乐档网,我分享,我快乐! http://www.ledlh.cn/ 本文档下载自乐档网,更多免费文档请访问网址 http://www.ledlh.cn http://www.ledlh.cn/doc/info-c215bd9e172ded630a1cb642.html BARBRI LECTURE HANDOUT LECTURE HANDOUT PROFESSOR PAUL LISNEK * If the lecturer in your jurisdiction is not Professor Lisnek, please contact your local BARBRI office to obtain a copy of the handout. Copyright ? 2014 by BARBRI, Inc. 乐档网,我分享,我快乐! http://www.ledlh.cn/ MULTISTATE PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY EXAM DR. PAUL M. LISNEK, ESQ. The following outline indicates the MPRE’s scope of coverage and the approximate percentage of items that are included in each major area. (Most items in boldface type are taken directly from the published MPRE testing specifications and have been reprinted with permission.) The outline is not intended to list every aspect of a topic mentioned. Although the test items for each MPRE are developed from these categories, each topic is not necessarily tested on each examination. I. REGULATION OF THE LEGAL PROFESSION (6-12%) A. Powers of Courts and Other Bodies to Regulate Lawyers 1. American Bar Association a. Voluntary membership and no disciplinary authority b. ABA Model Rules of Professional Conduct (1983) modified by Ethics 2000 1) “Must” rules — mandatory (disciplinary rules) 乐档网,我分享,我快乐! http://www.ledlh.cn/ 2) “Should” rules — advisory (ethical considerations) – No punishment for violation Copyright ? 2014 by BARBRI, Inc. 2. MULTISTATE PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY EXAMINATION 3) Types of Discipline for violating a Mandatory Rule: a) Private Reprimand/Censure b) Public Reprimand/Censure c) Suspension (for a finite period) d) Disbarment 2. Judicial exercise a. U.S. Supreme Court is ultimate authority b. State’s highest court determines rules for state 3. State laws—“moral turpitude” vs. “good moral character” 乐档网,我分享,我快乐! http://www.ledlh.cn/ B. Admission to the Profession 1. U.S. Supreme Court says state requirements for admission to bar need to be rationally related to the practice of law 1) 2) MULTISTATE PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY EXAMINATION b. What 3. rational? (i.e., what cannot be required) 1) 2) 2. Requirements a. Truth and full disclosure b. Duty to cooperate 3. Requirements for lawyers regarding applicants a. Good applicants – your input is aspirational/“should” b. Bad applicants – duty to report when asked, or to correct something you believe may have arisen in the matter. C. Regulation After Admission – Lawyer Discipline 乐档网,我分享,我快乐! http://www.ledlh.cn/ 1. Regulated by highest state court (and through its agencies) D. Mandatory and Permissive Reporting of Professional Misconduct 1. a. b. 4. MULTISTATE PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY EXAMINATION 2. If unethical conduct is a crime, must be relevant to some aspect of practice of law. 3. A lawyer who commits fraud in the conduct of a business is subject to discipline, even if the lawyer is not active in the practice of law. 4. Where a lawyer learns of the bad conduct of another lawyer through representation of that lawyer as a client, the duty of confidentiality will trump the duty to report the that helps lawyers and judges with substance abuse problems. Applicant is applying for admission to the State A Bar. When Applicant was in high 乐档网,我分享,我快乐! http://www.ledlh.cn/ school, he and his parents lived in State B, next door to Attorney. admitted to practice in State B, but not in State A. Attorney is Applicant seemed to be a promising lad, and Attorney was disappointed to learn that during his senior year in high school Applicant was convicted of burglarizing a liquor store. After serving his sentence, Applicant went to college and later to law school. Attorney has had no contact with Applicant since his high school years, but so far as Attorney knows, Applicant has not done anything since high school that would reflect badly on his character. The Bar of State A sent Attorney a routine questionnaire, asking a series of questions about Applicant’s character. Attorney does not know whether Applicant disclosed the burglary conviction on his Bar application, and she does not know where to contact him to find out. A. Attorney should not respond at all, because she has no relevant information to provide. B. Attorney should not respond at all, because as a State B lawyer she is not obligated to provide information to the Bar of State A. C. Attorney should not mention Applicant’s burglary conviction in her response unless 乐档网,我分享,我快乐! http://www.ledlh.cn/ she first contacts him and obtains his permission to do so. D. Attorney should state what she knows about Applicant, including mention of his burglary conviction. MULTISTATE PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY EXAMINATION 5. ROBLEM O During the trial of a case by Attorney Dorothy, Attorney Blanche took shelter in a tavern from an unexpected rainstorm. While in the tavern, Attorney Blanche saw Attorney Dorothy having a drink with a juror on the case Attorney Dorothy was trying. A. Keep this knowledge confidential. B. Identify herself to Dorothy and reprimand Dorothy for drinking in a public place with a