Route 30 Please see route 90 for late night service between Cornell and Ithaca Commons Monday – Friday Summer Service Shops at Ithaca Mall – Commons Effective May 29, 2011 LEGEND map not to scale A 3 0 M o n d ay – F r i d ay Route 30 (Monday – Friday) Route 70 (Saturday & Sunday) See reverse for schedule. Timepoint Point of Interest SEN ST ECA ST SENECA Rt. 30 Saturday & Sunday service during Academic Year only. GRE ST EN ST GREEN One-Seat Ride to IC ➡ 11 11 ➡ 11 ➡ ➡ ➡ ➡ ➡ ➡ ➡ ➡ ➡ 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 ➡ 11 11 ➡ 11 ➡ 11 13 Triphammer Mall NN SEVA ➡ 11 ➡ 11 17 93 17 RD SHERATON DR WI SAVAGE FARM DR NT SPRUCE LN SHA WR Cayuga Heights K NORT IRO Q UOIS R Highland@ Wyckoff THU R O D Triphammer @ Hanshaw D O OK L N (Weekends Only) L Fire Hall CORNELL PARKING LOT A (A LOT) ORN RB SISSON. PL EXT WAIT A FORE Sibley Hall CE NTRAL AVE WEST AVE RD Bold Type indicates PM times. Sage HASBRO K Jessup@ Pleasant Grove ST HOME DR Beebe Lake TOWER RD Statler G C Hall Cornell University CAMPUS RD DRYDE N RD B College@ Dryden Collegetown ITH A ST OAK AVE LINDEN AVE Tompkins County Public Library S AURORA ST GENEVA ST CAYUGA ST ALBANY ST A STATE EDDY ST GREEN ST COLLEGE AVE Ith aca Co mm on s QUARRY ST SENECA ST STEWART AVE BUFFALO ST SAGE PL J H WILLIAMS ST SCHUYLER PL year only. Please see route 70 for weekend service during the Summer. Route 30 weekend service will resume on Saturday, August 21, 2010. AURORA ST TIOGA ST Route 30 Weekend service operates during the academic Schwartz CPA CA RD T MITCH ELL STREE ST AT E ST 70 Weekend P lease see reverse for schedule One-Seat Ride to Ithaca College Our system now features linked routes. Certain route 30 & route 70 trips continue on as route 11 to form a one-seat ride to Ithaca College. This means the bus changes its route sign, and you just stay on the bus, no transferring required! Look for one-seat rides denoted by the sign. ➡ RD Country Club of Ithaca Balch Hall RM DR IT FA AD CR T HURSTON US SHAW (Weekends Only) Risley Hall CA HAN P RD JESSU IT Y AVE. VERS 10:30 P 10:34 P 10:38 P 10:42 P 10:45 P 10:51 P 10:55 P 11:30 P 11:34 P 11:38 P 11:42 P 11:45 P 11:51 P — Pleasant Grove @ Hanshaw E Community Corners E PARK DR. H IT D LL R I KH W STO N M ER SHELDON RD W OA DR RD D UPL A N D OD S RD OOD EW N I L Y HWA HR OP TE HAN 11 11 K PAR Small Mall Kendal KLINE RD ➡ R DART D Tops 11 ➡ ➡ PY AH ➡ ➡ D DR RAMI JESSU P 11 Cayuga Mall D ➡ F DR 11 Shops @ Ithaca Mall /Sears AM ➡ M RD LAN 11 A GRAH UP ➡ YMCA TRIPH 11 11 11 STEWART AVE 10:00 P 10:05 P 10:09 P 10:12 P 10:16 P 10:25 P 11:00 P 11:05 P 11:09 