2 exercise two Bacteria and Protista Learning Outcomes • • • • • Learn how to culture and identify different bacterial strains. Compare the effectiveness between hand sanitizer and soap and water. Compare and contrast different phyla of algae with a focus on Phylum Chlorophyta. Describe the significance of the Volvocine line. Examine the similarities and differences between members of Kingdoms Protista and Fungi. INTRODUCTION Bacteria Organisms classified into Domains Bacteria and Archaea, the prokaryotes, are the oldest and most abundant organisms on Earth. Present for over 1 billion years before the evolution of eukaryotes, cyanobacteria produced enough oxygen in the atmosphere to promote the development of diverse eukaryotic species including protists, fungi, animals and plants. Bacteria are ubiquitous in nature, inhabiting environments that range from the frozen ice in Antarctica to the digestive tracts of ruminant animals. To date, greater than 7,000 bacterial species have been identified, some of which are pathogenic to humans (e.g. Yersinia pestis, the causative agent of plague or Helicobacter pylori, which promotes ulcer formation) while others are important for food production, manufacturing pharmaceuticals and the decomposition of dying/decaying material (saprophytes). In addition, some bacterial species form symbiotic (mutualistic) associations with other organisms in which both partners benefit from the relationship. For instance, lichens are a mutualistic pairing of a fungus and a green alga or cyanobacteria. In this partnership, the fungus provides the green alga/cyanobacteria with protection while the green alga/ cyanobacteria provides the fungus with food. Overall, bacteria are a diverse group of organisms that play vital roles in the ecosystem. Prokaryotes in general, are smaller and have a much simpler internal organization, lacking the membrane-bound ­organelles (figure 2.1) which is a characteristic of eukaryotes. The composition of the genetic material in bacteria is also very different; in contrast to the multiple linear chromosomes found in the nucleus of eukaryotes, bacteria possess a single, circular chromosome in the nucleoid region of the cell. The main differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms are ­summarized in Table 2.1. Bacteria are generally single-celled (unicellular) organisms; however, some species (primarily the cyanobacteria) are multicellular, forming associations of various sizes, filaments or colonies. Their classification is usually based on morphology and biochemistry. The morphological characteristics include (1) shape and (2) the differential thickness of their cell wall. There are three main types of bacterial shapes coccus (spherical), bacillus (rod-shaped), or spirillum (helical-shaped) which are shown in figure 2.2. The role of the bacterial cell wall is to maintain the shape of the cell. Depending upon the thickness of the peptidoglycan (protective) layer in the cell wall, bacteria are classified as either gram-positive or gram-negative. Gram-positive bacteria (e.g. Streptococcus and Micrococcus) have much simpler cell walls with a very thick peptidoglycan layer that is capable of retaining the Crystal violet dye (purple) used during the gram-staining procedure. Gram-negative bacteria (e.g. Escherichia coli 2–1 02_pit0078045797_02.indd 15 15 16/08/12 12:48 PM Pilus Cytoplasm Ribosomes Nucleoid (DNA) Plasma membrane Cell wall Capsule Flagellum Pili Figure 2.1 General structure of a prokaryotic cell. Table 2.1 Main Differences Between Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Organisms Characteristic Prokaryotic Eukaryotic Cellularity Unicellular Most are multicellular but not all Cell size 1 µm or less 10 µm or more Chromosomes Single, circular Multiple, linear Cell division/genetic recombination Asexual: Binary Fission Conjugation Mitosis Sexual: Meiosis Asexual (some plants) Compartmentalization Absent Present Mitochondria Absent Present Nucleus Absent; nucleoid region instead Present Ribosomes Present Present Flagella Present Present Photosynthesis Yes Yes Cell wall Peptidoglycan Absent in animals, present in plants, fungi and some protists b. Bacill a. Cocci c. Spirilla Figure 2.2 Types of Bacteria: a) cocci, b) bacillus and c) sprillium. 