CH vs. SiH and CF vs. CH using VB arguments Sanja Pudar Study Guide Outline 1. Bond Angles in Hydrides 2. Lobe Orbitals 3. Introduction to CH2 1 Bond Angles in Hydrides We looked at the bond angles of the compounds within a vertical group and saw that for smaller atoms the bond angles are greater than 90◦ , but as the atoms get larger, the bond angle tends to 90 degrees. VB predicts 90◦ angles for all these bonds (consider for example H2 O, H2 S, H2 Se, H2 Te) but when the atoms are small, the s orbitals of the two hydrogens on the molecule are close enough that they run into one another. The reason why H-O-H angle in H2 O is 104.5◦ is that while the p orbitals on oxygen are orthogonal to each other, when they form bonds to the s orbitals on hydrogen, the s orbitals in the hydrogens are not naturally orthogonal to each other. As a result, the bond angle for H2 O opens to a value larger than 90◦ due to the Pauli principle. In the cases of 2nd row atoms and those lower,the hydride bond involves p orbitals from higher orbital shells (e.g. 3p, 4p, etc.), and since the higher level orbitals extend further from the nucleus the resulting bonds keep the hydrogens far enough apart that only minimal overlap occurs. However, a reasonable question to ask is why the angle for NH2 smaller than that for H2 O. Recall that as we move right across the periodic table, Zef f increases, and the size of atoms decrease. So atomistically, N is larger than O, and so the bond angles need to be opened slightly less than for the case with oxygen. 2 Lobe Orbitals Consider BeH: From everything we have learned thus far, there should not be a bound state since we would assume bringing a hydrogen towards a doubly occupied 2s orbital is analagous to the He − H example which is unbound. Alternatively, BeH+ should form a bond. Actually, both BeH and BeH+ form bonds (with energies 46 kcal/mol and 71 kcal/mol, respectively). The reason for this unexpected bond is that since the 2s and 2p on Be are relatively close in energy, those orbitals can hybridize or “pooch”. 1 Pooching only occurs between one s orbital and one empty p orbital of the same n quantum number. If one of the electrons in the 2s orbital mixes 2p orbital character, it forms what will be referred to as a lobe orbital. Lobe orbital can allow for more overlap as a bonding orbital since its mixture of s and p character allows it to bondhas to species wouldwhich otherwise never bond due to to orthogonality the lobe orbital more that character has better penetration the nucleus,conditions. and extendsAdditionally, further from the orbital has moresorbital. character which has better penetration to the nucleus, and extends further from thelobe nucleus than a pure the nucleus a pure orbital. In order to than describe thesmathematical basis for pooching consider two electrons in the orbital with the In order to describe the mathematical basis for pooching consider two electrons in the 2s orbital with the overall wavefunction of overall wavefunction of ¾ ¾ φ2s (1)φ2s (2)(αβ − βα). This wavefunction is simply the antisymmetric product of two orbitals, labeled and , where This wavefunction is simply the antisymmetric product of two 2s orbitals, labeled φa and φb , where ¾ and ¾ . Upon mixing some character into both of these orbitals we can φa = φ2s α(1) and φb = φ2s β(2). Upon mixing some 2p character into both of these orbitals we can express and now as linear combinations of the quantities of character we are adding (omitting spin express φa and φb now as linear combinations of the quantities of p character we are adding (omitting spin and electron number labels): and electron number labels): φa= φ2s¾+ λφ2p¾ φb= φ2s¾− λφ2p¾ Thesenew newφaand andφbwavefunctions wavefunctionsare areshown shownininFigure Figure1.1. These Figure 1: φa and φb lobe orbital wavefunctions. Figure 1: and lobe orbital wavefunctions. We can see from the amplitude of the wavefunctions that each lobe orbital will form bonds on opposite sides of the value for calculated by optimizing for the bestwill energy the lobe We can seenucleus. from theThe amplitude of λ theis wavefunctions that each lobe orbital formofbonds on orbitals, opposite and its best value is λ = 0.4. sides of the nucleus. The value for is calculated by optimizing for the best energy of the lobe orbitals, + The . shows that Be-H bond is not as good as the bond in BeH , which is a and dissociation its best valuecurve is ofBeH consequence of thecurve need of to BeH unpairshows the electrons in the pooched orbitals. When the first there , which is a The dissociation that Be-H bond is not as good as the bond in bond BeH ·forms, will be two spin-paired electrons the bond pluspooched one additional on first the remaining side of consequence of the need to unpairforming the electrons in the orbitals.electron When the bond forms, there will be two spin-paired electrons forming the bond2plus one additional electron on the remaining side of the hybrid orbital. This additional electron will experience repulsion from the bond electrons and has to get orthogonal to them. This costs about 1.5 eV in energy, which is deducted from the total energy that we gain by forming the bond. Hence, the well depth of this bond is shallower than that of a normal bond. When we form the second bond to the remaining lobe orbital we don’t have to pay this energy penalty the hybrid orbital. This additional electron will experience repulsion from the bond electrons and has to get orthogonal to them. This costs about 1.5 eV in energy, which is deducted from the total energy that we gain by forming the bond. Hence, the well depth of this bond is shallower than that of a normal bond. When we form the second bond to the remaining lobe orbital we don’t have to pay this energy penalty again because the orbitals have already been unpaired. 3 Introduction to CH2 Before we introduced lobe orbitals, we found out that the ground state of CH2 is singlet. However, it is well known that the g.s. is a triplet. This can be explained using the lobe orbitals. It is found that the first hydrogen bonds to a p orbital, resulting in 2 Π state. The second hydrogen bonds to a lobe orbital, leaving the system in a triplet state. These two hydrogen atoms have no preference over either p or lobe orbital, thus the two bonds become equal. During the next class, we’ll talk about where third hydrogen prefers to bind, and we’ll also compare the formation of CH4 to SiH4 . Suggested reading: • Chapter 6: GVB Model of Bonding 3