April 1, 2014 Dear Graduating Eighth Grader, Once more this year

April 1, 2014
Dear Graduating Eighth Grader,
Once more this year the Roadrunner Parent Teacher Council (RR-PTC) has been asked to
determine the eighth grade recipients of two scholarships from the school to graduates going on to
Catholic high school. In addition, the RR-PTC will also award one “St. Anthony School Discipleship
Award” which is open to all graduates. All these awards are given to deserving students who live the
St. Anthony School mission in their daily lives. The person who receives the Discipleship Award will
be named and honored at graduation ceremonies, will receive a commemorative medal, and will
have his or her name engraved on a plaque at St. Anthony School. Those receiving scholarships will
also be named at graduation ceremonies, receive a certificate, and the tuition will be sent in the fall
to their Catholic school of choice.
In this packet you will find application documents, which may be used to apply for one or both of
these awards. The first part is a three-page student application to be completed by the graduating
eighth grader. This packet should be used for brainstorming, but then accessed via the school
website to download and type a final draft. The second part is a teacher recommendation that you
will need to give to two different teachers for completion.
The RR-PTC steering committee will review all applications and give recommendations to the
principal for final selection of the awards. We look for students who are well rounded academically
and spiritually and who have spent their years at St. Anthony School cultivating skills and attitudes
that will contribute to their success and growth in the future.
Eligibility requirements for all awards:
1. Students who have been active participants in the school community and in RRPTC events;
2. Students who show overall success in academics and leadership;
3. Parent and family active participation in school and parish activities;
4. Application packets completed in its entirety by the student – All pieces TYPED;
5. TWO teacher recommendations;
6. Applications returned to the office by April 17, 2014.
7. For scholarship applicants only – graduates must be attending Catholic high school
8. Tuition and In-House accounts at the school must be in good standing; any account with a
balance owing after June 30th will have that balance deducted from any RR-PTC scholarship
awarded to your family
We are eager to receive your applications and we congratulate you in advance on your graduation.
Awardees will be announced at the graduation ceremony on June 4th. If you have any questions
about this application please contact any one of the RR-PTC steering committee for assistance.
Good Luck!
RR-PTC Steering Committee
336 Shattuck Avenue South  Renton, WA 98057  425-255-0059  Fax 425-235-6555
RoadRunner Parent Teacher Club Award Application
Name: ________________________________________ Telephone Number ______________________
Address: ________________________________________ Email: ______________________________
Parents: _____________________________________________________________________________
Parish: _______________________________ High School: ___________________________________
By signing below I declare all answers to be true and accurate information and I agree to accept the
decision made by the RR-PTC.
Student Signature __________________________________________ Date _____________________
Parent Signature ___________________________________________ Date _____________________
336 Shattuck Avenue South  Renton, WA 98057  425-255-0059  Fax 425-235-6555
RoadRunner Parent Teacher Club Award Application p.2
Provide a list of all the ways, along with frequency and duration of each way, you have used and shared
your gifts in the following areas during your years at St. Anthony School:
Academic Responsibility:
School activities:
Parish activities:
Service to the Community besides school projects:
336 Shattuck Avenue South  Renton, WA 98057  425-255-0059  Fax 425-235-6555
RoadRunner Parent Teacher Club Award Application p.3
Answer the following questions to the best of your ability. Be sure to answer all parts of each prompt.
1. How have your contributions impacted the faith community at school and in your parish? How have
these faith communities influenced you over the year?
2. What are some of your personal goals for high school and beyond?
3. How will your achievements at St. Anthony School help you accomplish those goals?
4. Besides yourself, how have other members of your family been involved in school and parish
5. How do you plan to continue sharing your gifts and talents with St. Anthony School after graduating?
336 Shattuck Avenue South  Renton, WA 98057  425-255-0059  Fax 425-235-6555
RR-PTC Award Application teacher Recommendations
Students please put your name on the line below and then give the recommendation form to the teacher of your
choice. The teacher will complete and return the application to the office on your behalf.
Name of applicant: ________________________________
Teacher, the student above is applying for a graduation award by the RR-PTC. Please complete this form
as accurately as possible and then sign below. Return the completed recommendation directly to the office
by April 17, 2014.
Teacher name: ____________________________________________
How long have you known the applicant? _______________
What are the first few words that come to mind to describe the applicant? _________________________
Please rate the student in the following areas using the scale below. If you feel you cannot comment,
please mark the “I don’t know” box at the end.
Displays intellectual creativity
Participates actively in school activities
Demonstrates leadership qualities
Treats others with respect and dignity
Demonstrates integrity
Shows responsibility
Lives the St. Anthony School mission
Do you have additional comments about the student? Indicate any strength or weaknesses, unique talents,
personal qualities, and/or special circumstance that might help describe the student. Please avoid using the
student’s name in your comments.
Teacher Signature ______________________________________ Date _____________________
336 Shattuck Avenue South  Renton, WA 98057  425-255-0059  Fax 425-235-6555