Course Evaluation: Instructors: List stats for course 1 of 4 Course Evaluation - Instructor Interface Course List Logout Instructors: List Stats for course Course List Course Name: MATH2210L: INT CALC LAB Call Number: 31-454 Period: 01:25P-02:15P M Semester: Fall 2005 Instructor: M GUY Evaluation Start Date: 28 Nov 2005 Evaluation End Date: 10 Dec 2005 Current stats for that class: 1. Please tell us your major. 4;19.0% Business 1;4.8% Education 2;9.5% Mathematics 10;47.6% Science (other than Mathematics) 4;19.0% Other 0;0.0% No Answer 2. The instructor was well prepared for class. Average: 3.61905 Standard Deviation: 0.58959 14;66.7% Strongly Agree 6;28.6% Agree 1;4.8% Neutral 0;0.0% Disagree 0;0.0% Strongly Disagree 0;0.0% No Answer 3. The instructor used class time effectively to assist students in learning. Average: 3.61905 Standard Deviation: 0.80475 16;76.2% Strongly Agree 7/28/2006 10:38 AM Course Evaluation: Instructors: List stats for course 2 of 4 3;14.3% Agree 1;4.8% Neutral 1;4.8% Disagree 0;0.0% Strongly Disagree 0;0.0% No Answer 4. The instructor was responsive to questions in class. Average: 3.57143 Standard Deviation: 0.97834 16;76.2% Strongly Agree 3;14.3% Agree 1;4.8% Neutral 0;0.0% Disagree 1;4.8% Strongly Disagree 0;0.0% No Answer 5. The instructor was available for individual consultation. Average: 3.52381 Standard Deviation: 0.81358 15;71.4% Strongly Agree 2;9.5% Agree 4;19.0% Neutral 0;0.0% Disagree 0;0.0% Strongly Disagree 0;0.0% No Answer 6. The instructor provided prompt and helpful feedback on lab reports. Average: 3.52381 Standard Deviation: 0.87287 15;71.4% Strongly Agree 3;14.3% Agree 2;9.5% Neutral 1;4.8% Disagree 7/28/2006 10:38 AM Course Evaluation: Instructors: List stats for course 3 of 4 0;0.0% Strongly Disagree 0;0.0% No Answer 7. The instructor has been effective in increasing interest in mathematics and its applications. Average: 3.19048 Standard Deviation: 1.20909 14;66.7% Strongly Agree 0;0.0% Agree 4;19.0% Neutral 3;14.3% Disagree 0;0.0% Strongly Disagree 0;0.0% No Answer 8. The instructor demonstrated a reasonable knowledge of Maple. Average: 3.95238 Standard Deviation: 0.21822 20;95.2% Strongly Agree 1;4.8% Agree 0;0.0% Neutral 0;0.0% Disagree 0;0.0% Strongly Disagree 0;0.0% No Answer 9. Your answer to this final question, along with your other ratings and comments, will help the Mathematics Department to recognize faculty members whose teaching is truly outstanding. I rate my professor in this course as: Average: 3.28571 Standard Deviation: 0.90238 11;52.4% Outstanding (exceptional teacher) 6;28.6% Superior (above average to excellent) 3;14.3% Good (a solid and competent teacher) 1;4.8% Fair (improvement needed) 0;0.0% Poor (seriously deficient) 0;0.0% No Answer 7/28/2006 10:38 AM Course Evaluation: Instructors: List stats for course 4 of 4 Comments: There are 14 comments for this course: 10. Please comment briefly on specific aspects of this instructor's teaching which in your opinion particularly deserve praise and criticism such as assignments, grading, testing, methods of instruction, enthusiasm, etc.: Didn't like answering questions very much. Good teacher, made class more enjoyable He always seems eager to help and is very informative. He knows the program like the back of his hand and it shows. He didnt create enthusiasm for the program or what it could do. Instead it seemed that if we werent mathematics majors he didnt think we needed to have much of an understanding of it. He spoke english! he's great He's really nice and knows what he is doing. i loved him! he is a great guy and a great teacher. Instructor created an enjoyable fun classroom environment. Excellent job The instructor did not seem interested in teaching the class and this translated into my own lack of enthusiasm for the course. He always answered our questions, but sometimes he was short and curt in doing so. However, he did seem to have solid knowledge of Maple. The teacher graded fairly, offered plenty of help both with maple and the actual math, and was friendly and polite. The teacher was great and very helpful, but i found that the lab in general was pointless and didn't help my understanding of the material. This was my best instructor yet! was very willing to help and knowledgable in maple Number of students in this course: 23 Number of evaluations for this course: 21 7/28/2006 10:38 AM