or cirrhosis 5=Diabetes 6=Mental illness 7=Cerebro/Periph Vascular 8=Barrett's oesophagus 9=Significant other Date format including forward slash Text field – single value where: C = Curative P = Palliative: Anti-cancer treatment S = Palliative: supportive care 9 = Not known Text field – single value where: 01 = surgery only 02 = radiotherapy only 10 = Chemotherapy and surgery (any combination) 11 = Definitive chemo-radiotherapy 12 = Chemo-radiotherapy and surgery (any combination) 13 = endoscopic mucosal resection 14 = photodynamic therapy 21 = palliative surgery 22 = palliative oncology: unspecified 23 = endoscopic palliative therapy: unspecified Text field – multi value where: 01= Patient declined curative treatment 02 = Unfit: poor performance status 03 = Unfit: significant co-morbidity 04 = Unfit: advanced stage cancer 99 = Not known (default) Example: The following example shows two records, one with quotation marks and one without: “2678901234”,”RA201”,”RA201”,”657123”,”01”,”01”,”18/03/2007”,”19/03/2007”,”02”,”M8140/3”,”2;5E”,”T1”,”N0”,”MX”,”1”,”1;3”,”23/04/200 7”,”C”,”10”,”” 9 LEVEL 2 – TUMOUR 2678901234,RA201,RA201,657123,01,01,18/03/2007,19/03/2007,02,M8140/3,2;5E,T1,N0,MX,1,1;3,23/04/2007,C,10, BLANK VALUES: Where there is a blank value it cannot be left out – if it is, the import will fail. In records with quotation marks, blank values should be shown with quotation marks and if the value is in the middle of the line, it should be followed with a comma. In the record above with the quotation marks you can see that the last value, Palreason, is blank and is shown with two quotation marks. If the record was in the middle of a line, however, it would be shown similarly to the following: “10”,””,”09”. In records without quotation marks, blank values should be shown with a comma. In the record without the quotation marks, you need to add a comma where there is a blank record – in this case it comes at the end of the row as Palreason is the last value. If the record was in the middle of a line, however, it would be shown similarly to the following: 10,,09 MULTIPLE VALUES: Where there is a multi-value field, separate the multiple values with a semi-colon (;). In the record above with the quotation marks you can see an example of this where each of the fields are separated with a comma, and within the field the multiple values are separated with semicolons: ”1”,”1;3”,”23/04/2007”. In the record above without the quotation marks you can see an example of this where each of the fields are separated with a comma, and within the field the multiple values are separated with semicolons: 1,1;3,23/04/2007 WARNING: Make sure there are no line feeds after the last character of the last line of data – if there are, your file will not input correctly, eg, in the example above with the quotation marks, end immediately after the last quote or in the example without the quotation marks, end immediately after the comma - don’t hit the enter key 10 LEVEL 3 – SURGERY Surgery.csv Field No Field Name 1 NHSNumber Permitted Value(s) 10 digit number 2 Hospital Identifier (submitting org) Either 5 characters Y Or 3 characters 3 Treating Hospital Identifier Either 5 characters Y Or 3 characters 4 HospitalNumber Any value format 5 6 DiagnosisDate Treating_surgeon 7 8 9 Admission Date Date of surgery Surgical_intent DD/MM/YYYY 8-character alphanumeric DD/MM/YYYY DD/MM/YYYY C P 9 10 Priority of Surgery (formerly Mode_of_admission) 11 1 2 3 4 Mandatory Y Y Description Text field National 10 digit NHS number 5 character National NHS organisation site code of the Unit submitting the patient record(s) (Note: the 3 character code is the code assigned by the OG application not the 3 character national standard Trust code. This is included in the individual IDs, e.g. Beverley Meeson/IAW/ccad. If in doubt contact the OG helpdesk 5 character National NHS organisation site code of the Unit submitting the patient record(s) (Note: the 3 character code is the code assigned by the OG application not the 3 character national standard Trust code. This is included in the individual IDs, e.g. Beverley Meeson/IAW/ccad. If in doubt contact the OG helpdesk) Text field – single value Local to each organisation Date format including forward slash Text field Date format including forward slash Date format