May 2008 - Grand Lakes Presbyterian Church

The Tides
May 2008
Issue # 4/5
of Grand Lakes
Presbyterian Church
(events and activities of our church family)
From the Pastor’s Watch on Fox News
I have one foot in the present and one foot in the past. Maybe I should say “one
eye” instead of one foot, because I’m referring to the way I get the news. The
fast track is the internet, but for more detail I still read the newspaper.
Both sources in recent days have been on top of the stories of children being
removed from their parents in religious compounds. One near Eldorado, Texas
and the latest near Clayton, New Mexico. Other news comes at us so fast that it
seems we have no time to process and learn from any one of the stories of
human triumphs and tragedies.
The stories of the FLDS ranch and the 464 children removed from their families
Harry Slye
holds special importance for us though. It is about religion, law, psychology,
freedom, parental rights and responsibilities, child abuse and most of all,
TRUTH. I touched on it briefly in my sermon “Blind Faith” but this particular story will be with us awhile
and we should observe and share the lessons we can draw from it.
This world, with all of its social, political and religious forms, is the arena in which we also live out our
citizenship in the Kingdom of God. Being children and caring for children is a big deal in this world and
in the Kingdom. We believe that Jesus did not teach us to run
Inside This Issue
from this world, to hide in, or to wait for the next. It is a
wonderful challenge for us to pull it all together. VBS and
Contacts & Important
everything we do at GLPC should focus on this. I hope you
Pg 2
sense this great purpose in all that we do together.
Worship Committee
Pg 3
Our Children
Pg 4
Our Children & Music
Pg 5
Youth Groups
Pg 6
Women’s Groups &
Pg 7
Christian Growth
Congregational Care
Pg 8
May Birthdays & New
Pg 9
6035 South Fry Road
Katy, TX
Contacts & Important Dates
GLPC Staff and Services at a Glance:
The Rev. Harry Slye
Children’s Ministries Director:
Sheila Guthrie
Interim Youth Ministries Director:
Sue Merrick
Music Director:
Tommi Hamilton
Office Administrator:
Sarah Hinman
Sunday Power Point:
Phil Godshalk
Adult and Children’s Sunday School: 9:30 a.m.
Worship: 10:30 a.m.
Faith in Action for K-3rd grade following the
Children’s lesson in Worship.
Phone: 281-646-7500
Office Hours:
Fax: 281-492-1534
9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Mon - Fri
Web site:
Tides Newsletter:
Address/Email Changes:
Bulletin & Flower requests:
KCM is holding it’s 6th annual Gala, “Night at
the Oscars”, on Friday, May 9th. KISD awardwinning performing arts students will perform,
as well as the Salvation Army Harbor Lights
Choir. There is also a silent auction. If you
have not previously attended one of these galas, don’t miss this opportunity! It’s held at 2nd
Baptist Church and the doors open at 6:30 p.m.
We have 8 tickets available. Please contact
Frank Kinkead at if you’d like
to attend.
On Friday, May 10th, a group of us will leave
the church at 6:45 to take our gifts to the seafarers at the Ship Channel Mission. If you want
to meet the people tor whom you have generously prepared gifts, come with us!
GLPC Session Contacts:
Clerk of Session:
Susan Sweeney
Betsy Drinkard
Capital Campaign:
Troy Maxwell
Children’s Ministry:
Suzanne Sansom
Christian Growth:
Tom Roe
Congregational Care:
Jeannadele Holzmann 281-392-8222
Bob Pepples
Dick Westfahl
Gary Johnson
Frank Kinkead
Carol Bahret
Dave Young
Terence Day
Lyn Miller
Youth Ministry:
Scott Steele
Our next luncheon will be held on Sunday, July
13th directly following the worship service. Our
April luncheon was a huge success, so come
join us again for fellowship and fun while enjoying a delicious meal!
Issue # 4/5
Worship Committee
Worship Committee
Tommi Hamilton, Director of Music
Lyn Miller, Elder
Help wanted! Our committee is looking for some additional help with our ministry. We need adults or
youth willing to be trained to run the PowerPoint and the audiovisual equipment during worship and
other special events. We also need some additional friendly faces to help with Sunday morning coffee
service. This is a great way to meet new people! Let us know if you can help.
We want to thank just a few of the many people who help our church serve God every week:
Hug a choir member and tell them thanks!
