Underpaid or Overpaid? Wage Analysis for Nurses Using Job and Worker Attributes Barry T. Hirsch* and Edward J. Schumacher† May 2010 Abstract Chronic nursing shortages are widespread despite far higher wages for nurses than among other collegeeducated women. We address this puzzle. Worker data from the Current Population Survey are matched with detailed job descriptors from the Occupational Information Network (O*NET). Nursing jobs require greater skills and more difficult working conditions than jobs for other college-educated workers. Standard log wage regression and propensity score matching estimates show nursing wage advantages exceeding .30 log points. Accounting for job attributes reduces estimates by more than .10 log points. Direct calculation of arithmetic percentage gaps, rather than transforming log gap estimates to a percentage, reduces estimates a further 10 percentage points. Gender-blind estimates turn negative. We conclude that nurses receive compensation close to long-run opportunity costs, greatly narrowing but not fully resolving the shortage puzzle. Keywords: JEL codes: Nursing, wage differentials, job attributes I12, J31, J44 We appreciate suggestions from Joanne Spetz and Mary Beth Walker, along with comments received during presentations at UNC Charlotte and meetings of the American Society of Health Economists (ASHE), Labor and Employment Relations Association (LERA), Southern Economic Association (SEA), and Society of Labor Economists (SOLE). * Department of Economics, Andrew Young School of Policy Studies, Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia 30302-3992, and IZA (Bonn). Email: bhirsch@gsu.edu Homepage: www2.gsu.edu/bhirsch † Department of Health Care Administration and Department of Economics, Trinity University, San Antonio, Texas 78212. Email: eschumac@trinity.edu Homepage: www.trinity.edu/eschumac 1. Introduction Registered nurses (RNs) are widely believed to be in short supply, with hospitals having reported unfilled vacancies over sustained periods and shortfalls in future supplies of RNs widely predicted.1 Sustained shortages of nurses present a puzzle. Shortages are seemingly inconsistent with a theory of competitive markets wherein wages tend toward levels equating labor demand and supply.2 Low wages and shortages can exist in monopsonistic labor markets, yet evidence supporting nursing monopsony is neither abundant nor compelling (e.g., Hirsch and Schumacher 2005; Matsudaira 2008). Moreover, wage analyses indicate that RN relative wages have increased markedly over time and are well in excess of wages received by other college-educated women. Based on wage analyses, an argument can be made that RNs are “overpaid.” Based on evidence of shortages, an argument can be made that RNs are on average “underpaid.” It is not clear how both views can be correct. In this study we address the nursing wage-employment puzzle and attempt to answer the question: Are nurses paid wages below, above, or equal to long-run opportunity costs? We combine Current Population Survey (CPS) data containing information on individual RN and non-RN wages and attributes with newly-developed data providing a rich set of job content descriptors measuring occupational skills and working conditions. The job descriptors, taken from the Occupation Information Network (O*NET), show that nursing jobs involve relatively high levels of skill and demanding working conditions. Incorporating the O*NET job content measures into the CPS analysis sharply reduces estimates of relative RN wages. Use of a matching estimator and a shift from the Mincerian log wage gap to a direct measure of the percentage difference in average wages further reduces estimates of the RN wage gap, suggesting that RNs are paid wages close to or moderately above long-run opportunity costs. Using this same approach but absent conditioning on gender, RN wage gap estimates turn modestly negative. Although such “gender blind” estimates are problematic, we conclude that RNs receive wages close to long-run opportunity costs. Our analysis does not “solve” the RN shortage puzzle stated at the outset, but does sharply reduce its dimensions. We suggest that increasing demand for RNs combined with barriers to and sluggish growth in RN training can result in periodic shortages and permit RN wages to persist at levels above long-run opportunity costs. Although our analysis focuses on wages rather than total compensation, we provide evidence in a later section suggesting that results would be largely unaffected if nonwage benefits 1 See National Center for Health Workforce Analysis (2002); Spetz and Given (2003), and Aiken (2008). Our focus is on “economic” shortages, which exist when there is excess demand (vacancies) at the current wage level or, in a dynamic setting, labor demand increasing faster than supply and wages slow to adjust. The nursing human resource literature often focuses on “need-based” or “professional standards” shortages, where the available number of RNs is less than the number regarded as necessary to properly serve a given market (see Folland, Goodman, and Stano 2007, pp 338-344; Goldfarb, Goldfarb, and Long 2008). 2 1 were included. Because evening shift work is common for hospital nurses but is not directly measured in O*NET, we provide a “back of the envelope” estimate of how it would affect the nursing wage gap. Apart from addressing the wage-employment puzzle among registered nurses, the analysis provides two more general implications. First, labor market wage analyses are enriched through the consideration of job content measures of skill and working conditions. Second, Mincerian log wage differentials are not necessarily appropriate when the tails of the wage distribution differ markedly between treatment and control groups.3 In what follows we first review theory and evidence on nursing wages and employment. We then discuss construction of the matched CPS/O*NET database and provide evidence on how RNs compare to other college-educated workers in wages, required job skills, and working conditions. 2. Theory and evidence on nursing labor markets Competitive labor markets have multiple employers, minimal entry barriers among workers and firms, worker mobility across employers, and good information among workers and employers regarding employment and wage opportunities. Such markets should produce wages roughly the same among similarly skilled workers with similar preferences who perform similar levels of work (i.e., skills and working conditions), the so-called “law of one wage.” Of course there is not literally a common wage for identical workers in identical jobs. Even in highly competitive markets, idiosyncratic factors (often unmeasuable) among workers, jobs, and locations generate equilibrium wage differences. Factors shifting labor demand and supply change continually, so wages move toward but do not mechanically achieve levels that equilibrate demand and supply. Yet if wages are approximately competitive, we do not expect to see a sustained shortage (unfilled vacancies) or sustained surplus of qualified but unemployed applicants. 4 Because high vacancy levels in nursing positions are common, a natural explanation to consider is monopsonistic power among employers, particularly in hospitals where a majority of RNs are employed. The canonical competitive model views employers such as hospitals being “price (wage) takers” – hospitals face a perfectly elastic firm-level nursing supply curve. The pure monopsony model assumes a labor market with a single employer, for example a hospital that is the sole employer of RNs with no mobility across occupations or labor markets. A profit maximizing monopsonist pays wages below competitive levels and, thus, must reduce employment (output) given a shortage of workers at that wage. Real world nursing markets do not satisfy the assumptions of pure competition or monopsony. Even in 3 The first point is a theme addressed in other recent papers, most notably Autor and Handel (2009). The second point has been made by Blackburn (2007). 4 Factors that break down equivalency between spot wages and productivity are firm-specific (i.e., non-transferable) skills, compensation tied to company seniority independent of skill, defined benefit pensions penalizing quits among young workers, earnings linked to group rather than individual productivity, and pay based on time input rather than hard to measure output. Nominal wages differ across geographic labor markets due to differences in area amenities, prices, productivity (due, say, to agglomeration economies), and state and local fiscal policies (Moretti 2010). 