From by guest on March 5, 2016. For personal use only. Unicellular or Multicellular Granulocyte-Macrophage Jack By The W. Singer, assumption that macrophage origin directly thus tested. the semisolid of medium growth individual When the colony 20/dish. more T type density or been females therefore, number 95% type type determined. of less than colonies B G-6-PD. has had but question has been somatic cell that was both with of techniques been used acute of the type A stem at low results are cultured studied occurs leukemia density. frequency of colonies and B cells (CFU-C)1 that by using early the at low colony type accurate colony are for activity. enumeration can only of be per- concentrations. for culturing human hematopoietic cells as a quantitative tool for enumerating grow is an a naturally glucose-6-phosphate to random inactivation and factors should are in remission, control that CFU-C each and, reflection occurring system of the of cellular (G-6-PD) isoenzyme two X chromosomes women heterozygous variable in for the ratios of both G-6-PD METHODS hematologically and that as GdA, have two populations of cells, G-6-PD. All the cells in a colony with type B or A enzyme, depending on or GdA on the active X chromosome. contain AND studied accurate dehydrogenase of one of the in embryogenesis, origin heterozygotes nonlymphocytic a greater both from origin increasing committed progenitors a multicellular G-6-PD These they had arose in many of these studies is the assumption that it is derived from a single progenitor MATERIALS Four when that usual G-6-PD gene (GdB) and a variant, such one synthesizing type B and the other type A a unicellular origin should contain either whether the single progenitor cell had GdB Colonies types. cell. suggesting formed therefore a unicellular With with >30/dish. of colonies not number of colonies plated. mosaicism, the X-linked locus as a marker. Due only there 75% one with densities. Steinmann densities and and than colonies in and Laura colony consistent gene enzyme Implicit clone, i.e., that the of progenitors This more glucose-6- granulocyte-macrophage their proliferation. colony is a true each types was HE DEVELOPMENT in semisolid media committed enzyme was than A 1 5% has At Ernst, both. (G-6-PD) colonies Connie between seven the In Vitro Dow, unicellular common and W. Colonies granulocyte- GdA were cultured for granulocyte-macro- variant colony either from the Lois of Human a clones dehydrogenase and phage true Cells for phosphate have are heterozygous (GdB) human colonies and J. Fialkow, Philip Origin patients normal 6 and 7 had (patients acute 1-4). Patient lymphocytic 5 had leukemia in remission. Front the Sections Medical Genetics. of Oncology and and the Departments Center University of Washington. Medical of Seattle. Genetics, Medicine Wash. Medical (Divisions , Service, of Oncology. and the Division Veteran.s Medical Ad,ninistration Genetics) of Henzatologv-Oncologv. and St. Jude Childrens’ Research Hospital, Memphis. Tenn. Supported in part by Grants CA18029, CA20180, and GM 15253from the National Cancer Institute and the Institute of General Medical Sciences, National Institutes of Health, the Medical Research Service ofthe Veterans Administration, and ALSAC. Submitted June 1, /979; accepted August 24, 1979. Address reprint requests to Jack W. Singer. M.D., V. A. Medical South, Seattle, Wash. 98108. (c /979 lj;. Grune & Stratton, Inc. 0006-4971/79/5406-00l8$01.00/0 Blood, Vol. 54, No. 6 (December), 1979 Center, 4435 Beacon Avenue 1395 From by guest on March 5, 2016. For personal use only. 1396 SINGER Peripheral blood separated. The was cells 2-mercaptoethanol relative The isoenzyme density salt by freezing EDTA. of the discontinuous in preservative-free lysed and activity balanced collected were and cell lysates bands gradients was (Teva, solution (Microbiological growth, between heparin thawing were U/ml) The Cells interphase and buffy cells coat 8.0) gel electrophoresis were were cells containing for culture cells the viable the (pH to starch visually.3’4 Jerusalem). and buffer subjected estimated Associates) (10 in Tris-HC1 ET AL. and were washed were NADP, the separated twice enumerated on in Hank’s by trypan-blue dye exclusion. For colony methyl cellulose Rockville, (MCB) Md.) containing conditioned (PHA) plastic Petri (Lux) 10 x l0 were Difco, fetal calf (Reheis) serum One-milliliter and cells/ml (Bactoagar; 20% medium.5 dishes and agar incubated aliquots for 14 days plated Detroit, and of this in a mixture Mich.) in alpha a plateau dose mixture were cell at 37#{176}C in a high consisting of 0.8% medium (Flow Labs, of phytohemagglutinin plated humidity, in 10 x 35 mm 5% C02-95% air, tissue incubator. culture The colonies in each electrophoresed plucked to with was a fine that random shown were colonies cellulose acetate immediately experiments, and one control, strip. Lysis subjected it was of the that cells and the then G-6-PD stained type of not those rosettes media without a In electrophoresed with sheep GdB male, dry G-6-PD activity.4 as small as 20 were erythrocytes. with clusters colonies in the dishes. by freezing for were to pluck activity from a normal achieved Colonies taken to to form