including forward slash Text field – single value where: C = Curative P = Palliative 9 = Not Known Text field – single value where: 1 = Immediate (NCEPOD 1) 2 = Urgent (NCEPOD 2) 3 = Expedited (NCEPOD 3) 4 = Elective (NCEPOD 4) LEVEL 3 – SURGERY Field No Field Name 11 PatientFitness Permitted Value(s) I II III IV V 12 13 14 LungFunc_FEV% LungFunc_FVC% MainProcedure Number Number 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 Surgical access (thoracic) 1 2 3 9 Y 16 Surgical access (abdominal) 1 2 3 Y 17 FeedingAdjunct 1 2 3 4 12 Mandatory Y Description Text field – single value where: I = Normal healthy patient II = Patient with mild systemic disease III = Patient with severe systemic disease that is not a constant threat to life IV= Patient with severe systemic disease that is a constant threat to life V = Moribund patient who is not expected to survive Text field Text field Text field – single value where: 01=Left thoraco-abdominal approach oesophagectomy 02=2-Phase (Ivor-Lewis) oesophagectomy 03=3-Phase (McKeown) oesophagectomy 04=Transhiatal oesophagectomy 05=Thoracotomy (open & shut) 06=Total gastrectomy 07=Extended total gastrectomy 08=Proximal gastrectomy 09=Distal gastrectomy 10=Completion gastrectomy 11=Merendino gastrectomy 12=Wedge/localised gastric resection 13=Bypass procedure/jejunostomy only 14=Laparotomy (open and shut) Text field – single value where: 1 = Open operation 2 = Thoracoscopic converted to open 3 = Thoracoscopic completed 9 = Not applicable Text field – single value where: 1 = Open operation 2 = Laparoscopic converted to open 3 = Laparoscopic completed Text field – single value where: 1 = Feeding jejunostomy 2 = Parenteral feeding 3 = Other 4 = None LEVEL 3 – SURGERY Field No Field Name 18 RemovedOrgan Permitted Value(s) 1 2 3 4 5 19 Nodal dissection 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 20 Surgical Complication 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 21 DeathInHospital Y N 22 ReturntoTheatre Y N 23 DischargeDate DD/MM/YYYY Mandatory Description Text field – multi-value where 1=Liver 2=Pancreas 3=Spleen 4=Colon 5=Other Text field – single value where: 0=None 1=1 – field 2=2 – field 3=3 – field 4=D0 (Peri-gut resection) 5=D1 6=D2 7=D3 Text field – multi value where: 01=Pneumonia 02=Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) 03=Pulmonary embolism 04=Pleural effusion 05=Anastomotic leak 06=Chyle leak 07=Haemorrhage 08=Cardiac complication 09=Acute renal failure 10=Wound infection Text field – single value where: Y=Yes N=No Text field – single value where: Y=Yes N=No Date format including forward slash Example: The following example shows two records, one with quotation marks and one without: “2678901234”,”RA201”,”RA201”,”657123”,”19/03/2007”,”12345678”,”25/10/2007”,”26/10/2007”,”C”,”2”,”I”,”80”,”10”,”01”,”2”,”2”,”4”,”3;5”, ”4”,”04;07;09”,”N”,”N”,”01/11/2007” 13 LEVEL 3 – SURGERY 2678901234,RA201,RA201,657123,19/03/2007,12345678,25/10/2007,26/10/2007,C,2,I,80,10,01,2,2,4,3;5,4,04;07;09,N,N,01/11/2007 MULTIPLE VALUES: Where there is a multi-value field, separate the multiple values with a semi-colon (;). In the record above with the quotation marks you can see an example of this where each of the fields are separated with a comma, and within the field the multiple values are separated with semicolons: ”4”,”04;07;09”,”N”. In the record above without the quotation marks you can see an example of this where each of the fields are separated with a comma, and within the field the multiple values are separated with semicolons: 4,04;07;09,N WARNING: Make sure there are no line feeds after the last character of the last line of data – if there are your file will not input correctly, eg, in the example above with the quotation marks end immediately after the last quote, and in the example without the quotation marks, end immediately after the last character, don’t hit the enter key 14 LEVEL 3 – PATHOLOGY Pathology.csv Field No Field Name 1 NHSNumber 2 Hospital Identifier (submitting organisation) 3 Hospital Identifier (contact organisation) 4 HospitalNumber 5 6 DiagnosisDate PathologySite 15 Permitted Value(s) 10 digit number Mandatory Description Y Text field National 10 digit NHS number Either 5 characters Y 5 character National NHS organisation site code of the Unit submitting Or the patient