Unit 3 Essay: Hermit Crabs and the Forbidden Assignment Sheet and Calendar For this assignment, you will explore a topic that you feel is “forbidden.” By compiling a list of the topics/issues in your life that you have felt you are forbidden to speak about, the things you could never write about, you will begin to consider the topics that you have previously avoided thinking about. After you have selected one topic, you will want to consider questions such as: Why is this topic/issue forbidden to you? What makes it a forbidden topic/topic? Who/what does this topic/issue involve? Who/what is affected by this topic/issue? Once you have collected your thoughts through short writing activities, you will then begin to write about your topic/issue in a hermit crab form. Often, when we write about issues we don’t want to discuss outright, we find ways around approaching them directly (such as Seaton’s “How to Work a Locker Room”). This tactic is absolutely acceptable and can produce fantastic work, but sometimes it is also more effective to approach the topic head-on. Before you begin writing, think about how you want to approach this topic and why it is the best topic for you to discuss with your audience. Guidelines: Minimum Word Count: 750-1,000 Audience: classmates and professor who are unfamiliar with your chosen topic Unit Grade Breakdown: Free Writing: Blog: Reading Responses: Peer Review 1/Rough Draft: Peer Review 2/Rough Draft: Final Paper: 5% 15% 10% 10% 10% 50% 1 S Week 12 27-Oct Blog: List the ideas you think are off limits for you to write about. Come up with at least 4. Briefly explain why each of these ideas are “forbidden” topics for you. [This will be done in class on Oct. 28] M 28-Oct Read: Chapter 9; Duncan, "The Mickey Mantle Koan" (BB); Winterson, "The Semiotics of Sex" (BB) Reading Response Write: T 29-Oct Blog: Write about a time you were uncomfortable being around someone. What caused this situation to happen, and what could have been done to avoid it or make it less uncomfortable? (All blog entries are due by 11:59 PM and comments on group member’s blogs are due within 48 hours of that deadline.) W 30-Oct Read: Chapter 9; Duncan, "The Mickey Mantle Koan" (BB); Winterson, "The Semiotics of Sex" (BB) Reading Response Write: S Week 13 3-Nov Blog: Using the previous entry as a starting point: write about how that person viewed you. What are the differences between the two points of view and why? (All blog entries are due by 11:59 PM and comments on group member’s blogs are due within 48 hours of that deadline.) M 4-Nov Read: Chapter 12; Atwood, "Nine Beginnings" (BB); Hampl, "Memory and Imagination" (BB) Reading Response Write: T 5-Nov Blog: “Write (an entry) in the form of a how-to guide using the secondperson voice. You can turn anything into a how-to” (125). (All blog entries are due by 11:59 PM and comments on group member’s blogs are due within 48 hours of that deadline.) W 6-Nov Read: Chapter 12; Atwood, "Nine Beginnings" (BB); Hampl, "Memory and Imagination" (BB) Reading Response Write: 1 S Week 14 10-Nov Blog: M 11-Nov Read: What are your biggest fears? Write about how these came into being and how these reflect on who you are. (All blog entries are due by 11:59 PM and comments on group member’s blogs are due within 48 hours of that deadline.) Chapter 5; Weschler, "An L.A. High School Youth: Robert Irwin" (BB); Rekdal, "The Night My Mother Met Bruce Lee" (BB) Write: Reading Response T 12-Nov Blog: Post a music video from Youtube and write about what you think about it while you are watching it. (All blog entries are due by 11:59 PM and comments on group member’s blogs are due within 48 hours of that deadline.) W 13-Nov Read: Chapter 6; Sin Far, "Leaves From The Mental Portfolio Of An Eurasian" (BB) Reading Response Write: S Week 15 17-Nov Blog: Write: Write about your field of expertise. What do you do better than most people? Answers to Peer Review Questions (All work is due by 11:59 PM and comments on group member’s blogs are due within 48 hours of that deadline.) M 18-Nov In Class: Peer Review T 19-Nov Blog: Write an advice note you yourself five years ago. (All blog entries are due by 11:59 PM and comments on group member’s blogs are due within 48 hours of that deadline.) W 20-Nov Read: Write: Chapter 7; Seaton, "How to Work a Locker Room" (BB) Reading Response S Week 16 24-Nov Blog: Who makes a better leader: someone who is loved, or someone who is feared? Take a position and explain your answer. (All blog entries are due by 11:59 PM and comments on group member’s blogs are due within 48 hours of that deadline.) M 25-Nov Student Holiday/No Class 2 T 26-Nov Blog: W 27-Nov S Week 17 1-Dec Blog: End of the semester blog entry. See Connect for directions. (All blog entries are due by 11:59 PM and comments on group member’s blogs are due within 48 hours of that deadline.) M 2-Dec Write: Unit 3 Final Draft Due by 11:59 PM. Write a note to yourself five years in the future asking for advice about what decisions you should make. (All blog entries are due by 11:59 PM and comments on group member’s blogs are due within 48 hours of that deadline.) Student Holiday/No Class 3