P 11:12 P 11:16 P 11:25 P ➡ ➡ ➡ BR 6:55 A 7:25 A 7:55 A 8:10 A 8:25 A 8:40 A 8:55 A 9:10 A 9:25 A 9:40 A 9:55 A 10:10 A 10:25 A — 10:55 A — 11:25 A 11:55 A 12:25 P 12:55 P 1:25 P 1:55 P 2:25 P 2:55 P 3:25 P 3:40 P 3:55 P 4:10 P 4:25 P 4:40 P 4:55 P 5:10 P 5:25 P 5:40 P 5:55 P 6:10 P 6:25 P — 6:55 P — 7:25 P 7:55 P 8:25 P — 9:25 P — A 6:51 A 7:21 A 7:51 A 8:06 A 8:21 A 8:36 A 8:51 A 9:06 A 9:21 A 9:36 A 9:51 A 10:06 A 10:21 A — 10:51 A — 11:21 A 11:51 A 12:21 P 12:51 P 1:21 P 1:51 P 2:21 P 2:51 P 3:21 P 3:36 P 3:51 P 4:06 P 4:21 P 4:36 P 4:51 P 5:06 P 5:21 P 5:36 P 5:51 P 6:06 P 6:21 P — 6:51 P — 7:21 P 7:51 P 8:21 P 8:51 P 9:21 P 9:51 P DE 6:45 A 7:15 A 7:45 A 8:00 A 8:15 A 8:30 A 8:45 A 9:00 A 9:15 A 9:30 A 9:45 A 10:00 A 10:15 A — 10:45 A — 11:15 A 11:45 A 12:15 P 12:45 P 1:15 P 1:45 P 2:15 P 2:45 P 3:15 P 3:30 P 3:45 P 4:00 P 4:15 P 4:30 P 4:45 P 5:00 P 5:15 P 5:30 P 5:45 P 6:00 P 6:15 P — 6:45 P — 7:15 P 7:45 P 8:15 P 8:45 P 9:15 P 9:45 P K CIR 6:42 A 7:12 A 7:42 A 7:57 A 8:12 A 8:27 A 8:42 A 8:57 A 9:12 A 9:27 A 9:42 A 9:57 A 10:12 A — 10:42 A — 11:12 A 11:42 A 12:12 P 12:42 P 1:12 P 1:42 P 2:12 P 2:42 P 3:12 P 3:27 P 3:42 P 3:57 P 4:12 P 4:27 P 4:42 P 4:57 P 5:12 P 5:27 P 5:42 P 5:57 P 6:12 P — 6:42 P — 7:12 P 7:42 P 8:12 P 8:42 P 9:12 P 9:42 P UC 6:38 A 7:08 A 7:38 A 7:53 A 8:08 A 8:23 A 8:38 A 8:53 A 9:08 A 9:23 A 9:38 A 9:53 A 10:08 A — 10:38 A — 11:08 A 11:38 A 12:08 P 12:38 P 1:08 P 1:38 P 2:08 P 2:38 P 3:08 P 3:23 P 3:38 P 3:53 P 4:08 P 4:23 P 4:38 P 4:53 P 5:08 P 5:23 P 5:38 P 5:53 P 6:08 P — 6:38 P — 7:08 P 7:38 P 8:08 P 8:38 P 9:08 P 9:38 P E RD 6:34 A 7:04 A 7:34 A 7:49 A 8:04 A 8:19 A 8:34 A 8:49 A 9:04 A 9:19 A 9:34 A 9:49 A 10:04 A — 10:34 A — 11:04 A 11:34 A 12:04 P 12:34 P 1:04 P 1:34 P 2:04 P 2:34 P 3:04 P 3:19 P 3:34 P 3:49 P 4:04 P 4:19 P 4:34 P 4:49 P 5:04 P 5:19 P 5:34 P 5:49 P 6:04 P — 6:34 P — 7:04 P 7:34 P 8:04 P 8:34 P 9:04 P 9:34 P GROV 6:30 A 7:00 A 7:30 A 7:45 A 8:00 A 8:15 A 8:30 A 8:45 A 9:00 A 9:15 A 9:30 A 9:45 A 10:00 A — 10:30 A — 11:00 A 11:30 A 12:00 P 12:30 P 1:00 P 1:30 P 2:00 P 2:30 P 3:00 P 3:15 P 3:30 P 3:45 P 4:00 P 4:15 P 4:30 P 4:45 P 5:00 P 5:15 P 5:30 P 5:45 P 6:00 P — 6:30 P — 7:00 P 7:30 P 8:00 P 8:30 P 9:00 P 9:30 P ANT PLEAS 6:27 A 6:55 A 7:25 A — 7:55 A 8:10 A 8:25 A 8:40 A 8:55 A 9:10 A 9:25 A 9:40 A 9:55 A 10:10 A 10:25 A 10:40 A 10:55 A 11:25 A 11:55 A 12:25 P 12:55 P 1:25 P 1:55 P 2:25 P 2:55 P — 3:25 P 3:40 P 3:55 P 4:10 P 4:25 P 4:40 P 4:55 P 5:10 P 5:25 P 5:40 P 5:55 P 6:10 P 6:25 P 6:40 P 6:55 P 7:25 P 7:55 P 8:25 P 8:55 P 9:25 P CINEMA DR 6:18 A 6:46 A 7:16 A — 7:46 A 8:01 A 8:16 A 