juror. C. Inform the judge trying the case of this incident. D. Caution Dorothy and the juror not to talk further with each other. E. Multi-jurisdictional Practice 1. Unauthorized practice – can’t do it where not admitted 乐档网,我分享,我快乐! http://www.ledlh.cn/ 2. Permissible temporary multi-jurisdictional practice a. Associate with an active local lawyer b. Special permission called pro hac vice c. Mediation or arbitration out of home state practice 6. MULTISTATE PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY EXAMINATION d. Anything reasonably related to lawyer’s home state practice NOTE: Foreign lawyers may also practice temporarily in the United States under similar circumstances. Also, they may provide legal services temporarily in the U.S. if the services are governed primarily by international law or the law of a foreign jurisdiction. 3. Permissible permanent multi-jurisdictional practice–Employed by her only client 乐档网,我分享,我快乐! http://www.ledlh.cn/ which has several offices offices (applies to BOTH U.S. or Foreign lawyers) NOTE: When a foreign lawyer serves as in-house counsel, he or she must consult with a local lawyer before advising the client on the law of a U.S. jurisdiction and must base advice to the client on the advice received from the U.S. lawyer. a. Consequences – subject to both jurisdiction’s rules 4. Law firm with offices in more than one jurisdiction may use the same name in each jurisdiction, but identification of the lawyers in an office of the firm shall indicate the jurisdictional limitations on those not licensed to practice in the jurisdiction where the office is located. F. Responsibilities of Partners, Managers, Supervisory and Subordinate Lawyers 1. Supervisor responsible for acts of subordinate if a. knew of misconduct at a and the lawyer fails to take reasonable remedial action OR, if the violation raises a b. 乐档网,我分享,我快乐! http://www.ledlh.cn/ MULTISTATE PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY EXAMINATION 7. 2. Subordinate not responsible for his/her own acts if a. b. G. Unauthorized Practice of Law—by Lawyers and Non-Lawyers 1. The following activities require a license (and constitute the “practice of law.”) a. b. c. 2. The following activities do not require a license. (These do constitute the “practice of law.”) a. b. c. SUPERVISORS MUST MAKE REASONABLE EFFORTS TO ENSURE THAT NON-LAWYER CONDUCT ALSO CONFORMS TO THE RULES. THIS OBLIGATION APPLIES TO NON-LAWYERS BOTH WITHIN THE FIRM (SUCH AS LEGAL ASSISTANTS), AND 乐档网,我分享,我快乐! http://www.ledlh.cn/ __________________________________(SUCH AS DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT COMPANIES AND PRIVATE INVESTIGATORS.) 8. MULTISTATE PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY EXAMINATION ROBLEM O Attorneys Franklin and Bash hire Sandy, a third-year student at a local law school, to assist them as their clerk. Sandy is not licensed under any state law or court rule that allows third-year law students to engage in practice under the supervision of a licensed attorney. For which of the following tasks performed by Sandy are Franklin and Bash A. Filling in a release form for personal injury plaintiffs to sign after their cases have been settled. (Franklin himself has the plaintiffs sign the forms.) B. Interviewing witnesses to accidents, and having them sign Sandy’s written version of the interview. C. Reaching settlement agreements with insurance company representatives before 乐档网,我分享,我快乐! http://www.ledlh.cn/ suit has been filed. D. Conducting legal research on a question of law involved in the case. H. Fee Division With a Non-Lawyer (General Rule: Can’t do it) Exceptions: 1. _____________________________ 2. _________________________ in the form of __________________________ and as part of _______________________ or ____________________________________ plans. 3. Lawyer may share court-awarded legal fees with a nonprofit organization that employed, retained or recommended employment of the lawyer in the matter. MULTISTATE PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY EXAMINATION I. The Law Firm and Other Forms of Practice 9. 乐档网,我分享,我快乐! http://www.ledlh.cn/ 1. Lawyers must not imply that they are partners or otherwise associated with each other in a law firm unless they really are. As to the public, the law firm includes lawyers who frequently _____________________, work __________________, and have access to ________________________________. 2. Only lawyers can be ______________________________, or __________________________ if we’re dealing with a corporation, if any part of the partnership business is the practice of law. Except: ________________________________ and it’s only temporary by operation of law. 3. Relationship of the Dual Profession Lawyer with Non-Lawyers a. Dual professions: _____________________________________________ b. Soliciting legal business: can’t use dual profession to solicit c. Attorney/client privilege: does not apply in the dual profession d. Ancillary (or law-related) services: OK to provide services reasonably performed in conjunction with and related to legal services, and note: 乐档网,我分享,我快乐! http://www.ledlh.cn/ 1) Non-legal and legal provided together: ______________________________ 10. MULTISTATE PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY EXAMINATION 2) Non-legal services provided by entity controlled by the lawyer: lawyer must assure that client knows of their interest and that it is not legal services. Failure to do so will mean: _______________________________________. J. Restrictions on Right to Practice (General Rule: Can’t do it) Exceptions: 1. 