2–2 16 02_pit0078045797_02.indd 16 Exercise 2 16/08/12 12:49 PM and Serratia), on the other hand, possess a much thinner layer of peptidoglycan in their cell wall and thus, a reduced affinity for Crystal violet. Instead, these bacteria stain dark pink from the Safranin dye also added during the gram staining process (figure 2.3 and 2.4). Although gram-negative bacteria have less peptidoglycan, their cell walls are more complex due to the presence of lipopolysaccharides which secrete potent toxins. On the other hand, the biochemical characteristics refer to (1) whether or not they use oxygen for cellular respiration (aerobic vs. anaerobic) and (2) whether they can use light to generate their own carbon sources (autotrophy) or if they require organic molecules to obtain carbon (heterotrophy). Peptide side chains Cell wall (peptidoglycan) Plasma membrane Protein Gram-positive bacteria Lipopolysaccharides Outer membrane Cell wall Peptidoglycan Gram-negative bacteria Plasma membrane Figure 2.3 Gram-negative vs. Gram-positive bacteria. 10 µm Figure 2.4 Gram-positive (purple) and Gram-negative (pink) gram stain cells. 2–3 02_pit0078045797_02.indd 17 Bacteria and Protista 17 16/08/12 12:49 PM Task 1—Bacterial Identification A. Identifying Bacterial Types 1. View the prepared slides of the three bacterial shapes (bacillus, coccus, and spirillum) as well as the gram stained bacteria located in the slide box at your table. Draw what you see in the spaces provided below. Magnification: Magnification: bacillus Magnification: Magnification: coccus spirillum Magnification: Gram-negative bacteria Gram-positive bacteria Color: ___________ Color: ___________ B. Identification of Bacteria Cultured from Hands Different bacterial species require different environments for growth. In fact, there are over 100 trillion bacteria that live on or in humans (Costello et al., 2009), some of which aid in nutrition while others resist pathogens and ­maintain a normal, healthy flora. Listed in figure 2.5 are a few of the most common types of bacteria found in or on the human body. 2–4 18 02_pit0078045797_02.indd 18 Exercise 2 16/08/12 12:49 PM Common Bacteria in or on Humans Skin Eye Ear Mouth Nose Intestinal tract Genital tract Streptococcus Corynebacterium sp., Staphylococcus sp., Streptococcus sp., Escherichia coli, Mycobacterium sp. Corynebacterium sp., Neisseria sp., Bacillus sp., Staphylococcus sp., Streptococcus sp. Staphylococcus sp., Streptococcus sp., Corynebacterium sp., Bacillus sp. Streptococcus sp., Staphylococcus sp., Lactobacillus sp., Corynebacterium sp., Fusobacterium sp., Vibrio sp., Haemophilus sp. Corynebacterium sp., Staphylococcus sp., Streptococcus sp. Lactobacillus sp., Escherichia coli, Bacillus sp., Clostridum sp., Pseudomonds sp., Bacteroides sp., Streptococcus sp. Lactobacillus sp., Staphylococcus sp., Streptococcus sp., Clostridum sp., Peptostreptococcus sp., Escherichia coli Escherichia coli Lactobacillus Corynebacterium Figure 2.5 Bacteria commonly found on/in humans. In addition to environment, bacterial species also differ in their nutrient requirements. This factor makes it is possible to isolate bacterial species by growing them on agar that has or is missing a particular nutrient necessary for growth of specific bacterial species. During last week’s lab, you cultured bacteria present on your hands “before” and “after” washing them with soap or disinfecting them with hand sanitizer. Both agents are advertised as effective means of removing dirt, grease and certain bacterial strains, the main difference being that soap requires water for use while hand sanitizer, which is alcohol based, does not. The purpose of the experiment you setup last week is twofold: (1) to compare the effectiveness of both disinfecting agents in killing bacteria and (2) to identify the different strains of bacteria that are present on your hands when they have not been washed/sanitized. Figure 2.6 A. Blood agar and B. MacConkey agar plates after a 24 hour incubation period. B: Identification of Bacteria Cultured from Hands Procedure 1. 2. 