Collin College- Central Park Campus Department of History HIST


Collin College- Central Park Campus

Department of History

HIST 1302 2C1 - United States History II May 2014

Course Number: HIST1302

Course Title: United States History II

Instructor’s Name: James R. Reynolds

Office Number: CPC B-342

Office Hours: “By appointment only” arraigned through Blackboard email

Phone Number: 972.548.6550

Email: – during the semester use Blackboard email only

Class Information:

Section Number: 2C1

Monday through Thursday 0800 (8:00 AM) to 1000 (10:00

Meeting Times:

AM) July 14 through July 26 2014;

Monday through Friday 0800 (8:00 AM) to 1000 (10:00 AM)

July 27 through August 09 2014;

Monday and Tuesday 0800 (8:00 AM) to 1000 (10:00 AM)

August 11 and 12.

Central Park (McKinney) Campus, Room B115 Meeting Location:

Course Description:

A survey of the social, political, economic, cultural, and intellectual history of the United States from the Civil War/Reconstruction era to the present. United States History II examines industrialization, immigration, world wars, the Great Depression, Cold War and post-Cold War eras. Themes that may be addressed in United States History II include: American culture, religion, civil and human rights, technological change, economic change, immigration and migration, urbanization and suburbanization, the expansion of the federal government, and the study of U.S. foreign policy.

Course Credit Hours:

Lecture Hours: 3

Placement Assessment(s): N/A

Prerequisite: Placement in ENGL1301; College-Level Reading.


Concurrent Enrollment: N/A

Corequisite: N/A

Note: The instructor reserves the right to make modifications to this syllabus. If such changes are made, they will be provided to the students through Blackboard using either an “Announcement” or email.

Course Resources:

There are several additional readings required for this course. All are available on the

Blackboard portion of this course and are provided to the student using Adobe Acrobat at no additional cost.

Course Supplies:

The following textbook is recommended but not required:

America: A Narrative History (Ninth Edition, Volume I) by George Brown Tindall and David E.

Shi. ISBN: 978-0-393-91265-4.

Daily textbook readings are based on the 9th edition.

Any 9th Edition of America: A Narrative History is acceptable including an eBook or a rented version of the 9th edition of the book.

Students are required to provide adequate note taking supplies (paper, pen or pencil), a Scantron

Form No. 882-E and number 2 pencils for the final exam.

Students must have access to a reliable internet connection. The technical requirements for this course are the same as those for an online or hybrid course: to find the minimum system requirements for this course visit

Student Learning Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of this course, students should be able to do the following:


Create an argument through the use of historical evidence.


Analyze and interpret primary and secondary sources.


Analyze the effects of historical, social, political, economic, cultural, and global forces on this period of United States history.

Attendance Policy:

The Collin College catalogue states, “Regular classroom attendance is expected of all students.

Professors determine class attendance requirements; therefore, students should ascertain each professor’s attendance policy on the first day of the class. Students who receive Department of

Veterans Affairs educational benefits must conform to attendance and academic standards as established by the college. It is the veteran’s responsibility to understand this policy.”

Students must attend no less than 80% of all class meetings (“Class Information - Meeting

Times” above) during the semester to be eligible for any extra credit or curves that may be offered or awarded during the semester.

Students who are not present in the class when the roll is taken will be considered absent for the entire period regardless of when the student actually arrives in the classroom.

During the Summer Semester I take roll twice each day, once during the first hour and again during the last hour of class: students must be present for both roll calls to be considered present for the entire period.

If a student misses class it is that student’s responsibility to get the notes from a classmate.

Additional notes will be required to do well in this course: relying only on the text readings and the Powerpoints WILL NOT ensure a passing grade in this course.

Students are expected to arrive on time for class and through the entire class session without getting up and returning for water or to visit the restroom.

Students are also expected to be attentive – if you have to rest your head on your desk, your arms or your books, leave the class as unobtrusively as possible and return fully rested and prepared

Note: The instructor reserves the right to make modifications to this syllabus. If such changes are made, they will be provided to the students through Blackboard using either an “Announcement” or email.

for the next class period. If you are caught sleeping, you will be asked to leave the classroom and you will not receive credit for attending that session.

I will end class on time.

