P.O. BOX 5141
MACON, GA. 31208
The meeting of Lambda Phi Chapter will be held January 14, 2013, at The Fraternity
Facility located across from Bibb Budweiser Distributor at 7:30 p.m.
MACON, GA. 31206
(478) 788-0071
December 10, 2012
Formal Opening
Brother Richard Brown called the meeting of Lambda Phi to order. Brother Ronald Taylor offered the
prayer. Minutes of the last meeting were approved with the necessary corrections.
The Warner Robins Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. invites you to become a
Community Sponsor of our Annual Scholarship Ball to be held at the Galleria Conference Center and
Banquet Hall in Warner Robins, Georgia on February 9, 2013 at 7:13 p.m. All proceeds will benefit
scholarship initiatives and your donations are tax deductible. Sponsorship levels are based on our sorority
colors. Sponsorship levels, amounts, and benefits are as follows: Patron ($125.00) – Sponsor receives:
Two complimentary tickets, advertisement on Scholarship Ball event literature/slide presentation,
recognition the night of the event indicating sponsorship level, distinctive VIP seating at event and
catered/pampered service; White ($250.00) Sponsor receives: Four complimentary tickets, advertisement
on Scholarship Ball event literature/slide presentation, recognition the night of the event indicating
sponsorship level, distinctive VIP seating at event and catered/pampered service; Red ($500.00) – Sponsor
receives Eight complimentary tickets, advertisement on Scholarship Ball event literature/slide presentation,
recognition the night of the event indicating sponsorship level, distinctive VIP seating at event, plaque to
display in place of business indicating you as Scholarship Sponsor, free electronic advertising at all Delta
Events for 2012-2013 sorority year and catered/pampered service; Crimson ($750.00) Sponsor receives –
twelve complimentary tickets, advertisement on Scholarship Ball event literature/slide presentation,
recognition the night of the event indicating sponsorship level, distinctive VIP seating at event, plaque to
display in place of business indicating you as Scholarship Sponsor, free electronic advertising at all Delta
Events for the 2012-2013 sorority year, and catered/pampered service. Please submit camera-ready logo
and return it by December 31, 2012 with a check payable to WRAC-DST.
The 7th District Meeting will be held in Tampa Florida April 4 – 7, 2013. It has been requested that each
chapter purchase an ad for the 7th District Book. The prices are as follows: Full page ($250), Half page
($175), Quarter page ($150), Eighth page ($75), Patron ($25). It was decided that the chapter would table
at the next meeting.
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Mrs. Stacie Mordue, the Foundation Coordinator for the “It Takes A Village” Foundation spoke with the
Brothers on the partnership with the Lambda Phi Chapter in getting grants. The Middle Georgia Lambda
Phi Chapter of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity and the Dr. Hodges It Takes A Village Charitable Foundation
share a joint mission to improve the communities of Bibb, Houston, and Peach Counties by encouraging
the juvenile population to see a brighter future for themselves and those around them. Education will focus
on the areas of career preparation including job interview training (etiquette and proper attire), application
and resume writing classes and entrepreneurship training. The encouragement will be in the form of a
mentorship program that will provide a figure of guidance for those who may lack that support system
otherwise. The foundation is considering having one carnival in Macon and one carnival in Fort Valley
around April and May. The Spring Fling will include a street carnival, career fair, college fair, and a
registration table for education and mentoring program. The grants have to be in by the end of December.
The grants can be up to $25,000. The foundation is proposing that the chapter participate in a raffle, which
will begin on January 1, 2013, and end December 31, 2013. The raffle tickets are sold for $50.00. If your
raffle ticket matches the Saturday Evening Cash 3 numbers then you win for that week. If the number is not
sold yet, it rolls to Sunday Evening and if no winner is claimed on Sunday Evening then it rolls to Monday
Evening. Monday’s drawing is the final for that week. Each ticket is good for 52 chances to win. The
prize is a $250.00 Visa Gift Card. The winner will be notified by email/phone when your number is drawn.
The gift card must be picked up within 30 days.
Renaissance T.E.A.M. Brother Ronald Taylor stated that the closing program for the Renaissance
T.E.A.M. has been moved to February 24, 2013 at the Douglass Theatre. He stated the Renaissance
T.E.A.M. would be meeting back on Saturday, from 9:00 – 2:00 starting in January. He stated that the
students would be selling ads so that they can come up with moneys for the tuxedos and other items. The ad
prices are $25.00 - $100.00.