2. K. Solo Practitioner has a special duty to plan for death or disability by designating another competent lawyer to ______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________. II. THE CLIENT-LAWYER RELATIONSHIP (10-16%) A. Formation of Client-Lawyer Relationship (General Rule: Lawyers have general freedom to reject cases) 乐档网,我分享,我快乐! http://www.ledlh.cn/ 1. Exceptions to general freedom to reject cases a. “Defenseless or oppressed” (“should”) b. Fair share of pro bono (“should,” not “must”) – 50 hours per year recommended MULTISTATE PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY EXAMINATION 11. c. Appointments (“must”) Exceptions (good cause shown) (i.e., “should” or “must” cases you may be able to reject): 1) 2) Duty to reject cases – a) Physical or mental inability b) Conflict of interest c) Frivolous claim or defense d) Strong feelings or bias 乐档网,我分享,我快乐! http://www.ledlh.cn/ e) Incompetence/Lacking the legal expertise Exceptions (Take ALE): (1) A (2) L (3) E 12. MULTISTATE PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY EXAMINATION B. Scope, Objective, and Means of the Representation 1. Decision-Making Authority: Important decisions belonging to the client Whether to: a. Sue b. Settle (must inform client of all settlement offers unless client has specifically and with informed consent authorized a _______________________) c. Testify (in a criminal case) d. Plea 乐档网,我分享,我快乐! http://www.ledlh.cn/ e. Jury/bench f. Appeal 2. Procedural and tactical decisions belonging to the attorney (law, tactics, and strategy) a. Which court to file in b. Depositions – do we take/not take? c. Discovery – whether what to seek/produce d. Continuances – whether to request or grant a request MULTISTATE PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY EXAMINATION 13. Case expenses 3. When client is under diminished mental capacity, or is a minor, client decisions do not shift to lawyer. Rather, you must _____________________________________. But, the lawyer should both ____________________________________ the client as much as possible for input on decisions that impact the client’s well-being. C. Counsel and Assistance Within the Bounds of the Law Means be honest and truthful…subject to discipline for knowingly making a false 乐档网,我分享,我快乐! http://www.ledlh.cn/ statement of fact or law to the court or failing to correct a previously made false statement of ________________________________________________________ D. Termination of the Client-Lawyer Relationship 1. Need court permission when matter is in litigation and must return client’s property, including the case file and unused portion of retainer. 2. Judge’s decision is often affected by _______________________________________ when the withdrawal is sought. 3. Mandatory withdrawal a. Duty to reject (see II A 1 c 2)) 14. MULTISTATE PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY EXAMINATION b. Client fraud and refusal to rectify c. Client “insists” on violation of law or ethical provision (Rule) d. Client has begun an illegal course of action 4. Permissive withdrawal 乐档网,我分享,我快乐! http://www.ledlh.cn/ a. Can be for any reason where there’s no material harm to client, or b. If client consents, or c. Where one of these conditions is met: 1) client persists in criminal or fraudulent conduct 2) client has used attorney’s services to commit past crime or fraud 3) client’s objective is repugnant or imprudent 4) client breaks promise to lawyer to pay the fee 5) unreasonable financial hardship for attorney’s practice 6) client will not cooperate d. But cannot abandon client. Must take the proper steps to avoid material adverse effect on client. MULTISTATE PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY EXAMINATION 15. HYPO: Client tells lawyer that client is “going to lie” under oath on the stand. 1) Dissuade client 乐档网,我分享,我快乐! http://www.ledlh.cn/ 2) Request permission to withdraw 3) Do as instructed 4) Give client reasonable notice to get a new lawyer E. Client-Lawyer Contracts 1. Lawyer can limit representation 2. Basic rules of contract construction apply F. Fees Fee arrangement (scope of representation, basis or rate of fee, and expenses for which client will be responsible) shall be communicated to client before (or within a reasonable time after) representation starts. Exception: When a lawyer will charge a regularly represented client on the same basis or rate in subsequent matters. 