spice hero centaur man girlfriend

Old Spice
Two In One
TV :30
Open on a centaur in a shower. He lovingly bathes in Double Impact. He looks at camera.
Centaur: I’m two things in one. I’m a man … and a consumer. So I love that Old Spice has
created a product with two incredible products in one awesome product. Double impact
has striped together moisturizer and body wash. It’s perfect.
He puts the bottle of double impact on his back without any thought to it. We cut in close
to the product as it rotates 90 degrees to show off the stripes.
Cut to him out of the shower, toweling off. A pretty lady enters frame and touches his face
and shoulders.
Centaur: Moisturizer and body wash in one bottle. It’s one great thing that does two great
things. I should know. I’m two great things. A man …
The woman looks at him, then at camera.
Woman: ... and a provider.
Cut to product on his back.
Centaur: Old Spice Double Impact. It’s two things.
We then hear the Old Spice whistle and horse whinnying, which is done by the man.
Super: Old Spice Double Impact. It’s two things.
bathroom tile - primary
primary tile should be a light grey and not the cream
color from the comp. something approximating
PMS 427U. the tile should be matte and not glossy.
bathroom tile - blue stripe(s)
this tile should match PMS 2995U as close
as possible. again, matte finish, no gloss.
It’s two things
bathroom tile - white stripe(s)
matte white