Position Description POSITION: Asset Engineer – Maintenance RESPONSIBLE TO: Asset Manager LOCATION: National Office, Wellington DATE: November 2007 JOB PURPOSE To assist the Asset Management Team in managing the highway asset effectively and efficiently, including forward planning and investigation of new initiatives to meet the objectives of our stakeholders in accordance with Transit’s policies and procedures. KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS The state highway Asset Management Plan meets stakeholder objectives, promotes sound asset management practice within Transit and is recognised as industry best practice Asset performance modelling methodologies are implemented and managed which provide robust forecasts of future performance and funding requirements Regional consistency and benchmarking of asset performance is managed through effective use of asset performance measures Promotes teamwork and collaborative working as a member of the national state highway asset management team NETWORK OPERATIONS TEAM This team is dependent on each other and charged with being recognised by the Industry and Transit Board for the efficient delivery of an integrated, safe, responsive and sustainable State Highway network to transport users. FUNCTIONAL RELATIONSHIPS Internal Regional Asset Staff National Office Staff 106747961 External Local Authorities Network Consultants and Contractors Industry Groups Page 1 of 5 ROLE SUMMARY 1. Asset Management Plan The position holder will have responsibility for managing the on-going implementation of the State Highway Asset Management Plan. This is a key document and process for state highway management that reflects high level drivers at the same time as being built up from a sound detailed knowledge of asset requirements at the local network level. 2. Asset Performance Modelling Predicting future asset performance and funding requirements is core business for the state highway asset management team. The Government requires confidence that such predictions are robust so that realistic estimates are available for the sector and beyond. Transit has implemented some methodologies through the use of systems and modelling techniques and this position will be responsible for ongoing improvements in this area. 3. Asset Performance Measures Performance measures are used in regional network management contracts as well as for national reporting. The position will be responsible for analysis and development to ensure that any such measures are appropriate for regional, national (and where appropriate international) benchmarking. The focus will be on asset performance measures, although reference to wider organizational measures will also need to be made. 4. Business Improvement Projects and Business Management As a senior member of the National Asset Management team, the position will be responsible for encouraging on-going source of teamwork and collaboration in all projects. This will require working with wider industry and representing Transit at national and possibly occasionally international meetings. Various important initiatives are an on-going responsibility of the team and the position will lead and contribute as required to ensure high quality outcomes. PERSON SPECIFICATION Sector Knowledge Knowledge of Transit’s policies and procedures would be an advantage. Core Skills The position holder will have a proven ability to communicate clearly and concisely, both orally (including presentation skills) and in writing. They will have strong analytical capabilities and a desire to think strategically. The position holder will have experience in dealing with the public, public meetings and media and, given the extent of liaison with Transit and consulting staff and the staff development/management expectation, the position holder must be highly proficient with the English language. This position requires high proficiency with computing skills. Behavioural Skills Innovation + Communication + Cooperation = Excellence (ICCE) are the behaviours that apply to all staff in Transit and are required for Transit to succeed in achieving its strategic objectives. 106747961 Page 2 of 5 The competency levels for this position are: Innovation Communication Cooperation Level Level Level C C C (Refer attached competencies matrix.) Required Attributes The position holder will have sufficient maturity and judgement to liaise effectively and be accepted by senior managers and engineering staff within the wider roading industry, and our customers. The position holder will require minimum specific motivation or leadership in progressing the key objectives of this brief. They will have the ability to work well under pressure and to work as part of a team. Technical Skills and Qualifications The position holder will be tertiary qualified in engineering and preferably with a Bachelor of Engineering or equivalent, with significant experience in roading and asset/maintenance management. A valid NZ Driver’s Licence (or equivalent) is required for this position. ACCOUNTABILITIES Asset Engineer – Maintenance Key Result Areas Accountabilities Asset Management Transit’s Asset Management Plan meets stakeholder objectives Work with national and regional staff and stakeholders where appropriate to ensure that Transits Asset Management Plan meets best practice Ensure the State Highway Asset Management Manual is updated to reflect evolving asset management requirements Audit regional asset management processes to ensure practices and the Asset Management Plan are aligned Ensure Asset Management Plan is aligned with Annual Plan and funding requirements Develop good asset management practice Monitor international developments in asset management planning to inform work in this area Asset Performance Modelling Asset Performance Modeling processes will be reliable, fit for purpose and match resource capacity Manage development of sustainable methodologies for predicting asset future performance Drive optimisation principles into Transit’s on-going