1. Factors in setting a reasonable fee a. Time and labor b. Difficulty and novelty of questions c. Experience, reputation and abilities 乐档网,我分享,我快乐! http://www.ledlh.cn/ 16. MULTISTATE PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY EXAMINATION d. Relationships: nature and length e. Exclusions (whether lawyer must turn away other cases if client knows of this) f. Fixed or contingent (contingent can be higher) g. Fees customarily charged 2. Contingent fee arrangements – must be reasonable; signed by client a. Must not use in criminal case HYPO: Emilio robs a convenience store and gets arrested. As you spend some time with Emilio down at the jail, you realize he is Emilio Estevez, the once popular actor. Recognizing that this story is bigger than any fee you could collect in this case, you offer to take the case for free in exchange for half of the television, movie and book rights flowing from the story of Emilio’s descent into petty theft. Any problems? 1) No percentage of publication rights based upon representation until 乐档网,我分享,我快乐! http://www.ledlh.cn/ ___________________________________________________ b. Must not use in domestic relations case 1) “Past due” support payments are debt and therefore okay c. Contingent fee must be explained – in writing(s) and must notify the client of any expenses for which they are liable, whether or not the client wins the case. 1) Before you take the case 2) After the case is concluded (settlement letter) MULTISTATE PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY EXAMINATION 17. 3. Lawyers can sell and buy a law practice (including goodwill) a. the ____________ practice or entire field of practice must be sold and purchased b. Seller must exercise competence in c. Written notice must be given to seller’s clients regarding: 乐档网,我分享,我快乐! http://www.ledlh.cn/ 1) the sale 2) clients’ right to get their files returned 3) clients’ right to get new counsel 4) consent will be presumed if the client takes no action ____________________ of the receipt of the notice. If notice cannot be given for some reason, then a court order is required to authorize the transfer of the representation. d. Seller must cease to engage in private practice of law (or at least in the sold field). 18. MULTISTATE PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY EXAMINATION III. CLIENT CONFIDENTIALITY (6-12%) A. Attorney-Client Privilege and Confidentiality 1. Privilege protects confidential communication; confidentiality covers the same AND any other information obtained by the attorney relating to representation, regardless 乐档网,我分享,我快乐! http://www.ledlh.cn/ of the source, including that which may be embarrassing or derogatory to the client. a. Privilege is held by _____________and NOT by the attorney. 2. Lawyers have an affirmative duty to protect information; i.e., lawyers MUST make reasonable efforts to prevent the inadvertent or unauthorized disclosure of, or unauthorized access to, information relating to a client’s representation. a. Reasonableness of the lawyer’s efforts depends on factors including: the sensitivity of the information, the likelihood of disclosure absent safeguards, the cost and difficulty of implementing such safeguards, and the extent to which safeguards adversely affect the lawyer’s ability to represent clients. 3. Presence of Third Person: ________________________ confidentiality if the third person was present to help further the attorney-client relationship. B. Work Product Doctrine 1. Material prepared by a lawyer for or in anticipation of litigation is immune from discovery unless the other side shows a _____________________for the material and 乐档网,我分享,我快乐! http://www.ledlh.cn/ an __________________________the material without ______________________ _________________. 2. A lawyer’s mental impressions and opinions are always immune from discovery regardless of need, unless immunity is waived. MULTISTATE PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY EXAMINATION 19. C. Disclosures Expressly or Impliedly Authorized by Client (what a client authorizes with informed consent to disclose) 1. Express authorization client agrees to proposed course of conduct after lawyer sufficiently explains material risks and reasonable alternatives. 2. Implied authorization to carry out representation (except screened member) D. Exceptions to Privilege 1. Waived by Client 2. Client seeks attorney’s service to engage in or assist in future crime/fraud 3. Communication is relevant to issue of breach of attorney-client relationship 乐档网,我分享,我快乐! http://www.ledlh.cn/ E. Other Exceptions to the Confidentiality Rule 1. Waived by Client 2. Required by law or court order 3. Informed Consent 20. MULTISTATE PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY EXAMINATION 4. Implied authority to disclose to further the representation 5. Lawyer has the duty to of the proceedings, appeals and all. 6. To obtain legal or ethical advice for lawyer. Use of hypotheticals with colleague is ok if discreet to protect identity of client. 7. To prevent _________________________________ death or substantial bodily harm, (assumes in the future): permitted to reveal information to the extent necessary to prevent the harm which does not need to be the product of a crime. 