8:31 A 8:46 A 9:01 A 9:16 A 9:31 A 9:46 A 10:01 A 10:16 A 10:31 A 10:46 A 11:16 A 11:46 A 12:16 P 12:46 P 1:16 P 1:46 P 2:16 P 2:46 P — 3:16 P 3:31 P 3:46 P 4:01 P 4:16 P 4:31 P 4:46 P 5:01 P 5:16 P 5:31 P 5:46 P 6:01 P 6:16 P 6:31 P 6:46 P 7:16 P 7:46 P 8:16 P 8:46 P 9:16 P RD — 6:42 A 7:12 A — 7:42 A 7:57 A 8:12 A 8:27 A 8:42 A 8:57 A 9:12 A 9:27 A 9:42 A 9:57 A 10:12 A 10:27 A 10:42 A 11:12 A 11:42 A 12:12 P 12:42 P 1:12 P 1:42 P 2:12 P 2:42 P — 3:12 P 3:27 P 3:42 P 3:57 P 4:12 P 4:27 P 4:42 P 4:57 P 5:12 P 5:27 P 5:42 P 5:57 P 6:12 P 6:27 P 6:42 P 7:12 P 7:42 P 8:12 P 8:42 P 9:12 P N S L 6:09 A 6:39 A 7:09 A — 7:39 A 7:54 A 8:09 A 8:24 A 8:39 A 8:54 A 9:09 A 9:24 A 9:39 A 9:54 A 10:09 A 10:24 A 10:39 A 11:09 A 11:39 A 12:09 P 12:39 P 1:09 P 1:39 P 2:09 P 2:39 P — 3:09 P 3:24 P 3:39 P 3:54 P 4:09 P 4:24 P 4:39 P 4:54 P 5:09 P 5:24 P 5:39 P 5:54 P 6:09 P 6:24 P 6:39 P 7:09 P 7:39 P 8:09 P 8:39 P 9:09 P ER MM 6:05 A 6:35 A 7:05 A — 7:35 A 7:50 A 8:05 A 8:20 A 8:35 A 8:50 A 9:05 A 9:20 A 9:35 A 9:50 A 10:05 A 10:20 A 10:35 A 11:05 A 11:35 A 12:05 P 12:35 P 1:05 P 1:35 P 2:05 P 2:35 P — 3:05 P 3:20 P 3:35 P 3:50 P 4:05 P 4:20 P 4:35 P 4:50 P 5:05 P 5:20 P 5:35 P 5:50 P 6:05 P 6:20 P 6:35 P 7:05 P 7:35 P 8:05 P 8:35 P 9:05 P XA 6:00 A 6:30 A 7:00 A — 7:30 A 7:45 A 8:00 A 8:15 A 8:30 A 8:45 A 9:00 A 9:15 A 9:30 A 9:45 A 10:00 A 10:15 A 10:30 A 11:00 A 11:30 A 12:00 P 12:30 P 1:00 P 1:30 P 2:00 P 2:30 P — 3:00 P 3:15 P 3:30 P 3:45 P 4:00 P 4:15 P 4:30 P 4:45 P 5:00 P 5:15 P 5:30 P 5:45 P 6:00 P 6:15 P 6:30 P 7:00 P 7:30 P 8:00 P 8:30 P 9:00 P HICKORY HOLLOW LN TRIPHA A VE J PHAMMER TRI H RD G EAST AVE D ER E OFF YCK F WAY MID F M AM E PH D TRI C ND HIGHLA B RD A Lansing Village Office ST JOSEPH LN OAKCREST RD PARKWAY Seneca @ Commons Sage Hall Continues as Route # TH E Triphammer @ Hanshaw Green @ Commons RIDGEW Highland @ Schwartz CPA Wyckoff THE PARKWAY M o n d ay – F r i d ay Triphammer @ Hanshaw Shops at Ithaca Mall / Sears HIGHLAND Friday Only Statler Hall Shops at Ithaca Mall / Sears VOTAPKA RD Green St. @ Commons Highland @ Wyckoff UNI College @ Dryden INBOUND MP OUTBOUND ST ANYST ALB ALBANY Please read schedules from left to right. Ithaca Town Hall 217 N. Tioga Street 607-273-1721 Tops – Ithaca 710 S. Meadow Street 607-275-8041 Budget & Finance 125 E. Court Street 607-274-5542 Life Long Sr. Center 119 W. Court Street 607-273-1511 ITHACA COLLEGE IC Bookstore 140 Phillips Hall 607-274-3210 GROTON Groton Village Clerk 607-898-3966 LANSING Tops – Triphammer 2300 N Triphammer Rd. 607-266-8021 Shops at Ithaca Mall 40 Catherwood Drive 607-257-5337 DRYDEN