3. Obtain your group’s plates from the refrigerator. Observe the growth and appearance of the colonies on all plates. In the space provided below, you should draw what your Blood Agar and MacConkey plates look like. Make notes of what color the colonies are. If you used hand soap, you should draw in the space below what your group member’s plate looked like for those that used hand sanitizer or vice versa. 2–5 02_pit0078045797_02.indd 19 Bacteria and Protista 19 16/08/12 12:49 PM Table 2.2 Comparison of Different Bacteria Strains Occurrence on the skin Appearance on Blood Agar Appearance on MacConkey Agar + nearly 100% small white colonies no growth spherical + ~ 25% “gold,” or yellowishwhite colonies no growth Streptococcus pyogenes spherical + rare, > 5% colonies exhibit large zones of β-hemolysis no growth Corynebacteria rod-shaped + nearly 100% colonies exhibit a small zone of β-hemolysis no growth Escherichia coli rod-shaped − rare, > 5% Bacterial Strain Shape Gram Stain (+/−) Staphylococcus epidermidis spherical Staphylococcus aureus pink colonies Blood agar plates Before After Soap Before After Sanitizer Before After Sanitizer MacConkey agar plates Before 4. After Soap Now it’s time to mount your bacteria onto a slide. If within your group, everyone had growth of each one of the bacterial strains from Table 2.2 on the blood agar plate then you can do a total of 3 slides in the group. This way each group member can mount one of the three bacterial strains. If someone had growth on the MacConkey Agar plate then you can have a 4th slide. a. Obtain a new slide. b. Using a toothpick, transfer distilled water onto the slide. Do this about 2–3 times. Do not put a drop of water or it will take too long to dry. c. Using a toothpick, transfer a small amount of one colony of the bacterial strain you’re responsible for and add it to the water that is on the slide. Mix the water and bacteria well. You will notice that the water will become cloudy. 2–6 20 02_pit0078045797_02.indd 20 Exercise 2 16/08/12 12:49 PM d. Place the slide on the staining tray and allow it to air-dry for about 5–10 minutes. e. Using forceps pick up the slide and pass it 3 times over an ethanol lamp to heat fix the bacteria to the slide. Be careful not to leave it in the flame too long or you will kill your bacteria. f. Place the slide on the staining tray and add 2 drops of methylene blue to cover the sample of bacteria. g. Leave the slide undisturbed for 1 minute. h.Pick up the slide with forceps and hold it at a 45 degree angle above the staining tray while you rinse off the excess dye with distilled water. i. Place the slide on a paper towel and fold it over to lightly pat dry any excess water. j. Examine the slide under the microscope. Keep in mind that your slide does not have a cover slip so you must be very careful NOT to let the microscope objectives touch the actual slide. k. Fill in the table below for question 1. Questions 1. List the color of the colonies based on how they looked on the plate originally. You should also write the bacteria shape you saw for each slide after you looked at it under the microscope. Based on the colony color and shape, write what bacterial strain it most likely is. You can use Table 2.2 to help you. Colony color Bacteria Shape Bacterial Strain Slide 1 Slide 2 Slide 3 Slide 4 (optional) 2. What ingredient(s) present in MacConkey agar inhibits the growth of gram positive bacteria? 3. Streptococcus pyogenes and Corynebacteria form zones of β-hemolysis. What is β-hemolysis? What exactly does the bacteria release that causes that type of growth on the blood agar plate? 4. Did each group member’s “before” plates contain all the same bacterial strains? If not, which strain(s) was common to all group members? 