2 small markets with few nursing employers, RNs have some ability to move between employers and across labor markets. Even in large markets with hundreds of hospital and non-hospital nursing employers, employers do not literally face a horizontal labor supply curve. “New monopsony” models focus on worker-specific attachment to firms, and immobility arising from sources other than employer concentration (Bhaskar, Manning, and To 2002; Manning 2003) and expect wages to vary with the elasticity of labor supply. While monopsony power among hospitals is a potential explanation for nursing shortages, we do not directly consider it in this paper. First, there is rather limited direct evidence supporting either classic or new monopsony in nursing markets, with RNs exhibiting substantial mobility across employers.5 Second, wage studies suggest that RNs earn not less but considerably more than similar non-RN employees (Hirsch and Schumacher 2005). If RNs realize sizable wage premiums, shortages are all the more puzzling. This paper reexamines evidence on relative nursing wages and asks, first, what is the sign and size of the RN wage gap and, second, whether there remains a puzzle in need of explanation. 3. Wage data from the Current Population Survey Data on individual workers used in wage analysis are from the Current Population Survey (CPS) Outgoing Rotation Group (ORG) monthly earnings files for January 2005 through June 2008.6 The CPSORG files include the quarter sample of households for whom the earnings supplement is administered. Our sample includes all employed non-student full-time wage and salary workers who are age 20 and over, report their earnings (i.e. those with imputed earnings are excluded), and have an associate degree (academic or vocational), a BA, or an MA.7 Our wage is a measure of usual average earnings per hour on one’s primary job. The straight-time wage is reported directly in the CPS for hourly workers, including most RNs. This is used as our wage measure for workers without tips, overtime, or commissions. For salaried workers, plus hourly workers receiving supplemental pay, the wage is calculated as usual weekly earnings (inclusive of tips, overtime, and commissions) divided by usual hours worked per week.8 For the few workers reporting variable usual hours, we use hours worked the previous week to calculate hourly earnings. For workers whose weekly earnings are top-coded (at $2,885), mean earnings above the cap are assigned based on gender- 5 For evidence and references, see Hirsch and Schumacher (2005) and a recent study by Matsudaira (2008). An exception to the generalization in the text is a study by Staiger, Spetz, and Phibbs (forthcoming), who find a very low labor supply elasticity among RNs in VA hospitals. 6 As discussed below, the CPS is matched to O*NET data issued in June 2007 based on job analyst and incumbent reports in the months and years preceding the release date. 7 Part-time workers (defined as less than 35 usual hours worked per week on their principal job) are excluded from the comparison group sample, but not the RN sample. Wage differences between full-time and part-time RNs are very small, so results with part-time RNs excluded are nearly identical to those presented. 8 The CPS wage measures reflect differences in pay resulting from shift work, a topic addressed subsequently. 3 specific estimates assuming a Pareto distribution in the upper tail.9 All earnings figures are stated in January 2008 dollars. To reduce noise due to recording or reporting errors, a small number of observations with extreme implicit wage values (less than $3 and $150 or greater) are excluded. As seen in table 1, the average hourly wage for RNs during 2005 through June 2008 is $29.45, 7.4% more than the $27.43 average for the college control group (means are calculated using sample weights). Focusing instead on the difference in the mean log wage, the RN wage advantage is .178 log points (19.5%), more than double the gap based on arithmetic means.10 The difference reflects a compressed RN (occupation-specific) wage distribution as compared to the control group’s longer right and left tails. The coefficient of variation (CV) of RN wages is 39.5 [(11.6/29.45)100] compared to 70.7 for the comparison group wage.11 Figure 1a shows the entire RN and control group distributions. As compared to the economy-wide college control group, the RN wage distribution lies to the right (ignoring the upper tail) and is substantially more compressed. Figure 1b shows the right tails of the distributions, restricting the sample to those with wages of at least $45 in January 2008 dollars. Whereas there are virtually no RNs receiving above, say, $80 an hour, there are nontrivial numbers of non-RNs realizing such earnings. These different distributions suggest that a nonparametric estimator may be in order (Blackburn 2007), an approach we explore later in the paper. Excluded from the analysis are workers who do not report their earnings and thus have their hourly wage and/or usual weekly earnings imputed, 28.0% of the RNs and 28.7% of the control group sample. Such exclusion is important since nonresponding nurses (and other workers) are generally assigned earnings of workers in other occupations (broad occupation is a donor match criteria). Inclusion of imputed workers causes a substantial attenuation in wage gap estimates (Hirsch and Schumacher 2004; Bollinger and Hirsch 2006). The final sample size following the above exclusions is 143,885, which includes 8,292 RNs and 135,593 employees in the college comparison group. Means for the full sample including imputed earners are shown in the bottom portion of table 1. The impact of excluding imputed values is readily evident. As expected, mean wages for the broad control group are similar for the two samples ($27.43 excluding and $27.37 including imputations). But inclusion of imputed earners reduces mean earnings for RNs, from $29.45 absent imputations to $28.21 with imputations (mean log wages decline by .069 log points), since most nonresponding RNs are assigned the earnings of a non-RN donor. RNs reporting their wage display a 16.4% percentage wage 9 Estimated mean earnings are about 1.6 times the cap for women and 1.8 for men. Estimates by gender and year (since 1973) are calculated by Barry Hirsch and David Macpherson and posted at http://www.unionstats.com. 10 Percentage approximations are calculated using 100[exp(β)-1], where β is the coefficient on the RN dummy. As noted by Kennedy (1981), a more precise (but still biased) estimate would account for the variance of the estimate. The Kennedy adjustment reduces most percentage gaps shown in the paper by a tenth of one percent. 11 Although most occupations have low within-occupation wage dispersion compared to a broad control group, RNs exhibit among the lowest (unconditional) dispersion of any major occupation (evidence available on request). 4 advantage (and a .230 log wage advantage) over the $25.30 mean of the imputed wage (or 3.085 mean of imputed log wage) for nonrespondent RNs. The importance of gender can be seen by breaking out average male and female wages of the control group. The average RN wage of $29.45 is well above the $23.18 mean wage for college women, but below the $31.11 average for college men. Using log points, the RN unadjusted wage advantage is .306 relative to women and .060 relative to men. 4. Skill and working condition indices constructed from the Occupational Information Network The Occupational Information Network (O*NET), produced by the U.S. Department of Labor's Employment and Training Administration, is a comprehensive database system for collecting, organizing, and describing data on job characteristics and worker attributes within occupations. The O*NET database has been created and updated over the past decade based on input from job analysts and job incumbents. O*NET replaces the now discontinued Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT), a data set used in numerous labor market studies by economists and other social scientists (recent examples include Autor, Levy, and Murnane 2003; Ingram and Neumann 2006). Use of O*NET in economic studies is limited but growing. For example, Hirsch (2005) matches O*NET job attributes to the CPS to help explain wage differences between part- and full-time workers. Autor and Handel (2009) compare O*NET occupation measures with worker-reported job task measures included in a special survey. Abraham and Spletzer (2009) match O*NET measures to the CPS and the Occupational Employment Statistics (OES) in order to analyze the returns to job skills. Peri and Sparber (2009) use O*NET measures of physical tasks and language ability requirements among the jobs held by immigrant and native workers to analyze how immigration affects job task specialization and relative wages. Chiswick and Miller (2010) use O*NET language requirement measures and the 2000 U.S. Census to better understand earnings and the matching of immigrants to jobs. The first public release version of O*NET was in late 1998. We use O*NET 12.0, released in June 2007. A data set with 259 O*NET job descriptors from an initial 488 descriptors in the O*NET database was created.12 The job descriptors cover a wide range of attributes, including abilities that influence the acquisition and application of knowledge in problem solving to psychomotor, physical and sensory abilities to social, technical, and complex problem solving skills. Most O*NET variables involve types of job skills or attributes that are required of workers and are necessary to perform the tasks of an occupation. We construct two sets of indices from the O*NET database, our preferred approach based on 12 The CPS-O*NET database was created jointly by one of the authors and economists at Global Insight. Most O*NET job descriptors are measured using an “importance” and a “level” scale, with these values being highly correlated. Descriptors measured in level form were retained and the “duplicative” descriptors eliminated, reducing the number of O*NET descriptors from 488 to 259 with little loss in information. A small number of mostly small occupations had not yet released revised ratings since the initial version of O*NET. 5 factor analysis using 206 of the 259 O*NET attributes and a second based on additive indices of a subset of the 206 attributes (explained below). To examine how pay varies with job attributes, we merge the O*NET database of job descriptors with the CPS database of individuals. O*NET and the CPS identify detailed occupations using Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) codes. The CPS identifies workers in 502 civilian SOC categories, whereas O*NET provides a more detailed SOC breakdown, with 798 civilian occupations. The crosswalk between O*NET and the CPS occupations is straightforward.13 The merged CPS-O*NET database allows us to address an important question. Is a CPS-only analysis likely to understate or overstate the nursing wage gap? CPS variables account for individual worker characteristics, but not job attributes. Combining O*NET with the CPS allows us to account more directly for occupational skill requirements, working conditions, and other job attributes that influence wages.14 Because individual skills are measured imperfectly by the schooling and potential experience variables in the CPS, accounting for job tasks also helps control for worker-specific skills. There is no unique method for collapsing the large number of O*NET occupation descriptors into a small number of informative variables. We opt for a simple approach, creating single measures of a skill index (SK) and of a working conditions (WC) index. For the indices constructed using factor analysis, 206 of the total 259 O*NET variables in our database are used. Excluded were 26 “physical ability” attributes (e.g., finger dexterity, gross body coordination, and near vision) that can be considered neither workplace disamenities nor scarce compensable skills; 6 worker “Interest” attributes (investigative, social, realistic, etc.); and a set of 21 “Values” attributes (how well does this occupation satisfy needs for ability utilization, compensation, helping others, etc.) intended to help guidance counselors. Using factor analysis, we construct from the 206 O*NET descriptors a first principal factor SK that is a linear combination of the 168 skill attributes and first principal factor WC that is a combination of the 38 working condition attributes. Each single first factor loads all attributes in a way that accounts for a 13 There is a one-to-one match from O*NET to the CPS for 316 occupations. Most of the remaining involve a mapping of two or more O*NET occupations to a CPS category. In these cases, O*NET descriptor values are calculated based on the weighted average across the component O*NET occupations, using May 2005 employment reported in the Occupational Employment Statistics (OES) as weights. A small number of CPS occupational categories are made up of a combination of O*NET categories defined at such a fine level of detail that OES employment figures are not available. In these cases, component O*NET occupations are assigned equal weights. Finally, a small number of CPS occupations are identified as “all other” categories (e.g., “information and records clerks, other”) for which there are no O*NET ratings. These CPS occupation codes were assigned O*NET values based on an average ratings (using employment weights) among similar occupations. 14 Autor and Handel (2009) and Ingram and Neumann (2006) discuss advantages of using job (occupation) attributes in addition to or instead of individual attributes in order to measure the returns to skill. Ingram and Neumann provide a careful discussion of factor analysis, which they use to create skill indices from the Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT). 6 maximum proportion of the covariance across attributes and occupations. 15 The factor analysis is weighted by occupational employment, compiled from the CPS for all wage and salary workers. By construction, the factors have a mean of zero and standard deviation of 1.0. Note that SK and WC are constructed independently of the CPS wage data. In short, the factor analysis constructs single index values for each occupation that reflects a “principled” collapsing of all O*NET skill-related attributes and all working condition attributes. Skill factor SK accounts for 41% of the total covariance among the 168 skill attributes across the 501 Census occupations. SK heavily loads such O*NET measures as critical thinking, judgment and decision making, monitoring, written expression, speaking, writing, active listening, written comprehension, active learning, negotiation, and persuasion. The factor index WC accounts for 56% of the total covariance among the 38 working condition attributes. WC heavily loads job attributes such as dynamic and static strength, very hot and cold temperatures, extremely bright or inadequate lighting, exposed to contaminants, cramped work space or awkward position, exposure to burns, cuts, bites, or stings, and exposure to hazardous equipment. Our second method for constructing the skill and working condition indices is to take the simple arithmetic average of the O*NET attributes. The additive indices SK2 and WC2 use a subset of 154 of the 206 O*NET attributes used above, excluding variables for which theory does not a priori predict the sign. Skill index SK2 includes 135 of the 168 attributes used previously, excluding 33 “knowledge content” variables covering 33 subject areas (e.g., chemistry, design, fine arts, geography, etc.). The working conditions index WC2 includes 19 of the previous 38 variables. Excluded are 2 “indoors” variable largely collinear with three outdoors variables; 9 variables measuring “time spent” in physical activities such as sitting, standing, using hands, etc.; 5 strength variables; and 3 work context variables measuring the conflict situations and dealing with unpleasant or physically aggressive people. The remaining attributes (seen subsequently in table 4) correspond closely to the types of job attributes typically included in studies of compensating differentials. As widely recognized, it is difficult to identify compensable working conditions, in part because heterogeneous worker preferences influence occupational choice (worker-job sorting), and because workers with high wages (for reasons that cannot be fully controlled) tend to sort into jobs with fewer disamenities (Hwang et al. 1992). Using the merged CPS-O*NET database, we provide descriptive evidence comparing skill and 15 Descriptions of factor analysis are provided in Gorsuch (1983) and Ingram and Neumann (2006). Although we prefer use of a single skill and single working conditions index, it is possible to include multiple indices. Using multiple-order factors, we obtain similar qualitative estimates of RN wage gaps. But there is some sensitivity in point estimates. For example, inclusion of a factor that heavily loads attributes measuring caring for others increases estimates of relative RN wages since RNs rank high on this factor but such attributes are associated with lower pay. Use of multiple working condition factors produces consistently positive estimates of compensating differentials, in contrast to estimates near zero and negative with a single factor. 