Last Modified: 9-16-14 Computer Science (14CSCBS) 1+3 Curriculum CHM 101 EGN 101 ENG 100/1 MAT 161 UNI 101 CSC 116 E 115 MA 242 PY 208 *** CSC 230 CSC 236 CSC 316 HES *** ST 370 *** CSC *** CSC *** CSC *** *** *** Fall Semester General Chemistry I Introduction to Engineering College Writing & Reading I Calculus/Analytic Geometry I First Year Seminar (UNCW rqd.) Semester Total Freshman Year (UNCW) Credits 4 CSC 133 2 ECN 221 3 ENG 200/1 4 MAT 162 3 PHY 201 16 Spring Semester 1 Discrete Math Structures + Microeconomics 2 College Writing & Reading II Calculus/Analytic Geometry II General Physics I Semester Total Credits 3 3 3 4 4 3 17 Sophomore Year (NCSU) Credits 3 CSC 216 1 HESF 1** 4 MA 305 4 *** 3 *** *** Semester Total 15 Spring Semester 4 Prog. Lang. Concepts – JAVA Fitness & Wellness Intro. Linear Algebra & Matrices 5 Basic Science Elective 6 Other Restricted Elective + GEP Requirement Semester Total Credits 3 1 3 3 3 3 16 Junior Year (NCSU) Credits 3 CSC 246 3 CSC 326 3 CSC 333 1 CSC 379 3 ENG 331 3 *** 16 Spring Semester Operating Systems for CSC Software Engineering Automata Theory Ethics in Computing Comm. for Engr. & Tech. + GEP Requirement Semester Total Credits 3 3 3 1 3 3 16 Senior Year (NCSU) Credits 3 CSC 492 3 CSC *** 3 *** 3 *** 3 *** *** 15 Spring Semester CSC Senior Design Project 6 CSC Restricted Elective 6 Other Restricted Elective Free Elective Free Elective + GEP Requirement Semester Total Credits 3 3 3 3 1 3 16 Fall Semester 4 Intro. to Computing – JAVA Intro. to Computing Environ. Calculus III Physics for Engr. & Scientists II + GEP Requirement Fall Semester C & Software Tools Comp. Org. & Assm. Lang. CSC Data Structures for CSC Health & Exercise Studies Prob. & Statistics for Engineers + GEP Requirement Semester Total Fall Semester 6 CSC Restricted Elective 6 CSC Restricted Elective 6 CSC Restricted Elective 6 Other Restricted Elective + GEP Requirement Semester Total + General Education Program (GEP) Requirements: To complete the requirements for graduation and the General Education Program, various categories of credit hours and co-requisites must be satisfied. NCSU approved GEP course lists for each category can be found at: Equivalent UNCW courses that satisfy NCSU GEP requirements can be found at: 1 Other UNCW CSC courses may transfer to NC State, however many require various prerequisite courses that are not part of this curriculum. See advisor for more information. 2 UNCW students are not eligible to take ENG 200/1 until 27 credit hours have been earned at UNCW. If an override cannot be secured, students may take ENG 112, 113, or 114 at Cape Fear Community College to fulfill NCSU’s ENG 101 4-credit hour transfer admission requirement. 3 Students must take at least 30 transferrable credits in the freshman year in order to transfer to the COE after the first year of study. UNI 101 does not count toward these credit hours, but is a required UNCW course. If a student has transferrable AP credit, they may forgo taking ECN 221 in the second semester of the freshman year to decrease the credit hour total for this semester. 4 D+ or lower grades are not accepted. 5 To be selected from approved list. See CSC advisor. 6 CSC and Other Restricted Electives, see