Faculté des sciences sociales | Faculty of Social Sciences Sociologie et anthropologie | Sociology and Anthropology Political Sociology SOC 2312A Dr. José López Fall 2011 Course Outline Class Schedule: Tuesday 13:00-14:30 Thursday 11:30-13:00 STE A0150 Professor’s Office hours: Thursday 13:30-15:30 Desmarais, 8101D 562-5800 ext. 1233 jlopez@uottawa.ca Official Course Description This course provides an introduction to the study and analysis of political sociology. It explores the social dimensions (class, social movements, and interest groups) of power and political institutions. It examines social power and democracy as well as contemporary dimensions of political sociology. Course Objectives The course will examine a number of key themes, concepts and theories that are debated in the field of political sociology. It will be broadly concerned with exploring the social basis for democracy. It will introduce students to the social dimension of a variety of political phenomena such as the modern nation-state, the governance of science and technology, political communication and citizenship. It will also explore the challenges faced by the nation-state as a result of social movements, new conceptions of democracy and globalization. Readings Required readings found in a course pack that is available from Merriam Print (252 Laurier Ave. E. 613-567-5050). 1 Evaluation Student assessment will have three components: 1. Mid term exam (30%) 2. Two written assignments (2x15% = 30%) 3. Final Examination (40%) 1. The Mid term exam (1 hour duration) will take place October the 21st in class 2. Students will be required to submit two 1,000 word assignments dealing with the readings. The first is due on October the 13th, the second on December the 1st. Further details will be provided in class. 3. The final examination (40%) will take place during the normal examination period. It will cover all the course material (course reader, documentaries, lectures and discussions). Further details will be given during the revision session on December 6th. Policy on language quality and late submissions Class attendance is necessary to successfully complete this course. You will also be judged on your writing abilities. It is recommended to take the appropriate measures to avoid mistakes such as spelling, syntax, punctuation, inappropriate use of terms, etc. You may be penalized up to 15%, to the professor’s discretion. Late submissions are not tolerated. Exceptions are made only for illness or other serious situations deemed as such by the professor. There will be a penalty for late submissions. University regulations require all absences from exams and all late submissions due to illness to be supported by a medical certificate. Absence for any other serious reason must be justified in writing, to the academic assistants of the Faculty, within five business days following the date of the exam or submission of an assignment. The Faculty reserves the right to accept or refuse the reason. Reasons such as travel, jobs, or any misreading of the examination timetable are not acceptable. In the case of illnesses, medical certificates are accepted. However, the Faculty who needs additional information concerning a medical certificate or who wants to verify its authenticity must send it to the University of Ottawa Health Services (located at 100 Marie-Curie). A penalty of 5% will be given for each subsequent day following the due date (weekends not included). This goes for assignments submitted through e-mail as well, and, in this case, the time that the e-mail was received will be counted as the time of submission of the document. 2 We suggest that you advise your professor as early as possible if a religious holiday or a religious event will force you to be absent during an evaluation. Topics and Schedule Week 1 Sept 8 Topic Course Orientation Reading Week 2 Sept 13 & 15 Introduction to Political Sociology Janine Brodie (2002) “Three Stories of Canadian Citizenship” in, Contesting Canadian Citizenship, Edited by Robert Adamoski, Dorothy E. Chunn and Robert Menzies, Peterborough: Broadview Press, pp. 43-66. The Emergence of the Modern Nation State Lars Bo Karspersen (2000) “Giddens’ Theory of the State: The Nation-State and War”, Anthony Giddens: An Introduction to a Social Theorist, Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 6683. Ernest Gellner (1997) Nationalism, London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, pp.14-30. Week 3 Sept 20 & 22 Week 4 Sept 27 & 29 Nationalism and the Nation State Documentary Power: the classic debate Mark Haugaard (1997) The Constitution of Power, pp. 9-22. Public Policy John W. Kingdon (1993) “How do Issues get on Public Policy Agendas”, in Sociology and the Public Agenda, Edited by William Julius Wilson, Newbury Park: Sage, pp. 40-50 State Power James W McAuley (2003) An Introduction to Politics, State and Society, London: Sage, pp. 27-40. Julia S. O’Connor (1999) “Ownership, Class and Public Policy” in Social Inequality in Canada, James Curtis, Edward Grabb & Neil Guppy (eds.): Prentice Hall, pp. 35-49. Week 5 Oct 4 & 6 Challenges to State Power Jeff Goodwin and Theda Skocpol. 