Chromosome Mapping Assignment INSTRUCTIONS PROCEDURE A: 1) Examine the diagram of perch chromosomes supplied. They have been removed from the nucleus of the white blood cell after replication. 2) Cut out each chromosome map of these 48 replicated chromosomes and arrange them on the worksheet with their other pair. Place the centromere of the replicated chromosomes on the lines of the worksheet. 3) Tape or glue down the arranged pairs in rows of 6. (Notice that a numbered chromosome will be paired with a lettered chromosome. 4) Answer the following questions: a) How many chromosomes are present in the spread or karyotype? b) Which pair of the chromosomes are sex chromosomes? c) What is the sex of this perch? d) What is the diploid or 2n number of a yellow perch? Yellow Perch Chromatid Centromere Telomere 1 of 12 Chromosome Mapping Assignment kARYOTYPE yELLOW pERCH CUT OUT SHEET 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X 2 of 12 KARYOTYPE FOR YELLOW PERCH Chromosome Mapping Assignment 3 of 12 Chromosome Mapping Assignment ANSWER KEY PROCEDURE A: 1) Examine the diagram of perch chromosomes supplied. They have been removed from the nucleus of the white blood cell after replication. 2) Cut out each chromosome map of these 48 replicated chromosomes and arrange them on the worksheet with their other pair. Place the centromere of the replicated chromosomes on the lines of the worksheet. 3) Tape or glue down the arranged pairs in rows of 6. (Notice that a numbered chromosome will be paired with a lettered chromosome. 4) Answer the following questions: a) How many chromosomes are present in the spread or karyotype? 48 b) Which pair of the chromosomes are sex chromosomes? 16 and I (the last pair) c) What is the sex of this perch? Female d) What is the diploid or 2n number of a yellow perch? 48 Yellow Perch Chromatid Centromere Telomere 4 of 12 9J 24 T 10 D 4S 5M 13 O 18 U 6G 22 L 20 W 1B 15 R 7A 11 Q 16 I 23 P 3E 14 K 12 C 19 N 21 V 2H 17 X 8F KARYOTYPE FOR YELLOW PERCH Chromosome Mapping Assignment ANSWER KEY 5 of 12 Chromosome Mapping Assignment iNSTRUCTIONS PROCEDURE B: 1) Examine the diagram of perch chromosomes supplied. They have been removed from the nucleus of the white blood cell after replication. 2) Cut out each chromosome map of these 60 replicated chromosomes and arrange them on the worksheet with their other pair. Place the centromere of the replicated chromosomes on the lines of the worksheet. 3) Tape or glue down the arranged pairs in rows of 6. (Notice that a numbered chromosome will be paired with a lettered chromosome. 4) Answer the following questions: a) How many chromosomes does this fish posses in the nuclei of its cells? b) How many chromosomes would this fish have in its gametes or sex cells? c) What is the sex of this fish? d) Identify this fish by referring to the chart below which gives the chromosome numbers of five Manitoba fishes. Diploid Number Manitoba Fish Yellow Perch Small Mouth Bass Brown Bullhead Walleye Lake Trout 48 46 60 50 84 6 of 12 Chromosome Mapping Assignment kARYOTYPE FISH B CUT OUT SHEET 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z AA BB CC DD 7 of 12 KARYOTYPE FOR FISH B Chromosome Mapping Assignment 8 of 12 Chromosome Mapping Assignment ANSWER KEY PROCEDURE B: 1) Examine the diagram of perch chromosomes supplied. They have been removed from the nucleus of the white blood cell after replication. 2) Cut out each chromosome map of these 60 replicated chromosomes and arrange them on the worksheet with their other pair. Place the centromere of the replicated chromosomes on the lines of the worksheet. 3) Tape or glue down the arranged pairs in rows of 6. (Notice that a numbered chromosome will be paired with a lettered chromosome. 4) Answer the following questions: a) How many chromosomes does this fish posses in the nuclei of its cells? 60 b) How many chromosomes would this fish have in its gametes or sex cells? 30 c) What is the sex of this fish? Male d) Identify this fish by referring to the chart below which gives the chromosome numbers of five Manitoba fishes. Diploid Number Manitoba Fish Yellow Perch Small Mouth Bass Brown Bullhead Walleye Lake Trout 48 46 60 50 84 9 of 12 24 A 4S 29 G 10 CC 7U 1V 11 I 19P 6C 18 K 15 D 28 Z 2X 21 E 14 BB 17 T 25 O 8N 12 M 20 Y 3F 16 Q 22 H 26 L 13 AA 9R 5W 27 J 30 DD 23 B KARYOTYPE FOR FISH B Chromosome Mapping Assignment ANSWER KEY 10 of 12 Chromosome Mapping Assignment INSTRUCTIONS PROCEDURE C: For further consideration. Compare the karyotypes of the two fishes studied in the above procedures (A and B) with a human karyotype. How are they similar, how are they different? HUMAN KARYOTYPE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 22 23 21 18 11 of 12 Chromosome Mapping Assignment answer key PROCEDURE C: For further consideration. Compare the karyotypes of the two fishes studied in the above procedures (A and B) with a human karyotype. How are they similar, how are they different? The karyotypes of the fish studied are similar to a human karyotype since they both have chromosomes that are in pairs and they undergo meiosis. Also, the chromosomes are connected by centromeres and both humans and fish have sex chromosomes. The karyotypes of the fish studied are different than a human karyotype since a they have different diploid numbers. Also, the centromeres are in different positions. HUMAN KARYOTYPE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 22 23 21 18 12 of 12