8. To prevent _________________________________________________ if the client is or has used the lawyer’s services in the matter. Also true if the client has already 乐档网,我分享,我快乐! http://www.ledlh.cn/ acted and disclosure can prevent or mitigate the consequent financial harm. 9. Information may be revealed to the extent believed necessary to detect and resolve conflicts of interests arising from a _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________(perhaps from a merger or purchase of the practice). But, such revealing of information MUST NOT include anything that would compromise the attorney-client privilege or otherwise prejudice the client. F. Past Crimes: 1. Are 2. Death of client does not end obligations MULTISTATE PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY EXAMINATION IV. CONFLICTS OF INTEREST (12-18%) 21. 乐档网,我分享,我快乐! http://www.ledlh.cn/ In general, lawyer cannot represent adverse interests of client or prospective client. In some 1. Lawyer fully explains risks and alternatives (informed consent) 2. Client agrees in writing (can be electronic) A. Current Client Conflicts: Lawyer’s Personal Interest or Duties 1. No loans to clients in connection with pending or contemplated litigation; no de minimis exceptions 2. Rule of imputation – what one lawyer can’t take, the (partners, associates, and “of counsel”) can’t take (except the lawyer as witness (see below) and where conflict is uniquely personal to the lawyer). a. with clients that are not preexisting to the representation are subject to discipline; consent or harm irrelevant; no rule of imputation, but screening required. B. Acquiring an Interest in Litigation case) (Lawyer can’t acquire an interest in the 乐档网,我分享,我快乐! http://www.ledlh.cn/ Exceptions: 1. 2. 22. MULTISTATE PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY EXAMINATION C. Conflicting Interests—Current Clients and Former Clients (Lawyer cannot have conflicting interests with current clients and former clients) 1. No interests adverse to clients a. Cannot represent client in one matter and oppose him in another b. Cannot represent client whose interests are directly adverse to another client c. Cannot represent client against former client when you acquired confidences in former representation D. Current Client Conflicts – Multiple Clients and Joint Representation 1. Must have reasonable belief of no adverse effect 2. Client gives written informed consent 乐档网,我分享,我快乐! http://www.ledlh.cn/ MULTISTATE PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY EXAMINATION 23. 3. When representing two or more clients, lawyer shall not make an aggregate settlement of claims without informed consent in writing from each client after full review of entire settlement as to all parties, which includes: a. that the clients have come to an agreement among themselves about how the aggregate sum will be shared; b. disclosure to each client of all the terms, including: i. ii. iii. iv. and the existence and nature of all claims, defenses, and pleas involved in the settlement. c. These extensive disclosures may require the lawyer to share one client’s 乐档网,我分享,我快乐! http://www.ledlh.cn/ confidential information with the others, so at the outset of the case, the lawyer should get each client’s informed consent. E. Prospective Client Conflicts 1. with a lawyer about the possibility of _________________________________ with respect to a matter. Basic Rule: An expectation of Protection and a relationship will be seen as established if: 1. Client manifests intent that there is representation and lawyer agrees. 24. MULTISTATE PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY EXAMINATION 2. Client manifests intent and lawyer prospective client is and lawyer knows or should know that the 乐档网,我分享,我快乐! http://www.ledlh.cn/ F. Imputed Conflicts Lawyers related as __________________, _________________________, ____________________, or ______________________shall not represent adverse parties, unless full informed consent; but _________________________________. G. Former Judge, Arbitrator, Mediator, or Other Third Party Neutral or Government Lawyer 1. Judge or government employee who later goes into private practice may not represent a party on a matter she or he worked on personally, to wit: Rule: Cannot take “matters” where previously acted or had substantial responsibility absent written informed consent, but no rule of imputation—so long as lawyer is “screened off” from the case. a. “Matter” is specific facts with specific parties 1) Matter a lawyer in private lawyer/judge, he or she did the work. a) ___________________________ 乐档网,我分享,我快乐! http://www.ledlh.cn/ b) ___________________________ 2) Matter a lawyer in private lawyer/judge, he did the work. However, someone else in the firm can take the case—so long as the former government lawyer is timely “screened.” a) _________________________________ MULTISTATE PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY EXAMINATION b) 25. ____________________________________________________________ b. The elements of the “Screen” 1) Written disclosure to the other side 2) No working on or discussing case or access to file by “screened-off” attorney 3) No fee to “screened-off” attorney sponsored by court or “nonprofit” organization: lawyer-client relationship exists but only through the quick-advice stage and informed consent to the limited scope of relationship required. 