1989. Explaining Revolutions in the Contemporary Third World. Politics and Society 17: 4: 489-509. 3 Democracy: the Social Basis Anthony Orum (2001) Introduction to Political Sociology, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, pp. 91-111. David Held (1996) Models of Democracy, 2nd edition, Stanford: Stanford University Press, pp. 295-334. Week 6 Oct 11 & 13 Democracy and the Media Frederick J. Fletcher and Daphne Gottlieb Taras (1995) “The Mass Media: Private Ownership, Public Responsibilities” in Canadian Politics in the 1990s, 4th Edition, Edited by Michael S. Whittington and Glen William, Toronto: Nelson Canada, pp.292-319. David Taras (2002) Power and Betrayal in the Canadian Media, Broadview Press, pp. 29-60. Cees Hamelink, (2007) “The Professionalization of Political Communication: Democracy at Stake?”, in the Professionalization of Political Communication, Ralph Negrine et al (eds), Bristol: Intellect, pp. 179-188. Week 7 Oct 18 & 20 Review & Midterm Reading Week October 24-28 Week 8 Nov 1 & Nov 3 Citizenship and Welfare Julia S. O’Connor (2002) “Understanding the Welfare State and Welfare States: Theoretical Perspectives” in Political Sociology, Edited by Douglas Baer, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 110-128. Citizenship and Difference 1 Kate Nash (2010) Contemporary Political Sociology, Cambridge: Blackwell, pp. 131-175. Linda Trimble (2003) “Women and the Politics of Citizenship” in Reinventing Canada, Edited by Janine Brodie and Linda Trimble, Toronto: Prentice Hall, pp. 131-150. Week 9 Nov 8 & 10 Citizenship and Difference 2 Malinda S. Smith (2003) “‘Race Matters’ and ‘Race Manners’” in Reinventing Canada, Edited by Janine Brodie and Linda Trimble, Toronto: Prentice Hall, pp. 108-125. Social Movements 1 William K. Carroll (2002) “Social Movements” in Political Sociology, Edited by Douglas Baer, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 371-391. 4 Week 10 Nov 15 & 17 Social Movements 2 Susan D. Philips (1999) “Social Movements in Canadian Politics: Past their Apex?” in Canadian Politics, Edited by James Bickerton and Alain-G Gagnon. Documentary Week 11 Nov 22 &24 Week 12 Nov 29 Dec 1 Globalisation 1 Arjun Appadurai (2000) “Disjuncture and Difference in the Global Cultural Economy”, in Readings in Contemporary Political Sociology, Cambridge: Blackwell, pp.100-114. Globalisation 2 Keith Faulks (2000) Political Sociology: A Critical Introduction, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 5371, 188-205. Democratising Science 1 John Scott (2001) Power, Cambridge: Polity, pp. 92-109. Steve Patten (2001) “Democratizing the Institutions of Policy Making: Democratic Consultation and Participatory Administration”, Journal of Canadian Studies, 35(4), pp.221239. Democratising Science 2 Week 13 Dec 6 Jerry Ravetz (2005) “The Post-normal Science of Safety”, Science and Citizens: Globalization and the Challenge of Engagement, Edited by Melissa Leach, Ian Scoones and Brian Wynne, London: Zed Books, pp.43-53. Review Bibliography Baer, Douglas (ed.) 2002. Political Sociology, Oxford: Oxford University Press. Brodie, Janine. 2002. Three Stories of Canadian Citizenship. In Contesting Canadian Citizenship, Edited by Robert Adamoski, Dorothy E. Chunn and Robert Menzies, Peterborough: Broadview Press, pp. 43-66. Brodie, Janine and Linda Trimble (eds.). 2003. Reinventing Canada. Toronto: Prentice Hall. De la Porta, Donatella and Mario Diani. 1999. Social Movements: An Introduction. Malden Mass: Blackwell. 5 Faulks, Keith. 2000. Political Sociology: A Critical Introduction, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. Gellner, Ernest. 1997. Nationalism. New York: New York University Press Goodwin, Jeff and Theda Skocpol. 1989. Explaining Revolutions in the Contemporary Third World. Politics and Society 17(4): 89-509. Haugaard, Mark. 1997. The Constitution of Power. Manchester: Manchester University Press. Held, David.1996. Models of Democrac. 2nd edition, Stanford: Stanford University Press. Karspersen, Lars Bo. 2000. Anthony Giddens: An Introduction to a Social Theorist, Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 66-83. Kingdon, John W. 1993. How do Issues get on Public Policy Agendas. In Sociology and the Public Agenda. Edited by William Julius Wilson, Newbury Park: Sage, pp. 40-50. Nash, Kate. 2010. Contemporary Political Sociology, Cambridge: Blackwell. Nash, Kate. 2000. Readings in Contemporary Political Sociology, Cambridge: Blackwell. McAuley, James. 2003. An Introduction to Politis., State and Society, London: Sage. Orum, Anthony. 2001. Introduction to Political Sociology. