Assignment 4 -- Graphics

Assignment 4 – Graphics Programming
Dean Zeller
Spring, 2007
Due: Thursday, February 15th by 5:00 PM
10 points
The student will create pictures using a set of Python drawing procedures.
Graphics programming is generally covered for the first time in senior-level programming classes. It is
considered to be a sufficiently difficult topic to warrant covering it after programmers have some experience.
This assignment is a fundamental change in that philosophy. Creating graphic pictures such as those in the
examples is no more difficult than traditional programming. This assignment will give you an introduction to
how programmers create works of art using a different kind of canvas. It will also serve as a stepping-stone to a
computer animation assignment.
Using graphics procedures in Python is very easy. Within a few lines of code, one can easily create a
circle, line, polygon, rectangle, or any other shape. The challenge in graphics programming is using those
procedures efficiently to produce a program interface or work of art. This is a description of the steps needed to
draw basic shapes. You may first test your usage of these procedures by practicing using Python’s interactive
from Tkinter import *
This line of code imports a library of commands for graphics programming. This should be the first line of
code in your program.
canvas = Canvas(width=600, height=600, bg='white')
This line of code creates a Canvas object with a white background. The initial width and height are optional
parameters, and the user can change the size of the window once created. Note that the canvas origin (0,0) is
on the top-left corner, and the Y-coordinate moves down as y increases. While initially confusing, this is a
standard in graphics programming.
canvas.pack(expand=YES, fill=BOTH)
To be honest, I really don’t know what the above statement does. But without it, nothing draws on the canvas.
canvas.create_oval(left, top, right, bottom, width=4, fill='green')
This procedure creates an oval corresponding to the given parameters of left, top, right, and bottom.
The width and fill parameters can be omitted (default values 1 and 'white').
canvas.create_line(x1,y1, x2,y2, x3,y3, … xn,yn, width=3)
This procedure creates a series of lines from x1,y1 to x2,y2 to x3,y3, and so on, with the specified width.
Use two points for a single line. For a closed polygon, start and end on the same point.
canvas.create_polygon(x1,y1, x2,y2, x3,y3, … xn,yn, fill='red1')
This procedure creates a red polygon defined by the point x1,y1 to x2,y2 to x3,y3, and so on. Colors may be
specified in darkness levels 1, 2, 3, and 4.
canvas.create_rectangle(left, top, right, bottom, fill='orange')
This procedure creates an orange rectangle defined by left, top, right, and bottom specified.
Creating Pictures
One can simply use the graphics procedures to create pictures, but
it can become cumbersome to hand-calculate every point to draw. It is
far more efficient to create a Python object to draw a piece of the
picture. Creating the objects with the right parameters will allow for
multiple drawings of the same picture at different sizes, positions,
and orientations. To do this efficiently, one must use objects
similar to those in the example.
Consider the design for the stick figure. The parameters
sent to the method are left, top, width, and height. The
guidepoints for right, bottom, and center are calcualted
based on the parameters. Other guidepoints can be created as
needed before the drawing begins. This will give the object
scalability. Use the example program as a template to create scalable
objects. Note that a negative width or height can be specified to flip the
image vertically or horizontally.
 height
Use Python to create one or more original works of art. There are no requirements on the tools used, but
you are being graded on the artistic merit and complexity of your finished drawing.
Use the program documentation to explain the history and creative thinking behind the drawing. For the
object documentation, describe the picture drawn, and include comments as necessary for each piece of the
picture. For the program documentation, describe the picture in general terms. Describe the bugs or strange
behavior of the drawing.
If something does not draw…
Debugging traditional programs and graphic programs are different. There will be times an object does
not appear on the canvas, even though it worked perfectly before. The following is a list of reasons an object
does not draw correctly:
1. The line thickness could be 0.
2. The x and y coordinates could be off of the canvas.
3. Another drawing could be covering the missing drawing.
4. The size of the object could be 0.
Turning in your Assignment
Printing your artwork will involve more than just a menu command. Python does not provide a way to print a
canvas. To print your work, capture your screen and paste into Word or PowerPoint. (In Windows, the Print
Screen button will copy the current screen.)