Lola Adebo, Mike Arensman, Ann Bailey, Nick Bailey, Karen Benedict, Vickie Braquet, Roseanne
Burgess, Odessa Burnette, Paige Dean, Lynn Fortier, Phil Godshalk, Derek Hamilton, Lynn Hay, Sarah
Hinman, Bobby Jackson, Dianna Kinkead, Frank Kinkead, Luci Kuervers, Rita Omar, Tom Roe, Cheryl
Shaffer, Charles Teykl, Lee Van Amberg
Coffee Service for April:
Linda & Dean Milligan, Linda and Monroe Gonzalez, Judy and Joe Lacy
Greeters and Ushers for April:
Kirk and Joyce Boudreaux, Steve and Linda Utterback and Ginger Hopkin
A special thanks to the youth ushers/greeters, including:
Zach Hutchison, Christina Wilson, Anne Steele, Sean Swoboda, Kelly Miller, Andy Merrick, Derek
Hamilton and Richard Bailie
Fellowship pad distribution and collection for April:
Anne, Andrew, Charles and William Steele
Elders who served communion in April:
Jim Jensen, Troy Maxwell, Lyn Miller, Dean Milligan, Billy Quock, Suzanne Sansom, Scott Steele,
Susan Sweeney and Dick Westfahl
Worship Committee Members
Ann Bailey
Carolyn Bobbitt
Rosanne Burgess
John Dorris
Kathy Gowen
Bill Merrick
Issue # 4/5
Our Children
Children’s Ministries (infants through grade 5)
Sheila Guthrie, Director of Children’s Ministries
Susanne Sansom, Elder
What’s going on in Sunday School?
(9:30am Toddlers-Fifth Grade)
Children will learn about The Great Commission.
Lynn Hay will assist the children with making
sculptures depicting a place or activity that will
remind them to go and tell others about Jesus
Christ. In games, Betsy Drinkard will provide
children with life scenarios that will help them
understand that, “God is with them even until the
end of the age.” Stacy Leeper will be baking bread
while explaining that yeast is like sharing the
gospel; the more you have, the bigger it grows.
She will also share stories of missionaries.
4th and 5th grade Bible Study6:00 – 7:00 pm Sunday, May 4th
Our last meting is this Sunday, May 4th from 6:00
to 7:00 p.m. We will meet at
Inflatable Zone Katy on Mason
Road for putt-putt golf. Please
bring $10.00. Parents are welcome
to stay. Snacks can be purchased
on site, but no food is allowed to be
brought in. We will take a break
during the summer and resume our
Bible Study in the fall.
Kindergarten-1st: Amy Ashworth
Jennifer Badalamenti
Susan Hutson
VBS—August 3—7th
6:00—8:30 p.m.
4 and 5 year-olds: Denise & John Dorris
2 and 3 year-olds: Kelil Gustafson, teacher
Pam Gardner, shepherd
For children entering
kindergarten to entering
6th grade.
Preschool program
(ages 3 through 5
years) available for
parent helpers.
Childcare for children
age birth to 2 years old
provided for parent
Students entering 7th—
12th grade will be crew
leaders and site rotation helpers.
Faith in Action – (10:30 am- for Kindergarten through third grade)
Lyn Hay helped the children finish their books
about the Old Testament. Now we will learn about
Samson, David and Goliath and Noah in a video
series called, “Roach Approach”.
Express Lane
Pre-registration is $15.00 which includes a
t-shirt until June 9th. After June 9th,
t-shirts will be sold on a first come-first
serve basis.
Third graders spent three weeks learning about
baptism, communion and how to use their new
Bibles. If your third grader would like to receive a
Bible, please contact Sheila Guthrie at 281-6467500.
Issue # 4/5
Our Children & Music Ministry
Children’s Ministries cont’d from page 5
Laura Shafer will be our summer intern starting May 19th. She is a sophomore at the University of
North Texas in Denton studying elementary education. She will work closely with Children’s Ministry
and Vacation Bible School. We look forward to her energy and enthusiasm!!
Children’s Special Offering for May:
Children are now collecting money toward the purchase of a cow ($500) for
Heifer International. This is really exciting since Bill and Melinda Gates announced a four year, $42.8 million matching grant for East Africa Dairy Development. This project will help farmers in Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda achieve better livelihoods through dairy farming. The children understand that for every dollar they put in the offering basket, it will be matched. They are encouraged to do
extra chores this month so they can further help us achieve our goal.
How can you help?
We need LOTS of help this summer. We are implementing two new programs: “Dr. Jones and
the Secret of the Lost Keys” and “Alien Kids”. We can’t do this without your help! E-mail Sheila
Guthrie at if you have two consecutive Sundays available from
June 1st through August 24th for either the 9:30 or 10:30 class.
