TAMBO STATE SCHOOL NEWSLETTER T A M B O Phone 07 46 217333 Fax 07 46217300 . by Mrs Kym Johnson STUDENT FREE DAY Just a reminder that the Student Free Day is next Monday 20th October. Students do not need to a/end school on this day. ICAS MATHS TESTING Congratula2ons to Steele, Casey, Ethan, Charlie, Chloe, Merrick and Chelsea. These students par2cipated in the ICAS Maths Tes2ng. A special congratula2ons to Merrick and Ethan for achieving Credits. LIBRARY AND READING ROOM BOOKS Over the last two weeks a number of overdue no2ces have been sent home with students. We s2ll have a significant number of overdue books from last term. Could you please take the 2me to check for these books at home and return any books found? To recover the cost of these missing books we will be sending invoices for any books not returned. BEHAVIOUR FOCUS This week our rule is “Be an Ac2ve Learner” - Always a/end school unless you are really sick. Ensure someone contacts the school if you are away. School a/endance is important and everyday counts. T A T T L SCHOOL SORES (IMPETIGO) We have had three reported cases of School Sores (Impe2go) in the school this Term. Queensland Health offers the following informa2on regarding this condi2on and exclusion periods. “Exclude case un2l the person has received appropriate an2bio2cs for at least 24 hours. Sores are not contagious if covered, or a@er the child has taken an2bio2cs for 24 hours. Weeping or crusted sores on exposed areas should always be covered with a water2ght dressing un2l at least 24 hours post an2bio2cs commenced and for as long as prac2cal.” Please remember all students absent from school will require a Medical Cer2ficate. Please find a/ached to this newsle/er a more comprehensive fact sheet outlining this condi2on. P&C MEETING The P&C Mee2ng has been postponed un2l further no2ce. EXCURSION TO CANBERRA E R Students from our school have recently undertaken an educa,on tour of the na,onal capital. Students will be given the opportunity to par,cipate in a variety of educa,onal programs with a focus on Australia’s history, culture, heritage and democracy. The Australian Government recognises the importance of all young Australians being able to visit the na,onal capital as part of their Civics and Ci,zenship educa,on. To assist families in mee,ng the cost of the excursion the Australian Government is contribu,ng funding of $80 per student under the Parliament and Civics Educa,on Rebate program towards those costs. The rebate is paid directly to the school upon comple,on of the excursion. October 15th, 2014 Week 2, Term 4, Semester 2 SCHOOL NEWS TAMBO STATE SCHOOL NEWSLETTER Phone 07 46 217333 Fax 07 46217300 DATES TO REMEMBER October 20 October 22 November 26 November 27 December 5 Year P/1 Year 2/3 Year 4/5 Year 6/7 Lance McLaughlan Alice Mar2n Hugo Hobbs Lilly Richardson Student Free Day Discipline Audit Presentation Night Year 10 Graduation Last Day of Term 4 DRESS UP DAY FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31ST Come dressed up as your favourite “Movie Character or Book Character” STUDENT COUNCIL FUNDRAISER TEENAGERS AND NUTRITION In Australia only 5% of teenagers are ea2ng the right types and amounts of food as recommended in the Australian Dietary guidelines. In par2cular, teenagers are ea2ng too many processed foods that are high in fat, salt and sugar. Our taste buds love these foods and make us want to eat more and more of them! These foods are also contribu2ng to Australia’s obesity epidemic. As many as one in three teenagers are classified as either overweight or obese. I surveyed students at one of the schools I visit and there were lots of pies, sausage rolls, chicken chips and so@ drinks on their daily menu. The average so@ drink has ten teaspoons of sugar in it! That is a lot of ‘empty energy’. By empty energy I mean we get a burst of energy from all the sugar, but no other nutrients. Then, about an hour a@er having the so@ drink we o@en feel more lethargic than we did in the first place. In par2cular, teenagers are missing out on Calcium and Iron due to inadequate diets. This is at a 2me where most adolescents are having big growth spurts and their bones need the right amounts of calcium to be strong to minimise the risk of broken bones and bri/le bones when they are older. Iron is important for making healthy red blood cells that can carry oxygen around our body. Calcium is found in dairy foods, green leafy vegetables, nuts (par2cularly almonds) and salmon. The best sources of iron come from red meat and dark green leafy vegetables, such as spinach. You cannot necessarily tell if someone is in a healthy weight range just by looking at them. We currently use the ‘Body Mass Index’ to determine if people are in a healthy weight range. To work out your BMI this formula is used: Weight (kg) ÷ Height (m)² For example: 60Kg ÷ (1.7m×1.7m) = 20.76 A healthy weight range is between 20 and 25. Over 25 is considered overweight. I encourage you to log onto www.eaNorhealth.gov.au to look at the types and amounts of foods recommended in the Australian Dietary Guidelines Take Care, Natalie Hurst – School Based Youth Health Nurse October 15th, 2014 Week 2, Term 4, Semester 2 TAMBO STATE SCHOOL NEWSLETTER Phone 07 46 217333 Fax 07 46217300 COMMUNITY NEWS HALLOWEEN PREPARATIONS Young people come along to a cra@ a@ernoon of spooky art. When : Tuesday 21st OctoCOMMUNITY NEWS ber, 3.15pm Where: Tambo Grassland Art Gallery PLUS Help needed to make the Hall as SCARY as possible on the day. When: Saturday October 25th, 3pm Where: Tambo Town Hall Any ques2ons please contact BTRC Youth Officer Lily Kent on 0400 749 366 or Blackall Tambo Youth facebook. WANTED - HORSE SHOES 400 horse shoes are needed. $1 per horse shoe can be raised for your school. If you have any horse shoes lying about, could you please drop them at the School Office. REMEMBER …… $1 EACH Thank you October 15th, 2014 Week 2, Term 4, Semester 2