Students are responsible for officially withdrawing themselves from the course; failure to do so will result in a performance grade of "F".

Withdrawal Policy: “See the current Collin Registration Guide for the last day to withdraw. “

Americans with Disabilities Act:

Collin College will adhere to all applicable federal, state and local laws, regulations and guidelines with respect to providing reasonable accommodations as required to afford equal opportunity. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the ACCESS office, CPC-D118I or

972.548.6816 (V/TTD: 972.881.5950) to arrange for appropriate accommodations. See the current Collin Student Handbook for additional information.

Collin College Academic Policies:

“See the current Collin Student Handbook.”

Academic Ethics (Scholastic Dishonesty):

Every member of the Collin College community is expected to maintain the highest standards of academic integrity. Collin College may initiate disciplinary proceedings against a student accused of scholastic dishonesty. Scholastic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, statements, acts, or omissions related to applications for enrollment or the award of a degree, and/or the submission as one’s own work material that is not one’s own. Scholastic dishonesty may involve, but is not limited to, one or more of the following acts: cheating, plagiarism, collusion, use of annotated texts or teacher’s editions, use of information about exams posted on the Internet or electronic medium, and/or falsifying academic records. While specific examples are listed below, this is not an exhaustive list and scholastic dishonesty may encompass other conduct, including any conduct through electronic or computerized means:

Plagiarism is the use of an author’s words or ideas as if they were one’s own without giving credit to the source, including, but not limited to, failure to acknowledge a direct quotation.

Cheating is the willful giving or receiving of information in an unauthorized manner during an examination; collaborating with another student during an examination without authority; using, buying, selling, soliciting, stealing, or otherwise obtaining course assignments and/or examination questions in advance; copying computer or Internet files; using someone else’s work for assignments as if it were one’s own; or any other dishonest means of attempting to fulfill the requirements of a course.

Collusion is intentionally or unintentionally aiding or attempting to aid another in an act of scholastic dishonesty, including but not limited to, failing to secure academic work; providing a paper or project to another student; providing an inappropriate level of assistance; communicating answers to a classmate about an examination or any other course assignment; removing tests or answer sheets from a test site; and allowing a classmate to copy answers.

In cases where an incident report has been filed for alleged violation of scholastic dishonesty, faculty are requested to delay posting a grade, for the academic work in question, until the Dean

Note: The instructor reserves the right to make modifications to this syllabus. If such changes are made, they will be provided to the students through Blackboard using either an “Announcement” or email.

of Student’s Office renders an administrative decision of the case. Students found responsible for scholastic dishonesty offenses will receive an authorized disciplinary penalty from the Dean of Students Office. The student may also receive an academic penalty in the course where the scholastic dishonesty took place. The professor will determine the appropriate academic penalty.

Method of Evaluation :

24 Quizzes

3 Exams

1 Paper (Response Piece)

2 Discussion

1 Debate

400 points

300 points

100 points

100 points

100 Points

The student’s final course grade will reflect the total amount of points as calculated above with the following corresponding letter grades below:

A= 90.00 and higher

B= 80.00-89.99

C= 70-79.99

D= 60-69.99

F= 0-59.99

For more detailed information concerning the specific instructions and expectations for each type of assignment see the “Methods of Evaluation” in the Course Documents section of Blackboard.

Course Calendar:

Week 01: Monday, 14 July to Saturday 19 July 2014




PPT01 Reconstruction - Setting the Stage


PPT02 Corruption Compromise and the End of Reconstruction


PPT03 Monopoly and the Robber Barons


PPT04 The Gilded Age - Episodes in Labor History 1886 - 1894


PPT05 Populism


PPT06 The War of 1898


PPT07 Theodore Roosevelt and the Progressive Era


PPT08 World War I Part 1

Lecture Quizzes 1 through 4

Reading Quizzes 1 through 4

Exam 1 – Covers Power Point Reviews 01 through 07

Week 02: Sunday 20 July to Saturday 26 July 2014



PPT09 World War I Part 2


PPT10 Harding and Coolidge


PPT11 - The 1920s and the Myth of Isolationism


PPT12 - The Great Depression


PPT13 - Herbert Hoover & The Great Depression


PPT14 - FDR and the New Deal

Lecture Quizzes 5 through 7

Note: The instructor reserves the right to make modifications to this syllabus. If such changes are made, they will be provided to the students through Blackboard using either an “Announcement” or email.

