Math 2200L: Differential Calculus Lab

Course Evaluation: Instructors: List stats for course
1 of 4
Course Evaluation - Instructor Interface
Course List
Instructors: List Stats for course
Course List
Course Name: MATH2200L: DIFF CALC LAB
Call Number: 90-180
Period: 12:30P-01:45P T
Semester: Spring 2006
Instructor: M GUY
Evaluation Start Date: 17 Apr 2006
Evaluation End Date: 03 May 2006
Current stats for that class:
1. Please tell us your major.
9;47.4% Business
0;0.0% Education
0;0.0% Mathematics
9;47.4% Science (other than Mathematics)
1;5.3% Other
0;0.0% No Answer
2. The instructor was well prepared for class.
Average: 3.73684
Standard Deviation: 0.45241
14;73.7% Strongly Agree
5;26.3% Agree
0;0.0% Neutral
0;0.0% Disagree
0;0.0% Strongly Disagree
0;0.0% No Answer
3. The instructor used class time effectively to assist students in learning.
Average: 3.88889
Standard Deviation: 0.32338
16;84.2% Strongly Agree
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Course Evaluation: Instructors: List stats for course
2 of 4
2;10.5% Agree
0;0.0% Neutral
0;0.0% Disagree
0;0.0% Strongly Disagree
1;5.3% No Answer
4. The instructor was responsive to questions in class.
Average: 3.89474
Standard Deviation: 0.31530
17;89.5% Strongly Agree
2;10.5% Agree
0;0.0% Neutral
0;0.0% Disagree
0;0.0% Strongly Disagree
0;0.0% No Answer
5. The instructor was available for individual consultation.
Average: 3.42105
Standard Deviation: 0.83771
12;63.2% Strongly Agree
3;15.8% Agree
4;21.1% Neutral
0;0.0% Disagree
0;0.0% Strongly Disagree
0;0.0% No Answer
6. The instructor provided prompt and helpful feedback on lab reports.
Average: 3.78947
Standard Deviation: 0.41885
15;78.9% Strongly Agree
4;21.1% Agree
0;0.0% Neutral
0;0.0% Disagree
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Course Evaluation: Instructors: List stats for course
3 of 4
0;0.0% Strongly Disagree
0;0.0% No Answer
7. The instructor has been effective in increasing interest in mathematics and its
Average: 3.47368
Standard Deviation: 0.77233
12;63.2% Strongly Agree
4;21.1% Agree
3;15.8% Neutral
0;0.0% Disagree
0;0.0% Strongly Disagree
0;0.0% No Answer
8. The instructor demonstrated a reasonable knowledge of Maple.
Average: 3.94737
Standard Deviation: 0.22942
18;94.7% Strongly Agree
1;5.3% Agree
0;0.0% Neutral
0;0.0% Disagree
0;0.0% Strongly Disagree
0;0.0% No Answer
9. Your answer to this final question, along with your other ratings and comments, will
help the Mathematics Department to recognize faculty members whose teaching is truly
outstanding. I rate my professor in this course as:
Average: 3.84211
Standard Deviation: 0.37463
16;84.2% Outstanding (exceptional teacher)
3;15.8% Superior (above average to excellent)
0;0.0% Good (a solid and competent teacher)
0;0.0% Fair (improvement needed)
0;0.0% Poor (seriously deficient)
0;0.0% No Answer
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Course Evaluation: Instructors: List stats for course
4 of 4
There are 12 comments for this course:
10. Please comment briefly on specific aspects of this instructor's teaching which in your opinion
particularly deserve praise and criticism such as assignments, grading, testing, methods of
instruction, enthusiasm, etc.:
He is a great lab instructor and makes the class very interesting and keeps it exciting. He also uses our time
wisely so that we can understand and get done what needs to be done so that we don't have to do much
outside of class.
He is A GREAT teacher.
He was very helpful and very receptive and knew a lot about the program.
He was very helpful when we had difficulties with maple.
I loved this class!! I wish all of my math courses where like it.
I really enjoyed Mr. Guy's class. He was always willing to help if we didn't know how to do something in
class. Great teacher!!
Michael Guy, was an amazing teacher. He was always willing to help and provided excellent assistance.
Mr. Guy was an exceptional teacher. He had time to answere all questions and knew how to teach the
program that was used in lab. He also made class more than the teacher vs. the students. He enjoyed
getting to know his students and throughout the semester.
One of the best professor's I've had since getting to UGA
Prof. Guy was very effective in helping the students with Maple. The program is confusing and he does a
wonderful job helping the students, and is very reasonable in the amount of work that labs require. Good
This lab class was great! Sometimes labs feel impossible and that I just go through the motions, but Prof.
Guy made the lab fun and that i actually got something out of what we were doing. Very fair class and
Number of students in this course: 23
Number of evaluations for this course: 19
7/28/2006 10:39 AM