record(s) 3 characters (Note: the 3 character code is the code assigned by the OG application not the 3 character national standard Trust code. This is included in the individual IDs, e.g. Beverley Meeson/IAW/ccad. If in doubt contact the OG helpdesk Either 5 characters Y 5 character National NHS organisation site code of the Unit submitting Or the patient record(s) 3 characters (Note: the 3 character code is the code assigned by the OG application not the 3 character national standard Trust code. This is included in the individual IDs, e.g. Beverley Meeson/IAW/ccad. If in doubt contact the OG helpdesk) Any value format Text field – single value Local to each organisation DD/MM/YYYY Date format including forward slash 01 Y Text field – single value where: 02 01=Oesophagus upper third 03 02=Oesophagus middle third 04 03=Oesophagus lower third 05 04=Siewart 1 06 05=Siewart 2 07 06=Siewart 3 08 07=Fundus 09 08=Body 10 09=Antrum 10=Pylorus LEVEL 3 – PATHOLOGY Field No Field Name 7 PathHistology 16 Permitted Value(s) M8140/3 M8142/3 M8144/3 M8145/3 M8211/3 M8260/3 M8480/3 M8481/3 M8490/3 M8576/3 M8070/3 M8071/3 M8072/3 M8074/3 M8083/3 M8560/3 M8041/3 M8042/3 M8020/3 M8021/3 M8010/3 M8011/3 M8012/3 M8014/3 M8032/3 M8033/3 M8200/3 M8430/3 M8512/3 M8980/3 M9100/3 Mandatory Description Y Text field – single value where: Adenocarcinoma M8140/3 Adenoncarcinoma NOS M8142/3 Linitis plastica M8144/3 Adenocarcinoma, intestinal type M8145/3 Carcinoma, diffuse type M8211/3 Tubular adenoncarcinoma M8260/3 Papillary adenoncarcinoma NOS M8480/3 Mucinous adenoncarcinoma M8481/3 Mucin-producing adenoncarcinoma M8490/3 Signet ring cell carcinoma M8576/3 hepatoid adenocarcinoma Squamous cell carcinoma M8070/3 Squamous cell carcinoma NOS M8071/3 Squamous cell carcinoma, keratinizing NOS M8072/3 Squamous cell carcinoma, large cell, non-keratinizing M8074/3 Squamous cell carcinoma, spindle cell M8083/3 basaloid squamous cell carcinoma Adenosquamous carcinoma M8560/3 Adenosquamous carcinoma Small-cell carcinoma M8041/3 Small-cell carcinoma NOS M8042/3 Oat-cell carcinoma Undifferentiated carcinoma M8020/3 Carcinoma, undifferentiated NOS M8021/3 Carcinoma, anaplastic NOS Other epithelial carcinoma M8010/3 Carcinoma, NOS M8011/3 Epitheleoma, malignant M8012/3 Large cell carcinoma NOS M8014/3 carcinoma with rhabdoid phenotype M8032/3 Spindle cell carcinoma M8033/3 Pseudosarcomatous carcinoma M8200/3 Adenoid cystic carcinoma M8430/3 Mucoepidermoid carcinoma M8512/3 Medullary carcinoma with lymphoid stroma M8980/3 Carcinosarcoma NOS M9100/3 Choriocarcinoma NOS LEVEL 3 – PATHOLOGY Field No Field Name 8 ProximalMarginInvolved Permitted Value(s) Y N 99 9 DistalMarginInvolved Y N 99 10 CircMarginInvolved Y N 08 99 11 12 13 NodesExaminedNumber NodesPositiveNumber PostTreatment_T Number Number T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 TX 14 PostTreatment_N N0 N1 N2 N3 NX 15 PostTreatment_M M0 M1 M1a M1b MX 16 HistNeoadjuvant Y N 17 Mandatory Description Text field – single value where: Y=Yes N=No 99 = Not known Text field – single value where: Y=Yes N=No 99 = Not known Text field – single value where: Y=Yes N=No 08=Not applicable 99=Not known Text field – single value Text field – single value Y Text field – single value where: T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 TX Y Text field – single value where: N0 N1 N2 N3 NX Y Text field – single value where: M0 M1 M1a M1b MX Text field – single value where: Y=Yes N=No LEVEL 3 – PATHOLOGY Example: The following example shows two records, one with quotation marks and one without: “2678901234”,”RA201”,”RA201”,”657123”, ”19/03/2007”,”01”,”M8140/3”,”Y”,”N”,”08”,”12”,”0”,”T3”,”N0”,”M0”,”Y” 2678901234,RA201,RA201,657123,19/03/2007,01,M8140/3,Y,N,08,12,0,T3,N0,M0,Y WARNING: Make sure there are no line feeds after the last character of the last line of data – if there are your file will not input correctly, eg, in the example above with the quotation marks end immediately after the last quote, and in the example without the quotation marks, end immediately after the last character, don’t hit the enter key 18 LEVEL 3 – CHEMO/RADIOTHERAPY ChemoRadio.csv Field No Field Name 1 NHSNumber Permitted Value(s) 10 digit number 2 Hospital Identifier (submitting org) Either 5 characters Y Or 3 characters 3 HospitalNumber Any value format 4 Hospital_oncology