BUS 425 Engagement Planning, Auditing Tad Miller Internal Control Evaluation Audit Strategy May 2015 1. COMMUNICATION WITH PREDECESSOR AUDITOR What issues do auditing standards require the successor auditor to discuss with the predecessor auditor? 2. AU-C 315 Write the objective of AU-C 315. 3. RELATED PARTIES of an audit. Describe or define related parties. Be sure to put your answer in the context 4. ANALYTICAL PROCEDURES 5. MATERIALITY Briefly describe analytical procedures. Write the definition of materiality. 6. PERFORMANCE MATERIALITY (TOLERABLE ERROR / TOLERABLE MISSTATEMENT) materiality. Describe performance 7. ESTIMATING MISSTATEMENT -- ALLOWANCE FOR SAMPLING RISK Performance materiality for inventory is $35,000. The inventory balance is $450,000 comprised of 810 SKU numbers. We sample 90 items with recorded values totaling $50,000. The audited value of those 90 items is $46,500 with a sample mean of $516.67. Explain why you would with either 1) accept the conclusion that inventory is not materially overstated or 2) be unwilling to conclude on inventory. Show your work. You will be graded on you analysis and the use of the appropriate words. 8. ACCEPTABLE AUDIT RISK Define acceptable audit risk. Do not list the elements of audit risk. 9. AUDIT RISK Define audit risk. Do not list the elements of audit risk. 10. AUDIT RISK MODEL Which element(s) of audit risk are auditors able to reduce with audit procedures and which element(s) of audit risk are auditors unable to reduce with audit procedures. Please do not abbreviate the names of the elements. 11. CONTROL RISK Define control risk. 12. Define planned detection risk. 13. AUDIT RISK MODEL If we preliminarily assess control risk as low, what does that imply about our beliefs about the effectiveness of the client's control activities ? 14. AUDITOR’S RESPONSIBILITY PARAGRAPH In addition to discussing internal controls, the second paragraph of the Auditor’s Responsibility Section of the Audit Report, includes five elements that are covered by an audit. Please list these five elements ... 15. SARBANES OXLEY As a result of Sarbanes Oxley, the PCAOB establishes specific reporting requirements for management regarding the company's internal control structure. List the three statements pertaining to internal controls that management must include in the company's annual report. 16. INTERNAL CONTROL control How does COSO (committee of sponsoring organizations) define internal 17. COMPONENTS OF INTERNAL CONTROL List the five components of internal control. 18. SEGREGATION OF DUTIES with regard to segregation of duties, what four functional responsibilities should be performed by different people . 19. UNDERSTANDING THE CLIENT'S ACCOUNTING SYSTEM In order to document our understanding of the client's accounting system (which is an important part their internal controls). We need to demonstrate that we understand the flow of transactions. Please list the steps between identifying "the various classes of significant transactions" and how those transactions get "placed in the financial statements and disclosures." types of material errors and fraud that could occur – identify the various classes of significant transactions and methods by which each significant class of transactions is: - – - – – 20. TYPES OF DOCUMENTATION What three different types of documentation are typically used to demonstrate our understanding of the internal controls? 21. MANAGEMENT ASSERTIONS During the audit, you find an entry in the sales journal for which there is no supporting shipping document or sales order. To which financial statement assertion does this condition relate? 22. MANAGEMENT ASSERTIONS Cash appears to be overstated. You find a check which was written but was never entered into the cash disbursements journal. To which financial statement assertion does this condition relate? 23. SIGNIFICANT DEFICIENCY / MATERIAL WEAKNESS Define a deficiency in internal control. 24. AUDIT RISK MODEL PRIVATE CLIENT NOT SUBJECT TO SARBANES OXLEY We have obtained an understanding of the client's internal controls, evaluated the design, and determined they would not be effective. are auditors always required to perform some Tests of Controls during audits of private companies how will you preliminarily assess control risk which audit approach will you take how extensive will you Test Controls how extensive will your Substantive Tests be 25. AUDIT RISK MODEL SEC CLIENT SUBJECT TO SARBANES OXLEY We have obtained a sufficient understanding of the client's internal controls, evaluated the design, and we believe the controls would be effective, if they are properly implemented. are auditors always required to perform some Tests of Controls during audits of public companies how will you preliminarily assess control risk which audit approach will you take if your preliminary assessment of control risk is correct, how extensively will you Test Controls if your preliminary assessment of control risk is correct, how extensive will your Substantive Tests need to be 26. AUDIT RISK MODEL SEC CLIENT SUBJECT TO SARBANES OXLEY We have obtained a sufficient understanding of the client's internal controls, evaluated the design, and determined the controls would not be effective, even if they are properly implemented. 27. AU-C 500 are auditors required to perform some Tests of Controls on all audits of public companies how will you preliminarily assess control risk which audit approach will you take if your preliminary assessment of control risk is correct, how extensively will you Test Controls if your preliminary assessment of control risk is correct, how extensive will your Substantive Tests need to be write the objective of AU-C 500. 28. Please do not abbreviate the audit approaches in the first reference. You may abbreviate if you refer to an approach more than once. Under which approach are auditors required to obtain an understanding of the internal controls? Under which approach are auditors required to obtain sufficient appropriate evidence? 29. LIABILITY ACCOUNTS Over Under With regard to a typical liability account. Are we most concerned about overstatement or understatement ? Complete Exist Are we most concerned about completeness of existence ? Vouch Will we vouch from the Gen. Ledger to the supporting documents or trace from the supporting documents to the Gen Ledger Trace 30. REVENUE ACCOUNTS Over Under With regard to a typical revenue account Are we most concerned about overstatement or understatement ? Complete Occur Are we most concerned about completeness or occurrence ? Vouch Will we vouch from the Gen. Ledger to the supporting documents or trace from the supporting documents to the Gen Ledger Trace