engl 202 introduction to the literary genres second year

ENGL 202
Universidad del Este, Universidad Metropolitana, Universidad del Turabo
© Sistema Universitario Ana G. Méndez, 2003 Derechos Reservados
Prep. 02-01-05. Prof. Tere Rodriguez, MA
Escuela de Estudios Profesionales
Programa Ahora
Universidad Metropolitana
Study Guide
Workshop One
Workshop Two
Workshop Three ........................................................................................................................
Workshop Four
Workshop Five
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D
Appendix E
Appendix F
Assignment Rubric
Appendix G
Literary Genres Pyramid
Appendix H
Ice breaker
Prep. 02-01-05. Prof. Tere Rodriguez, MA
English 202 Introduction to the Literary Genres Second Year
Escuela de Estudios Profesionales
Programa Ahora
Universidad Metropolitana
Study Guide
Course Title:
Introduction to Literary Genres
Second Year
Five weeks
English 101-102, 103-104, or 105-106
This is a basic introductory course in the study of literary genres. It aims to
develop an appreciation for the study of the essay, poetry and drama. This is a
required course for English majors.
General Objectives:
By the end of the course, the students will:
1. Recognize and analyze the essay, poetry and drama as literary genres.
2. Acquire the habit of reading literary for pleasure and enjoyment.
3. Develop an awareness of the importance of the literary genres.
4. Develop an awareness of the deeper values and insights of an essay,
poetry and drama.
5. Apply the skills acquired in this course to other subject fields.
Prep. 02-01-05. Prof. Tere Rodriguez, MA
English 202 Introduction to the Literary Genres Second Year
Escuela de Estudios Profesionales
Programa Ahora
Universidad Metropolitana
Textbooks and Resources:
Bonilla, G., Farré-Rigau, Y., Irvine, I., (2000). THE ESSAY. English 202/206.
Ana G. Mendez University System.
Bonilla, G., Farré-Rigau, Y., Irvine, I., (1997). POETRY. English 202/206.
Ana G. Mendez University System.
Bonilla, G., Farré-Rigau, Y., Irvine, I., Morales, I., (1997). DRAMA. English
202/206. Ana G. Mendez University System.
Electronic References:
Workshop One
Workshop Two
Workshop Three
Prep. 02-01-05. Prof. Tere Rodriguez, MA
English 202 Introduction to the Literary Genres Second Year
Escuela de Estudios Profesionales
Programa Ahora
Universidad Metropolitana
http://highered.mcgraw- hill.com/sites/0767422783/student_view0
Workshop Four
Workshop Five
Prep. 02-01-05. Prof. Tere Rodriguez, MA
English 202 Introduction to the Literary Genres Second Year
Escuela de Estudios Profesionales
Programa Ahora
Universidad Metropolitana
A. Exam/s
B. Participation / Class Presentation
C. Project: Writer’s Journal
To be
b workshop 4 & 5.
D. Written Assignments: 25 points
each (4 typed assignments)
Determined by facilitator
based on workshops
Participation and
Weekly class / out-of-class
notes, research
(binder format)
based on workshop topic.
A. Exam(s): (take home or in-class) based on the readings and classroom
B. Participation / Class presentation:
Participate- classroom discussions and activities.
Come prepare to class and bring assignments on time.
C. Writer’s Journal: Notes based the workshops and research.
D. Written assignments (4): Essays, poems, drama. Due dates: Workshop 2-5
Cooperative group presentations
Each member shall present a part of the topic/theme.
Use various forms of presentation, such as: audiovisuals, dramatizations,
games, debates, video recordings, interviews, graphic organizers.
References should follow APA format.
Presentations need to be done during the workshops; therefore
planning is required in order to allow time for everyone’s participation.
Prep. 02-01-05. Prof. Tere Rodriguez, MA
English 202 Introduction to the Literary Genres Second Year
Escuela de Estudios Profesionales
Programa Ahora
Universidad Metropolitana
Grading Scale – total all points to determine percentage for the grade.