1. Conflict of Interest rules: __________________________________________, but 乐档网,我分享,我快乐! http://www.ledlh.cn/ where a conflict is actually known to the lawyer, it cannot be ignored. 2. Actual knowledge can be inferred from the circumstances. 3. Where client hires lawyer after the quick advice (for regular and continued representation), the conflicts rules WILL apply. V. COMPETENCE, LEGAL MALPRACTICE, AND OTHER CIVIL LIABILITY (6-12%) A. Maintaining Competence: Competence is a 2-pronged Responsibility and Malpractice; committing malpractice does duty: Professional automatically mean a disciplinary rule has been violated, and vise-versa. 26. MULTISTATE PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY EXAMINATION B. Civil Liability to Client, Including Malpractice: 1. Recovery comes from cause of action based in contract, tort or fiduciary relationship. 2. Requires __________________________and ________________________ Causation = “BUT FOR…….” 3. Purpose of civil malpractice claim is _______________________________________ 乐档网,我分享,我快乐! http://www.ledlh.cn/ C. Distinguished from Disciplinary Process 1. Purpose is ________________________________________ 2. Doesn’t require _________________________or _____________________ D. Exercising Diligence and Care: A lawyer must: 1. Reasonably consult with client about the means by which the client’s objectives are to be accomplished 2. Keep client reasonably informed about status of/developments in the case 3. Promptly comply with reasonable requests for information 4. Explain matters to client to extent reasonably necessary to permit client to make informed decisions regarding representation. 5. Communicate all settlement offers not specifically addressed in blanket authority from client. MULTISTATE PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY EXAMINATION 27. E. Limiting Liability for Malpractice – Lawyer can’t do it prospectively unless 乐档网,我分享,我快乐! http://www.ledlh.cn/ client has independent representation in making the agreement. F. Malpractice Insurance and Risk Prevention VI. LITIGATION AND OTHER FORMS OF ADVOCACY (10-16%) A. Candor to the Tribunal: Must reveal adverse decision or statute of controlling jurisdiction 1. Can’t bury adverse decision 2. No explanation is required to be given to court 3. Can distinguish away 4. Can offer a good faith argument to change the law 28. MULTISTATE PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY EXAMINATION ROBLEM O Attorney Ralph Kramden is moving for a summary judgment in a case where the law of on a critical point of law. That case in turn leads to two Olympia decisions which 乐档网,我分享,我快乐! http://www.ledlh.cn/ are directly opposed to his client’s position. His adversary has not cited any of the three cases, and the judge appears to be unaware of them. A. Argue the motion without disclosing any of the three cases. B. Disclose all three cases to the judge without explaining why they are harmful to his client’s position. C. Disclose the Franklin case to the judge without explaining why it is harmful to his client’s position. D. Disclose all three cases to the judge and explain briefly why they are harmful to his client’s position. B. Fairness to Opposing Party and Counsel: civility and courtesy are aspirational C. Meritorious Claims and Contentions Lawyer must have good faith basis for actions; make only meritorious claims and contentions. D. Trial Publicity: 1. Lawyer connected with case must not make a public statement outside courtroom that ____________________________________________________ the case. MULTISTATE PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY EXAMINATION 29. 乐档网,我分享,我快乐! http://www.ledlh.cn/ 2. Lawyer can speak publicly what a reasonable lawyer would believe is required to protect client from substantial undue prejudicial effect of recent publicity not initiated by the lawyer or client. E. Lawyer as Witness 1. Rule: Lawyer can’t be necessary witness for client 2. Exceptions: a. ____________________________ b. ____________________________ VII. Transactions and Communications with Persons Other than Clients (2-8%) A. Truthfulness in Statements to Others B. Communications with Represented Persons 1. Must go through the person’s lawyer (even if party initiates or consents) 2. Parties may communicate directly with each other and lawyers may inform them of this fact. 乐档网,我分享,我快乐! http://www.ledlh.cn/ 30. MULTISTATE PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY EXAMINATION C. Communications with Unrepresented Persons 1. Can’t give legal advice 2. Cannot appear disinterested when you are in fact an advocate/adversary 3. Can negotiate a transaction or settle client’s dispute with unrepresented person D. Respect for Rights of Third Persons 1. Witnesses a. No contingent fees for experts b. Can pay reasonable expenses and lost wages, but can’t condition payment on testimony c. No need to obtain permission of other side to interview a witness 1) Except: Corporate employees of managerial responsibility or whose acts could be imputed to corporation requires consent of organization’s in-house counsel and if corporate employee has independent counsel then the constituent’s 乐档网,我分享,我快乐! http://www.ledlh.cn/ attorney’s consent (rather than corporate counsel’s) is sufficient. 