7 working condition attributes for RNs and college-educated workers economy-wide. Table 2 provides the means of the O*NET indices for RNs and the comparison group, shown jointly and separately by gender. Our preferred skill index is SK, the first principal factor constructed from 168 O*NET job descriptors across employment-weighted CPS occupations. The economy-wide college workforce (i.e., those with associate, B.A., and M.A. degrees, excluding RNs) has a mean SK of .63, with equivalent values for women and men. The standard deviation is .81, below the 1.0 value produced by factor analysis when SK was constructed using economy-wide employment weights across occupations. Because the college group exhibits more concentrated employment across occupations, dispersion of the index values are lower. RNs exhibit a substantially higher skill index rating in O*NET than does the college control group, a 1.10 value that is more than a half standard deviation higher than the control group mean of .63. The college workforce has a mean WC value of -.48, -.65 among women and -.27 among men. The negative value for WC and positive value for SK reflect the relatively good working conditions and high skills that characterize typical jobs for college-educated workers. The RN occupation receives a WC factor score of .29, nearly a full standard deviation above the college workforce mean. In short, O*NET evaluates RN jobs as requiring substantially higher skills and more demanding working conditions than a typical job for college-educated workers. An identical pattern is seen based on SK2 and WC2, the employment weighted averages of the reduced set of 135 skill and 19 working condition O*NET attributes. RNs have an SK2 value of 3.59, more than a half standard deviation higher than the 3.39 average across all college workers and jobs (3.33 for women and 3.44 for men). RNs have a WC2 value of 2.46, more than a standard deviation higher than the 1.81 average across all college workers and jobs (1.68 for women and 1.93 for men). Space does not permit presenting values for all O*NET job attributes, but examples of skill attributes in which RNs are ranked high or low are provided in tables 3a and 3b, along with the simple correlation of each attribute with wages. Ordering workers in the sample based on the values on each O*NET attribute, percentile rankings for RNs can be compiled. RNs rank near the 90th percentile or higher for several measures. RNs rate high on required abilities in problem sensitivity and inductive reasoning; on the skills of service orientation and social perspectives, on the work activities of identifying objects, actions, and events, and documenting/recording information; and on work context attributes measuring the consequence of error and frequency of decision making. Many of these job attributes display a strong correlation with wages. RNs also rank high in some attributes weakly or negatively correlated with wages, for example, concern for others, assisting and caring for others, working with a work group or team, and adaptability/flexibility, although these attributes are weakly correlated with wages. Evident in table 3b is that RNs rank low in some attributes that are strong wage correlates. These include mathematical reasoning, management of financial resources, programming skills, scheduling 8 work and activities, communicating with persons outside one’s organization, interacting with computers, the level of competition, and use of e-mail. Table 4 provides a comparison between RNs and the college control group for the 19 O*NET physical working conditions in the measure WC2. RNs rank in the 87th percentile of the WC2 index, reflecting not only demanding working conditions for RNs, but the relatively low number of physical workplace disamenties in jobs populated by college-educated workers. Among the working conditions in which RNs rank high are exposure to radiation, disease, infection, hazardous conditions, and contaminants; physical proximity to others; cramped workspace or positions; and the wearing of protective or safety equipment. RNs rank low in exposure to the elements, working in vehicles or equipment, exposure to extreme temperatures; and exposure to high places. The descriptive data from O*NET are revealing. They show that for a large number of workplace skills and abilities, nursing jobs are evaluated as requiring high levels. At the same time, nursing involves several demanding working conditions.16 Thus, some portion of the “high” RN wage is likely to result from skills and working conditions not reflected in typical wage analyses. We now turn to wages, first using standard analysis and then introducing the O*NET job attributes. 6. Wage analysis using CPS worker and location attributes In this section, we provide “CPS-only” regression analysis comparing hourly earnings among registered nurses and our control group of college-trained workers, with controls for standard individual and location characteristics. By these measures, RNs are paid well. Wage regression estimates of the RN wage gap are presented in table 5.17 The CPS-only log wage equations include gender (discussed subsequently), potential experience (i.e., years since schooling completed) in quartic form, plus dummy variables for BA and MA degrees (versus associate degree), race/ethnicity (3 dummies for four groups), marital status (2), foreign-born (citizen and non-citizen), year (3) city size (6), and region (8). The unadjusted RN wage advantage is .182 log points relative to all college-educated workers, as compared to .311 log points if the comparison group is restricted to women. Standard log wage regression analysis, shown in line 1, suggests that RNs receive a large wage premium of .324 log points (38.3%) compared to other college educated workers.18 Inclusion of regressors substantially increases the RN wage gap, due primarily to the presence of a gender dummy that 16 In work not show, we compile descriptive evidence on O*NET “work value” descriptors not included in the wage analysis. The nursing occupation tends to satisfy the specific needs associated with workers who value social service, activity, co-workers, achievement, ability utilization, social status, and security. It is ranked low with respect to satisfying needs for recognition, independence, working conditions, and company policies and practices. 17 Regression estimates are unweighted. Weighted least squares results using CPS sample weights produce similar estimates. 18 Using an all-female control group, the RN wage advantage increases .03 log points, from .324 to .354. 9 effectively creates a female comparison group for 93% of the RN sample. The modest impact of other CPS controls suggests that the comparison group choice based on education is a reasonable one. In order to illustrate the importance of gender, table 5 also provides “gender-blind” estimates of the RN wage gap based on wage equations that drop the gender dummy. The shift to a “gender-blind” estimate decreases the CPS-only RN wage advantage from .324 to .228 log points. The typical rationale for controlling for gender (or for gender based wage comparisons) is that women and men may differ in preferences, job attributes, and accumulated work experience. Although we control for occupational job attributes, we still choose to emphasize estimates that condition on gender. Because nursing is overwhelmingly a female occupation (93% in our sample) and shares of women in many non-RN occupations are low, a gender-blind approach may overstate the long-run opportunity wage for RNs. We return to this issue later in the paper. 