100-90 =A
89-80 =B
79-70 =C
69-60 =D
59-00 =F
An exam is required for the final grade. Students missing the final exam will be
given an “incomplete.” This grade may be removed by the beginning of the
following semester. See the facilitator for dates and restrictions.
Guidelines for the Course:
Attendance is necessary. In case of an absence, students should contact the
facilitator in order to be excused and agree upon the means to hand in
assigned work.
The facilitator shall have the right to accept the excuse and the assigned
work. The facilitator will use his/her criteria in evaluating the assignment and
adjust the grade as necessary.
Classroom presentations and activities cannot be made up. If the student has
a valid excuse (i.e., medical or emergency) the facilitator may request a
written exam or assignment in place of the topic for that workshop.
This is an accelerated program. Students should be prepared before each
workshop. An average of 10 hours per week is required for each workshop.
Student’s work should be original. Plagiarism is not acceptable. Credits must
be given to the source of information.
Changes made by the facilitator will be discussed in the first workshop. A
written description of the changes will be given to the students as well as the
The facilitator will establish the means of contact and communication for the
Cellular phone calls are not permitted during class sessions.
Children or family members are not permitted during class sessions.
Prep. 02-01-05. Prof. Tere Rodriguez, MA
English 202 Introduction to the Literary Genres Second Year
Escuela de Estudios Profesionales
Programa Ahora
Universidad Metropolitana
Workshop One
The Essay
Specific Objectives:
At the end of this workshop, the student will:
1. Determine the topic sentence in selected paragraphs.
2. Distinguish the main idea in paragraphs with topic sentences and those
without topic sentences.
3. Determine the method / technique of development of paragraphs.
a. Details
b. Examples
c. Comparison
d. Contrast
e. Definition
4. Distinguish a formal from an informal essay.
5. Identify the introductory, developmental, transitional, and concluding
paragraphs in an essay.
6. Explain an author’s message in your own words.
Definitions from various dictionaries to learn literary terms.
Tips on writing a basic essay.
Beyond the Five Paragraph Essay
An Essay is Like a Journey-Steps for Essay Writing
Essay- The Process
Assignments before Workshop One:
1. Review the websites on essays; take notes on web sites to share in class.
Prep. 02-01-05. Prof. Tere Rodriguez, MA
English 202 Introduction to the Literary Genres Second Year
Escuela de Estudios Profesionales
Programa Ahora
Universidad Metropolitana
2. Complete the Outline Chart for the Essay Appendix A, four pages.
To be used during workshop discussions and activities.
3. Take notes from the readings and research on writing an essay –enter in
Writer’s Journal.
4. Key points to learn and discuss: What is an essay? What is the purpose
for writing an essay? How are essays used in everyday writing? What
are the general elements of an essay?
1. Introduction- facilitator and students (Ice-breaker / Appendix H).
2. Review the course guide, materials, requirements, project and procedure
for evaluation.
3. Reviewing THE ESSAY, by Bonilla, Farré-Rigau, and Irvine (Module –
booklet). Use the Outline Chart for the Essay Appendix A and notes
from the Writer’s Journal to review the characteristics of an essay.
4. Do “Learning Activity 1” Choosing the topic sentence, page 10.
5. Do “Learning Activity 2” Topic sentence and main idea, page 11.
6. Review Types of Paragraphs, pages 12-17 and outline Appendix A.
7. Review some of the sample Practice Exercises, pages 18-22.
8. Creative presentation: Small group or teams:
Use the Glossary, Comprehension an Analysis to plan the presentation,
see the sections at the end of each essay.
¾ Select an Essay from the booklet: See pages 24-45
¾ Read and plan a presentation activity about the essay.
Presentation ideas: Use any of these or select one of your own.
¾ Roundtable discussion – on the topic of the essay.
¾ Debate on the topic.
¾ Role play - interview the “author” about the topic of the essay.