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Susan D. Philips .1999.Social Movements in Canadian Politics: Past their Apex?” in Canadian Politics, Edited by James Bickerton and Alain-G Gagnon, Peterborough: Broadview, pp. 371-391. Patten, Steve. 2001.Democratizing the Institutions of Policy Making: Democratic Consultation and Participatory Administration. Journal of Canadian Studies, 35(4):.221-239. Pierson, Christopher. 1996. The Modern State, London: Routledge. Scott, John. 2001. Power. Cambridge: Polity. Resources for you Mentoring Centre - http://www.sciencessociales.uottawa.ca/mentor/fra/ The goal of the Mentoring Centre is to help students with their academic and social well being during their time at the University of Ottawa. 6 Regardless of where a student stands academically, or how far along they are in completing their degree, the mentoring centre is there to help students continue on their path to success. A student may choose to visit the mentoring centre for very different reasons. Younger students may wish to talk to their older peers to gain insight into programs and services offered by the University, while older student may simply want to brush up on study and time management skills or learn about programs and services for students nearing the end of their degree. In all, the Mentoring Centre offers a place for students to talk about concerns and problems that they might have in any facet of their lives. While students are able to voice their concerns and problems without fear of judgment, mentors can garner further insight in issues unique to students and find a more practical solution to better improve the services that the Faculty of Social Sciences offers, as well as the services offered by the University of Ottawa. Academic Writing Help Centre - http://www.sass.uottawa.ca/writing/ At the AWHC you will learn how to identify, correct and ultimately avoid errors in your writing and become an autonomous writer. In working with our Writing Advisors, you will be able to acquire the abilities, strategies and writing tools that will enable you to: • Master the written language of your choice • Expand your critical thinking abilities • Develop your argumentation skills • Learn what the expectations are for academic writing Career Services - http://www.sass.uottawa.ca/careers/ Career Services offers various services and a career development program to enable you to recognize and enhance the employability skills you need in today's world of work. Counselling Service- http://www.sass.uottawa.ca/personal/ There are many reasons to take advantage of the Counselling Service. We offer: • Personal counselling • Career counselling • Study skills counselling Access Service - http://www.sass.uottawa.ca/acces/ The Access Service contributes to the creation of an inclusive environment by developing strategies and implementing measures that aim to reduce the barriers to learning for students who have learning disabilities, health, psychiatric or physical conditions. 7 Student Resources Centres http://www.communitylife.uottawa.ca/en/resources.php The Student Resources Centres aim to fulfill all sorts of students needs. Beware of Academic Fraud! Academic fraud is an act committed by a student to distort the marking of assignments, tests, examinations, and other forms of academic evaluation. Academic fraud is neither accepted nor tolerated by the University. Anyone found guilty of academic fraud is liable to severe academic sanctions. Here are a few examples of academic fraud: • engaging in any form of plagiarism or cheating; • presenting falsified research data; • handing in an assignment that was not authored, in whole or in part, by the student; • submitting the same assignment in more than one course, without the written consent of the professors concerned. In recent years, the development of the Internet has made it much easier to identify academic plagiarism. The tools available to your professors allow them to trace the exact origin of a text on the Web, using just a few words. In cases where students are unsure whether they are at fault, it is their responsibility to consult the University’s Web site at the following address: http://www.socialsciences.uottawa.ca/eng/writing_tools.asp « Tools for Writing Papers and Assignments ». Persons who have committed or attempted to commit (or have been accomplices to) academic fraud will be penalized. Here are some examples of the academic sanctions, which can be imposed: • a grade of « F » for the assignment or course in question; • an additional program requirement of between 3 and 30 credits; • suspension or expulsion from the Faculty. Last session, most of the students found guilty of fraud were given an « F » for the course and had between three and twelve credits added to their program requirement. For more information, refer to: http://www.uottawa.ca/academic/info/newsletter/fraud_e.html 8