1 Perryville Co-Op Store Agreement - Wee

Perryville Co-Op Store Agreement
Co-op Consignor Name: ________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________
City: ________________________________________State__________Zip Code:__________
Phone: _____________________________________________________________
Email Address: ________________________________________________________
Date of 1st drop off: ______________________ Consignor Number: _________________________
The Outle ts are e xpe cting 2000 bus tourist a day starting in August and have aske d
us to do an Exte nde d We e -cycle / She -cycle Mart to accommodate the shoppe rs. We
will also be doing a Face book Page for the Store and highlight large r ite ms to the
local community. The store will be ope n 7 days a we e k from Aug 5th to Oct 5th. We
may stay ope n longe r de pe nding on succe ss of sale s. We invite you to join us! We are
acce pting Fall/ Winte r ite ms now!
PLEASE NOTE: This is a Co-op Store , run on volunte e rs, so e ve ryone MUST
volunte e r to be able to se ll the ir ite ms in this store . It is a huge opportunity! If we have to
close the store due to lack of volunteers, then NO ONE sells anything and we all LOSE money.
Co-op Consignor Agre e s to the Following:
1. All items must be clean (no stains, holes, etc.) and functioning (no missing pieces and with
working batteries included if applicable).
2. BC Promotions, Inc. reserves the right to reject any item, and may also remove an item from
the sale floor at any time.
3. Member is responsible for tagging, pricing, and hanging their own items. All items without
tags will be pulled from the floor and not be sold.
4. The items will remain in the store for 8 weeks from the date dropped off. New items may be
dropped off by Appointment each week.
Perryville Co-Op Store Agreement
5. All items marked with a computer DOT, will be sold at 50% on the LAST Sunday of each
month regardless of when your 8-week period started. So price accordingly.
6. All items marked with a D will donated to a charity of our choice at the end of the 8-week
7. Member accepts responsibility to pick-up any unsold merchandise at the end of the 8-week
period by appointment; otherwise, the items become the property of BC Promotions, Inc. and
may be donated.
8. There is a $10 non-refundable registration fee per 8-week period. 1st time must be paid online
when you register https:/ / www.myconsignmentmanager.com/ weecycles/ weecyclesperryville. Should you wish to continue to participate another 8 weeks with NEW merchandise,
an additional $10 fee will be a taken out of your next commission check. (only available if we
decide to stay another 8 weeks)
9. Wee-cycle Mart & She-cycle Mart items will be entered in ONE account using link above.
10. Commission Schedule: Co - o p M e m b e r s h a v e 2 o p t i o n s . P l e a s e i n i t i a l
y o ur c ho i c e .
__________I agree to Hang and Tag all my items. I agree to work 3 hours within each 4week period for each 50 items brought to the Co-op Store within a 4-week period in
exchange for 55% commission. No additional commission will be paid with this option. You will not
be working alone. There will be at least 2 members staffing store at all times. Should the member not
show up for their selected time(s), member will forfeit ALL commission for the 4-week period. (Unless
other arrangements have been made for another member to fill in and Blaney has given approval such
change) This is a co-op with limited members so we are counting on you to show up and do your part .
We understand that members will have emergencies from time to time so it is the members sole
responsibility to switch with other members to insure that the Co-op store is staffed and open at all
times. The requirements are as follows:
1 -50 items = 6 hours within each 8-week period
51- 100 items = 12 hours within each 8-week period
101- 150 items = 18 hours within each 8-week period
151- 200 items = 24 hours within each 8-week period
201+ items = 30 hours within each 8-week period
__________I agree to Hang and Tag all my items. I agree to work 3 “days”every 4 week
period regardless of how many items you bring (a “
DAY”is described as working 9:30am –
5:30pm on any one day Monday to Sunday) in exchange for 70% commission. You will not be
Perryville Co-Op Store Agreement
working alone. There will be at least 2 members staffing store at all times. Should the member not show
up for their selected days, member will forfeit ALL commission for the 4-week period. (unless other
arrangements have been made for another member to fill in and Blaney has approved change) This is a
co-op with limited members so are counting on you to show up and do your part. It’
s not like a Weecycle Mart where we have 150-200 people who can volunteer. The good part is less competition for your
stuff to sell! We understand that members will have emergencies from time to time so it is the members
sole responsibility to switch with other members to insure that the Perryville Store is staffed and open at
all times. There is a SWAP request button in our VolunteerSpot software for these situations.
****No matte r which option you choose , you must se le ct/ sign up all your working days/ hours
be fore or at the drop-off appointme nt for the first 4-we e k pe riod. We will post volunte e r
sche dule for subse que nt 4 we e ks around 3 rd we e k of e ach month:
We 're using Volunte e rSpot (the le ading online signup and re minde r tool) to organize our staffing
of the Pe rryville Co-op Store . Sign up e arly to ge t the shift(s) that work be st for you.
Ple ase sign up for Staffing Pe rryville Co-op Store - he re 's how it works in 3 e asy ste ps:
Click this link to go to our invitation page on Volunte e rSpot: http://vols.pt/USCp6X
1. Ente r your e mail addre ss: (You will NOT ne e d to re giste r an account on Volunte e rSpot)
2. Sign up! Choose your spots - Volunte e rSpot will se nd you an automate d confirmation and
re minde rs. Easy!
3. If you are signing up to work an e ntire day to ge t the 70%, you will ne e d to se le ct all 3
shifts for that day to count towards your 3 “day”shifts.
11. Should you need to pull your items out of the store early for any reason, you must still work your
agreed upon volunteer shifts, to receive commission on your items. No exceptions.
12. Al t h o u g h B C P r o m o t i o n s , I n c . w i l l d o i t ' s b e s t to e n s u r e t h at i t e m s ar e n o t
d am ag e d o r s t o l e n b e t w e e n d r o p - o f f an d p i c k - u p , B C P r o m o t i o n s , I n c .,
t h e l e as o r s of t h e s p ac e w h e r e t h e s al e i s h e l d , an d v o l u n t e e r s / m e m b e r s
w i l l n o t assume l i ab i l i t y f o r t h e c o - o p c o n s i g n o r s i t e m s .
13. Members agrees to waive any and all claims for personal injury resulting from participation in the
sale, for whatever cause, against BC Promotions, Inc./ Wee-cycle Mart, the leasor of the space where
the sale is held, any volunteer or participant in the sale, and the insurer of BC Promotions, Inc./ Weecycle Mini-Mart.
14. All sales are final and no returns, refunds, or credits will be given.
15. AII checks will be mailed on our about the 10th of each month for the prior months sales.
Perryville Co-Op Store Agreement
17. Should a member decide not to participate past the 1st 8-week period. This contract will terminate at
the end of such period.
18. Should the member decide to continue on for another 8-week period, member will initial the bottom
of this agreement, each time for another 8-week period.
19. Each week when you drop-off, your items will be SCANNED INTO the store, if you need to sign up for
additional volunteering times as you now have more items, you can do it while at the store.
By signing here, you are agreeing to all of the above items:
Signature: ______________________________________________________________
Date: ____________________