What We Believe - Constitution Party of Washington

We Believe
We Believe
We Believe
That God (the God of the Bible) is
sovereign, even over civil government and
that governments ought to obey and
uphold His revealed will in the laws
governing a society and its conduct.
That God (the God of the Bible) is
sovereign, even over civil government and
that governments ought to obey and
uphold His revealed will in the laws
governing a society and its conduct.
That God (the God of the Bible) is
sovereign, even over civil government and
that governments ought to obey and
uphold His revealed will in the laws
governing a society and its conduct.
That the just and proper role of civil
government is, as stated by the Founding
Fathers in the Declaration of
Independence, to secure and safeguard our
God-given, unalienable rights to life,
liberty and property.
That the just and proper role of civil
government is, as stated by the Founding
Fathers in the Declaration of
Independence, to secure and safeguard our
God-given, unalienable rights to life,
liberty and the property.
That the just and proper role of civil
government is, as stated by the Founding
Fathers in the Declaration of
Independence, to secure and safeguard our
God-given, unalienable rights to life,
liberty and the property.
That the United States Constitution, as the
foundational law of our land, provides a
form of government that can accomplish
these objectives.
That the United States Constitution, as the
foundational law of our land, provides a
form of government that can accomplish
these objectives.
That the United States Constitution, as the
foundational law of our land, provides a
form of government that can accomplish
these objectives.
That the Constitution is to be applied with
strict interpretation according to the
original intent of its framers.
That the Constitution is to be applied with
strict interpretation according to the
original intent of its framers.
That the Constitution is to be applied with
strict interpretation according to the
original intent of its framers.
That Americans will only remain free if
they remain vigilant, well informed and
refuse to elect to public office men who
through ignorance or complicity subvert
these principles.
That Americans will only remain free if
they remain vigilant, well informed and
refuse to elect to public office men who
through ignorance or complicity subvert
these principles.
That Americans will only remain free if
they remain vigilant, well informed and
refuse to elect to public office men who
through ignorance or complicity subvert
these principles.
Constitution Party of Washington
Constitution Party of Washington
Constitution Party of Washington
P.O. Box 141015, Spokane Valley, WA 99214
P.O. Box 141015, Spokane Valley, WA 99214
P.O. Box 141015, Spokane Valley, WA 99214
Nation-wide at:
Nation-wide at:
Nation-wide at:
They say
“You can't legislate morality”
They say
“You can't legislate morality”
They say
“You can't legislate morality”
You no doubt have heard it said that “you can't
legislate morality” and that government should not
mix religious views in with its law making, but we
believe quite the opposite is true. We believe that
whether it wants to or not, civil government will
legislate a moral standard for society and those
moral laws will be based on a religious belief
You no doubt have heard it said that “you can't
legislate morality” and that government should not
mix religious views in with its law making, but we
believe quite the opposite is true. We believe that
whether it wants to or not, civil government will
legislate a moral standard for society and those
moral laws will be based on a religious belief
You no doubt have heard it said that “you can't
legislate morality” and that government should not
mix religious views in with its law making, but we
believe quite the opposite is true. We believe that
whether it wants to or not, civil government will
legislate a moral standard for society and those
moral laws will be based on a religious belief
An example of this is the fact that prior to the last
50 years, engaging in homosexual, bisexual, and
other deviant sexual acts was not only considered
immoral, but was punishable by law in all 50
states. During the past 50 years, under the banner
of “you can't legislate morality,” there has been a
conscious effort to tear down the laws and morals
prohibiting such acts because they were based in
religious views, and “we must maintain a
separation of church and state.”
An example of this is the fact that prior to the last
50 years, engaging in homosexual, bisexual, and
other deviant sexual acts was not only considered
immoral, but was punishable by law in all 50
states. During the past 50 years, under the banner
of “you can't legislate morality,” there has been a
conscious effort to tear down the laws and morals
prohibiting such acts because they were based in
religious views, and “we must maintain a
separation of church and state.”
An example of this is the fact that prior to the last
50 years, engaging in homosexual, bisexual, and
other deviant sexual acts was not only considered
immoral, but was punishable by law in all 50
states. During the past 50 years, under the banner
of “you can't legislate morality,” there has been a
conscious effort to tear down the laws and morals
prohibiting such acts because they were based in
religious views, and “we must maintain a
separation of church and state.”
However, laws are now being considered and
passed in some states authorizing same sex
marriage and granting civil rights on the basis of
“sexual orientation.” These laws force Christian
business owners and landlords (as just two
examples) to engage in employment and rental
practices that violate their moral and religious
beliefs. In other words, we are still legislating
moral and religious views, but the pendulum has
swung from legislating morality to legislating
immorality, from making laws based on Christian
religious views to laws based on anti-Christian
However, laws are now being considered and
passed in some states authorizing same sex
marriage and granting civil rights on the basis of
“sexual orientation.” These laws force Christian
business owners and landlords (as just two
examples) to engage in employment and rental
practices that violate their moral and religious
beliefs. In other words, we are still legislating
moral and religious views, but the pendulum has
swung from legislating morality to legislating
immorality, from making laws based on Christian
religious views to laws based on anti-Christian
However, laws are now being considered and
passed in some states authorizing same sex
marriage and granting civil rights on the basis of
“sexual orientation.” These laws force Christian
business owners and landlords (as just two
examples) to engage in employment and rental
practices that violate their moral and religious
beliefs. In other words, we are still legislating
moral and religious views, but the pendulum has
swung from legislating morality to legislating
immorality, from making laws based on Christian
religious views to laws based on anti-Christian
We believe government unavoidably will legislate
a moral code for society based on a religious
belief system, whether that religious belief system
includes God, or not. The Constitution Party seeks
to restore America to a system of morals and laws
that again honor God by upholding Biblical
We believe government unavoidably will legislate
a moral code for society based on a religious
belief system, whether that religious belief system
includes God, or not. The Constitution Party seeks
to restore America to a system of morals and laws
that again honor God by upholding Biblical
We believe government unavoidably will legislate
a moral code for society based on a religious
belief system, whether that religious belief system
includes God, or not. The Constitution Party seeks
to restore America to a system of morals and laws
that again honor God by upholding Biblical