8.12 Changes in Rome After the Punic Wars Worksheet

Name ________________________________________ Date __________________ Period ______
Changes in Rome after the Punic Wars
Using the information on p.225 of the handout, illustrate four ways that Rome changed as a result of the conquest of Carthage and
Greece in the boxes below with pictures and captions. Include important key terms (bold font in the text book).
1. Replacement of small farms with latifundias.
Before the Punic Wars/conquest of Greece
Cause of change
Effect of change (After)
Cause of change
Effect of change (After)
2. Use of slaves
Before the Punic Wars/conquest of Greece
3. Movement of people from the countryside into Rome
Before the Punic Wars/conquest of Greece
Cause of Change
Effect of Change (After)
4. Collection of tribute (taxes) from conquered people
Before the Punic Wars/conquest of Greece
Cause of Change
Effect of Change (After)
Read the paragraph on the back of the handout. (p.226)
List Rome’s troubles by around 135 BCE: