Talent Show Dress Rehearsal Form

St. Anthony School Field Trip Permission Slip
Parental / Guardian Consent Form and Liability Waiver
Student’s Name:
Parent/Guardian’s Name:
Home Address:
Home Phone:
Work Phone:
,grant permission for my child,
to participate in this school-sponsored event that requires transportation to a location
away from the school site. This activity will take place under the guidance and direction
of St. Anthony School employees and/or volunteers.
Curriculum standard addressed: St. Anthony School Talent Show Dress Rehearsal
Date of Event: 2.18.16
Cost: 0
Location: Renton IPAC 400 S. Second Street Renton
Individual(s) in charge: Mrs. Tribble
Time of departure: 9 am
Return: 2:30
Mode of transportation to and from event: Carpool
Able to drive?
#of seatbelts
As required by Washington State Law, effective July 1, 2007, any child less than 8 years of age or 4’9” tall
(whichever comes first) traveling in a private vehicle must be restrained in an approved booster seat with
a lap and shoulder belt. All children under the age of 16 must be restrained by a seatbelt.
As parent and/or legal guardian, I remain legally responsible for any personal actions taken by the above
named minor student.
I agree on behalf of myself, my child named herein, or our heirs, successors and assigns, to hold harmless
and defend St. Anthony School, its officers, directors and agents, and the Corporation of the Catholic
Archbishop of Seattle, chaperones, or representatives associated with event, from any and all actions,
claims, demands, damages, costs, expensed and all consequential damage arising from or in connection
therewith, and I agree to compensate the school, its officers, directors and agents and the Corporation of the
Catholic Archbishop of Seattle, Chaperons, or representatives associated with the event for reasonable
attorney’s fees and expenses arising therewith.
Signature: _____________________________________________ Date: ___________
Student Name:
In the event of an emergency, I hereby give permission to transport my child to a hospital
for emergency medical or surgical treatment. I wish to be advised prior to any further
treatment by the hospital or doctor. In the event of and emergency and you are unable to
reach me at the below numbers, contact:
Relation to student:
Family Doctor:
Family Health Plan Carrier
Policy #:
SPECIFIC MEDICAL INFORMATION: The school will take reasonable care to see
that the following information will be held in confidence:
Allergic reaction (medications, foods, plants, insects, etc.)
Immunizations – Date of last tetanus/diphtheria immunization
Does the student have a medically prescribed diet?
Any physical limitations?
Is the student subject to chronic homesickness, emotional reactions to new situations,
sleepwalking, bedwetting, fainting?
Has the student recently been exposed to contagious disease or conditions, such as
mump, measles, chickenpox, etc.? If so, date and disease or condition:
The school should be aware of these special medical conditions of my child:
I hereby warrant that to the best of my knowledge that the medical information provided
is correct, my child is in good health, and I assume all responsibility for the health of my
Signature: _________________________________
Date: __________________