300 ASVAB Word Flash cards - English

300 ASVAB Words
n. horror; disgust
v. to formally take over high power, office or
n. high attainment; peak of achievement
v. to leave quickly and secretly and hide,
especially to avoid prosecution
adj. unyielding; very firm position or opinion
adj. describing a sharp taste or smell (e.g. odor);
caustic in language or tone
adj. skillful and adept in stressful conditions; deft
adj. highly skilled; proficient; expert
adj. nimble; able to move in a quick and easy way
adj. having to do with beauty; pertaining to
beautiful appearances
adj. disposed to follow (e.g. advice); accountable;
follows authority
adj. equally skilled at using both hands
adj. suitable or quick to learn and attentive
adj. having a pleasant disposition; friendly; goodnatured
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300 ASVAB Words
adj. passionate
adj. living, growing or practicing in or on water
adj. able to express oneself clearly (e.g. a person)
adj. overly proud
adj. regarding the perceptions of the ear
adj. shrewd
adj. harsh
adj. favorable (e. g. circumstances)
adj. helping
adj. genuine
adj. regarding kind or charitable acts; organizing
benefits for charities
adj. unfruitful
adj. gentle; lacking distinctive qualities
adj. strange
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adj. rambunctious; energetic
adj. overly loud or offensively conspicuous
n. usually a brick or stone structure constructed
for support or reinforcement
adj. rudely brief
adj. nonchalant; showing little interest; lack of
adj. cold; hard; or unfeeling
n. a person who acts like he or she has
knowledge or high skill but does not
n. a negatively charged electrode in a storage
battery or cell; the positive charge or a cell
supplying an electric current
adj. continuing over a long period of time
adj. stylish
adj. courteous
adj. municipal; pertaining to citizens or township
adj. clearly holding together
adj. convincing (e.g. argument)
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300 ASVAB Words
adj. huge
adj. conversational
adj. satisfied with oneself
adj. capable of getting along together
adj. plentiful; large in supply
adj. brief but complete
adj. sly
n. appearance especially facial expressions; the
face and its features
adj. given to believing anything too easily
adj. believable
adj. done quickly but only on the surface (e.g. an
adj. bulky
v. to attack a name or reputation through libel or
slanderous acts
adj. rudely brief
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300 ASVAB Words
adj. dead
adj. skillful
adj. overly modest
v. to investigate
v. to be sorry about
v. to use up
v. to obtain from a source; to reason; to infer; to
v. to keep someone from having or getting
adj. lonely; sometimes barren
adj. belittling
adj. depressed
v. to scorn; to hate
v. to delay temporarily
adj. poverty-stricken
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v. to keep someone from doing something
v. to uncover something that is not obvious
v. to hate strongly
n. cleaning product or agent
adj. indirect; sly
v. to take away from
v. to eat up greedily
adj. completely free of (e.g. feeling)
adj. shy
adj. very religious
v. to weaken by adding something less strong to
the original (e.g. a mixture)
v. to depart from the subject under consideration
v. to make out clearly (e.g. a pattern)
v. to pay out; to give away, usually funds
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v. to fall apart
v. to look down on with scorn
v. to drive away
v. to dishearten
v. to break up
v. to scatter; to spread around
v. to present incorrectly (e.g. facts)
v. to cut or take apart, especially in biology or
v. to turn from a course (e.g. a stream)
v. to go in different directions
v. to put on (e.g. clothing); to wear something
v. to reveal
v. to bring about; to cause; to influence someone
or something
v. to blot out; to erase; to remove
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v. to make happy; to cause good feelings
v. to throw out; to remove from something
v. to bring out; to summon; to recall to memory; to
create new thoughts
adj. inspired through love; captivated by someone
or something
v. to starve; to endure severe hunger; to starve to
adj. likely to error; describing the chance of
making a mistake
adj. frightful (e.g. appearance); unpleasant
adj. having an important part of the issue at hand;
adj. fluent but insincere; smooth
adj. huge
adj. bloody; disgusting
adj. gloomy
adj. free
adj. vividly realistic
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adj. sternly forbidding (e.g. future)
adj. causing sorrow
adj. distorted in appearance; hideous
adj. glaringly bad (e.g. injustice)
adj. horrifying; terrible
n. a little cavern; small cave
adj. throaty (e.g. sound); harsh
adj. easily fooled; naive
adj. healthy
adj. worn-looking; faded; exhausted
adj. resilient; having endurance
adj. random; chance
adj. arrogant; overly proud
adj. disagreeably rough; stark
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adj. thoughtless; paying little attention
adj. very busy; feverish
adj. extremely ugly; scary
adj. outrageous (e.g. crime); shocking
adj. of like kind (e.g. group); similar in nature
adj. very funny; humorous
adj. unfriendly (e.g. unwelcome)
adj. horrible; dreadful
adj. modest; meek
adj. merciful
adj. illegal; unlawful
adj. damp; muggy; wet
adj. very large; enormous
adj. very tidy; spotlessly clean
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adj. unbiased; neutral; fair
adj. looming; about to happen (e.g. storm)
adj. impolite; cheeky; rude
adj. vital; necessary
adj. implied; understood
adj. rash; hasty; acting on impulse
adj. rudely bold; overly confident
adj. without any preparation (e.g. remarks);
adj. causing fire (e.g. bomb); easily combustible
adj. silly; foolish
adj. rough (e.g. weather); harsh
adj. uninterrupted; continuous
adj. not clearly connected; showing no patterns
adj. with real identity hidden; in disguise