Achievement Week: Brother Ronald Taylor stated that the Achievement Week Worship Service was held
at the Greater Lizzieboro Baptist Church on 1180 Fort Hill Street on November 18, 2012. Brother Ken
Morris was the guest speaker. The meal was served at the church after the service. Forty-Eight Brothers
attended the worship service. The cost of the meals was $315.00 even though some Brothers didn’t pay for
their meal. The chapter donated $200.00 to the Church Youth Ministry. Brother Ken Morris was given a
gratuity of $200.00. The church program books cost $180.00 and the awards cost $489.74. The awards
were as follows: Tahrea Grant – Graduate Omega Man of the Year, Shedrick Martin – Undergraduate
Omega Man of the Year, Graduate Superior Service – Derrick Henderson, Undergraduate Superior Service
– Stephen Boyer, Citizen of the Year – Dr. James Beverly, Founder’s Award – Amos Smith, Colonel
Charles Young Military Leadership Award – William Pounds, Robert Church Pioneer Award – Emory
Lamar, Dr. D.T. Walton Outreach Award – Chris Harris, Lifetime Achievement Award – Ronald J. Taylor.
Essay Contest: Brother Ronald Taylor stated that the Essay Contest Winner was Christine Okaro. The 2 nd
place winner was Adam Jacques Farley, and the third place winner was De Seandra Henderson. The first
place winner will be awarded on December 22, 2012.
Grant Proposal: Brother Emory Lamar stated that Brother Will Daugherty would be applying for a grant
for the Renaissance Program in an effort to bring funds for the program. Brother Vernard Hodges stated
that he would take care of funding the reception deposit for the Douglass Theatre. Brother Marcus Early
stated that Heather Carr is still looking at other grants for the chapter. Brother Richard Brown challenged
the grant committee to submit the applications for the grants before the end of the year.
Mardis Gras: Brother Derrick Henderson stated that the Mardis Gras would be March 16, 2013 at the
Goodwill Conference Center from 8:00 p.m. – 2:00 a.m. Brother Henderson is asking for Brothers to pay
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their assessments early this year in the amount of $300.00. Tickets will only be given out to Brothers who
have paid their assessments. All of the tickets will be numbered. There will be accountability for all tickets
given out to the Brothers. He stated that you could either have tickets sold or sponsorships totaling the
$300.00 assessment. He is also working on guest hotels. He has locked in the Holiday Inn Express and the
rooms are $90.00, which includes the tax. It was stated that tickets could also be paid online. The ticket
prices are $25.00 in advance and $35.00 at the door. Brother Chris Harris stated that there are no additional
fees when you pay on line since this is a 501c. The tickets will be available in January. He also stated that
the committee has raffle tickets as another fundraiser for the Mardis Gras. A 42-inch flat screen TV will be
the 1st prize, a $100.00 gas card will be the second prize and a $50.00 gas card will be the third prize. The
raffle will take place on December 22, 2012.
Que/A.K.A. Christmas Party: Brother Grady Jackson stated that the Christmas party would be held on
December 26, 2012 at the City Club in downtown Macon from 8:00 p.m. – 1:00 a.m. The chapter has
already leased the City Club at a total cost of $800.00, which will be split, with the A.K.A.’s. Each
organization will be given 250 tickets to sell. The ticket prices will be $10.00 in advance and $15.00 at the
door. The chapter will get the profits from the bar. Brother Taylor is asking all Brothers to purchase a fifth
of liquor for the bar. The AKA’s will do the food and the decorations. The committee members are Grady
Jackson, Ronald Taylor, and James McClary. Brother Jackson stated that he would be getting with Brother
Taylor to pay the security guards for the night. The chapter will pay $100.00 and the AKA’s will pay
$100.00. Brother Chris Harris has set up on event bright a link where you can register for the party. This
person will get a print out and a discount on the ticket. This person will pay $10.00.
Grocery Give-Away: Brother Brother Scotty Evans stated that the Grocery Give-Away was held on
November 17, 2012 at the Wal-mart on Zebulon Road. The first place winner was Debra Bell and the
second place winner was Wendy Hollis. Fifteen Brothers were in attendance. He stated that Wal-mart
donated $250.00 on the day of the event. Both winners together spent $226.00, which left a balance on the
Wal-Mart card of $24.00. The total amount that was taken in was $812.34 minus the payment for the
tickets. The balance/profit made for this event was $716.68.
Thanksgiving Baskets: Brother Marcus Daniel stated that 40 families were given Thanksgiving Baskets.
He stated that the on November 19, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. the Brothers put the baskets together. On November
20, 2012 Brothers met at the Frat House at 5:15 p.m. to take the baskets to the Family Investment Center.
