Chapter 12 Examples

Chapter 12 Examples
1. Assume a corporation is formed with $10,000 cash. It earns $1,000 of net
income/taxable income/cash. The shareholder then sells the stock for the FMV of
$11,000. Analyze for C Corporation and for S Corporation.
2. S Corporation is a calendar year taxpayer that elected S status in its first year of
operations. S’s common stock is owned by A (200 shares with AB = $12,000) and B
(100 shares with AB = $6,000). During the current year S has net income for financial
statements = $55,000. The S Corporation also made one distribution of $9,000. The
corporation’s beginning AAA = 10,000, and the beginning OAA = 1,000.
Business Revenue
Tax-exempt Interest Income
Gain from sale of equipment – Sec. 1245 depreciation recapture
Gain from sale of equipment – Sec. 1231 trade/business
STCG from sale of stock
Net LTCG from sale of stock
Rental real estate loss
Salary expense
Depreciation expense
Property tax expense
Supplies expense
Interest expense on account with S Corp stock broker
Bribe of government official
Recovery of bad debt previously deducted
Net Income
a. Assume Sec. 179 election = 5,000 + 11,000 tax depreciation. How will S Corporation,
A and B report these results? Also, do the M-1 reconciliation of book income to taxable
b. What is B’s basis in stock at the end of the current year?
c. What is the S Corporation’s AAA balance and OAA balance at the end of the year?
3. DEF, an S Corporation, earns $12,000 ordinary income during the year (actual results
are $1,200 per month for January through June 30 and $800 per month for July 1 through
December 31) and generates a LTCG of $6,000 on a stock sale that occurs in January.
DEF has two 50/50 shareholders, G and H. On July 1 G sells all of G’s stock to M for
$30,000. G’s stock basis at the beginning of the year is $25,000. What are the results to
G? Assume first no election is made re: allocations. Then, what if an election is made to
treat the tax year as ending with respect to G on June 30?
4. After adjusting for income and distributions, L’s AB in S Corporation is $5,000. L has
the following flow through losses: capital loss $40,000 and ordinary loss $10,000. What
are the tax results?
5. B is a shareholder in RST S Corporation. B’s stock basis before considering a flow
through loss on B’s K-1 is $10,000. B has also made a loan to RST in the amount of
$5,000. The flow through loss is $13,000. What is the tax result?
6. During the current year an S Corporation made a distribution of $50,000 to its sole
shareholder. The shareholder’s stock basis at the beginning of the year = $10,000. The S
Corporation has PTI = $9,000 and AEP = $2,500. The AAA account at the beginning of
the year = $0. During the year the S Corporation earned $12,000 ordinary income. What
are the tax results?