2–7 02_pit0078045797_02.indd 21 Bacteria and Protista 21 16/08/12 12:49 PM 5. Which treatment, hand washing or hand sanitizer, was more effective at eliminating the bacteria on the hands? i. Would eliminating all the bacteria on the hands be harmful? Explain. ii.Which treatment would be best to remove dirt from a person’s hands? Why? Kingdom Protista Members of the Kingdom Protista are the earliest known eukaryotes, with fossils estimated to be 1.5 billion years old. Although it is not possible to know exactly how eukaryotic cells arose, the endosymbiotic theory (figure 2.7) proposes that a primitive eukaryotic cell engulfed an aerobic bacterium that had the necessary enzymes to derive energy from oxygen. In the increasingly oxygenated Earth, aerobic respiration conferred a selective advantage on the eukaryotic host. Similarly, other cells may have also engulfed photosynthetic bacteria, enabling them to become autotrophic. These aerobic and photosynthetic bacteria gave rise to modern-day mitochondria and chloroplasts respectively. Evidence in favor of the endosymbiotic Chloroplast Eukaryotic cell with chloroplast and mitochondrion Endosymbiosis Photosynthetic bacterium Mitochondrion Eukaryotic cell with mitochondrion Aerobic bacterium Endosymbiosis Internal membrane system Ancestral eukaryotic cell Figure 2.7 Endosymbiotic theory. 2–8 22 02_pit0078045797_02.indd 22 Exercise 2 16/08/12 12:49 PM theory is compelling since both mitochondria and chloroplasts possess characteristics similar to that of bacteria. Mitochondria and chloroplasts have their own circular DNA, are surrounded by double membranes and divide by binary fission. It is believed that a series of endosymbiotic events gave rise to the different organelles that characterize eukaryotic cells today. Of all the eukaryotic kingdoms, Kingdom Protista is the most diverse, consisting of organisms that lack distinguishing characteristics of fungi, animals or plants. Members of this group are both unicellular and multicellular organisms that vary in size, means of reproduction, locomotion and nutritional strategies. Protists are also broadly separated into three main groups, (1) algae (plant-like), (2) slime molds (fungus-like) and (3) protozoans (animal-like), as illustrated in figure 2.8. In the upcoming exercises you will examine representative species from these three groups. Animals Choanoflagellates Fungi Plants Green algae Brown algae Diatoms Water molds Ancestral eukaryote Amoebas Radiolarians Foraminiferans Ciliates Dinoflagellates Apicomplexa Cellular slime molds Acellular slime molds Euglenids Primitive parasitic organisms Figure 2.8 Kingdom Protista cladogram. Task 3—Examining members of the Kingdom Protista A. Algae Algae are an aquatic group of autotrophic organisms that commonly occupy marine and freshwater environments. Algae are classified into 5 phyla, Chlorophyta, Phaeophyta, Rhodophyta, Chrysophyta and Euglenophyta, and can be differentiated based on the types of pigments that each possesses. In addition to pigmentation, the different algal species also have ­disparate modes of cellular organization (ranging from unicellular, filamentous to colonial), reproductive mechanisms (some reproduce sexually, while others can reproduce both sexually and asexually) as well as the composition of their cell walls (see Table 2.3). The differences between algal groups are enormous, but in this task you will focus on traits present in members of ­Phylum Chlorophyta, also known as the Volvocine line. The Volvocine line includes five genera (Chlamydomonas, Gonium, Pandorina, Eudorina, and Volvox) of related organisms that show progressive changes in cell aggregation and specialization. Chlamydomonas, for example, is a single celled, motile alga with a stigma (eyespot) that functions in the absorption of light. Reproduction in Chlamydomonas is usually asexual except during times of environmental stress, when the organism produces identically sized and shaped gametes (isogamy) for sexual reproduction. At the other end of the spectrum is Volvox, which in contrast to Chlamydomonas, is colonial, has specialized cells for reproduction and is oogamous, (gametes produced are not identical; one gamete is small and motile while the other is large and non-motile). While all members of the Volvocine line can reproduce both sexually and asexually, oogamy is unique to Volvox. Similarly, while each genus possesses eyespots to sense light and flagella for movement, cell polarity only becomes evident later in the Volvocine line, beginning with Pandorina. 