 Print two (2) copies of your drawing(s). One will be graded and returned.
 Informally present your drawing(s) to the class.
You will be graded on the following criteria
Correctly using the graphic procedures
Readability Block documentation, proper indentation, and meaningful variable names
Artistic merit of the pictures created
Extra Credit
 Present your assignment by Thursday, February 8th.
 Exceptional creativity in pictures created.
 Exceptional complexity in pictures created (e.g. create the American flag by executive order 10834)
Standard proportions
Hoist (width) of flag
Fly (length) of flag
Hoist (width) of Union
0.5385 (7/13)
Fly (length) of Union
Diameter of star
Width of stripe
0.0769 (1/13)
source: Betsy Ross Homepage (
Japan (Naval)
South Korea
Graphics Procedures Demonstration 1.00
Written by: Dean Zeller
This program was written for demonstration purposes for CS10061
(Introduction to Programming) at Kent State University.
(C) 2007 Dean Zeller
This program is the first in a series of assignments in a
revolutionary new style of introductory-level programming.
Students with very little knowledge of Python programming can
easily begin drawing pictures and animations using code similar
to the objects found below.
from Tkinter import *
from whrandom import randint
# import all methods from the Tkinter library
# import the randint method from the whrandom library
Stick Figure
This object contains a method to draw a stick figure according
to the specified parameters:
canvas -- canvas to draw the stick figure
-- x-coordinate defining the left of the picture
-- y-coordinate defining the top of the picture
width -- width of the picture in pixels
height -- height of the picture in pixels
thickness -- line thickness
class StickFigure(object):
def draw(self, canvas, left, top, width, height, thickness):
# calculate guidepoints: right, bottom, center, and middle
right = left + width
bottom = top + height
center = (left + right) / 2
middle = (top + bottom) / 2
# calculate guidepoints: centerleft, centerright, middletop, and middlebottom
centerleft = (center + left) / 2
centerright = (center + right) / 2
middletop = (middle + top) / 2
middlebottom = (middle + bottom) / 2
# calculate guidepoints: legheight and armheight
legheight = (middle + middlebottom)/2
armheight = (middletop + middle) / 2
# draw head
canvas.create_oval(centerleft, top, centerright, middletop,
# draw body
canvas.create_line(center, middletop, center, legheight,
# draw legs
canvas.create_line(center, legheight, centerleft, bottom,
canvas.create_line(center, legheight, centerright, bottom,
# draw arms
armheight = (middletop + middle) / 2
canvas.create_line(center, armheight, left, middletop,
canvas.create_line(center, armheight, right, middletop,
This object contains a method to draw an amulet-style shape for
the Star Of Dean, according to the specified parameters:
canvas -- canvas to draw the star
-- x-coordinate defining the left of the picture
-- y-coordinate defining the top of the picture
width -- width of the picture in pixels
height -- height of the picture in pixels
thickness -- line thickness
HISTORICAL NOTE: My brother's name is David. As a kid, I had
always wondered why *he* had a star ("Star of David"), but I
did not. I have always been fond of an 8-pointed star. So I
decided to create the infamous "Star of Dean". This object draws #
one example of the Star of Dean. As the Deanidian religion grows,#
there will be more of these stars around.
BUGS: It must be noted that the outer circle is outside of the
boundary defined by left, top, width, and height. This was
necessary for the artistic nature of the star.
