Beowulf Boast Assignment English IV Dual Credit Stratford daily

Beowulf Boast Assignment
English IV Dual Credit
Stratford daily grade
Review Beowulf's boast on lines 142-189, beginning when Beowulf greets
Hrothgar with “Hail, Hrothgar!” and commences to list his many accomplishments
and victories. You are going to compose a boast about yourself that is structured
and worded similarly to Beowulf's. Your boast must include the following:
 Who you are
 Your immediate lineage and/or something about your ancestry
 Boasts of at least three accomplishments and/or hobbies
 Boast of a future achievement
 Include at least three kennings—highlight in yellow
 Include at least three alliterative phrases (monster-mashing, Grendel
grater)—highlight or underline in blue.
 Write at least 16-17 lines.
Extra credit on the Beowulf test will be given to anyone who is brave enough to
deliver his or her boast to the class. No, you can't just read it out loud. You will
need to put some enthusiasm into it and wear a costume or have a prop
associated with your boast.
Example Boast:
Hail! Students of both college and high school!
I am Mrs. Sharp, dweller of Nottingham Forest.
From the land of the Capitol and later of the Alamo City.
Daughter of Lin, a deliverer of life,
And Robert, healer of animals and inspector of nutrients.
Sister of John, a transporter of children and owner of commerce.
From the neighborhood I come, ready to challenge young minds!
Mother of men, reader of books,
Shopper of shoes, and giver of homework.
Enthusiast of exercise,
I approach each day with diligence and determination,
Wanting more time during the day and sleep at night,
I use movement and sweat to help me think.
I reserve my energy, my hopes for my male children,
In the dusk of life, I shall proclaim that the honorable outcome
They reap reflects the ardor of their softer parent,
Emulating my dedication to work, drive for life, and devotion to my clan.