2. Jurors a. During trial: 1) No lawyer connected with the case can talk about case with a juror unless authorized by law or court order. MULTISTATE PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY EXAMINATION 2) 31. No de minimis exception b. After trial: must not communicate if any of these 3 conditions is met: 1) 2) 3) VIII. DIFFERENT ROLES OF THE LAWYER (4-10%) 乐档网,我分享,我快乐! http://www.ledlh.cn/ A. Lawyer as Advisor 1. Client entitled to all information—entitled to candid advice 2. Should give legal, moral, economic, or ethical advice B. Lawyer as Evaluator 1. Must be compatible with other aspects of representation, and 2. Client’s informed consent 3. Must be truthful in the evaluation; if harmful result, get informed consent in writing ___________________________________________ 32. MULTISTATE PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY EXAMINATION C. Lawyer as Negotiator 1. Lawyers don’t lie but can exaggerate 2. Documents sent to lawyer by mistake (including electronic) – must promptly notify sender 乐档网,我分享,我快乐! http://www.ledlh.cn/ D. Lawyer as Arbitrator, Mediator or Other Third Party Neutral 1. Must explain that there is no attorney-client relationship to an _________________ party 2. If litigation, must withdraw E. Prosecutors and Other Government Lawyers 1. Must not prosecute without probable cause 2. Assure the accused is advised of his right to counsel, knows how to get counsel, and is given a chance to get counsel. 3. Must seek to remedy the conviction of a defendant in his/her jurisdiction if he/she knows of clear and convincing evidence that the defendant was innocent. 4. Disclose new, credible and convincing evidence that creates a reasonable likelihood that a defendant was wrongly convicted. MULTISTATE PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY EXAMINATION 33. 乐档网,我分享,我快乐! http://www.ledlh.cn/ F. Lawyer Appearing in Nonadjudicative Proceeding 1. A lawyer may serve as a state legislator or hold other public office when permitted by law. The lawyer may not use her public office to attempt to influence a tribunal in a pending matter. 2. A lawyer may serve as a director, officer or member of an organization involved in reform of the law or its administration, notwithstanding that the reform may affect the interests of a client of the lawyer. G. Law Reform Activities Affecting Client Interests When lawyer works on law reform project and is asked to participate in a decision that would materially benefit a client, the lawyer must _______________________________________. H. Lawyer Representing an Entity or Other Organization 1. Corporate representation – you represent the corporation/entity, not an individual officer or director 乐档网,我分享,我快乐! http://www.ledlh.cn/ a. Lawyer can be a director of company, but no attorney-client privilege in board meetings b. If lawyer for organization learns that an act has been or is about to be committed in a way that violates a duty to the organization or a law in a way that might be imputed to the organization, AND if the violation is likely to cause substantial injury to the organization, the lawyer must proceed as is reasonably necessary to protect the interests of the organization. 34. MULTISTATE PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY EXAMINATION 1) Must report violation to higher authority (president) and to outside directors if necessary. 2) May report relevant information to appropriate persons outside the organization only if, and to the extent that, the lawyer reasonably believes such reporting is necessary to prevent substantial injury to the organization. 乐档网,我分享,我快乐! http://www.ledlh.cn/ 3) Narrow range of discretion: lawyer need not report violation if she reasonably believes that the organization’s best interests do not require the violation to be reported. c. Security Violations – Sarbanes-Oxley Act: There is a Duty of ____________________________ to report up the chain of command to CEO; If not appropriate response, must report to board of directors and may report to SEC. 1) Consequences of Reporting: SEC protects lawyer d. Revealing confidential information – only to extent necessary to protect corporation. IX. SAFEKEEPING FUNDS AND OTHER PROPERTY (2-8%) A. Establishing and Maintaining Client Trust Accounts 1. Lawyer must keep all clients’ money in a separate (trust) account and may NOT mix client funds with lawyer funds. Doing so would be called ; nor may the lawyer remove any funds from the client fund account for any use other than the client’s case as doing so would be called actions are disciplinable. 乐档网,我分享,我快乐! http://www.ledlh.cn/ MULTISTATE PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY EXAMINATION 35. 2. but cannot use one client’s money for the benefit of another client. For a large sum held for a long period of time, must be separate interest-bearing account with interest going to client. 