7. Relative nursing wages accounting for worker and job attributes In this section, we use the merged CPS/O*NET database to incorporate job attributes and worker characteristics into the wage analysis. Our approach is straightforward. We compare RN wage gaps from standard log wage regressions with and without control for the O*NET skill and working condition indices.19 In the next section, we provide matching estimates of percentage wage gaps that do not rely on the functional form of the wage equation. Our principal measures of workplace skills and working conditions are the principal factors SK and WC. As seen in line 2 of table 5, inclusion of SK and WC in the wage equation reduces the estimated RN wage gap by .10 log points, from .324 to .222. This large reduction in the wage gap reflects the effect of the skill index. SK has a substantial effect on wages and the RN occupation has a high value of the skill index. The coefficient of .195 on SK implies that a .47 change in SK (the difference between the RN and non-RN means) is associated with wages about .09 log points higher. Measuring compensating differentials due to disamenities is notoriously difficult, estimates typically being downward biased (Hwang et al. 1992). Coefficients on index WC, our measure of occupational physical working conditions, are effectively zero (and negative). Had a theoretically appropriate positive coefficient been obtained, the estimated RN wage advantage would be lower given the relatively high value of WC among RNs (but see footnote 15). Results using the simple and more limited indices of skills and working conditions, SK2 and WC2, produce similar qualitative results to those shown previously. Adding lnSK2 and lnWC2 to the wage equation causes the RN gap to decline from .324 to .257. The difference between the .257 estimate and 19 Because multiple workers are assigned common O*NET values for each occupation, all regression standard errors are clustered on occupation. Absent clustering, standard errors are roughly a tenth as large as those shown. 10 the .222 obtained with SK and WC is driven largely by the relatively large (and ‘wrong’) negative sign on lnWC2, increasing the RN gap estimate despite demanding working conditions for RNs. Table 5 also shows results using a gender-blind approach. As expected, these estimates are much lower (by roughly .10 log points) than when we control for gender, the estimated RN log gap falling from .228 to.089 following control for SK and WC. Because the college comparison group is 52% male and the RN population is overwhelmingly female, we do not emphasize the gender-blind results. Our analysis to this point shows that skill attributes are strongly related to wages across the labor market and the RN job is evaluated as possessing a high level of skills. Regression estimates of RN log wage gaps are sharply reduced following control for job skills. Yet these estimates continue to suggest a substantial RN wage advantage relative to long run opportunity costs, a result seemingly at odds with evidence of systematic nursing shortages. We turn to this puzzle below. 8. Matching estimates of log and dollar gaps: Are relative nursing wages overstated? An important question is whether the regression log wage gap provides an appropriate measure of relative nursing wages. Evident from the descriptive statistics are large differences in wage gaps between RNs and the comparison group based on percentage differences in mean dollars versus the differences in mean logs converted to a percentage. The raw log wage difference (unweighted) between RNs and the comparison group is .182 log points or about 20.0%. In contrast, the percentage difference in mean dollar wages, ( WRN WC ) / WC , is only 8.2%. The highly compressed distribution of RN wages as compared to the comparison group (seen in Figures 1a and 1b) causes the (exponentiated) log wage gap to provide a poor approximation of the percentage difference in arithmetic means. Although the Mincerian semilog wage equation remains the standard approach for estimating percentage wage gaps in labor economics, Blackburn (2007) shows that it is not appropriate in some applications and provides a non-parametric treatment.20 The Mincer model is: W e x u If u is homoskedastic then the model can be written and estimated in its standard semilog form: ln W x u The semilog model provides consistent estimates of β only under the assumption that the distribution of the error term is independent of the regressors. In our case the assumption of homoskedasticity is violated since the error distribution is correlated with the RN indicator variable. Our approach to this issue is to use propensity score matching models to estimate RN percentage wage gaps that do not rely on the functional form of the wage equation. The matching approach, used 20 For a distinct but related discussion on the use and interpretation of log models, see Manning (1998). 11 extensively in recent empirical studies (e.g., see references in Imbens 2004), addresses two important concerns. First, matching methods explicitly create non-RN control groups of workers based on their similarity to the RN “treatment” group. Thus, matching methods permit us to check if RN regression wage gap estimates are sensitive to the (perhaps inappropriate) weighting of non-RNs implicit in OLS. More fundamental for our purpose, by using matching estimators we need not rely on the Mincerian log specification to estimate the percentage gap. Based on the same treatment (RN) and matched control group, one can directly compare the average treatment effect on the treated (ATT) in log differences, converted to a percentage, with the percentage difference in the dollar ATT between the same RNs and control group. A comparison of the matching log gap to the percentage difference in the arithmetic gap demonstrates whether the log transformation of wages from dollars to logs affects estimation of the percentage gap. Comparison of the regression log gap with the matching log gap shows the effect of the change in the weighting of the control group (the data support) in moving from OLS to propensity score matching. An additional (but less standard) approach to this question is to compare OLS regression estimates with regressions reweighted to reflect the probability of being an RN. Results using these approaches are shown in table 6. The propensity score matching differentials are estimated as follows. First, a logit model estimates propensity scores that measure the likelihood of workers being an RN, conditional on the explanatory variables previously included in the wage equations.21 Propensity scores are estimated with and without inclusion of the O*NET indices and with and without gender. All individuals are ordered from low to high based on their propensity scores. Each “treatment group” RN is then matched to “control group” non-RNs using, alternatively, kernel or nearest neighbor matching. With kernel matching, each RN is matched to a weighted average of all controls, the weights being inversely proportional to the distance (dissimilarity) between the RN and the controls (the Epanechnikov kernel is used to “smooth” or create continuous conditional probabilities). Nearest neighbor matching searches up and down in the propensity score distribution for the non-RN with the propensity score closest to each RN. We match with replacement in order to insure selection of the closest matches. Results shown are based on a single control group match for each “treated” RN, with additional matches or “ties” (i.e., identical propensity scores) excluded. Including multiple control group ties produces highly similar results. Table 6 reports log wage gap and dollar RN gaps based on the matching estimators with and without the O*NET indices as propensity score conditioning variables. The OLS log gap estimates, previously shown in table 5, are repeated in the first column for purposes of comparison. In the second column we provide regression estimates reweighted based on the inverse probability of not being an 21 The matching models are estimated using Stata procedure psmatch2. Our logit model adds interaction terms between several of the explanatory variables (e.g., gender and potential experience, marital status and education, and foreign-born status and education). 12 RN.22 The reweighted estimates are nearly identical to those obtained previously, .330 versus .324 absent the O*NET controls and .232 versus .222 with the O*NET measures. For the estimates absent O*NET variables, shown in panel A of table 6, the matching log gap estimates range from .32 to .34, similar to the regression log gap estimates of .32. Conditioning on worker and location characteristics but not job attributes, the regression approach produces a similar (implicit) data support as does the explicit matching approach. Yet for any given matched RN/control group, percentage gaps are far lower when calculated as an average dollar treatment effect than when calculated based on average log wage effect. For example, using the nearest neighbor estimator, the RN wage gap is .338 log points or 40.2%. The percentage dollar gap, using exactly the same RNs and control group, is 30.5%. We see a similar spread of about 10 percentage points using the kernel match estimator.23 As a final check on results absent O*NET controls, we estimate an OLS log wage gap using the nearest neighbor (OLS-NN) sample (n = 15,151, with 8,292 RNs and 6,859 unique matches). This approach controls for covariate differences in the RN and control samples not fully accounted for by the propensity score. The OLS-NN log gap estimate is .332, nearly identical to the NN matching estimate of .338 and OLS full sample estimate of .324. Our preferred estimates of the RN wage differential account for job attributes by including the indices SK and WC among the factors that determine the propensity score match. 