Reading Quizzes 5 through 8

Week 03: Sunday 27 July to Saturday 02 August 2014



PPT15 – World War II Part 1


PPT16 – World War II Part 2


PPT17 – World War II Part 3


PPT18 – Harry Truman the Beginning of the Cold War and the US Presidency


PPT19 – The Eisenhower Years


PPT20 – The Warren Court and the Civil Rights Movement


PPT21 – JFK_The Other Side of Camelot


PPT22 – Lyndon Johnson and the Great Society

Lecture Quizzes 08 through 09

Reading Quizzes 09 through 10

Discussions 01

Exam 2 – Covers Power Point Reviews 09 through 18

Response Piece 01 – Amendment XVII

Week 04: Sunday 03 August to Saturday 09 August 2014



PPT23 – The Cold War, Vietnam 1946 to 1975


PPT24 – The Civil Rights Movement


PPT25 – The 1970s Malaise


PPT26 – The Reagan Administration


PPT27 – From Liberty to Democracy

Lecture Quizzes 10 & 11

Reading Quizzes 11 & 12

Discussion 02

Week 05: Saturday 09 August to Tuesday 12 August 2014

Lecture Quizzes 12

Exam 03


For a detailed schedule see the Class Schedule available in the Course Documents folder of


I cannot emphasize enough that running into technical issues or personal problems at the last minute does not warrant an extension of the due date or time. Unless otherwise specifically indicated all items are due by 11:59PM on the date and day specified in the Course Schedule and can be done early to prevent issues.

Classroom Policies:

1. Wireless Technology a) During Normal Class: Please keep all cell phones, pagers, etc. on silent or vibrate. b) If your cell phone goes off during class, please turn it off. c) If you must take a phone call during class, please inform me prior to the beginning of class. d) No IPODS, MP-3 players, blue tooth or other earphone listening devices (unless needed for ADA purposes).

Note: The instructor reserves the right to make modifications to this syllabus. If such changes are made, they will be provided to the students through Blackboard using either an “Announcement” or email.

e) Please ask the instructor for permission to audio-tape the lectures. No video-taping or still photography of the class is permitted (unless needed for ADA purposes). f) Due to distractions and misuse during class, NO LAPTOPS or electronic devices are permitted! Please refer to the Collin Student Handbook, Section 7-2.4 (p. 190) S (page

195) for questions regarding this matter. You need to be taking notes! g) During exams and quizzes all electronic and wireless devices should be TURNED OFF and put away. h) TEXTING (or using ones electronic device without permission) will not be tolerated.

You will be counted as absent for texting during class and asked to leave.

2. Good listening skills, good note taking and participation in class discussions are essential for this class. This means you can’t or shouldn’t be multi-tasking while in this class. Reading the newspaper, listening to music, surfing the web, talking to other students, sleeping and/or studying for other classes during this class is disrespectful to the professor and other students. If you need to do any of the above, skip the class and get the notes from a trusted classmate.

3. Please remember that according to FERPA (the Federal Educational Rights Privacy Act of

1974, aka, the Buckely Amendment), I cannot discuss your grades with anyone other than you unless you grant me written permission to do so on each occassion. This law also means that I can only discuss your grades via email through your cougarmail address or Blackboard email which are considered to meet the privacy standards of FERPA.

4. Please do not hesitate to consult with the professor concerning any matter related to the course. Please do not wait until you are in trouble. The Writing Center, Library and Computer

Labs are excellent sources of assistance and tutoring can usually be arranged through the Writing

Center and the Library.

5. Please feel free to email the instructor. The preferred method for communicating with the instructor is through Blackboard email. If Blackboard is down and you are forced to email me using another method the only acceptable method is through the use of the student’s Cougarmail.

When emailing me at (again use this method ONLY if Blackboard or

Blackboard email in down) please include HIST 1302-MC1 in the subject line. Because of security concerns, I will not respond to emails without that in the subject line.

Your progress in this course can be tracked through Blackboard. Blackboard is accessible through:


using your browser to go directly to the Blackboard login page at a.