asset management business Manage valuation of the state highway asset and ensure results are consistent with Transit’s overall asset management forward works programmes Develop asset valuation so that it becomes a more visible part of Transit’s asset management process Perform analyses to highlight issues of consistency across regions in 106747961 Page 3 of 5 Key Result Areas Accountabilities all areas of asset management, and drive improvements as required Asset Performance Measures Asset Performance Measures are fit for purpose and up to date Ensure asset performance measures are fit for purpose for any national or international benchmarking and regional contracts reflect up to date national thinking Review existing measures and identify opportunities for improvement to measures to ensure world best practice is achieved Develop conclusions on annual measures into realistic action plans in network operations business Ensure physical works and professional service contracts reflect latest thinking on asset performance measures Business Improvement and Business Management Contributions to and management of activities and projects within asset management team are positive, promote high quality outcomes and build institutional capability collaboratively Business Management Manage new initiatives that arise from time to time based on current business need e.g. (Immediate need) Contribute to development of the Asset Management Team Business Plans Contribute to industry working groups as required to further Transit’s asset management goals Work on Austroads projects as required to further interstate consistency Manage development of a robust asset management methodology for specific state highway assets as required e.g. ITS assets Manage the engagement of professional service suppliers as required to fulfill objectives On-going financial and budget management of projects and suppliers as required Liaise with and support other Transit divisions as appropriate to ensure input on relevant issues and that all projects/initiatives as required Business Administration Additional duties Carry out such other duties within the scope of technical and/or administrative support as may be required from time to time Personal development Take responsibility and action for own personal development, to meet future organisation needs Maintain Transit standards Continuously work within the spirit and intent of the values of Transit and promote Transit’s practice with colleagues and external associates Ensure all work is conducted in a manner that meets the quality systems and practice standards of Transit New Zealand 106747961 Page 4 of 5 ICCE Competency Matrix - Innovation Challenging assumptions and constantly looking for ways to deliver the best value for money for Transit and the best outcomes for transport Competency Area Level A Level B Level C Level D Demonstrated behaviours As with Level A plus: As with Level B plus: As with Level C plus: • Keeps an ear to ground in • Proactively scans the external • Uses internal networks to gather • Identifies situations that may have a Identifying all situations for information environment for points of interest information across Transit positive or negative impact on Transit’s opportunities & relevant to own area & & potential / emerging issues • Questions the status quo for its credibility, making connections issues passes on • Looks for better & more efficient appropriateness in the current between unrelated pieces of ways of achieving the required environment, developing new or information in order to provide insight business result better approaches to achieving • Initiates ideas likely to positively business results impact beyond own division / region Level E As with Level D plus: • Accurately identifies & assesses political & sensitive issues for impact on Transit & transport partners • Initiates ideas likely to assist achievement of Transit’s & transport partners strategic objectives Maximising opportunities • N/A • Analyses opportunities methodically, identifying all cost drivers & seeking the right balance of cost & benefit in making a recommendation • Considers all relevant pro’s & con’s, developing a clear logic that ensures alignment to Transit’s objectives, & implementation feasibility without hampering others • Shows integrity in making robust recommendations / decisions, ensuring full consideration of the trade-offs between value drivers (e.g. environmental, safety, cost) • Applies sound judgment about which ideas will provide most value for Transit & transport partners, using experience to balance the short term risks & gains against the long term • Provides a sharp perspective on • Thinks laterally, providing insight issues & problems, forming a view of into complex problems, direction the associated risk to Transit for resolution & driving others • Exercises considerable judgment in towards an answer reaching decisions, in short timeframes • Uses extensive judgment to if required by the issue make decisions that withstand any contest at an Executive level Solving problems • Gathers accurate information on the problem • Determines problem nature by asking appropriate questions • Develops an approach to resolving the problem, identifying the right people to involve, & ensuring resolution in a timely manner Applying a broad perspective • Thinks across the range of • Thinks beyond current Transit processes & boundaries in all situations, not objectives confined by process & tradition • Identifies the root cause, & any short & long-term impact across Transit, ensuring solutions meet organisational needs • Relies on previous experience to resolve problems, applying judgment to add weight to analysis when forming decisions • Thinks conceptually, considering what Transit / stakeholders needs will be in the future & how they can be addressed • Takes a national & cross-divisional • Always considers the broadest & view, looking for impacts on Transit, it’s longest-term view of a challenge stakeholders, their strategies, & or