24 These results are shown in panel B of table 6. The matching estimators here produce a somewhat different control group data support than does full sample OLS. Whereas the OLS log gap estimate was .222 or 24.0%, the match estimators produce log gap estimates of .16 to .17. That is, accounting for SK and WC via propensity score matching produces a control group with a higher wage than standard OLS weighting. The change in the data support resulting from due to matching may be best seen in column (5), where the OLS estimate is based on the nearest neighbor (NN) sample rather than full sample. Here the estimated RN wage gap is .149, nearly identical to the NN matching estimate of .156 but well below the OLS full sample estimate of .222. Perhaps the most notable outcome from table 6 is the finding that arithmetic percentage wage gaps are substantially lower than those implied by log gap estimates. For example, the nearest neighbor matching estimate of the RN log gap is .156 or 16.9%, while the percentage dollar gap calculation for exactly the same matched groups is only 6.7%. The bottom row of panel B shows our “preferred” 22 Wooldridge (2002, 587-588) discusses inverse probability weighting (IPW). Our weights are 1/(1-p(RN)), where p(RN) is the probability of being an RN obtained from the same logit models used for the matching estimates. 23 The percentage gap estimates from the matching models are calculated by [( W RN WC )/ WC ]100, where WC is calculated by WRN ATT, with WRN being $29.45 and ATT the dollar gaps shown in Table 6. 24 The decline in estimated gaps once SK and WC are included to form the propensity scores is due entirely to higher-wage control group workers receiving larger weights or being more likely to be selected as nearest neighbors. The treatment group of RNs and their wages are the same in panels A, B, and C of Table 6. 13 estimates of the RN wage gap. Based on the arithmetic percentage gaps calculated from the matched samples, these estimates are in a tight range between 6.4% and 7.4%.25 Panel C of table 6 presents results including the O*NET skill and working conditions indices, but not conditioning on gender (i.e., gender blind). In contrast to results shown in panel B, those shown in C omit the gender dummy from wage equation regressions and omit gender from the logit model used to generates propensity scores. As expected, the gender blind approach decreases RN wage gap estimates. The logarithmic estimates decrease by more than .10 log points moving from panel B to C. The matching log estimates (columns 3 and 4) suggest a small RN wage advantage of about 4%. Turning to our preferred arithmetic percentage wage differentials (bottom line), removing conditioning on gender causes the estimated RN wage gaps to flip from a 7% wage advantage in panel B to an 8% wage disadvantage in panel C. Arguably, panel B estimates provide an upper bound and panel C a lower bound on RN relative wages. The usual argument for conditioning on gender is that it captures otherwise unmeasured skills, working conditions, and preferences. But the O*NET indices control in part for job attributes and indicate that nursing requires greater skills and more demanding working conditions than does the average job for college women and men. A case could be made, therefore, that conditioning on gender understates (shifts down) estimated opportunity cost wages for nurses and thus overstates the RN wage advantage. The very large proportion of women and small proportion of men found in nursing, however, suggests occupational preferences do vary with gender and that gender blind estimates might overstate opportunity cost wages among RNs. Because the panel B and C estimates closely bound zero, the conclusion that RN wages are close to long-run opportunity costs appears to be reasonable. In summary, standard Mincerian log wage analysis using data only on worker and location attributes imply large RN wage premiums well in excess of 30%. Accounting for job attributes and moving from a regression log estimates to matching model arithmetic percentage estimates results in RN wage gap estimates of about 7%. Absent conditioning on gender, the arithmetic RN wage gap flips from being modestly positive to modestly negative. Whatever one’s view as to the preferred treatment of gender, wages for RNs do not appear to deviate substantially from long run opportunity costs. 9. Other issues: Benefits and shift work This study focuses on earnings differences between RNs and similar workers and jobs. A more complete analysis would account for nonwage benefits and focus on total compensation. Unfortunately, household data providing information on worker attributes generally do not report the dollar costs of benefits, while business surveys providing information on benefit costs do not report worker 25 When we use probit rather than logit to generate the propensity scores, estimates in panel A are nearly identical to those shown. Estimates accounting for SK and WC produce a somewhat higher-wage control group and slightly lower RN gap estimates. 14 characteristics. Hence, multivariate analysis of RN benefits relative to a control group is not possible. Published data on employer benefit costs for RNs, however, suggest that benefits for RNs are no larger than for workers economy-wide. The Employer Costs for Employee Compensation (U.S. BLS 2008a) provides data on compensation, dividing it between wages and salaries versus benefits, the latter including a comprehensive set of voluntary and mandated benefits (mandatory being Social Security, Medicare, UI, etc.). In June 2008, benefits as a percent of total hourly compensation among private sector RNs (table 27, p. 285) measure 25.9% – $11.50 in benefits, $32.90 in wages and salaries, and $44.40 in compensation. For all full-time private sector workers the corresponding figure is 27.2% of compensation – $8.26 in benefits, $22.16 in wages and salaries, and $30.42 in compensation (table 19, p. 224).26 Based on these figures, it is fair to conclude that benefits as a percent of total compensation is no greater, and probably somewhat lower, for RNs than for comparable (e.g., college-educated) workers and jobs economy-wide. Our estimates of the RN wage gap are unlikely to understate the compensation gap. An issue not formally addressed in this paper is the difference in timing of work. Healthcare workers are more likely to work weekends and non-standard shifts. A recent BLS newsletter (U.S. BLS 2008b) reports that healthcare workers are more likely to work on weekends and holidays than are workers economy-wide. Using information from the 2003-2007 American Time Use Surveys they report that on a given weekday, 80% of full-time healthcare practitioner and technical workers (a category that includes RNs) are working, compared to 88.1% of workers in non-health occupations. On holidays and weekends, 35.1% of the health employees as compared to 31.2% of non-health employees are working. Failure to account for timing of work is likely to bias upward estimates of the RN wage gap.27 Of course, it is difficult to “price” differentials due to time of work since the choice to work particular days or shifts is affected by selection (e.g., Kostiuk 1990). We can construct a rough back-of-the-envelope estimate. Schumacher and Hirsch (1997) examine differences in earnings for RNs associated with shift work. Based on the May 1985 and 1991 CPS Dual Job Supplements, they find that 57% of RNs work day shifts, with the others split between night, evening, rotating or split shift, and other shifts. Relative to a day shift, they estimate compensating differentials for night work of 11 percent and for the other shifts about 4 percent. Assume that such scheduling and shift differentials for RNs hold today (it may be lower given decreased concentration of RNs in hospital employment). Published information from the May 2004 CPS supplement on flexible and shift schedules provides recent data for full-time workers economywide. As compared to the 57% of RNs who have day schedules, the economy-wide the figure is 85%. Based on the differences between RNs and workers economy-wide for each shift category, coupled with 26 The ECEC includes supplemental pay (e.g., overtime and shift pay) as benefits. The figures shown in the text subtract supplemental pay from benefits and add them to wages and salary. Absent the shift of supplemental pay, benefits as a percentage of total compensation are 29.5% for RNs and 30.5% for full-time private sector workers. The private sector comparison is used since the full-time/part-time breakdown is not otherwise provided. 