The families came and picked up their baskets from the Center. It was suggested that Brothers reach out to
other areas in Macon. Some of the extra baskets were taken to the Rosa Jackson Center.
Nursing Home: Brother Marcus Daniel stated that all Brothers need to visit the nursing home on Cedar
Avenue every 2nd Saturday at 11:00 a.m. On December 22, 2012 the Brothers have been invited to sing
Christmas carols to the people from 11:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Brothers will also do a step show.
Car Scholarship Raffle: Brother Roger Jackson stated that the tickets have been purchased online. The
commercials are on channels 58, 24, 16, 13, and Fox. The commercials are also on the radio 101.7, 100.9
and 100.1. He stated that the last year winner has been a plus in advertising this raffle. He is asking all
Brothers to sell at least 15 tickets. All of the tickets have been numbered in an effort to keep track of them.
He is also sending out flyers with the last year’s winner on them. He stated that Ken’s Stereo would donate
the second, third, and fourth prizes. The goal is to give 16 scholarships. The raffle will go from September
27th – December 22nd, 2012. The tickets will be $20.00 each or five for $100.00. The 1 st place prize will be
the car or a cash option of $15,000. The drawing will be held on Saturday, December 22, 2012 at the
Motivational Youth Complex at 3:00 p.m. Brother Chris Harris has set up the email blast for this raffle.
Brother Jackson thanked the Brothers and the members of the Motivational Youth Organization that gave
out 1000 flyers at the Christmas Parade on Sunday, December 9, 2012 at 3:00 p.m.
Dues: Brother Richard Brown stated that dues are due. Dues can be paid online. Any dues submitted after
October 31, 2012 will be charged a late fee of $25.00. The total dues with the late fee are $406.25. The
payment plan for next year starts in January.
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MSP: Brother Richard Brown stated that if you know of anyone who would like to become a member of
the fraternity that you should have them submit a letter to the P.O. Box 5141, Macon, Georgia 31208 and
Brothers Ronald Taylor and Rickey Moore will be reviewing these and contacting these candidates. Each
candidate should submit a letter of intent and also have an official copy of their transcript sent.
Brother Derrick Henderson stated that the Brothers had a fellowship event for the Alabama/Georgia game
and collected $165.00 for this event.
Brother Richard Brown stated that we will be limiting the be out nights at the frat house due to the expense
of the facility. Brother Taylor stated that it cost $350.00 to rent the facility.
Brother Richard Brown stated that the AKA’s want to fellowship with the Brothers at the Dyer Facility
after work. He stated that he would send out information on when this will happen.
Brother Ronald Taylor stated that the state is celebrating its 50-year at the state meeting. They are asking
each chapter to tell what they did within their 50 years. Brother Taylor is on the committee. This meeting
will be held in Atlanta in 2013.
Brother Marvin Broadwater Sr., the Region 3 Representative spoke with the chapter on a few issues. He
also recognized the KF and the KRS. He stated that that every chairman needs to send him the information
so that it can be put on the website. He stated that we all need to support each other. He stated that the
State Representative wants to focus on four main topics: Reclamation, Technology, State Foundation, and
the Undergraduate Brothers. There will be monetary award for the Brother and the Chapter that claims the
most Brothers. The chapter that doubles its membership this year will get $1000.00. He also stated that the
state web site would be improved. One Brother will be totally concentrating on this effort. The Special
Events Checklist must be filled out. The next state meeting will be in Marietta at the Waverly Hotel hosted
by Chi Gamma Gamma. They are looking at getting Bill Cosby or Vernon Jordan to be the speaker. The
Omega Day at the Capitol will be February 12, 2013. He stated that each chapter should submit an ad. He
stated that the officers must use the oppf addresses. He stated that Brother George Cooke, the state KRS
has done a lot of work. There is a bus going to Tampa, Florida for the District Meeting. Brother
Broadwater stated that he is a candidate for 1st Vice State Representative.
Brother Richard Brown stated to the Brothers that the chapter would be doing the Ringing of the Bell for
the Salvation Army. Brother Brown will be sending out a text on this information.
Brother Richard Brown stated that chapter will be inviting the widows out to lunch at the Golden Corral on
December 22, 2012 at 1:00 p.m. and they will also be presenting them their Christmas gifts.
He also stated that if any Brother has any ideas about raising funds to please let him know.
Brother Marcus Daniel stated that the Brothers would be meeting at the Memorial Nursing Home every
second Saturday at 10:30 a.m.- 12:00 p.m.
Brother Richard Brown, Basileus
Brother Wm. Douglas Moorehead Jr. K.R.S.
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