Prep. 02-01-05. Prof. Tere Rodriguez, MA
English 202 Introduction to the Literary Genres Second Year
Escuela de Estudios Profesionales
Programa Ahora
Universidad Metropolitana
9. Do the presentations and discuss the themes in the essays.
10. Written homework assignment #1 -The Essay: Write
an Essay to be handed during Workshop Two. Add a Glossary,
Comprehension an Analysis page with answers about the essay. Refer
to class discussions and readings on how to write an essay (see
recommended websites).
11. Workshop Two - discuss the assignments for the next session.
The student will write a summary of the main points of this workshop.
Summary may be written as a group and entered into the Writer’s
Prep. 02-01-05. Prof. Tere Rodriguez, MA
English 202 Introduction to the Literary Genres Second Year
Escuela de Estudios Profesionales
Programa Ahora
Universidad Metropolitana
Workshop Two
Specific Objectives:
At the end of this workshop, the student will:
1. Distinguish prose from poetry.
2. Paraphrase a poem.
3. Identify the different types of poetry such as lyric, narrative, and dramatic
4. Distinguish the figurative language in poetry.
5. Distinguish the various types of images.
6. Identify rhyme scheme in a poem.
7. Explain a poet’s message in the student’s own words.
8. Listen for rhythm in poetry.
9. Recognize different kinds of poetry such as the epigram, the limerick,
shaped poetry, and ballads.
Collection of public poems
Online archive of classical poetry
Video of “Piececitos” by Gabriela Mistral (Spanish poem)
Listen to various poems- video collection
Assignments before Workshop Two
1. Written Essay – homework assignment from Workshop 1.
2. Review the websites on poetry as a literary genre.
Prep. 02-01-05. Prof. Tere Rodriguez, MA
English 202 Introduction to the Literary Genres Second Year
Escuela de Estudios Profesionales
Programa Ahora
Universidad Metropolitana
3. Complete the Outline Chart for the Poetry (Appendix B) and write down
notes from the readings and research on poetry in your Writer’s Journal.
4. Key points to learn and discuss: What is a poem? What is the purpose of
poetry? How are feelings expressed through poetry? What are the
general elements of poetry? How is language used in poetry?
1. Follow- up: Workshop 1: Divide class into small groups to share essays.
Use “Elements of the Essay” pgs. 6-7, The Essay, Bonilla G. & Irvine I.
2. Discussion on Poetry, by Bonilla, Farré-Rigau, and Irvine (Module –
booklet). Use the Outline Chart for Poetry, Appendix B , or notes from
your Writer’s Journal to review the characteristics of poetry.
3. Review activities in the Poetry Booklet: Prose and Poetry, pg. 3,
and Elements of Poetry, pgs. 6-15.
4. Discuss Types of Poetry, pages 16-27.
5. Creative Activity: Divide into groups and develop an example(s) of the
different types of poetry. Use the poems from the book or websites to write
your own version. Include “figurative language.” Select one to
present to the class.
6. Share poems from websites. Paraphrase the poems. Distinguish the
types of images “seen” in the poems. What’s the message, etc.
7. Written homework assignment #2 –Poetry: The student will write
a poem based on the examples discussed in class. List the type of
poem and write a set of questions for class discussion. Use figurative
language, see pages 14-27.
8. Workshop Three – discuss the assignment for the next session.
Assessment: Summarize the important points of a poem – Writer’s
Prep. 02-01-05. Prof. Tere Rodriguez, MA
English 202 Introduction to the Literary Genres Second Year
Escuela de Estudios Profesionales
Programa Ahora
Universidad Metropolitana
Workshop Three
Specific Objectives:
At the end of this workshop, the student will:
