Anti-Violence List - New Rochelle High School

Anti-Violence Resources (programs listed below)
Portal Site – Implementing Prevention Programs and Policies
National Youth Violence Prevention (gov site)
School Violence Facts Sheets
Canadian Safe School Network has many resources
Safe From Harm Online Anthology on School Security from the American School Board Journal
Center for Effective Collaboration and Practice (portal)
National Youth Gang Center Publications List
Comprehensive Gang Programs List
A.S.A.P. Will Help You To...
mobilize support, build enthusiasm from teachers, students, parents, trustees and administration for violence prevention initiatives
get started with small steps, such as awareness sessions for students and teachers
deal with disclosures
develop a comprehensive plan for violence prevention, including policies and curriculum integration
access video, theatre, and curriculum resources by grade level through an extensive list of resources
develop pro-active, preventative school responses to violence
Lock Out Violence Everyday Campaign© is to bring organizations, schools, state and government agencies, domestic violence
advocates, safe houses, emergency shelters, churches, private organizations (ex. YMCA, Boys & Girls Clubs, etc.) , private businesses and
more to focus the attention of the entire community on violence issues and solutions in our schools, homes and community.
The BRAVE (Bully Reduction/Anti-Violence Education) Program, developed by the Alliance for School Mental Health, BRAVE brings the
effective components of bully and violence prevention to schools in a user-friendly and cost-effective manner.
The S.A.V.E. (Student Anti-Violence Education) program is conducted by the Midwest City Police Department in cooperation with the MidDel Public Schools. The program’s goal is to prevent young people from becoming involved with gangs, violence, alcohol or other drugs. It
is ten weeks long, taught once each week, in the third and sixth grades in the local schools.
Too Good for Drugs & Violence — High School is a comprehensive prevention education program for grades 9-12 designed to equip
students with the knowledge, skills and attitudes they need to remain safe and drug free.
The purpose of the Peaceful Playground Program is to introduce children and school staff to the many choices of activities available
on playgrounds and field areas. Well marked game activities provide increased motivation for children to enter into an activity and become
engaged in purposeful play, thus cutting down on playground confrontations.
Guidelines for Responding to Student Threats of Violence is a research-based manual that explains how to form a school team to
assess and resolve student threats of violence. It provides detailed instruction for school administrators, psychologists, counselors, and law
enforcement officers in a seven-step threat assessment and intervention process.
The mission of The Safe Schools Coalition: A Public-Private Partnership in Support of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Youth is
to help schools - at home and all over the world - become safe places where every family can belong, where every educator can teach,
and where every child can learn, regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation.
National Alliance for Safe Schools - NASS offers a variety of services that include training, school security assessments, and technical
assistance. Since our inception, NASS has been conducting seminars, workshops, symposiums, and in-service training’s for individual
schools, school districts, state educational organizations, national educational organizations, law enforcement and federal agencies and
parent groups. We have conducted hundreds of training programs involving over 100,000 attendees throughout the United States, Canada,
Bermuda, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands.
KEYS, a not-for-profit organization, is a world leader in supplying professional training and materials to schools, youth organizations
and law enforcement agencies across the United States and beyond.
Safe Schools Manual at
NEA and its affiliates are working to address the root causes of violence among students. Toward that end, we are sharing effective
strategies to:
Reduce and eliminate bullying and harassment
Expand access to counseling, anger management and peer mediation
Provide ways for students to communicate with adults about rumors and threats
Develop instruction that teaches values like respect and responsibility, and expand opportunities for kids to work with adult role models in afterschool education and recreation programs.
The Olweus Bullying Prevention Program is a universal intervention for the reduction and prevention of bully/victim problems. The
main arena for the program is the school, and school staff has the primary responsibility for the introduction and implementation of the
Success in Stages® programs deliver the guidance that each student is ready to receive -- individualized prevention and intervention
instruction that reflects each student's attitudes, beliefs, behaviors, and position on the Stages of Change continuum as determined by his
or her responses to interactive assessment questions.
The Bullying Prevention Program engages school administrators, faculty, students and parents in school -wide activities to
prevent bullying and to promote a positive school climate. Schools develop a leadership team, conduct a survey, receive staff
and parent training, teach lessons in the classroom and participate in meetings with representatives from other schools.
Launched in 1998 with funding from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), this program utilizes a school wide approach to bullying prevention. Through funding from the Texas Governor’s Office, SafePlace continues to work with
new schools each year.
The G.R.E.A.T. Program is a school-based, law enforcement officer-instructed classroom curriculum. The program's primary objective
is prevention and is intended as an immunization against delinquency, youth violence, and gang membership. G.R.E.A.T. lessons focus on
providing life skills to students to help them avoid delinquent behavior and violence to solve problems.
Pheonix Gang Intervention Program - We provide evidence-based treatment and curriculum resources for use in correctional,
probation, parole, detention, diversion, community, and school programs. These highly successful and innovative resources are used
nationwide to address the risk factors underlying gang recruitment and gang involvement, and provide concrete tools for both gang
intervention programs and gang prevention programs.