27 Shift work is not directly measured in O*NET, although it may be correlated with measured job attributes. 15 the wage differentials estimates by Hirsch and Schumacher, we calculate that the RN wage differential would be .018 log points lower if adjusted for shift work.28 Although this is a rough estimate, it reinforces our conclusion that relative pay among nurses is overstated by standard wage regression analysis and is likely to be close to opportunity costs. 10. Interpretation and conclusions: Is the shortage puzzle resolved? Our principal finding is that wage differences between RNs and similar workers and jobs economy- wide are substantially smaller than implied by standard log wage gap estimates in the literature. Two principal reasons lead to this conclusion. First, the RN job requires unusually high skills as compared to typical jobs populated by workers with similar levels of schooling, skills not fully reflected in the CPS or other household data. In addition, nursing jobs involve more difficult working conditions than do most jobs filled by college-educated workers. Controlling for occupational attributes sharply reduces estimates of the RN wage advantage. Second, Mincerian regression log wage gaps substantially overstate the percentage wage gaps among nurses. Using matching estimators that do not rely on the functional form of a wage equation and in which percentage gaps can be calculated directly rather than from transformed log wages, we obtain estimates indicating small nursing wage differentials. We conclude that RNs are paid wages close to rather than well above long-run opportunity costs – that is, wages close to what would have been received in an alternative career in jobs with similar skills and working conditions. Although we include men in our control group, we condition on gender both in the regression and matching estimates, in the former case through a gender dummy in the wage equation and in the latter case by accounting for gender in forming the logit propensity score. We do not favor “gender blind” estimates of nursing wage differentials given that the RN population is 93% female. That being said, not conditioning on gender causes the RN matching estimators to flip from modestly positive to modestly negative. The conclusion that RNs are paid close to or moderately above opportunity costs sharply reduces but does not eliminate the nursing shortage puzzle. How does one explain high vacancy rates and shortages if RN wage rates, on average, are at or moderately above opportunity costs? We are skeptical that monopsony provides the principal explanation given that RNs display high mobility rates across multiple employers, while nursing wage rates across cities are largely uncorrelated with hospital concentration and lower (relative to other workers) in larger markets (Hirsch and Schumacher 2005). That being said, our finding that relative wages for RNs are much lower than suggested by standard analysis does make the monopsony argument a more plausible one. More convincing explanations for shortages, although not ones we analyze formally, involve 28 The details of this calculation are available on request. 16 adjustment difficulties on the demand and supply sides of the market.29 First, over time there has been rising demand for nurses combined with hospital budgets that adjust with a lag. Second, and perhaps most important, entry into the nursing profession is constrained, with available training slots below the number of qualified applicants. Constraints on nursing program enrollments stem from several sources, but key factors are the limited growth in nursing education opportunities (relative to demand) and the difficulty in hiring qualified nursing faculty at salary levels funded by educational institutions (e.g., Aiken 2008; Rahn and Wartman 2007; Spetz and Given 2003). The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (2009) reports increasing enrollments (but at declining rates of increase) during the 2000’s, with record numbers of qualified applicants turned away from baccalaureate programs – 29.4, 37.5, 38.4, 36.4, and 41.4 thousand during 2004-2008. A shortage of nursing faculty is the primary reason cited for rejecting applicants. These “turn-away” figures can be compared to the 63.3 thousand B.A. nursing degrees conferred in the 2007-08 academic year (Snyder and Dillow, 2010, table 275).30 An additional supply explanation is that labor supply among nurses (particularly married women) appears to be countercyclical, accentuating shortages during high demand periods (Buerhaus 1993; Buerhaus, Staiger, and Auerbach 2003). Anecdotal evidence during the current economic downturn supports this argument (Evans 2009; RWJF 2009). Our evidence shows that RNs are neither substantially “underpaid’ nor “overpaid.” We cannot rule out that RNs, on average, are paid about “right” – close to long-run opportunity costs. Having said this, our preferred estimates (ignoring shift work) continue to suggest a modest RN wage advantage, on the order of about 7%. Apart from the numerous data and methodological issues that accompany any wage analysis, it is worth noting that modest deviations of nursing wages from long-run opportunity costs cannot be ruled out a priori. On the one hand, funding constraints among employers combined with imperfect mobility can lead to “underpaid” nurses, although there is little evidence suggesting systematic underpayment. On the other hand, institutional constraints on nurse training can lead to shortages coexisting with wages above long run opportunity costs, with “short-run” RN wages exceeding pay among similar non-nursing workers and jobs. The supply constraint in training might best explain wage 29 Long, Goldfarb, and Goldfarb (2008) develop models in which “economic” and “professional standards” shortages can result. One model focuses on the choice between hiring permanent staff nurses and temporary contract nurses. A second posits hospitals as “premier” or “funds-constrained” and shows that the type of shortage can vary with type of hospital. 30 U.S. educated first-time pass rates on NCLEX-RN licensing exams were 88.4% in 2009 (NCSBN 2010). If incremental admittees were to have similar pass rates, newly-licensed RNs would increase proportionally to the percentage increases in program admissions. The 2009 federal stimulus bill (the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act) provides funding for nurse training and nursing instruction (Domrose 2009). The 2010 health care reform legislation (the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act as amended by the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act) addresses projected shortages and retention of nurses by increasing the capacity for education, supporting training programs, providing loan repayment and retention grants, and creating a career ladder to nursing (Kaiser Family Foundation 2010). 17 advantages seen for RNs compared to other college-educated workers. The size of any wage advantage, however, is not nearly as large as standard analysis suggests. Apart from what the analysis tells us about nursing labor markets, there are two more general implications from this research. First, wage analyses can be enriched by supplementing standard worker and location characteristics with job-based measures of compensable skills and working conditions. The O*NET database used here provides an unusually rich set of occupation-based measures. 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MIT Press, Cambridge, MA 20 Figure 1a: Wage distributions for RNs and the college comparison group 5 Percent 4 3 2 1 0 0 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 Real Wage College Comparison Group RNs Figure 1b: Upper tail of the RN and comparison group wage distributions 0.8 0.7 Percent 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 Real Wage College Comparison Group RNs . 