Music Ministry
Tommi Hamilton, Director of Music
Joyful Noise
Sunday, May 4th will be the last rehearsal for the Joyful Noise until we start back up in
the fall. We will be singing on Sunday, May 11th during worship as we celebrate
Mother’s Day. Anyone in Kindergarten through 5th grade is welcome to attend this last
spring rehearsal. Joyful Noise rehearses in the Worship area from 5:30 to 6:15 p.m.
Come join the fun and find a few surprises thrown in!
Issue # 4/5
Youth Groups
Student Ministry
Contact Sue at 713-646-7500 if you have a
graduating senior you want to have recognized
during the church service on May 18th.
Sue Merrick, Interim Youth Director
Youth News: The youth have been busy since Spring Break. At the end of March, the students met
at Putt-Putt for a round of Tacky Golf. What is Tacky Golf? It is when you dress in tacky clothes and
play Putt-Putt. We had some entertaining outfits, and everyone had a great time outside in the beautiful
spring weather. To continue enjoying the great outdoors, and each other’s fellowship, we had a bike
ride and picnic in April. A HUGE thank-you to John Gowen and Larry Miller for planning and marking
our 4-mile path to a great park in Cinco Ranch where BBQ with all the trimmings was waiting. Thanks
also to the Blalocks and Steeles for feeding the hungry crowd. Jr. High and Sr. High kids alike had a
great time!
Our youth also participated in two service opportunities in April. Several of the Sr. High students got up
early on a Saturday morning to do downtown to The Beacon, a ministry run by Christ Episcopal Church,
for the homeless. They helped prepare food, did laundry, bussed tables and greeted over 300 clients.
Several of our Jr. and Sr. High students also served as waitstaff at the GLPC Fashion Show held at the
end of the month. We are very lucky to have such a terrific group of teens who are willing to serve
whenever and wherever needed.
Finally, we said farewell to our Youth Director, Frank Polk. To say goodbye, we held a special youth
group Sunday evening, April 27th. After enjoying a delicious supper together, Frank had the
opportunity to spend time alone with each group hanging out and playing games. We then all came
together for some Praise and Worship music led by our Praise Band, followed by several entertaining
skits about Frank. We ended the evening with cake and a gift from everyone.
As many of you know, I will be coming on staff part-time as the Interim Youth Director. I have been
involved in Youth Ministry for 8 years, and have worked with the GLPC Youth Ministry for over a year. I
love working with all of the kids and am very excited to fill in until a permanent replacement is found. I
am open to any ideas you have, and any help you offer. I would like to invite the parents of Jr. and Sr.
High students to meet at 7:00 p.m. this Sunday, May 4th to discuss ideas, plans for the summer, and
areas where we need help.
May 4th:
Balance for Mission trips due
7:00 p.m.—Parents’ meeting
May 11th:
May 18th:
Graduate Sunday—We will honor graduating seniors during the church service and during
Youth Group Sunday evening
May 25th:
5:30 to 7:00 p.m.—Pool parties
Jr. High at the Guthrie’s home
Sr. High at the Hutchison’s home
Issue # 4/5
Women’s Groups & Christian Growth
Women’s Events:
Christian Growth Opportunities:
Women’s Weekly Bible Study will be held at 9:00 a.m.
on Friday mornings at the church. Tommi Hamilton
will be facilitating and childcare will be available. We
will be studying Proverbs, so you can easily jump in at
any time.
Sunday Mornings:
We also have a weekly Bible Study at Fern Baker’s
house on Wednesday mornings. Coffee is at 8:00
a.m. and study starts at 8:15. This is studied in the
Lectio Divina format. We read a scripture, then let the
scripture read our hearts in a solitary prayer and
meditation period, after which, we come together to
Upcoming Circle Meetings:
(all of which are from 9:30—11:00 a.m.)
Thursday, May 8, hosted by Cam Dean, led by Diana
Glover on Ruth 4, Ordinary People.
Friday, May 9, at Church, hosted by Diana Glover on
Ruth 4, Ordinary People.
Ladies BOOK CLUB meets the last Thursday of
each month. We will be reading A Thousand Splendid
Suns by Khaled Hosseini in April. We will meet in
one of the 2nd floor Sunday school rooms at noon.
Bring your brown bag lunch. In May we will read The
Road to Cana by Ann Rice.
Questions, ideas, comments: contact Colleen
Clark at or 281-2248866.
Issue # 4/5
Romans: An in-depth study led by Un Steele
and Walt Glover. 9:30 a.m., Room 201.
Parables from the Backside: A study of the
Parables from the perspective of those affected.
Led by Jay Swoboda. 9:30 a.m., Room 209.
Christian Parenting: A Biblically-based resource for the questions faced in parenting.