Either 5 characters Y Or 3 characters 5 6 DiagnosisDate OncolTreatmentIntent DD/MM/YYYY C P A N 7 OncolTreatmentModality 1 2 3 8 9 10 11 ChemoStartDate ChemoCyclesPrescribed ChemoCyclesReceived ChemoProtocol DD/MM/YYYY Number Number 1 2 3 9 19 Mandatory Y Y Y Y Description Text field National 10 digit NHS number 5 character National NHS organisation site code of the Unit submitting the patient record(s) (Note: the 3 character code is the code assigned by the OG application not the 3 character national standard Trust code. This is included in the individual IDs, e.g. Beverley Meeson/IAW/ccad. If in doubt contact the OG helpdesk Text field – single value Local to each organisation 5 character National NHS organisation site code of the Unit submitting the patient record(s) (Note: the 3 character code is the code assigned by the OG application not the 3 character national standard Trust code. This is included in the individual IDs, e.g. Beverley Meeson/IAW/ccad. If in doubt contact the OG helpdesk Date format including forward slash Text field – single value where C = curative P = palliative A = adjuvant N = neoadjuvant Text field – single value where: 1=chemotherapy 2=radiotherapy 3=chemo-radiotherapy Date format including forward slash Text field – single value Text field – single value Text field – single value where: 1 = OEO2 2 = MAGIC / STO2 3 = MACDONALD 9 = other LEVEL 3 – CHEMO/RADIOTHERAPY Field No Field Name 12 ChemoOutcome Permitted Value(s) 0 1 2 3 4 5 9 13 14 15 16 17 18 DD/MM/YYYY Number Number Number Number 0 1 2 3 4 5 9 RadioStartDate RadioDosePrescribed RadioFractionsPrescribed RadioDoseReceived RadioFractionsReceived RadioOutcome Mandatory Description Text field – single value where: 0=Treatment completed as prescribed 1 = Patient died 2 = Progressive disease during chemotherapy 3 = Acute chemotherapy toxicity 4 = Technical or organisational problems 5 = Patient choice (stopped or interrupted treatment) 9 = Not known (default) Date format including forward slash Text field – single value Text field – single value Text field – single value Text field – single value Text field – single value where: 0=Treatment completed as prescribed 1 = Patient died 2 = Progressive disease during radiotherapy 3 = Acute radiotherapy toxicity 4 = Technical or organisational problems 5 = Patient choice (stopped or interrupted treatment) 9 = Not known (default) Example: The following example shows two records, one with quotation marks and one without: “2678901234”,”RA201”,”657123”,”RA201”, ”19/03/2007”,”C”,”3”,”12/12/2007”,”4”,”4”,”9”,”0”,”28/04/2007”,”45”,”25”,”45”,”25”,”0” 2678901234,RA201,657123,RA201,19/03/2007,C,3,12/12/2007,4,4,9,0,28/04/2007,45,25,45,25,0 WARNING: Make sure there are no line feeds after the last character of the last line of data – if there are your file will not input correctly, eg, in the example above with the quotation marks end immediately after the last quote, and in the example without the quotation marks, end immediately after the last character, don’t hit the enter key 20 LEVEL 3 – ENDO-PALLIATIVE EndoPal.csv Field No Field Name 1 NHSNumber Permitted Value(s) 10 digit number 2 Hospital Identifier (submitting org) Either 5 characters Y Or 3 characters 3 HospitalNumber Any value format 4 Hospital_endotherapy Identifier Either 5 characters Y Or 3 characters 5 6 DiagnosisDate EndoConsultant 7 8 EndoProcedureDate DysphagiaScore DD/MM/YYYY 8-character alphanumeric DD/MM/YYYY 0 1 2 3 4 9 9 EndoFirstProcedure 21 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Mandatory Y Y Y Y Y Description Text field National 10 digit NHS number 5 character National NHS organisation site code of the Unit submitting the patient record(s) (Note: the 3 character code is the code assigned by the OG application not the 3 character national standard Trust code. This is included in the individual IDs, e.g. Beverley Meeson/IAW/ccad. If in doubt contact the OG helpdesk Text field – single value Local to each organisation 5 character National NHS organisation site code of the Unit submitting the patient record(s) (Note: the 3 character code is the code assigned by the OG application not the 3 character national standard Trust code. This is included in the individual IDs, e.g. Beverley Meeson/IAW/ccad. If in doubt contact the OG helpdesk) Date format including