individually then of supporting appearance not was and of background type B colony grown colony to electrophoresis determined in and was A sample amount similar for peroxidase 40x methods. Care colonies. the at published microscope. to other colonies positively microscope previously to determine individual to stain experimental on each run inverted by a dissecting adjacent on each an type with closely were with G-6-PD pipette electrophoresed and counted the capillary each experiment, plucked were plate determine for electrophoresis colony Two 0.5 or 0.3% placed were ice. The strips In preliminary cells could be determined. RESULTS The ratio of A:B G-6-PD activity in red cells, buffy coat cells, or skin the heterozygotes are shown in Table 1 , as well as the G-6-PD of individual granulocytic colonies and the number of colonies from types each dish. When the number showed only one lence of colonies enzyme with Spearman’s order rank of colonies per dish type, but as colony a double isoenzyme correlation low, concentrations type rose coefficient). Table was The almost fibroblasts isoenzyme harvested increased, 0.001; (p the r < morphology in all of the colonies of each = preva0.92; colony was 1. A:B Ratio of G-6-PD G-6-PD Buffy No. RBC Coat Cells 1 1:1 1:1 Patient Colonies/Dish PB - A 8±2t Marrow 64 6 ± Colonies B AB 5 6 0 % AB 0 16 5 11 34 13 2:3 1:1 - PB 12±2 20 1 4 3 5:1 5:1 - PB 2±1 4 1 0 0 4 2:3 1:1 - PB 9 ± 2 13 14 1 4 6 7 2 13 0 3 9 75 5 - 6 7 hematologically study. Sample Skin of Individual 2 2:1 3:1 - 1:1 1:1 Marrow 110±12 - 1:1 1:1 Marrow (SeeFig.2) A:B ratio of G-6-PD are Type Granulocyte Patients tMean Studies ± isoenzyme normal. activity Patient 6 and 7 had acute 5 had 55±3 PB (SeeFig. in cells from 7 G-6-PD acute lymphocytic 1 standard deviation. on this patient have been PB published nonlymphocytic leukemia 1) heterozygotes leukemia in remission. treated in complete directly. remission Patients at the 1-4 time of From by guest on March 5, 2016. For personal use only. CELLULAR ORIGINS OF COLONIES 1397 3C Fig. 1 . The effe of increasing granulocytic colony density on the frequency of A/B colonies grown from peripheral blood mononuclear cells from patient 4. The solid line indicates the observed number of colonies/dish at each plating density. and the the frequency B type G-6-PD described hatched line of colonies activity. S 2C 20 ,,,-“ both I0 ,,,,-“ #{176} ,,,,,-“ ,# .“ ,,,“ A and 0.1 0.2 CELLS at the time of plucking ,,“ ,,.,.‘-‘‘ IC indicates with ,‘#{176} for electrophoresis, and .r’ I 0.5 .0 PLATED t o & 106 no differences were noted between colonies giving rise to both isoenzyme types and those with a single isoenzyme type. Even at high cell densities, electrophoresis of supporting material without a colony demonstrated no measurable G-6-PD activity. Figure 1 shows a dose-response curve with cells from patient 4 cultured in methylcellulose and the frequency of colonies that typed as A/B at each point. No colony 29/dish, from had a double-enzyme 4 of 23 ( 1 7%) typed marrow cells from phenotype at densities as A/ B. Figure 2 shows patient 7 cultured in agar. of < I 2/dish. However, at a similar set of curves derived At colony densities <25/dish, all colonies typed as either A or B, whereas when there were 60 or more colonies per dish, colonies with more than a single cell origin were found. The visual estimation of the amount of enzyme per colony correlated not with cell number but with an estimation of the macrophage content of colonies. Mixed granulocyte-macrophage colonies containing as few as 20 macrophages often contained cytes. typed more All colonies as B. activity than compact analyzed in the colonies cultures containing grown several from the hundred white male granulocontrols DISCUSSION Although granulocyte previously unicellular al.,7 who it is assumed colony grown been reported. on the basis of indirect evidence that each in vitro arises from a single cell, formal proof The best evidence supporting the hypothesis origin for granulocyte-macrophage micromanipulated single cells from colonies was monkey marrow human has not of a reported by Moore et and found that they 15 B I C,) z m ,,- U) 10 - Fig. 2. granulocytic 8 0 0 CELLS PLATED x 106 The effect of increasing colony density on the frequency of A/B colonies grown from marrow from patient 7. The solid line indicates the observed number of colonies/dish at each plating density. and the hatched line indicates the frequency of colonies with both A and B type G-6-PD activity. From by guest on March 5, 2016. For personal use only. 1398 SINGER formed granulocyte-macrophage in a murine system, demonstrated colonies. a linear colonies versus the numbers from an individual cell. To formally macrophage grown from determine of cells test the hypothesis colonies, we have G-6-PD the colonies from G-6-PD and from two subjects cells, An be expected results most CFU-C. The presence colony density these A/B arose colonies from colonies colonies numbers 17% the arose from two or more spatially arise from at least two progenitors, were A/B; the least 34%. If the relationship frequency between the both number used previously to to show the aspects cells. The of cell granulocytic type A or type colonies isoenzyme A and B type types colonies present B arose on would electrophoretic from these predictions colonies from and are a single with both types as some of assumption isoenzyme that at least closely related progenitors. Since the actual frequency of colonies is more than double Even if all colonies type. Thus, in patient of colonies arose arise,8’9 either had of colonies arising from more than a single cell colonies from balanced heterozygotes. 