1. Distinguish between a play and other literary genres.
2. Explain how drama limits the playwright.
3. Identify the different elements of drama:
A. Audience
B. Action
C. Dialogue
D. Characters
E. Setting
4. Explain the uses of dialogue.
5. Determine the setting of a given play.
6. Recognize and use vocabulary words related to the theater.
Definitions of drama
Plays on line- http://vl-theatre.com/
Top drama movies - http://www.imdb.com/Sections/Genres/Drama/
Modern drama –http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0073486/
Overview of dramahttp://www.cogsci.princeton.edu/cgibin/webwn?stage=1&word=drama
Drama/plays- classical to contemporary- http://drama.eserver.org/plays/
Glossary - http://highered.mcgrawhill.com/sites/0767422783/student_view0/glossary_of_drama_terms.html
Prep. 02-01-05. Prof. Tere Rodriguez, MA
English 202 Introduction to the Literary Genres Second Year
Escuela de Estudios Profesionales
Programa Ahora
Universidad Metropolitana
Assignments before Workshop Three:
1. Review the websites on drama as a literary genre.
2. Complete the Outline Chart for DRAMA (Appendix C Pages 1-2)
use DRAMA booklet - also take notes from the readings and
research on drama in your Writer’s Journal.
3. Key points to learn and discuss: What is drama? What is the purpose
of drama? How is drama part of everyday life? What are the
general elements of drama?
1. Follow - up homework / Workshop 2: Divide class into small groups to
share the poems.
Discuss the elements of poetry or type of poetry style used in the personal
poems, see pgs. 6-26, Poetry.
2. Discussion on Drama, by Bonilla, Farré-Rigau, and Irvine (Drama Booklet
pages 1-10. Note: Pages 11-21- are for Workshop Four).
3. Use the Outline Chart for Drama, Appendix C, or notes from your
Writer’s Journal to review the characteristics of drama.
4. Studying drama – discussion pages 1-10.
5. Discuss the information from the websites regarding drama.
6. Creative Activity assignment # 3- drama: The students will write a script
based on a topic of choice. Use samples from the web or the example
from the booklet, page 4.
Determine the elements and type of drama. Assign roles and prepare to
present to the class by next session.
7. Workshop Four – discuss the assignment for the next session.
Assessment: Summarize the important points of drama-Writer’s Journal.
Prep. 02-01-05. Prof. Tere Rodriguez, MA
English 202 Introduction to the Literary Genres Second Year
Escuela de Estudios Profesionales
Programa Ahora
Universidad Metropolitana
Workshop Four
Compare/Contrast Literary Genres
Specific Objectives:
At the end of this workshop, the student will:
1. Determine whether characters in a play are consistently appropriate.
2. Determine whether a play belongs to any of the major types-comedy or
3. Learn about the history of drama from its conception to the present day.
4. Compare and contrast setting in a story or novel and setting in drama.
5. Compare and contrast dialogue in a play with dialogue in a short story or
a novel.
5. Recognize vocabulary terms particular to literary genres /glossary.
History of drama-Roman times
History of drama- medieval times
History of Drama
History of Drama
Characters in a play
Types of comedies and tragedies:
Elements of drama
Prep. 02-01-05. Prof. Tere Rodriguez, MA
English 202 Introduction to the Literary Genres Second Year
Escuela de Estudios Profesionales
Programa Ahora
Universidad Metropolitana
Short stories
The novel
Assignments before Workshop Four:
1. Review the websites and take notes.
2. Complete Outline Chart on Drama, Appendix C, page 3-4.
See DRAMA Booklet, pages 11-21.
3. Key points to learn and discuss: How does a character maintain the
audience’s attention on the story? Describe the role of drama through-out
history. How is the setting and the dialogue in a dramatic presentation
similar or different to a novel or a short story?
4. Creative Activity: Finalize the format for presentation of the written
dramatic script (started during Workshop 3).
1. Continuation: Discussion on drama, by Bonilla, Farré-Rigau, and Irvine
(Drama Booklet). Use the Outline Chart for Drama , Appendix C, or
notes from your Writer’s Journal to review the characteristics of drama.