forward slash Text field Date format including forward slash Text field – single value where: 0=No dysphagia 1=Able to eat solids 2=Able to eat semi-solids only 3=Able to consume liquids only 4= Complete dysphagia 9= Not known Text field – multi value where: 1=Stent insertion 2=Laser therapy 3=Argon plasma coagulation 4=Photodynamic therapy 5=Gastrostomy 6=Brachytherapy 7=Dilation 8=Other LEVEL 3 – ENDO-PALLIATIVE Field No Field Name 10 EndoMultiple Permitted Value(s) Y N 9 11 Anaesthetic 1 2 3 4 9 12 EndoscopistType 1 2 3 4 5 6 13 StentType 1 2 3 4 9 14 StentPlacement 1 2 3 9 15 StentAcrossJunction Y N 9 16 StentDeployed Y N 9 17 EndoPlannedNumber Number 22 Mandatory Description Text field – single value where: Y=Yes N=No 9 = Not known Text field – single value where: 1=Sedation 2=Local anaesthetic spray 3=General anaesthetic 4=Sedation and local anaesthetic spray combined 9=Not known Text field – single value where: 1=Consultant 2=Non-consultant career grade 3=Specialist Registrar 4=Senior House Officer 5=Nurse specialist 6=Other clinician Text field – single value where: 1=Plastic 2=Metal covered 3=Metal uncovered 4=Metal anti reflux 9=Not known Text field – single value where: 1 = Fluoroscopic control 2 = Endoscopic control 3 = Fluoroscopic and endoscopic combined 9 = Not known Text field – single value where: Y=Yes N=No 9=Not known Text field – single value where: Y=Yes N=No 9=Not known Text field – single value LEVEL 3 – ENDO-PALLIATIVE Field No Field Name 18 EndoPlannedProcedure Permitted Value(s) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 19 EndoComplications 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 20 21 EndoUnplannedNumber EndoUnplannedProcedure Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Mandatory Description Text field – multi value where: 1=Stent insertion 2=Laser therapy 3=Argon plasma coagulation 4=Photodynamic therapy 5=Gastrostomy 6=Brachytherapy 7=Dilation 8=Other Text field – multi value where: 1 = Aspiration 2 = Perforation 3 = Haemorrhage 4 = Stent migration 5 = Bolus obstruction 6 = Tumour overgrowth 7 = Death in hospital 8 = Other complication Text field – single value Text field – multi value where: 1=Stent insertion / replacement 2=Laser therapy 3=Argon plasma coagulation 4=Photodynamic therapy 5=Gastrostomy 6=Brachytherapy 7=Dilation 8=Other Example: The following example shows two records, one with quotation marks and one without: “2678901234”,”RA201”,”657123”,”RA201”,”19/03/2007”,”12345678”,”12/12/2007”,”4”,”1;7”,”N”,”3”,”2”,”4”,”2”,”N”,”Y”,”0”,””,”2;5”,”1”,”5; 7” 2678901234,RA201,657123,RA201,19/03/2007,12345678,12/12/2007,4,1;7,N,3,2,2,Y,N,Y,0,,2;5,1,5;7 BLANK VALUES: Where there is a blank value it cannot be left out. If it is, the import will fail. In records with quotation marks, blank values should be shown with quotation marks and if the value is in the middle of the line, it should be followed with a comma. In the record above with the quotation marks you can see that EndoPlannedProcedure is blank, and is shown with two quotation marks as 23 LEVEL 3 – ENDO-PALLIATIVE follows: ”0”,””,”2;5”. In the record above without the quotation marks you can see that EndoPlannedProcedure is blank, and is shown with a comma as follows: 0,,2;5, . If EndoUnplannedProcedure had been blank, you would create it as follows, with two quotation marks: ”1”,”” and without quotation marks it ends with a comma to show that there is a value there: 1, . MULTIPLE VALUES: Where there is a multi-value field, separate the multiple values with a semi-colon (;). In the record above with the quotation marks you can see an example of this where each of the fields are separated with a comma, and within the field the multiple values are separated with semicolons: ”4”,”1;7”,”N” In the record above without the quotation marks you can see an example of this where each of the fields are separated with a comma, and within the field the multiple values are separated with semicolons: 4,1;7,N WARNING: Make sure there are no line feeds after the last character of the last line of data – if there are, your file will not input correctly, eg, in the example above with the quotation marks end immediately after the last quote, and in the example without the quotation marks, end immediately after the last character, don’t hit the enter key 24