AP Biology Midterm Review Sheet

A.P. Biology Midterm Review Sheet
Chapter 5 The Structure and Function of Macromolecules (62-84)
*You should be able to recognize all of the macromolecules (sugars, carbs, lipids, nucleic acids and proteins)
* You should be able explain region and property of the amino acids basic components including the central carbon,
amino group, carboxyl group and R group.
* You should be able to explain why an R group likes water or not and also if it is acidic or basic
*You should know primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary structure
*You should be able to figure out which amino acid’s R groups would combine to form hydrogen bonds, ionic bonds,
hydrophobic interactions and disulfide bonds. You should also know the order of strength of R group interactions.
*You should know Table 5.1 on page 72 which provides examples of all the types of proteins and gives multiple
Chapter 6 Introduction to Metabolism (87-103)
*Understand the following terms – catabolic, anabolic, kinetic energy, potential energy, entropy, free energy,
endergonic &exergonic
*Be able to distinguish between the main components of ATP and explain how ATP can provide energy
*Understand figure 6.12 and 6.13 on page 97
*Be able to explain how pH, temp, substrate concentration, enzyme concentration can affect reactions
*Be able to distinguish between cofactor, coenzyme, vitamin and mineral. Also know examples of minerals and
vitamins (hint – they are important for both plants and animals!!)
*Be able to explain how competitive and noncompetitive inhibitors can affect enzyme action
*Understand how many enzymatic pathways work including how feedback inhibition/activation may affect the whole
Chapter 8 Membrane Structure and Function (138-154)
*Know the components of the fluid mosaic semi-permeable phospho-bilipid selective membrane that makes up OH so
many components of living organisms.
*Be able to explain all of the following . . . osmosis, diffusion, facilitative diffusion, active transport, protein pumps,
exocytosis, endocytosis, concentration gradient, electrochemical gradient, membrane potential, and phagocytosis.
* Be able to explain which of the following can travel through a phospholipid bilayer or a protein embedded within a
membrane. . . H2O, H+, C6H12O6, O2, CO2, amino acids, proteins, starch, sucrose, lactose, maltose, galactose, fructose,
Na+, K+, Cl-, Ca2+, etc.
Chapter 3 Water And the Fitness Of The Environment (41-50)
*Know the difference between a polar covalent bond and a hydrogen bond
*Be able to compare/contrast adhesion, cohesion, surface tension, specific heat, and evaporative cooling
*Know the following terms . . . solution, solvent, solute, Molarity
*Know basics of acids and bases
Chapter 9 Cellular Respiration (155-175)
*Know the overall reaction of cellular respiration. Be able to explain what reactants are being oxidized or reduced and
the resultant products
*Be able to compare and contrast the following, fermentation/respiration; oxidation/reduction ; oxidative/substrate
level phosphorylation
*Be able to explain the energy in and energy out phases of glycolysis ; appreciate the coolness of phosphofructokinase
& dehyrogenase -- also know ATP’s/NADH’s used/ produced
*Know how many ATP’s , NADH’s and FADH2’s are created in pyruvate entry/Krebs cycle
*Know the electron transport chain and how certain enzymes capture redox energy to pump H + ions
*Know the different parts of the mitochondrion and where each major respiratory action takes place (Glycolysis,
Pyruvate entry, Krebs, and ETC
*Know the shape and orientation of ATP synthase. Also understand how it converts chemical energy into usable
chemical energy.
* Be able to explain what chemiosmosis is and where is occurs
*Know how different food sources can be utilized for energy conversion (aka Figure 9.19)
*Know the order that organisms use the food sources above and be able to provide a reason why
*Know how cellular respiration is regulated – feedback inhibition/activation ---- AMP, ATP, Citrate
Chapter 44 Regulating The Internal Environment (925-936)
*Be able to compare and contrast the difference between a regulator and a conformer. ( regarding thermoregulation)
*Understand the Q10 effect
*Be able to compare and contrast ectotherms and endotherms (thermoregulation)
*Know many physiological and behavioral mechanisms that adjust heat gain or loss
*Be able to compare/contrast mammals/birds , amphibians/reptiles , and fish/invertebrates (thermoregulation)
Chapter 10 Photosynthesis (176 – 196)
*Know the overall reaction of photosynthesis. Be able to explain what reactants are being oxidized or reduced and
the resultant products.
*Know the structure of the chloroplast and where the major processes occur such as light harvesting, electron
Transport, Calvin cycle, water splitting . . .
*Know the names /colors/ purpose of the four different pigments found in the light harvesting complex and be able to
explain that a special chlorophyll a – Big Kahuna is the first pigment where a chemical reaction occurs.
*Be able to explain what a photosystem is and compare/contrast photosystem II and photosystem I
*Be able to explain how the products of photosystem II/I are the reactants for the Calvin cycle and also be able to
explain the functions of sunlight and water for the photosystem/s.
*Know the electromagnetic spectrum – what are the wavelengths of blue/green/red light. Also know the Action
spectrum and absorption spectrum of a generalized plant and specific pigments (figure 10.8 on page 183)
*Be able to compare and contrast noncyclic and cyclic photophosphorylation. Realize that both are needed to complete
the Calivin cycle because more ATP is needed that NADPH.
