The Water Cycle Online Questions

The Carbon Cycle Online Questions
Go to the following website and watch the Carbon Cycle Video to answer the following
questions. Also take the self quiz at the end of the video. Copy the questions and the
correct answers for the quiz.
Part A: Questions from Video
1. What do many scientists think about global warming?
2. The heat we feel is called the _____________________ effect..
3. Describe the Greenhouse Effect.
4. The Greenhouse Effect causes the temperature of the Earth to _______________.
5. Carbon is an element found in every __________________ on Earth and is constantly
being ____________________.
6. What do plants use carbon dioxide for?
7. What is the Carbon Cycle?
8. Describe the process of Respiration and what types of living things respire?
9. What is photosynthesis and state what types of living things carry out photosynthesis.
10. Not only is carbon in our breath, where else is carbon found?
11. What are decomposers and give an example.
12. After decomposers break down dead things, where do the nutrients and carbon go?
13. After millions of years, the carbon buried in the soil can turn into what?
14. When fossil fuels are burned for energy, where does the carbon inside the fuel go?
15. Carbon released from burned fossil fuel can combine with what other element in the
atmosphere to make carbon dioxide?
16. What happens when too much fossil fuel is burned and how does that add to the
Greenhouse Effect and global warming?
17. ______________ is an element found in every living thing and is necessary for
18. ______________, ______________, the ______________, and _____________ are
all part of the carbon cycle.
19. The carbon cycle is the process of carbon continually moving between ____________
and _____________ things on Earth and in the atmosphere.
20. Why do we need to control the amount of carbon dioxide in the air?
Part B: “Test Yourself” Copy the 7 questions along with the correct answer.