2–9 02_pit0078045797_02.indd 23 Bacteria and Protista 23 16/08/12 12:49 PM Table 2.3 Different Types of Algae Phylum Chlorophyta Phaeophyta Rhodophyta Chrysophyta Euglenophyta Common name Green algae Brown algae Red algae Diatoms Euglenoids Pigments present Chlorophyll a, b Fucoxanthin Phycobilins Chlorophyll a,c Xanthophyll Chlorophyll a,b Cell wall composition Cellulose Cellulose Cellulose Calcium carbonate (some species) Silicon dioxide (glass) Protein Distinctive structures present Stigma (some species) holdfasts = rootlike structures used for attachment Cellular organization Unicellular Filamentous Colonial Filamentous Unicellular Colonial Filamentous (most species) Unicellular Unicellular Movement Sessile & motile Sessile Sessile – attached Motile Motile – flagella Example(s) Chlamydomonas Cladophora Marcocystis (Kelp) Fucus Polysiphonia Porphyra diatomaceous earth diatoms Euglena Stigma Colony of cells 20-celled colony (a) (b) Daughter colonies Parent colony Zygote (c) Figure 2.9 Phylum Chlorophyta: (a) Pandorina, a colonial green alga (400X). Pandorina forms small clumps of flagellated cells. (b) Eudorina (200X). This colonial alga has many flagellated cells clustered in a gelatinous sphere. (c) Volvox (100X). A colony of Volvox is among the most complex of green algae. Hundreds of flagellated cells are held together by thin cytoplasmic strands in a gelatinous sphere. Volvox reproduces asexually by producing daughter colonies. It also produces motile sperm and large eggs that fuse to form a zygote for sexual reproduction. 2–10 24 02_pit0078045797_02.indd 24 Exercise 2 16/08/12 12:49 PM Centrate diatom Diatoms (b) (a) Pennate diatom Striae Raphe Central nodule (c) Figure 2.10 Phylum Chrysophyta: (a) Strew of diatoms (40X). Diatoms are photosynthetic, mostly unicellular organisms with unique double shells made of opaline silica, often ornately marked. The 11,500 species of diatoms have many shapes, including (b) centrate, round forms (400X) and (c) pennate, elongated forms (400X). Stipe Receptacle Holdfast Pneumatocyst Blade Lamina (a) (b) (b) Figure 2.11 Phylum Phaeophyta: (a) Nerocystis. Brown algae, including kelps, are the most conspicuous seaweed and can form massive, complex organisms with anchoring holdfasts and extensive photosynthetic blades. (b) Live Fucus (rockweed). The ends of the branches of this brown alga have swollen receptacles dotted with conceptacles containing sex organs. 2–11 02_pit0078045797_02.indd 25 Bacteria and Protista 25 16/08/12 12:49 PM Flagellum Stigma Second flagellum Reservoir Basal body Contractile vacuole Pellicle Euglena Tetraspores Nucleus Chloroplast Paramylon granule (a) (a) (b) (b) Figure 2.12 Figure 2.13 Phylum Euglenophyta: (a) Generalized euglenoid. Some euglenoids are autotrophic, some are heterotrophic, and some can alternate their feeding modes. (b) Euglena (100X). These bright green Euglena are swimming among detritus. Phylum Rhodophyta: Polysiphonia Notes • • o NOT contaminate the living samples by mixing the caps between the samples. D Do NOT completely close the caps on any of the living samples. Task 3—EXAMINING MEMBERS OF THE KINGDOM PROTISTA Procedure 1 1. 2. 3. Prepare wet mounts of the Protists listed in table 2.4. • Using a plastic pipette, place a drop from the tube that contains the live organism on a new slide. • Position the edge of a coverslip against the water drop (at a 45° angle) and then slowly lower the coverslip onto the slide. This is called a wet mount. Observe the slides under a compound light microscope. • Note: If you have a hard time finding live organisms, you can use the preserved slides that are located on your table. Complete table 2.4 below. 2–12 26 02_pit0078045797_02.indd 26 Exercise 2 16/08/12 12:49 PM Table 2.4 The Volvocine Line Genus ã Characteristic å Chlamydomonas Gonium Pandorina Eudorina Volvox Number of cells present in the field of view How many cells make up the colony? Cell Specialization (Unicellular, Filamentous, Colonial) Isogamy vs. oogamy Drawing (note magnification) Questions 1. Explain the significance of the increased cell specialization of the Volvocine line. 2. How does the stigma help algae survive? 3. Which one of the organisms from the volvocine line is the simplest? 