3. Exception: Lawyer money can cover bank service charges 4. The interest from an IOLTA (or similar) B. Safekeeping Funds and Other Property of Clients If other than money, lawyer must safeguard C. Disputed Claims Following the receipt of settlement, the lawyer must notify the client promptly, keep records, render accounting, and pay out promptly. If disputed, that portion remains in the client trust account. D. Retainer – 2 Types 1. ___________________________ (belongs) to client (goes into trust account) and is 乐档网,我分享,我快乐! http://www.ledlh.cn/ transferred to operating account once earned; and any unearned portion must be returned if lawyer is fired or withdraws. 2. ___________________________ (belongs) to attorney (goes into lawyer’s account) 36. MULTISTATE PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY EXAMINATION ROBLEM O Attorney, who represented Plaintiff, received a check from Defendant payable to Attorney’s order in the sum of $10,000 in settlement of Plaintiff’s claim against Defendant. A. Endorse the check and deposit it in Attorney’s account. B. Deposit the check in Attorney’s personal bank account and send his (Attorney’s) personal check for $10,000 to Plaintiff. C. Deposit the check in a Client’s Fund Account, advise Plaintiff and forward check drawn on that account to Plaintiff. D. Call the client and see if Client will re-negotiate to give Attorney more fees E. Lawyer may accept a reasonable gift from client, but must not draft deed of gift or will, unless _____________________________________________ 乐档网,我分享,我快乐! http://www.ledlh.cn/ X. COMMUNICATIONS ABOUT LEGAL SERVICES (4-10%) A. Advertising and Other Public Communications About Legal Services 1. Advertising (information concerning the name of the lawyer/firm, the lawyer’s/firm’s address and telephone number; kinds of services offered; basis on which fees are determined, including prices for specific services and payment/credit arrangements; lawyer’s ____________________________; names of references; email address and website; and other information that might invite the attention of persons seeking legal assistance.) a. Cannot be false or misleading – applies to ads, personal communication, office signs, cards, letters, emails, etc. Any communication concerning a lawyer’s services shall include the name and address of at least one lawyer or law firm responsible for its content. MULTISTATE PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY EXAMINATION 37. 乐档网,我分享,我快乐! http://www.ledlh.cn/ 1) Cannot create unjustified expectations (in the ad) 2) Cannot have unsubstantiated comparisons (in the ad) unless ______________ 3) Cannot imply results by improper means (in the ad) Attorney placed an advertisement in City Newspaper, the city in which Attorney practiced. The ad contained Attorney’s name, office address, telephone number, and the following additional information: (i) “Attorney is a graduate of State University Law School”; (ii) “Attorney has an M.B.A. from City Graduate School of Business”; and (iii) “Attorney is the only lawyer in town who speaks Spanish fluently.” Is Attorney’s advertisement proper? A. Yes, if all statements contained therein are true and verifiable. B. Yes, provided City Newspaper’s distribution area is limited to City. C. No, because the ad is self-laudatory. D. No, because an M.B.A. is not law-related. 2. Firm names and letterhead 乐档网,我分享,我快乐! http://www.ledlh.cn/ a. Artificial names are okay if not misleading b. Temporarily bad or good lawyer’s name stays; permanently bad or good lawyer’s name leaves; Dead people can stay in name B. Referrals – okay to split fees with other lawyers outside of firm as follows: 1. Work together, 2. With client’s written informed consent that discloses the share each lawyer will get, 38. MULTISTATE PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY EXAMINATION 3. Paid proportionally to work done (OR, some different proportion IF each lawyer ____________________________________________________________________) 4. One reasonable fee in total 5. Lawyers can enter into a ___________________________________________ with another lawyer, or non-lawyer professional, with the following restrictions: a. Arrangement cannot be exclusive b. Referred client must be told of the arrangement and if the arrangement creates a conflict of interest for either the referring or receiving lawyer, then the lawyer 乐档网,我分享,我快乐! http://www.ledlh.cn/ must get the client’s written informed consent. c. The referral agreement must not interfere with the lawyer’s professional judgment as to making referrals d. The agreement should not be of ___________________________________ and should be reviewed periodically to be sure it complies with the Rules. C. Solicitation: Direct Contact With Prospective Clients 1. General ban on solicitation. Definition: Solicitation is seeking targeted communication, initiated by the lawyer, that is directed to a specific person, that offers to provide or can reasonably be understood as offering to provide legal services through with a non- lawyer with whom the lawyer has no family, close personal or previous relationship. 乐档网-提供各行各业及小学、初中、高中、高等教育、工程科技、工程管理、 职场、商业合同等文档范文下载,所有范文免费分享,是您下载范文的首选网 乐档网,我分享,我快乐! http://www.ledlh.cn/ 站。 乐档网 http://www.ledlh.cn/