2. Presentation: Dramatic script (prepared Workshop 3).
3. Review section on the Comedy and Tragedy and History of Drama.
4. Jig-saw Small Group Activity : Describe /define terms – Appendix D
5. Review the research from the websites.
6. Creative Activity: Divide into groups, select a theme to develop a
character’s role. Develop the dialogue and setting. One group develops
an example of the characters in a novel/short story. Another group
demonstrates how a character acts out their role in a play.
Compare and contrast the dialogue, the setting, and the characters in both
Prep. 02-01-05. Prof. Tere Rodriguez, MA
English 202 Introduction to the Literary Genres Second Year
Escuela de Estudios Profesionales
Programa Ahora
Universidad Metropolitana
b Facilitator checks Writer’s Journals, may use Rubric, Appendix F.
Checking may be completed between Workshops 4 & 5.
8. Written Assignment # 4 –Write about a drama (research). List the type of
drama, time period, author, and elements of the drama. How does the
theme relate to modern times? List some questions and possible
answers that can be used for classroom discussion.
9. Workshop Five – discuss the assignment for the last session.
Prep. 02-01-05. Prof. Tere Rodriguez, MA
English 202 Introduction to the Literary Genres Second Year
Escuela de Estudios Profesionales
Programa Ahora
Universidad Metropolitana
Workshop Five
Conclusion on the Study of Literary Genres
Specific Objectives:
At the end of this workshop, the student will:
1. Compare and contrast characterization in previously read short stories or
novels with characterization in a play.
2. Identify the exposition, climax, and conclusion in a play.
3. Review the vocabulary of literary genres.
Drama Overview
Climax in a play
Exposition of a play
Conclusion of a play
Assignments before Workshop Five:
1. Websites- look for plays that belong under comedy or tragedy.
2. How is the characterization developed in literary genres?
3. Summarize the parts of a play: climax, exposition, ending.
1. Group Activity: Characterization in short stories, novels, and plays
Appendix E.
Prep. 02-01-05. Prof. Tere Rodriguez, MA
English 202 Introduction to the Literary Genres Second Year
Escuela de Estudios Profesionales
Programa Ahora
Universidad Metropolitana
2. Complete Appendix G- Literary Genres Pyramid.
Facilitator completes checking Writer’s Journals.
4. Types of comedies and tragedies: See website # 2
5. Discuss the parts of a –climax, exposition, ending.
6. Conclusion: Complete test, turn in written assignment # 4, and any other
Prep. 02-01-05. Prof. Tere Rodriguez, MA
English 202 Introduction to the Literary Genres Second Year
Escuela de Estudios Profesionales
Programa Ahora
Universidad Metropolitana
APPENDIX A – Essay Page 1
Outline Chart: Analyzing the Characteristics of an Essay
(See The ESSAY, Bonilla, Gladys & web search)
The Essay:
-What is an essay? Pg. 3
- Difference between an
essay/short story? Pg.3
-Writer’s purpose for
selecting a subject. Pg. 4
-Planning/organizing an
essay. Pg. 4
-Types of essays. Pg. 6
-Steps for reading an essay.
Pg. 6
Prep. 02-01-05. Prof. Tere Rodriguez, MA
English 202 Introduction to the Literary Genres Second Year
Escuela de Estudios Profesionales
Programa Ahora
Universidad Metropolitana
APPENDIX A - Essay Page 2
Elements of the Essay.
Pgs. 6-7
-Purpose of the author.
-Main Idea
Paragraph analysis. Pgs. 7-8
-1. Introductory paragraph
-2. Developmental paragraph.
-3. Transitional paragraph
-4. Concluding paragraph
Prep. 02-01-05. Prof. Tere Rodriguez, MA
English 202 Introduction to the Literary Genres Second Year
Escuela de Estudios Profesionales
Programa Ahora
Universidad Metropolitana
APPENDIX A – Essay Page 3
Figurative language. Pgs. 8-9
-1. Simile
-2. Metaphor
-3. Personification
-4. Irony
-5. Allusion
What is a topic sentence? Pg. 9
Which are the types of
paragraphs? Pg. 12
-A. Introductory Paragraph.