This small group study is led by Walt and Suzanne Sansom. 9:30 a.m., Room 203.
What is a Presbyterian?: A class for new
members and those who want to brush up on
what it means to be a Presbyterian and a member of Grand Lakes Presbyterian Church. Led
by Rev. Harry Slye. 9:30 a.m., Room 202.
Sunday Evenings:
Read the Bible in a Year: A study using the
Daily Walk Bible (or similar) with a discussion
group meeting. 5:30—7:00 p.m., Room 209.
Men’s Groups:
Wednesday Morning Young Men’s Bible
Study: Meets each Wednesday morning at 6:00
a.m. at the church. Led by Rev. Harry Slye. Includes breakfast, Bible study and fellowship.
Friday Morning Men’s Study Group: Meets
each Friday morning at 6:30 a.m. at the church.
Led by Walt Glover, the group is currently reading and discussing the book Christian Doctrine
by Shirley Guthrie.
Saturday Morning Men’s Breakfast: Meets the
third Saturday of each month at the church. Led
by Dean Milligan, the group meets at 8:00 a.m.
for breakfast and a devotional. This meeting
may include work projects as needed.
Congregational Care Committee
Congregational Care Committee (CCC)
Did You Know?
Angels in Aprons
The CCC coordinates the Angels in Aprons
program to help out those in our congregation
who may need a meal (such as families that just
had a new baby or someone who just had major
surgery). Our “Angels” cook or purchase a meal
and deliver it. If you are interested in serving
your fellow members in this way, please contact
Jeannadele Holzmann and we’ll be glad to add
you to our volunteer list.
The CCC maintains a list of youth in our
congregation that are certified and/or interested
in babysitting. If you need a sitter, we have
several that have signed up for the job! Please
contact Jeannadele Holzmann for more
information. Also, any youths interested in being
part of our list, please feel free to let us know!
Blood Donation
Grand Lakes Presbyterian Church is a
designated group with the Gulf Coast Regional
Blood Centers. Donors can credit GLPC every
time they donate. The Katy location for the
Regional Blood Center is 1575 Grand Parkway
(99 @ Highland Knolls). Donate and help save a
Intercessory Prayer
The CCC collects all Prayer Requests submitted
to the church. All Prayer Requests are kept
confidential within the Intercessory Prayer Team
and are held with the utmost privacy. Only those
on the Intercessory Prayer Team are notified of a
request so that their prayers may help those in
our GLPC family overcome a time of stress.
Since the Prayer Team members are usually
notified via e-mail of new and updated Prayer
Requests, a secure e-mail address (one that is
not shared with someone not on the Team or one
that may otherwise by read by a non-Team
Member), is required. Please contact Mary
Wright at if you have
any questions, new requests, or updates on a
previous request.
VBS—August 3—7th
6:00—8:30 p.m.
Homebound Care Ministry
The CCC reaches out to our congregation and
community in a variety of ways! Our Homebound
Care Ministry checks in regularly with those
members that are unable to make it to our
worship service. If you, or anyone close to you,
are unable to attend our services and would like
to keep in touch with GLPC, please do not
hesitate to let us know. We would love to serve
our congregation!
Issue # 4/5
May Birthdays & New Members
Happy Birthday in May!
Bella Anderson
Dana Anderson
Dennis Arensman
Mason Ashworth
Dawn Bailie
Steve Bellew
Donna Betros
Sam Betros
Wesley Bjork
Doug Blalock
Vickie Braquet
Colleen Clark
Catherine Cowart
Keith Dalton
Diana Glover
Blake Griggs
Martha Clark Griggs
John Guthrie
Daniel Hay
Craig Hinman
Natalie Hobbs
Drew Holdaway
Ken Horton
Zane Hutchison
Chris Jorden
Grace Jorden
Judy Knoth
Kevin Koecher
Elaine Laughrey
Gerald Lester
Stacy Loeffler
Erica Lowe
Cheryl Luster
Sarah Luster
Katy McCary
Kylie Megarity
Ali Merrick
Kelly Miller
MacShayne Molinar
Janet Musgrove
Sarah Naumann
Kathryn Norris
Mohammad Omar
Connie Paulson
Lauren Quarles
Danae Rice
Betty Roets
Scott Savoie
David Shafer
Sandy Shott
Duana Sikes
Andrew Steele
Tyler Vaughn
Krista White
Greg York
Jesse York
Sybil Koempel
Sami LIttlepage
Sandeep and Anju Mammen and their
children Maya & Kiran
Brady and Lauren Quarles and their
children Riley, Presley & Emma
Issue # 4/5