Final Exam Study Guide for Art 31: The Visual Experience


Final Exam Study Guide for Art 31: The Visual Experience

Kingsborough Community College of the City University of New York, Fall 2011

Format of the Departmental Final: 2 short essays based on artworks (30 pts) and

70 multiple choice questions (1 pt each = 70 pts)

Image List: This is the image list of specific art works to know for the exam. Questions about these works may appear on the test. You are also expected to know the date, media and style for each of these works.

Art: A Brief History : Chapters 1 through 10:

Artist Title

Woman from Willendorf

Figure and Page Numbers

(4 th Edition)

Fig. 1-4, p. 25


Iktinos and Kallikrates

Stele of Naram-Sin

Great Pyramids, Giza

Menkaure and Queen Khamerernebty

Great Stupa, Sanchi

Anavysos Kouros

Kritios Boy

The Parthenon

Augustus of Primaporta

The Pantheon

Wall with Torah Niche

Katsushika Hokusai

Dome of the Rock

The Great Wave

Bayeaux Embroidery

Art: A Brief History : Chapters 11 through 14:

Artist Title


Jan van Eyck

Limbourg Brothers




Properzia de’ Rossi


Joseph and Potiphar’s Wife




Calling of Saint Matthew

Las Meninas

Art: A Brief History : Chapters 15 through 19:

Artist Title








Rose and lancet windows, Chartres



Arnolfini Portrait

February Page, Très Riches Heurs



The Sistine Ceiling

Fig. 2-1, p. 38

Fig. 3-5, p. 62

Fig. 3-9, p. 64

Fig. 4-4, p. 80

Fig. 5-16, p. 113

Fig. 5-22, p. 117

Fig. 5-26a, p. 121

Fig. 6-12, p.146

Fig. 6-27 and 6-28, p. 156-157

Fig. 7-3, p. 169

Fig. 8-2 and 8-3, p. 195

Fig. 9-27, p. 238

Fig. 10-29, p. 264

Figure and Page Numbers

(4 th Edition)

Fig. 11-10, p. 280

Fig. 11-28, p. 294

Fig. 12-1, p. 302

Fig. 12-2, p. 305

Fig. 12-20, p. 321

Fig. 13-8, p. 343

Fig. 13-10, 13-11, 13-12, p 345-


Fig. 13-15, p. 349

Fig. 14-4, p. 382

Fig. 14-9 and 14-10, p. 387-88

Fig. 14-13, p. 391

Machu Picchu, Peru

Head of a King from Ife, Nigeria

Power figure (nkisi nkonde)


Figure and Page Numbers

(4 th Edition)

Fig. 15-16, p. 429

Fig. 16-3, p. 445

Fig. 16-13, p. 453

Fig. 17-11, p. 470

Liberty Leading the People: July 28, 1830 Fig. 17-19, p. 478

The Oxbow Fig. 17-25, p. 483

Forever Free Fig. 18-6, p. 499

Fig. 18-9, p. 502 Nocturne in Black and Gold (The Falling


The Gross Clinic

Japonisme (discussion box)

Ma Jolie

Fig. 18-14, p. 505 p. 517

Fig. 19-9, p. 533

Final Exam Study Guide for Art 31: The Visual Experience

Kingsborough Community College of the City University of New York, Fall 2011

Vocabulary List: This is the vocabulary list of specific art works to know for the exam. Questions about these vocabulary words may appear on the test.


Important Formal Terms to Know:

 Horizontal; vertical; orthogonal

 Primary and secondary colors

 Marble, Bronze, Terra cotta

 Painting: Fresco, Tempera, Oil

 Prints: Printing Press; Engraving; Etching; Woodcut; Lithography; Photography

 Façade

 Subject matter types: religious; historical; mythological; portraits (including self-portraits and group portraits); genre; landscape; seascape; still-life

 Composition; plane; balance; line; depth; space; shape; light and color; texture

The Ancient World to Early Christian Art, Chapters 1 through 10:

 General Characteristics of Ancient Near Eastern Art, Egyptian Art, Greek Art and Roman Art

 Periods of Prehistoric Art: Paleolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic

 Hieratic scale

 Black-figure and red-figure pottery painting

 Kore and Kouros figures

 Contrapposto pose

 Classical Orders of Architecture (Doric, Ionic, Corinthian)

 Aqueducts; domes; the oculus; triumphal arches and columns; concrete

 Ziggurat

 Lamassu; Sphinx

 Hypostyle Hall

 Amphoras and Kraters

 Mosque, minaret, qibla, mihrab, minbar

Gothic through Rococo, Chapters 11 through 14:

 General Characteristics of Early Christian and Byzantine Art

 Basilica

 Abbot Suger

 Mosaics; Tesserae

 Church architecture: barrel vault; tympanum; portal; apse; nave; narthex; side aisles; chapels; transept; ambulatories

 Pointed Arches; Flying Buttresses; Stained glass windows (rose and lancet windows)

 Linear Perspective and atmospheric perspective; Foreshortening; Chiaroscuro

 Diptych, Triptych and Polyptych

 Sfumato, Tenebrism, Caravaggisti

 Protestant Reformation and Counter Reformation

Art of the Americas through Modern Art, Chapters 15 through 19:

 General Characteristics of Neoclassicism, Romanticism, Realism, Impressionism, Post-Impressionism,

Neo-Impressionism and Cubism

 Inca Masonry, irregular stone wall; smooth-surfaced wall

 Lost-wax casting

 Chinoiserie

 Japonisme--its influence on the Impressionist styles

 African art and its influences onto Modernism

 Pointillism, Divisionism

 Paris Salon Exhibitions

 Collage

 The sublime in art (especially in landscape painting)