Dryden Village Office 80 South Street 607-844-8122 TC3 Book Store 9 North Street 607-844-6587 TRUMANSBURG Kinney Drugs 2100 Trumansburg Rd 607-387-6661 NEWFIELD Newfield Town Clerk 166 Main Street 607-564-9981 *Please Note: Not all passes are available at all retail outlets. Please visit our website or call for details. Printed 12/4/2009 1.5M (607) 273-1878 (607) 699-7433 (607) 734-5211 (607) 758-3383 (607) 272-7930 (607) 277-8800 (607) 255-4600 Fares – Tompkins County Exact Change, please. No Pennies Cash fare, single ride: Children 5 and under ride free and must be accompanied by a responsible adult. Limit 3 children per adult Adult (ages 18-59) Youth (ages 6-17) $1.50 $.75 Senior Citizens (age 60+) Persons w/ Disabilities $0.75 $0.75 September – January •OR• February – June Summer Fun Pass Youth Semester Pass $30 $50 Senior Citizens and Persons with Disabilities: If you have a Medicare, Senior Citizens Council Membership, ADA Paratransit Eligibility, or a Disability Eligibility card, you may show your card to the driver and pay half the cash fare. The Disability Eligibility Card is available to those persons receiving SSI, SSD, or Disabled Veteran’s Benefits resulting from a service-connected disability. Transfers: If more than one bus route is needed to get you to your destination, transfer slips are available at no additional cost. You should request a transfer from the Bus Operator when you pay the fare or use a transfer slip. Transfers are good for a continuous one way trip on the next available bus. They will not be accepted on any trip that will return the passenger to the area in which the transfer was originally issued, nor to re-board the same route. Lost & Found: Located at TCAT Main Office, 737 Willow Ave. Office hours are 8am– 5pm, Monday to Friday. Please bring I.D. Trips noted as continuing as another route: When a bus changes into a different route number (see schedule note), passengers already on board may continue to ride on the new route. There is no need to exit the bus or repay the fare. Get TCAT on your cell phone, point your browser to: ADA Paratransit Service: 273-1878 • TTY: 277-9766 Revised 5/23/2010 30 70 Summer Service Look for the 277-RIDE (7433) 737 Willow Avenue • Ithaca, NY 14850 Saturday & Sunday Transportation Council 121 E. Court Street 607-274-5570 Etna Creekwood Apts 200 Lower Creek Rd. 607-347-4738 Useful Phone Numbers Monday – Friday Weekend service during Academic Year only. Wegman’s 500 S. Meadow Street 607-277-5800 — 7:05 A 7:35 A 8:05 A 8:35 A 9:05 A 9:35 A 10:05 A 10:35 A 11:05 A 11:35 A 12:05 P 12:35 P 