class StarOfDean(object):
def draw(self, canvas, left, top, width, height, thickness):
# calculate guidepoints: right, bottom, center, and middle
right = left + width
bottom = top + height
center = (left + right) / 2
middle = (top + bottom) / 2
# calculate guidepoints: centerleft, centerright, middletop, and middlebottom
centerleft = (center + left) / 2
centerright = (center + right) / 2
middletop = (middle + top) / 2
middlebottom = (middle + bottom) / 2
# draw outer circle
canvas.create_oval(left-width*.06, top-height*.06,
right+width*.06, bottom+height*.06,
width=thickness, fill='purple3')
# draw polygon and line
canvas.create_polygon(centerleft, bottom,
centerleft, top,
right, middlebottom,
left, middlebottom,
centerright, top,
centerright, bottom,
left, middletop,
right, middletop,
centerleft, bottom,
width=thickness, fill='blue2')
canvas.create_line(centerleft, bottom,
centerleft, top,
right, middlebottom,
left, middlebottom,
centerright, top,
centerright, bottom,
left, middletop,
right, middletop,
centerleft, bottom,
# draw inner circles
canvas.create_oval(centerleft, middletop,
centerright, middlebottom,
width=thickness, fill='green4')
canvas.create_oval(center-width*.05, middle-height*.05,
center+width*.05, middle+height*.05,
canvas.create_oval(center-width*.15, middle-height*.15,
center+width*.15, middle+height*.15,
canvas.create_oval(center-width*.35, middle-height*.35,
center+width*.35, middle+height*.35,
canvas.create_oval(center-width*.45, middle-height*.45,
center+width*.45, middle+height*.45,
This object contains a method to draw simple house. To
illustrate how pictures can be within pictures, a stained-glass
window is included using the StarOfDean object.
canvas -- canvas to draw the house
-- x-coordinate defining the left of the picture
-- y-coordinate defining the top of the picture
width -- width of the picture in pixels
height -- height of the picture in pixels
thickness -- line thickness
color -- color of the house
BUGS: At this point, the window is NOT scalable. This will
produce strange results for small houses.
class House(object):
def draw(self, canvas, left, top, width, height, thickness, color):
# calculate guidepoints: right, bottom, center, and middle
right = left + width
bottom = top + height
center = (left + right) / 2
middle = (top + bottom) / 2
# calculate guidepoints: centerleft, centerright, middletop, and middlebottom
centerleft = (center + left) / 2
centerright = (center + right) / 2
middletop = (middle + top) / 2
middlebottom = (middle + bottom) / 2
# draw the house polygon
canvas.create_polygon(left, bottom,
center, bottom,
right, middlebottom,
right, middletop,
centerright, top,
centerleft, middletop,
left, middle,
left, bottom,
# draw the house lines
canvas.create_line(left, bottom,
center, bottom,
right, middlebottom,
right, middletop,
center, middle,
center, bottom,
center, middle,
left, middle,
left, bottom,
left, middle,
centerleft, middletop,
center, middle,
centerleft, middletop,
centerright, top,
right, middletop,
# draw the stained-glass window
window = StarOfDean()
window.draw(canvas, centerleft-15, middletop+15, 30, 30, 1)
Main program -- ZellerTown
This program creates the picture for a typical day in ZellerTown. #
Using the StickFigure, StarOfDean, and House objects defined
above, several town figures, houses, a sun, and a demon-summoning #
altar are drawn.
# create canvas
canvas = Canvas(width=600, height=600, bg='tan')
canvas.pack(expand=YES, fill=BOTH)
# define objects
townsfolk = StickFigure()
star = StarOfDean()
house = House()
# draw picture piecewise, allowing user to control flow
raw_input("Press return to draw a stickfigure")
raw_input("Press return to draw the sun")
raw_input("Press return to draw an evil magician doing a demon summoning ritual")
raw_input("Press return to draw some houses.")
raw_input("Press return to draw a fiddler on the roof!")
print "Thank you!"
We Have Visitors
designed by Dean Zeller
drawn by Zhiyong Yang
designed by Dean Zeller
drawn by Zhiyong Yang
designed by Dean Zeller
drawn by Zhiyong Yang
Lightning Fast
designed by Dean Zeller
drawn by Zhiyong Yang
My Washing Bottle
designed and drawn by
Zhiyong Yang
Have a Mad Day
designed by Dean Zeller
drawn by Zhiyong Yang
Tanks for the Memories
designed and drawn by
David Amon
designed and drawn by
David Amon
Down the Tracks
designed and drawn by
Josh Myers
My Pet
designed and drawn by
Zhiyong Yang
Double Happy
designed and drawn by
Zhiyong Yang
On the Bridge
designed and drawn by
Josh Myers