opportunity communities ICCE Competency Matrix - Communication Providing timely, complete & relevant information in a way that delivers on the needs of others, to assist a successful end result Competency Area Level A Level B Level C Level D Demonstrated behaviours As with Level A plus: As with Level B plus: As with Level C plus: • Seeks to understand • Seeks to understand Transit’s • Seeks to fully understand the • Interprets diverse pieces of Understanding Transit, it’s structure, stakeholders & their needs, stakeholder’s position, extracting information concisely, seeking clarity process & objectives asking open questions to ensure important information from around areas of conflict or a full understanding of other communications & checking misalignment with Transit position or parties & how they relate to own interpretation direction work • Conveys routine • Addresses stakeholders • Provides timely information, • Provides accurate information in any Keeping information completely & information needs, ensuring ensuring stakeholders are informed situation ensuring all questions are stakeholders accurately, using noncommunications occur as about impacts before they occur answered & adding valuable insight informed technical language where promised & are consistent with • Tailors communication approach • Is effective in communicating both possible Transit position to audience, structuring information inside & outside Transit • Voices position confidently, in a meaningful way to maximise stressing key message points & acceptance & buy-in providing reasoning for the position taken Ensuring 'no surprises' within Transit • Escalates developing issues ASAP to minimise impact • Provides information on potential issues & non-successes to the correct person in a timely manner • Assesses the possible impact of potential issues & non-successes to Transit & its stakeholders, escalating where relevant • Accurately assesses the impact of potential issues & non-successes, escalating complete information with recommended actions Applying organisational sensitivity • Knows when to not • Considers potential implications • Understands Transit’s position and delivers the message (good or bad) comment externally, handing when giving information, handing appropriately over communications to the over to others if unsure appropriate person Level E As with Level D plus: • Accurately interprets the political environment & various political stakeholders’ needs & expectations of Transit • Proactively addresses information needs of internal & external parties to minimise future issues • Communicates complex, ambiguous or contentious information effectively • Accurately advises developing issues, using judgment to assess real & potential impact & providing complete recommended actions • Consistently provides information in alignment with Transit’s & the government’s position ICCE Competency Matrix - Cooperation Looking outside of our own division and working in an integrated manner, both with external stakeholders and across Transit, to achieve the best transport solutions Competency Area Level A Level B Level C Level D Level E Demonstrated behaviours As with Level A plus: As with Level B plus: As with Level C plus: As with Level D plus: • Works as part of a team • Understands the linkages • Actively assists towards the • Emphasises the achievement of • Promotes the ‘one business’ Contributing to the respecting the timelines of between Transit teams & their success of other teams / divisions, organisational objectives over approach, taking action to remove Transit team others, ensuring own interdependence to achieve recognising that they are important individual objectives, changing barriers to effective teamwork priorities do not impede Transit’s objectives, changing to own success priorities to assist the achievement of across the division & between others own priorities where necessary organisational priorities divisions to reflect the team’s • Disseminates information on Transit’s direction to staff, translating organisational objectives & team results • Shares information about • Gets involved early with • Draws on the common interests of • Accurately identifies whom to bring • Accurately defines how Collaborating with own work & how that relates stakeholders to ensure the right parties, gaining input from others & together to ensure complete collaboration can improve team & stakeholders to others input is provided at the right time seeking buy-in to objectives in a representation, defining common organisational performance, • Works with others, identifying timely & inclusive manner objectives with stakeholders providing support for collaborative alternatives for delivering • Identifies integrated solutions, • Confidently works across boundaries efforts stakeholder outcomes within own focusing on consensus, rather than to get the required result, sharing • Prioritises resources based on objectives compromise, to get best possible resources to achieve objectives joint Transit & stakeholder outcome objectives, focusing the team on what’s important Interpersonal savvy 106747961 • Builds positive working relationships with fellow team members • Builds internal & external links to assist in achieving own objectives, developing positive & productive relationships with stakeholders • Forms a view on best way to interact with individual stakeholders based on their needs & expectations Page 5 of 5 • Develops effective networks, gaining the trust of other parties by ensuring they are engaged at the right time & in the right way to get buy-in • Suggests solutions for change if cannot directly influence • Builds trust & gains buy-in from stakeholders who may hold differing or conflicting views • Has a convincing style which helps to influence direction & decisions • Builds trust & gains buy-in from stakeholders, mentoring others on the best way to work with stakeholders to achieve a successful result • Builds rapport with stakeholders, negotiating effectively to achieve desired result