Enter that part of your Courgarmail account that precedes the @ sign; b.

Your password should be the last six (6) numbers of your College Wide ID (CWID). c.

Select HIST-1302-MC1 United States History II


the “MY COURSES” tab of CougarWeb. a.

Log in to CougarWeb. b.

Click on the “MY COURSES” tab on the main CougarWeb page. c.

Click on “Click here to” under “My Courses”. d.

Click on “American History II.”

Note: The instructor reserves the right to make modifications to this syllabus. If such changes are made, they will be provided to the students through Blackboard using either an “Announcement” or email.

Technical Support :

Technical support for Blackboard is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year. You may contact technical support toll-free by calling 972-377-1777.

Student Information: Students can obtain their CougarWeb ID's from using their CWID and PIN#. It is imperative that students know their PIN# to keep login issues at a minimum.

If YOU Need Help: First, contact the professor just prior to or immediately after class or use

Blackboard email to inform the instructor of the problem to set up an appointment for assistance.

Professors are here to help and talk with you about the course. I urge you to take advantage of this opportunity. Taking the time to get to know your professor can have a positive impact on your experience in the course.

Collin College provides free tutoring for all students! The provided tutoring can be either group or online. If you are interested in free tutoring, please see Sonia Castillo in D117 and fill out a

Tutor Request Form. You can also do it online at

You can receive assistance on your Writing Assignment by making an appointment with the

Writing Center in A104. They can help you get started and they can really help if you bring a rough draft. If you make an appointment and work with the Writing Center for your paper, you will receive 5 bonus points. The Writing Center also provides a series of workshops. And don’t forget the Library; the librarians are ready, willing and able to help you in locating resources.

Final Considerations :

Communication between the student and the instructor is essential to the success of both the student and to the instructor. Students should log on to Blackboard at least once a day to check email and announcements.

I will not reply to emails sent from an email service other than those provided by the college, either Blackboard email or Cougarmail. If you use yahoo, gmail, hotmail, etc. Students, during the semester, are required and expected to use Blackboard email to communicate with the instructor. I check Blackboard numerous time during the day and on weekends but I do not always check other school emails except early in the morning and anything sent later in the day has a good chance of remaining unseen until the next day or the following Monday morning.

I do not check course emails between 2200 (10:00 PM) and 0700 (7:00 AM). If you have problems with an assignment after 2200 (10:00 PM) there is a good chance I will not see the email until after 0700 (7:00 AM) the following morning and I will not reset the quiz and I will not provide extra time for the student to complete the assignment, whatever the assignment may be, in cases such as this. All assignments are available for completion and submission the entire week – get your work done early so you do not miss an assignment because problems.

A student who needs a quiz or exam reset and who sends an email requesting that the assignment be reset should check back frequently to see if the assignment has been reset. I try to send an email confirming that the quiz has been reset but students should also check the quiz itself to see if it has been reset. If I reset a quiz and the student does not get the quiz completed by the due

Note: The instructor reserves the right to make modifications to this syllabus. If such changes are made, they will be provided to the students through Blackboard using either an “Announcement” or email.

date and time – regardless of the time I received or the student sent the email – I will not reset or provide extended time for the student to take that quiz or exam.

Do not wait until after 2200 (10:00 PM) on the due date or after the availability period for an assignment has passed to notify the instructor of problems or difficulties. Once the availability period has expired, or if the notification is sent after I have stopped checking my email on evening of the assignment due date, or if I fail to see the email until after the availability period is complete, I will not reset the quiz or allow extra time for the student to complete the assignment. All quizzes and exams are available for a minimum of three days so get you work done early in case you run in to problems.

I have never made a grading decision change without first consulting my students and explaining

1) why I want or need to make the change; 2) how that change will benefit the students (I will never make a change that will harm the class); and 3) the exact specifications of the change.

However, the instructor does reserve the right to make modifications to this grading system. If such changes are made, they will be provided to the students through Blackboard.

Note: The instructor reserves the right to make modifications to this syllabus. If such changes are made, they will be provided to the students through Blackboard using either an “Announcement” or email.

Note: The instructor reserves the right to make modifications to this syllabus. If such changes are made, they will be provided to the students through Blackboard using either an “Announcement” or email.