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adj. showing no interest; having no feelings
adj. unable to be erased; permanent
adj. very angry, showing strong feelings
adj. poor; humble
adj. hard-working; productive
adj. absolutely necessary; of importance
adj. unable to make a mistake or error
adj. ineffective; not skilled
adj. endless; vast
adj. having a bad reputation; well-known for
adj. unbending; unwilling to compromise
adj. very small; minute
adj. naturally simple; not complicated
adj. clever; intelligent
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adj. inborn; natural
adj. existing in someone or something
adj. uninteresting (e.g. conversation); bland
adj. safe; harmless
v. to slowly inject ideas into the mind
adj. disrespectful; boldly rude in an abrasive
adj. thorough; exhaustingly complete (e.g. study)
adj. essential to the whole; central
adj. narrow-minded; unwilling or unable to respect
others or their beliefs
adj. sporadic; starting and stopping (e.g. rain)
adj. unable to be conquered; impregnable;
adj. delicate; complicated; having many
connecting factors
adj. unreasonable; illogical; groundless
adj. extremely angry; having very strong feelings
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adj. joyous; ecstatic
adj. good-humored in a good natured way
adj. demanding a lot of work; often lengthy
adj. showing good judgment (e.g. decision)
adj. hidden (e.g. talent)
adj. tall and thin
adj. extremely generous (e.g. praise)
adj. worthy of praise
adj. easily read (e.g. print)
adj. loose; tolerant or lenient (e.g. discipline)
adj. fatal; deadly
adj. lawful (e.g. claim)
adj. following the exact words or intended
meaning of the original (e.g. translation)
adj. lacking in spirit
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adj. discolored by a bruise; extremely angry (e.g.
adj. educated to the point of being able to read
and write (e.g. person)
adj. very high; grand
adj. averse; unwilling; extremely reluctant
adj. with harmful intent; spiteful
adj. grandeur; extravagant and luxurious
adj. very large; huge
adj. cancerous or harmful (usually a growth)
adj. describing a feat or process performed by
adj. expected; required; describing a duty
adj. refers to war; warlike
adj. referring to the ocean or sea
adj. small in amount; scanty
adj. very heavy and large
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adj. making efforts only for financial advantages
or gain
adj. low level (usually refers to tasks or positions)
adj. aggressive; often very structured
adj. detailed work; very careful
adj. moving quickly and easily
adj. having the ability to move; portable
adj. describing a small amount paid for a greater
service or value
adj. having a preference for the evening; of the
adj. important; significant meaning
adj. not excitable; very casual
adj. having no effect; devoid of effects; void
adj. well known in a negative way
adj. having no prejudice; impartial; fair
adj. very fat
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adj. no longer used; out-of-date
adj. indicated in an indirect way
adj. threatening; often frightening
adj. not easy to persuade; stubborn
adj. referring to good timing; timely
adj. extra work; burdensome
adj. elaborate; often referring to decorations
adj. describing riches; wealthy
adj. very clear; apparent
adj. describing rules and beliefs which are
approved, especially by religion
adj. not hiding anything; open
adj. thorough; complete
adj. chief; highly important
adj. insignificant; referring to a small amount
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adj. very easy to see; obvious
adj. not active; usually not aggressive
adj. lacking ideas; unimaginative
adj. sad-looking; pitiful
adj. to show remorse; repentant
adj. annoyed; irritable
adj. long time effects; lasts for a longer period of
adj. thinking of others; thoughtful
adj. of importance; relevant
adj. describing a high level of danger
adj. not important; petty
adj. small or of no importance
adj. still and calm
adj. very religious; devout
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adj. movable; flexible
adj. seeming to be the truth; apparently true
adj. to think highly of oneself; self-important
adj. keen to the senses and emotions
adj. describing actions after a person's death
adj. movable and capable of being carried
adj. high possibility
adj. strong; powerful
adj. realistic; practical
adj. capable of doing something; describing
something that can be done
adj. detailed; exact
adj. possible danger; risky
adj. leading; prevailing
adj. advanced to a higher level than expected
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adj. broad and widespread
adj. very silly; ridiculous
adj. top in importance or quality; first
adj. referring to the base level; fundamental; main
adj. previous; before
adj. not civilized; crude
adj. skilled and effective
adj. describing a very large size or amount
adj. hard to believe; strange; remarkable
adj. taking place at the same time
adj. not believing in something; showing doubt
adj. threatening and referring to evil and darkness
adj. often shiny; smooth and glossy
adj. not busy; loose
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adj. unkempt; not clean and untidy
adj. small in size or amount
adj. happy with oneself; self-satisfied
adj. slow moving
adj. serious
adj. feeling comfortable
adj. alone; lonely
adj. grave; mournful
adj. cultured; wise about the world
adj. gloomy and dark
adj. scattered thin or small amounts
adj. wretched; often referring to terrible conditions
adj. referring to the soul; having no body, form, or
adj. joyous and lively
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adj. irregular; occasional; infrequent
adj. happening due to a natural reason; no
adj. describing the breaks between successive
adj. moving easily; nimble
adj. strong and robust
adj. unclean due to a lack of movement
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