21 Table 1 Wages among RNs and the comparison group, with and without imputed earners RNs College control group Women Men Real wage 29.45 (11.62) 27.43 (19.40) 23.18 (14.11) 31.11 (22.38) Log wage 3.3144 (.3716) 3.1398 (.5631) 3.0081 (.5054) 3.2539 (.5852) 8,292 135,593 64,565 71,028 Real wage 28.21 (12.96) 27.37 (19.58) 23.17 (14.45) 30.98 (22.49) Log wage 3.2456 (.4413) 3.1323 (.5727) 3.0018 (.5168) 3.2447 (.5944) Sample size 11,514 190,119 90,082 100,037 28.0% 28.7% 28.3% 29.0% Absent imputed earners: Sample size Including imputed earners: Nonresponse rate Shown are weighted means (using CPS sample weights), with standard deviations in parentheses. RN includes only those with at least an associate degree and no greater than a master’s degree. The sample excluding imputed earners is used in all subsequent empirical work. Weighted median wages and median log wages are $27.68 and 3.3207 for RNs and $22.58 and 3.1170 for the college control group. Not shown in the table are means for the imputed sample. The mean imputed dollar wage for nonrespondent RNs is $25.30 and mean imputed log wage is 3.0849. 22 Table 2 O*NET skill and working condition indices: Means by group RNs College comparison group Women Men SK 1.10 0.63 (0.81) 0.63 (0.77) 0.63 (0.84) WC 0.29 -0.48 (0.81) -0.65 (.53) -0.27 (0.96) SK2 3.59 3.39 (0.40) 3.33 (0.39) 3.44 (0.40) WC2 2.46 1.81 (0.48) 1.68 (0.31) 1.93 (0.56) Sample size 8,292 135,593 64,565 71,028 Shown are weighted means (using CPS sample weights), with standard deviations in parentheses. All RNs are assigned uniform O*NET attribute values. 23 Table 3a O*NET skill attributes where RNs rate high: Percentile rank and wage correlations Description RN rank Simple wage correlation 96 93 85 78 0.32 0.37 0.38 0.42 Abilities -- Enduring attributes of the individual that influence performance Problem sensitivity Inductive reasoning Oral comprehension Deductive reasoning Skills -- Developed capacities that facilitate learning, the more rapid acquisition of knowledge, or performance of activities that occur across jobs Service orientation 92 0.21 Social perceptiveness 90 0.17 Science 88 0.27 Critical thinking 87 0.37 Work Activities – Types of job behaviors occurring on multiple jobs Assisting and caring for others Identifying objects, actions, and events Documenting/recording information Monitor processes, materials, or surroundings 96 95 95 91 -0.01 0.26 0.23 0.20 Work Context - Physical and social factors that influence the nature of work Consequence of error Work with work group or team Responsible for others' health and safety Frequency of decision making 96 91 89 89 0.27 0.17 0.03 0.18 Work Style -- Personal characteristics that can affect how well someone performs a job Concern for others Self control Adaptability/flexibility Cooperation 95 95 95 94 -0.08 -0.06 0.12 -0.03 24 Table 3b O*NET skill attributes where RNs rate low: Percentile rank and wage correlations Description RN rank Simple wage correlation 6 7 8 0.27 0.12 0.19 Abilities -- Enduring attributes of the individual that influence performance Mathematical reasoning Visualization Number facility Skills -- Developed capacities that facilitate learning, the more rapid acquisition of knowledge, or performance of activities that occur across jobs Management of financial resources 10 0.25 Installation 16 0.19 Programming 17 0.25 Work Activities – Types of job behaviors occurring on multiple jobs Scheduling work and activities Communicating with persons outside organization Interacting with computers 19 21 23 0.23 0.26 0.27 Work Context - Physical and social factors that influence the nature of work Degree of automation Electronic mail Level of competition 18 26 29 0.07 0.31 0.24 Work Style -- Personal characteristics that can affect how well someone performs a job* Persistence Leadership Innovation 61 62 68 0.22 0.17 0.20 * RNs were in the 61st or above percentile for all attributes in this group. 25 Table 4 RN percentile rankings of working condition index WC2 and its component attributes Description Working condition index (WC2) Physical proximity to others Exposed to radiation Exposed to disease or infections Wear specialized protective or safety equipment Cramped work space, awkward positions Wear common protective or safety equipment Exposed to hazardous conditions Exposed to contaminants Sounds, noise distracting or uncomfortable Exposed to minor burns, cuts, bites, or stings Extremely bright or inadequate lighting Exposed to whole body vibration Exposed to hazardous equipment Outdoors, under cover In an enclosed vehicle or equipment Very hot or cold temperatures Exposed to high places Outdoors, exposed to weather In an open vehicle or equipment RN rank 87 95 95 95 93 93 91 88 88 83 83 81 70 60 47 37 32 32 23 11 Working condition index WC2 is described in the text. 26 Table 5 RN regression wage differentials with the college comparison group Gender conditioned 1. CPS-only log differential 2. CPS plus SK and WC RN wage gap 0.324 (.021) 0.222 (.030) Skill coefficient -- WC coefficient -- .195 (.022) -.010 (.014) 3. CPS plus lnSK2 and lnWC2 .257 (.022) 1.289 (.121) -.139 (.046) “Gender blind” estimates Skill coefficient -- WC coefficient -- .337 RN wage gap .228 (.025) .089 (.034) .209 (.026) .031 (.016) .301 .344 .128 (.023) 1.381 (.140) -.028 (.050) .317 R-square .267 R-square .231 The sample size is 143,885, 8,292 RNs and 135,593 non-RNs. The RN/comparison group unadjusted percent wage difference is 8.2% and unadjusted log difference .182 absent sample weights (and 7.4% and .175 using weights). Shown are regression wage gaps comparing RNs to the pooled female and male college-educated comparison group, with control for gender for the left side results and with no control for the right side results. Row 1 shows the coefficients (s.e.) on a RN dummy variable from a log wage regression that includes controls for potential experience (i.e., years since schooling completed) in quartic form, plus dummy variables for gender (left-side results only), BA and MA degrees (versus associate degree), race/ethnicity (3 dummies for four groups), marital status (2), foreign-born (citizen and non-citizen), year (3) city size (6), and region (8). Row 2 adds our preferred O*NET principal factor indices SK and WC to the regression. Row 3 adds the additive O*NET indices in log form, lnSK2 and lnWC2. The skill and working condition indices are described in the text. Standard errors are clustered on occupation. 27 Table 6 Regression and propensity score matching estimates of RN wage differentials: The effects of job attributes (O*NET), log vs. arithmetic percentages, and conditioning on gender Propensity score matching (3) (4) A. w/o O*NET, gender conditioned: log ATT gap as % dollar ATT gap as % B. with O*NET, gender conditioned: log ATT gap as % dollar ATT gap as % C. with O*NET, gender blind: log ATT gap as % dollar ATT gap as % (1) (2) OLS regression IPW regression 0.324 (.021) 38.3% − − 0.330 (.021) 39.1% − − 0.222 (.030) 24.9% − − 0.338 (.0076) 40.2% $6.89(0.216) 30.5% 0.332 (.0230) 39.4% − − 0.170 (.0187) 18.5% $2.02 (0.633) 7.4% 0.092 (.031) 9.6% − − Nearest neighbor 0.319 (.0045) 37.6% $6.23 (0.144) 26.8% 0.232 (.022) 26.1% − − 0.089 (.034) 9.3% − − Kernel estimation (5) OLS, nearest neighbor sample 0.156 (.0257) 16.9% $1.86 (0.883) 6.7% 0.043 (.0055) 4.4% -$2.42 (0.179) -7.6% 0.036 (.0097) 3.7% -$2.53 (0.378) -7.9% 0.149 (.0375) 16.1% − − 0.050 (.0453) 5.1% − − OLS regression results in column (1) are from Table 5. Inverse probability weighted (IPW) results, explained in text, most highly weight those with characteristics similar to RNs. Matching results in panel A exclude O*NET indices SK and WC in the logit model that generates propensity scores; results in panels B and C include SK and WC. Logit models include variables used in the wage equations (see table 5), plus selected interaction terms. Gender is a control in panels A and B and is excluded in panel C. Sample sizes for columns (1)-(3) are 143,885 (8,292 RNs and 135,593 college-educated non-RNs). Estimates in column 3 use the Epanechnikov kernel. Nearest neighbor estimation in column (4) is with replacement and excluding ties (i.e., one match is included when there are propensity score ties); results are highly similar absent replacement and/or including ties. The nearest neighbor samples in columns (4) and (5) are as follows: in panel A, n = 15,151 (8,292 RNs and 6,859 unique matches); panel B, n = 10,520 (8,292 RNs and 2,228 unique matches); and in panel C, n = 15,353 (8,292 RNs and 7,061 unique matches). Log gaps (β) shown above are converted to percentages by 100[exp(β)1]. Percentage dollar gap estimates reported for the matching models are calculated by [( W RN − W C) / W C ]100, where W C is calculated by W RN – ATT with W RN equal to $29.45 (in January 2008 dollars) and ATT the dollar gap shown above. Standard errors (in parentheses) from the propensity score matching (columns 3 and 4) are not clustered within occupation and cannot be compared to clustered regression standard errors (columns 1, 2, and 5). 28