Pg. 13
-B. Developmental Paragraph
Pgs. 13 -16
1. Using details
2. Giving examples
3. By definition
4. Through cause and
5. By comparison
Prep. 02-01-05. Prof. Tere Rodriguez, MA
English 202 Introduction to the Literary Genres Second Year
Escuela de Estudios Profesionales
Programa Ahora
Universidad Metropolitana
APPENDIX A - Essay Page 4
6. By contrast
-C. Transitional Paragraph
Page 16
-D. Concluding Paragraph
Page 17
Which are the qualities of a
good essay? Pgs. 22-23
-1. Unity
-2. Coherence
-3. Emphasis
-4. Completeness
Critical Commentary Pg. 23
Prep. 02-01-05. Prof. Tere Rodriguez, MA
English 202 Introduction to the Literary Genres Second Year
Escuela de Estudios Profesionales
Programa Ahora
Universidad Metropolitana
APPENDIX B – Poetry Page 1
Outline Chart: Analyzing the Characteristics of Poetry
(See Poetry, Bonilla, G. & Irvine, I. & web sites)
-Guidelines for reading
poetry. Pg. 3
- Distinguish prose from poetry.
Pg. 3-5
Example 1
Example 2
Example 3
Elements of Poetry. Pgs. 6-12
1. Context
2. Connotation and Denotation
3. Imagery
Prep. 02-01-05. Prof. Tere Rodriguez, MA
English 202 Introduction to the Literary Genres Second Year
Escuela de Estudios Profesionales
Programa Ahora
Universidad Metropolitana
APPENDIX B – Poetry Page 2
Figurative Language Pgs. 14-15 (1-11)
7. Consonance
1. Simile
2. Metaphor
8 . Onomatopeia
3. Personification
4. Symbol
9. Hyperbole
10. Understatement
5. Alliteration
11. Apostrophe
6. Assonance
Types of Poetry, Pages 16 – 27 (1-6)
1. Lyric
4. Epigrams
2. Narrative / ballads
5. Limericks
3. Dramatic
6. Shaped Poetry
Prep. 02-01-05. Prof. Tere Rodriguez, MA
English 202 Introduction to the Literary Genres Second Year
Escuela de Estudios Profesionales
Programa Ahora
Universidad Metropolitana
APPENDIX C - Play/drama Page 1
Workshop 3
What are the differences
between a play (drama) and
other literary genres (i.e.,
novel, short story)?
Pg. 2 -3
What are the limitations of a
What is drama? pg.4
Prep. 02-01-05. Prof. Tere Rodriguez, MA
English 202 Introduction to the Literary Genres Second Year
Escuela de Estudios Profesionales
Programa Ahora
Universidad Metropolitana
APPENDIX C - Play/drama Page 2
Describe how drama is a
part of life. Pg. 4
Describe the origin of
Pg. 5
Describe the different
elements of drama?
Pg.6 -10
Prep. 02-01-05. Prof. Tere Rodriguez, MA
English 202 Introduction to the Literary Genres Second Year
Escuela de Estudios Profesionales
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Universidad Metropolitana
APPENDIX C - Play/drama Page 3 / Workshop 4
Describe the four major
types of plays. Pg. 11
Prep. 02-01-05. Prof. Tere Rodriguez, MA
English 202 Introduction to the Literary Genres Second Year
Escuela de Estudios Profesionales
Programa Ahora
Universidad Metropolitana
APPENDIX C - Play/drama Page 4
Workshop 4
History of drama:
Book /websites
Pages 14-21
Greek Drama
Medieval Drama
English Drama
Prep. 02-01-05. Prof. Tere Rodriguez, MA
English 202 Introduction to the Literary Genres Second Year
Escuela de Estudios Profesionales
Programa Ahora
Universidad Metropolitana
Define /describe Terms
Jigsaw Activity / 45 terms
Small Groups: Select the terms that are most important for your group,
define or describe and share the meaning with the class.