1:05 P 1:35 P 2:05 P 2:35 P 3:05 P 3:35 P 4:05 P 4:35 P 5:05 P 5:35 P 6:05 P 5:05 P 5:35 P 6:05 P 6:35 P 7:05 P 7:35 P 8:05 P 8:35 P 9:05 P 9:35 P 10:05 P 10:35 P 11:05 P — 7:00 A 7:30 A 8:00 A 8:30 A 9:00 A 9:30 A 10:00 A 10:30 A 11:00 A 11:30 A 12:00 P 12:30 P 1:00 P 1:30 P 2:00 P 2:30 P 3:00 P 3:30 P 4:00 P 4:30 P 5:00 P 5:30 P 6:00 P 5:00 P 5:30 P 6:00 P 6:30 P 7:00 P 7:30 P 8:00 P 8:30 P 9:00 P 9:30 P 10:00 P 10:30 P 11:00 P — 7:18 A 7:48 A 8:18 A 8:48 A 9:18 A 9:48 A 10:18 A 10:48 A 11:18 A 11:48 A 12:18 P 12:48 P 1:18 P 1:48 P 2:18 P 2:48 P 3:18 P 3:48 P 4:18 P 4:48 P 5:18 P 5:48 P 6:18 P 5:18 P 5:48 P 6:18 P 6:48 P 7:18 P 7:48 P 8:18 P 8:48 P 9:18 P 9:48 P 10:18 P 10:48 P 11:18 P L — 7:25 A 7:55 A 8:25 A 8:55 A 9:25 A 9:55 A 10:25 A 10:55 A 11:25 A 11:55 A 12:25 P 12:55 P 1:25 P 1:55 P 2:25 P 2:55 P 3:25 P 3:55 P 4:25 P 4:55 P 5:25 P 5:55 P 6:25 P 5:25 P 5:55 P 6:25 P 6:55 P 7:25 P 7:55 P 8:25 P 8:55 P 9:25 P 9:55 P 10:25 P 10:55 P 11:25 P F 7:00 A 7:30 A 8:00 A 8:30 A 9:00 A 9:30 A 10:00 A 10:30 A 11:00 A 11:30 A 12:00 P 12:30 P 1:00 P 1:30 P 2:00 P 2:30 P 3:00 P 3:30 P 4:00 P 4:30 P 5:00 P 5:30 P 6:00 P 6:30 P 5:30 P 6:00 P 6:30 P 7:00 P 7:30 P 8:00 P 8:30 P 9:00 P 9:30 P 10:00 P 10:30 P 11:00 P 11:30 P F 7:05 A 7:35 A 8:05 A 8:35 A 9:05 A 9:35 A 10:05 A 10:35 A 11:05 A 11:35 A 12:05 P 12:35 P 1:05 P 1:35 P 2:05 P 2:35 P 3:05 P 3:35 P 4:05 P 4:35 P 5:05 P 5:35 P 6:05 P 6:35 P 5:35 P 6:05 P 6:35 P 7:05 P 7:35 P 8:05 P 8:35 P 9:05 P 9:35 P 10:05 P 10:35 P 11:05 P 11:35 P L 7:12 A 7:42 A 8:12 A 8:42 A 9:12 A 9:42 A 10:12 A 10:42 A 11:12 A 11:42 A 12:12 P 12:42 P 1:12 P 1:42 P 2:12 P 2:42 P 3:12 P 3:42 P 4:12 P 4:42 P 5:12 P 5:42 P 6:12 P 6:42 P 5:42 P 6:12 P 6:42 P 7:12 P 7:42 P 8:12 P 8:42 P 9:12 P 9:42 P 10:12 P 10:42 P 11:12 P 11:42 P G H 7:21 A 7:51 A 8:21 A 8:51 A 9:21 A 9:51 A 10:21 A 10:51 A 11:21 A 11:51 A 12:21 P 12:51 P 1:21 P 1:51 P 2:21 P 2:51 P 3:21 P 3:51 P 4:21 P 4:51 P 5:21 P 5:51 P 6:21 P 6:51 P 5:51 P 6:21 P 6:51 P 7:21 P 7:51 P 8:21 P 8:51 P 9:21 P 9:51 P 10:21 P 10:51 P 11:21 P 11:51 P J ➡ ➡ ➡ ➡ ➡ ➡ ➡ ➡ ➡ ➡ ➡ ➡ ➡ ➡ ➡ ➡ ➡ ➡ ➡ ➡ ➡ ➡ ➡ ➡ ➡ ➡ ➡ ➡ ➡ ➡ ➡ ➡ Our system now features linked routes. Certain route 30 & route 70 trips continue on as route 11 to form a one-seat ride to Ithaca College. This means the bus changes its route sign, and you just stay on the bus, no transferring required! Look for one-seat rides denoted by the sign. ➡ 7:25 A 7:55 A 8:25 A 8:55 A 9:25 A 9:55 A 10:25 A 10:55 A 11:25 A 11:55 A 12:25 P 12:55 P 1:25 P 1:55 P 2:25 P 2:55 P 3:25 P 3:55 P 4:25 P 4:55 P 5:25 P – – – 5:55 P 6:25 P 6:55 P 7:25 P 7:55 P 8:25 