*Know alternative mechanisms for carbon fixation. Be able to explain C 4 and CAM photosynthesis compared to C3
*Be able to explain what photorespiration is and why it occurs in hot /arid climates
Chapter 35 Plant Structure and Growth (720-738)
*Know the general makeup of a plant (roots/shoot – stem, leaf)
*Be able to explain the difference in the function between a root and the shoot system
*Know that the roots and shoots need each other !! What do the roots give to the shoots and visa versa
*Be able to explain the three types of tissues found in plants (Dermal, Vascular, Ground)
*Know representative cells found within each of the tissue categories (epidermal, guard, trichomes, vessel elements,
tracheids, sieve-tube members, companion cells, parenchymal cells found in root cortex, spongy/palisade parenchymal
cells in leaves, bundle sheath cells, fiber cells, endodermal, etc.)
*Know the cross sections of roots, stems, and leaves (dicot & monocot) -- be able to identify all the different types of
cells/and tissues involved and also be able to explain their purpose.
* Be able to explain the purpose of the Casparian strip and the waxy cuticle
Chapter 36 Transport in Plants (748-765)
*Be able to explain how different types of proteins found on membranes facilitate diffusion, or actively transport
ion/molecules into plant cells. More specifically, know ion pumps, proton pumps, cotransport proteins, aquaporins
work together to ensure proper transport of materials into plant cells.
*Know the definition of osmosis
*Know passive transport through phospholipids and proteins. Give examples of molecules/ions that travels through
*Know the concept of water potential including pressure potential and solute potential. Be able to explain how positive
and negative pressure affects water potential as well as how the ionization constant, temperature, and concentration
affect solute potential (-iCRT) as well as water potential.
*Know the following terms. . . flaccid, turgid, turgor pressure, tension, plamolysis
*Be able to explain in detail how root hair cells, cortex cells, endodermal cells pump specific ions into the xylem in the
root which eventually leads to osmosis and positive pressure “pushes” xylem sap up the root/stem
*Know the molecules and ions found in xylem sap
*Know how capillary action occurs within the xylem tubes (be able to explain how adhesion and cohesion are involved)
*Be able to explain how tension is created in xylem due to transpiration from leaves
*Know how transpiration is controlled by the opening and closing of guard cells. (Pumpage of K+) Know the
mechanism that controls opening and closing ---- light vs. dehydration
*Know how the difference in water potential is the driving factor in xylem sap movement and also be able to explain
how/why different types of environment can affect the rate of transpiration (humidity, light, wind, etc.)
*Be able to explain how phloem sap moves through tubes. Source to sink!!!! Proton pumps and cotransport of sucrose.
Chapter 37 Plant Nutrition (769)
*Know the importance of the following atoms, macronutrients and micronutrients . . .
C, H, N, O, P, S
CO2, H2O, NO3-, SO42-, H2PO4-, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Fe2+, Mn2+, Zn2+,Cu2+
*Be able to recognize all of the molecular structures that I gave you on the colorful plant sheet. You should also know
their general function.
Chapter 27 Prokaryotes and the Origins of Metabolic Diversiy (526 – 542)
*Know general structure of prokaryotic cell including, cell wall, membrane, pili, DNA, plasmids (R & F), flagella,
gram-/gram+ & etc.
*Also know differences between e.coli, cyanobacteria (blue-green bacteria) and purple sulfur bacteria
*Be able to explain nutritional and metabolic diversity in bacteria (photoautotrophs , chemoautotrophs,
photoheterotrophs, chemoheterotrophs) & ( nitrogen fixation, obligate aerobes, facultative anaerobes, obligate
Chapter 18 Microbial Models: The Genetics of Viruses and Bacteria (328-347)
*Understand the Operon theory and regulation including mechanics of repressible and inducible operons
*Know conjugation, transduction, translocation, transformation, transposons etc.
*Know the basic structure of all of the viruses
*Know the differences between viruses that infect proks and viruses that infect euks
*Know that all of the viruses that we drew in class in detail – everything about them!
*Be able to compare and contrast the lytic and lysogenic cycle
*Watch out for the viroids and prions!
Chapter 48 Nervous System (1022-1041)
*Know the motor neuron and all of the different types of membrane proteins that you can find in different regions
*Know the internal and external concentrations of ions and molecules found in an excitable cell
*Be able to distinguish between action potential and graded potential
*Know different types of neurotransmitters and their purpose
*Know a simple circuit
*Be able to distinguish multipolar, unipolar and bipolar neurons
*Know the action potential graph and all of the proteins involved.
*Know the following . . . threshold potential, resting potential, depolarization, repolarization, hyperpolarization,
undershoot, electrochemical gradient, active transport, facilitated diffusion, calcium mediated exocytosis, reuptake
Know Specifics about the following labs
*Diffusion /Osmosis/Water Potential (potato core lab)
*Cellular Respiration
*Know Experimental design – know it well !!!!!
Know the following calculations
*Any data manipulation from labs we have done or similar labs
*Surface Area and Volume (ratios) of different shapes
*Water potential
*Gibbs Free Energy
*Mode /Median/Mean/Range
All equations will be provided!!!