Word Chapter 3 template – resume – In many businesses, is

Word Chapter 3
template –
resume –
In many businesses, _____________________ is preprinted on stationery that everyone in the company
uses for correspondence.
What 3 things should be considered when designing a letterhead?
What should a be contained in a letterhead?
Many letterheads also include:
What can visually help separate the letterhead from the text of the letter?
By default, the Normal style in Word places ______ points of blank space after each paragraph and
inserts a blank space equal to __________ lines between each line of text.
All commands on the Mini toolbar also exist on the ______________.
Which button increases the size of the font each time it is clicked?
________________ is a predefined graphic. It is located in the _____________________________.
The ______________________box sets the exact size percentages of clip art.
What steps set a transparent color in a graphic?
To place text at the right margin of a left-aligned paragraph, you set a __________________ at the
__________ margin.
tab stop –
By default, Word places a tab stop at every ________ mark on the ruler.
When you set a custom tab stop, Word ______________ all ______________ tab stops to the left of the
newly set custom tab stops on the ruler.
Tab settings are a _____________ format.
Each time you press the ENTER key after setting tab stops, what happens to any custom tab stops?
How do you move the insertion point from one tab stop to another?
Illustrate the tab stop marker and explain the result for each of the following:
1. Left tab:
2. Center tab:
3. Right tab:
4. Decimal tab:
5. Bar tab:
Where may borders be added in Word?
What steps add a bottom border? (WD161)
How do you remove a border from a paragraph?
What does “clear formatting” do?
How do you convert a hyperlink to regular text?
You should always send a _________________________________________ with a resume.
A _______________ is a type of business letter.
All business letters contain the same basic elements:
Essential letter elements:
1. date line –
2. inside address –
3. salutation –
4. body –
5. complimentary close –
6. signature block –
Three common styles of business letter are:
1._____________________ -
2._____________________ -
3._____________________ -
If you use the same text or graphic frequently, you can store the text or graphic in a
Some compound words, such as ___________________________________________________ should
not be divided at the end of a line. Word provides two special characters to assist with this task:
How do you insert a nonbreaking space?
What is an alternative way to insert a nonbreaking space?
What is the shortcut to use italics?
List two ways to insert a building block:
_____________ is a collection of rows and columns.
The intersection of a row and column is a _______________.
The first step in creating a _____________ is to insert an empty table into the document.
The total number of rows and columns in a table is the _______________ of the table.
In word, the first number in a dimension is the number of ______________, and the second number is
the number of ________________.