P 8:55 P 9:25 P 9:55 P 10:25 P — 11:25 P — A 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 17 11 17 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 Continues as Route # One-Seat Ride to IC Green @ Commons Seneca @ Commons 7:15 A 7:45 A 8:15 A 8:45 A 9:15 A 9:45 A 10:15 A 10:45 A 11:15 A 11:45 A 12:15 P 12:45 P 1:15 P 1:45 P 2:15 P 2:45 P 3:15 P 3:45 P 4:15 P 4:45 P 5:15 P 5:45 P 6:15 P 6:45 P 5:45 P 6:15 P 6:45 P 7:15 P 7:45 P 8:15 P 8:45 P 9:15 P 9:45 P 10:15 P 10:45 P 11:15 P 11:45 P Sage Hall 7:08 A 7:38 A 8:08 A 8:38 A 9:08 A 9:38 A 10:08 A 10:38 A 11:08 A 11:38 A 12:08 P 12:38 P 1:08 P 1:38 P 2:08 P 2:38 P 3:08 P 3:38 P 4:08 P 4:38 P 5:08 P 5:38 P 6:08 P 6:38 P 5:38 P 6:08 P 6:38 P 7:08 P 7:38 P 8:08 P 8:38 P 9:08 P 9:38 P 10:08 P 10:38 P 11:08 P 11:38 P K Pleasant Grove @ Hanshaw Shops at Ithaca Jessup @ Schwartz CPA Mall / Sears Pleasant Grove INBOUND One-Seat Ride to Ithaca College Bold Type indicates PM times. K Pleasant Grove @ Hanshaw — 7:15 A 7:45 A 8:15 A 8:45 A 9:15 A 9:45 A 10:15 A 10:45 A 11:15 A 11:45 A 12:15 P 12:45 P 1:15 P 1:45 P 2:15 P 2:45 P 3:15 P 3:45 P 4:15 P 4:45 P 5:15 P 5:45 P 6:15 P 5:15 P 5:45 P 6:15 P 6:45 P 7:15 P 7:45 P 8:15 P 8:45 P 9:15 P 9:45 P 10:15 P 10:45 P 11:15 P C B A — 7:09 A 7:39 A 8:09 A 8:39 A 9:09 A 9:39 A 10:09 A 10:39 A 11:09 A 11:39 A 12:09 P 12:39 P 1:09 P 1:39 P 2:09 P 2:39 P 3:09 P 3:39 P 4:09 P 4:39 P 5:09 P 5:39 P 6:09 P 5:09 P 5:39 P 6:09 P 6:39 P 7:09 P 7:39 P 8:09 P 8:39 P 9:09 P 9:39 P 10:09 P 10:39 P 11:09 P Statler Hall Jessup @ Shops at Ithaca Pleasant Grove Mall / Sears Green St. @ Commons College @ Dryden OUTBOUND Please read schedules from left to right. See reverse for route 70 map Saturday & Sunday Shops at Ithaca Mall – Commons Effective January 17, 2010 Route 70 70 Weekend Saturday Only TCAT Green Street Station 131 East Green St., Ste. 3 Willard Straight Hall 607-255-0623 S at u r d ay & S u n d ay Ithaca TCAT Main Office (All passes available) 737 Willow Avenue Phone: 277-RIDE Cornell University Cornell Transportation 116 Maple Avenue 607-255-4600 Sunday Only Online TCAT Store (All passes available) Gadabout Trans. Services, Inc. Tioga County Public Transit Chemung County Transit Cortland Transit Greyhound Bus Lines Shortline Bus Lines Cornell Transportation Saturday Only For Your Convenience, various bus passes can be purchased at the following Outlets* Shops at Ithaca Mall – Commons also serving: ➡ symbol to find one seat rides to IC! Collegetown Cornell Community Corners Kendal YMCA Tops (Lansing) IC – select trips continue on as route 11 ➡ Effective May 29,2011