Glossary of terms (book or web search)
Prep. 02-01-05. Prof. Tere Rodriguez, MA
English 202 Introduction to the Literary Genres Second Year
Escuela de Estudios Profesionales
Programa Ahora
Universidad Metropolitana
APPENDIX E - Characterization
Characterizations in Short Stories, Novels, and Plays
Activities: Small Groups
This activity may be completed individually, in groups, or as a class. Create a
poster or other form of presentation.
CONCEPT: Methods of characterization include direct, in which writers tell
explicitly what kind of person a character is; and indirect, in which writers develop
character through action, speech, and other characters' reactions.
Compare and contrast how characters are portrayed in short stories, novels, and
You may focus on specific characters from previously read genres.
1. Describe how the characters are developed in each genre. Brainstorm how
the writer portrays the characters directly or indirectly when writing a short
story a novel, and a play? What are the similarities or differences on how
the writer develops the characters.
How can the reader or audience “know “ about the characters?
2. Write down your findings. Describe character’s physical attributes such as:
clothes, hair, eyes, and facial expressions.
3. How can the reader or audience infer about indirect character traits
(personality, values, motives).
Prep. 02-01-05. Prof. Tere Rodriguez, MA
English 202 Introduction to the Literary Genres Second Year
Escuela de Estudios Profesionales
Programa Ahora
Universidad Metropolitana
Appendix F
“Writer’s Journal” and “Writing Assignments” Rubric
This rubric may be used for the weekly writing assignments and journal.
[Weekly assignments - 25 pts. per wk. x 4 wks. / 100 points total for course.
[Writer’s Journal – 100 points.]
Student’s Name:____________________________________Date___________
0 –Not observed 1- Deficient 2-Average 3-Good 4 5-Excellent
N/A= Does not apply.
1. Demonstrated
thoughtfulness and reflection on
the topic.
2. Written legible or typed?
3. The paper demonstrates
substance, logic and originality.
4. Mechanics: The student used
grammar and punctuation
5. Fulfilled the objectives for the
6. Additional comments.
Prep. 02-01-05. Prof. Tere Rodriguez, MA
English 202 Introduction to the Literary Genres Second Year
Escuela de Estudios Profesionales
Programa Ahora
Universidad Metropolitana
Literary Genres Pyramid____
One word describing poetry.
Two words describing an essay.
Three words describing drama.
Four words describing the characters.
Five words describing literature.
Six words describing your thoughts on literary genres.
Prep. 02-01-05. Prof. Tere Rodriguez, MA
English 202 Introduction to the Literary Genres Second Year
Escuela de Estudios Profesionales
Programa Ahora
Universidad Metropolitana
Name Tag Activity - Idea for an Ice - breaker
Complete the name tag activity and introduce yourself or your classmate.
1. Name or nickname:
2. Your favorite “get away” place.
3. Philosophy of life.
3 Ovals: Three words that
describe you.
4. Three things you would like to do.
5. The person who has
influenced you the most.
Prep. 02-01-05. Prof. Tere Rodriguez, MA
English 202 Introduction to the Literary Genres Second Year
Escuela de Estudios Profesionales
Programa Ahora
Universidad Metropolitana
Prep. 02-01-05. Prof. Tere Rodriguez, MA
English 202 Introduction to the Literary Genres Second Year
Escuela de Estudios Profesionales
Programa Ahora
Universidad Metropolitana
Prep. 02-01-05. Prof. Tere Rodriguez, MA
English 202 Introduction to the Literary Genres Second Year
Escuela de Estudios Profesionales
Programa Ahora
Universidad Metropolitana
Prep. 02-01-05. Prof. Tere Rodriguez, MA
English 202 Introduction to the Literary Genres Second Year