50% would still have a single enzyme dish, have more with colony If granulocyte are clearly different of granulocyte/macrophage is consistent been contain of mixed or each colonies6 and to study myelogenous leukemia.” sufficiently low density, should three has neoplasms progenitors. frequency of increasing increases single that origin of human granulocytetype of individual colonies human for G-6-PD greater colony densities with origin suggested mosaicism which erythroid and chronic plated at from of the even if they at low consistent human vera’0 when arise 50% electrophoresis. from heterozygous therefore and G-6-PD of cells clonal origin of day 8-13 regulation in polycythemia The data indicate that plated AL. studies, Bradley and Metcalf,’ line for the numbers of murine of the unicellular studied the isoenzyme heterozygotes. number In earlier regression ET with the incidence of A/B had a two-cell origin, 4, at 29 colonies/per a multicellular of CFU-C plated origin and the was number at of colonies produced is a simple one, the G-6-PD data predict that it should be linear only at colony densities up to approximately 30/dish. At higher densities, due to the increasing frequency of colonies with a multicellular origin, a dose-response curve with a continuously decreasing slope would be expected. However, in contrast to this prediction, the dose-response relationships are linear up to 160 colonies/dish (Fig. 2). Therefore, of colonies that for the greater the relationship between number of CFU-C grow out is not simple at higher cell densities. than expected number of colonies include plated Possible cell-cell and number explanations interaction resulting either in increased proliferative potential they produce colonies, or recruitment of additional of cluster-forming cells so that cells into the CFU-C compart- ment. resulting Insofar interactions as the is cell-density putative increased dependent, growth the dose-response from relationship direct cell-cell should be nonlinear with a continuously increasing slope. However, this response was not observed, probably due to the increasing number of colonies with a multicellular origin. Therefore, the observed linear cell dose-response curve may be complex and the result of the summation of two opposite nonlinear phenomena. Two conclusions drawn from these data are: ( 1 ) The majority of granulocytemacrophage colonies can be assumed confidently to have a unicellular origin only if plated at a cell density low enough to yield 30 or fewer colonies per dish; (2) From by guest on March 5, 2016. For personal use only. CELLULAR ORIGINS OF accurate enumeration COLONIES 1399 of CFU-C density. The multicellular of the number of committed and the underestimation cultures with more than have a unicellular origin. dose-response curve only when cells are plated causes significant concentrations at low underestimation as low as 30/dish, be performed, and the absolute CFU-C concentration dishes with fewer than 30 colonies. Only then can it be arise from single progenitors. However, even under these of the lack of stimulatory cell-cell interactions, all potential CFU-C may not form colonies. Typing colonies from G-6-PD establishing performed increases substantially as the colony density increases. In 100 colonies/dish, few if any colonies can be assumed to Therefore, for accurate enumeration of CFU-C, a cell should calculated from those assumed that colonies circumstances because is best origin of the colonies stem cells at colony whether or heterozygotes not other types also should of in vitro be helpful colonies in definitively such as the “mixed cell”2 and T-cell colonies’3”4 arise from single progenitors. The present study demonstrates some of the pitfalls of assuming a unicellular origin for colonies, even when they are at relatively low densities and appear to have a linear cell-dose to colony-number relationship. ACKNOWLEDGMENT We wish to thank Drs. 1 . 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For personal use only. 1979 54: 1395-1399 Unicellular or multicellular origin of human granulocyte-macrophage colonies in vitro JW Singer, PJ Fialkow, LW Dow, C Ernst and L Steinmann Updated information and services can be found at: Articles on similar topics can be found in the following Blood collections Information about reproducing this article in parts or in its entirety may be found online at: Information about ordering reprints may be found online at: Information about subscriptions and ASH membership may be found online at: Blood (print ISSN 0006-4971, online ISSN 1528-0020), is published weekly by the American Society of Hematology, 2021 L St, NW, Suite 900, Washington DC 20036. Copyright 2011 by The American Society of Hematology; all rights reserved.