2–13 02_pit0078045797_02.indd 27 Bacteria and Protista 27 16/08/12 12:49 PM 4. Which one of the organisms from the volvocine line is the most complex? B. Protozoa Protozoans (proto = first and zoa = animal) are unicellular, heterotrophic organisms that occupy marine, freshwater and terrestrial environments. Members of this group are generally characterized by their mode of locomotion; (1) ameboid – use psuedopods (Phylum Rhizopoda e.g. Amoeba), (2) ciliate – use cilia (Phylum Ciliophora e.g. Paramecium) and (3) ­flagellate – use flagella (Phylum Sarcomastigophora e.g. Trypanosoma). In addition, some protozoans also possess a food vacuole which is used to digest and absorb ingested materials and contractile vacuoles that function in expelling water. ­Reproduction in these organisms varies, but most genera reproduce asexually and sexually. Endoplasmic reticulum Food vacuole Pseudopods Mitochondria Plasma membrane Amoeba Nucleus Nucleolus (b) (a) (a) Anterior contractile vacuole Cilia Food vacuole Micronucleus Gullet Macronucleus Vacuole Pellicle Posterior contractile vacuole (c) (c) Cilium Oral groove Cytoproct Contractile vacuole (d) 2–14 28 02_pit0078045797_02.indd 28 Exercise 2 16/08/12 12:50 PM Trypanosomes (f) (f) (e) (e) Figure 2.14 Protozoa: (a) Generalized Amoeba (phylum Rhizopoda). Many amoebas are parasites but occur in all major environments, including soils. They lack cell walls and have no sexual reproduction. Amoebas use pseudopodia to move and to capture prey. (b) Live Amoeba (40X), one of which is surrounding a Paramecium. (c) Generalized Paramecium (phylum Ciliophora). (d) Paramecium (400X). All ciliates have cilia and two types of nuclei—micronuclei and macronuclei. (e) (a) Sarcomastigophorans are commonly called flagellates because they have flagella. Trypanosomes (phylum Sarcomastigophora) are common parasitic flagellates that cause African sleeping sickness and Chagas’ disease, believed to have led to Charles Darwin’s death. They are spread by infection from biting insects such as mosquitoes and tsetse flies. (f) Trypanosoma cruzi (200X). Procedure 2 1. 2. 3. Prepare wet mounts of the Amoeba and Paramecium. • Using a plastic pipette, place a drop from the tube that contains the live organism on a new slide. • Position the edge of a coverslip against the water drop (at a 45° angle) and then slowly lower the coverslip onto the slide. View each specimen under the compound light microscope. Complete Table 2.5 below. 4. If prepared slides are available, compare these to your wet mounts. Table 2.5 Protozoa Phylum Genus Rhizopoda Amoeba Ciliophora Paramecium Description Drawing (note magnification) 2–15 02_pit0078045797_02.indd 29 Bacteria and Protista 29 16/08/12 12:50 PM Questions 1. Why is a contractile vacuole harder to see than a food vacuole? 2. Compare and contrast the movement of Amoeba and Paramecium. C. Myxomycota Myxomycota, more commonly known as slime molds, are brightly-colored (yellow or orange), heterotrophic organisms that exhibit amoeboid movement. Like fungi (mushrooms), slime molds are multinucleate, feed on dead/decaying material (they are decomposers) and reproduce via spores produced in sporangia. However, in contrast to fungi, the cell walls of slime molds are not made of chitin but instead are composed of cellulose. Figure 2.15 Plasmodial slime mold, Physarum. Figure 2.16 Basidiomycota, Amanita phalloides (death cap mushroom; usually fatal when eaten). 2–16 30 02_pit0078045797_02.indd 30 Exercise 2 16/08/12 12:50 PM Procedure 3 1. Examine both Physarum (plasmodial slime mold) and Coprinus (button mushroom) with a dissecting microscope. Phylum Genus Common Name Myxomycota Physarum Slime Mold (Protist) Basidiomycota Coprinus Button Mushroom (Fungi) Description Drawing (note magnification) 1. Why do you think that slime molds and fungus used to be classified in the same group? 2. What are some differences between slime molds and fungus? Task 4—FAST PLANTS Check your fast plants and record any changes in your Fast Plant Chart in Appendix I. If they are dry, make sure to water them. Task 5—BASIL PLANTS Check on your basil plants and record your data. If they are dry, make sure to water them. REFERENCE Costello EK, Lauber CL, Hamady M, Fierer N, Gordon JI, Knight R. 2009. Bacterial community variation in human body habitats across space and time. Science 326:1694–1697. 2–17 02_pit0078045797_02.indd 31 Bacteria and Protista 31 16/08/12 12:50 PM 02_pit0078045797_02.indd 32 16/08/12 12:50 PM