2014-15 Assessment Plan Department: Olinde Career Center/Career Decision-Making Career Decision-Making 4-Year Career Plan Workshop Divisional Mission To recruit, admit, engage, retain, and graduate a diverse student population for success at LSU and beyond. We enhance learning by fostering critical thinking and ethical responsibility to create a university experience that transforms lives. Departmental Mission To assist students and alumni in choosing careers, obtaining career-related work experiences while in school, developing job search skills, and securing employment or admission to graduate or professional school. Program/Service Area Description (OPTIONAL) Career Decision-Making. Student Success Outcome(s)/Strategic Plan Goal(s) Student Success: Create environments which foster/promote engagement, retention, graduation and transition to a career. Persistence & Academic Achievement: By learning how to use the 4-Year Career Plan, students will have a better understanding of what steps need to be taken to get on the right track as soon as they enter college. Understanding and utilizing this tool can help students to be more prepared for the world of work or applying to graduate or professional school upon graduation. Project Specifics Project Title: Tiger Bridge 4-Year Career Plan Workshop. Purpose of the project: To assess student learning outcomes and the impact of the workshop on participants. Understanding the 4 major areas of the plan will be assessed. These areas include: Awareness, Exploration, Experience and Transitions. LSU Student Life & Enrollment Departmental Assessment Plan Page |1 2014-15 Assessment Plan Department: Olinde Career Center/Career Decision-Making Assessment Method: A survey will be given to all students that attend the Tiger Bridge 4-Year Career plan workshop. Staff contact(s): Arronza Azard aazard@lsu.edu, Gwanette Johnson gjohnson3@lsu.edu Timeline/frequency: This is a one time workshop and the survey will be given to students after the presentation is done. Population/Sample to be assessed: Students who are enrolled in the Tiger Bridge Program. Special challenges to this assessment: There should not be any challenges with this assessment. Use to improve current practice: To determine if learning objectives are being met and to measure the overall effectiveness of the 4-Year Career Plan Workshop. The workshop content will be changed based on student feedback. If learning outcomes were met, this workshop will be used for future presentations. Plans for reporting results: The Career Decision-Making team will discuss the results in our staff meeting. Results will also be reported in the monthly and annual reports. Campus Labs Used: Yes No Summary of Results: Outcomes: LSU Student Life & Enrollment Departmental Assessment Plan Page |2 2014-15 Assessment Plan Department: Olinde Career Center/Experiential Education Experiential Education Divisional Mission To recruit, admit, engage, retain, and graduate a diverse student population for success at LSU and beyond. We enhance learning by fostering critical thinking and ethical responsibility to create a university experience that transforms lives. Departmental Mission To assist students and alumni in choosing careers, obtaining career-related work experiences while in school, developing job search skills, and securing employment or admission to graduate or professional school. Program/Service Area Description (OPTIONAL) Experiential Education serves all majors by offering assistance in gaining career-related experience through internships, cooperative education, part-time jobs and volunteer opportunities. Student Success Outcome(s)/Strategic Plan Goal(s) Citizenship and Social Responsibility Project Specifics Project Title: Assessment of LSU Student Preparation for Internship/Co-op positions Purpose of the project: To measure the level of preparation of LSU students participating in internships and cooperative education positions. Assessment Method: Survey students via Campus Labs. Staff contact(s): Susan Feinberg sfeinbe@lsu.edu and Kayla Kucharchuk kayla@lsu.edu Timeline/frequency: Students will be assessed as they obtain an internship/co-op position and after. Population/Sample to be assessed: Students obtaining internships/co-op positions through On Campus Interviewing and Careers2Geaux (and possibly students earning course credit). LSU Student Life & Enrollment Departmental Assessment Plan Page |1 2014-15 Assessment Plan Department: Olinde Career Center/Experiential Education Special challenges to this assessment: Number of students completing the survey. Use to improve current practice: Results will help us determine future need for further preparation of students (programming if necessary). Plans for reporting results: Provide findings to Manager of Communication to list in Annual Report, on Olinde Career Center website, and material for the Internship Council. Campus Labs Used: Yes No Summary of Results: Outcomes: LSU Student Life & Enrollment Departmental Assessment Plan Page |2 2014-15 Assessment Plan Department: Olinde Career Center/Employment Services Employment Services Divisional Mission To recruit, admit, engage, retain, and graduate a diverse student population for success at LSU and beyond. We enhance learning by fostering critical thinking and ethical responsibility to create a university experience that transforms lives. Departmental Mission To assist students and alumni in choosing careers, obtaining career-related work experiences while in school, developing job search skills, and securing employment or admission to graduate or professional school. Program/Service Area Description (OPTIONAL) Connect students and alumni with employers. Student Success Outcome(s)/Strategic Plan Goal(s) Student Success: Create environments which foster/promote engagement, retention, graduation, and transition to a career. Project Specifics Project Title: Summer Career Opportunities Fair. Purpose of the project: To gather information about how to improve student participation in the Summer Career Opportunities Fair (SCOF). Assessment Method: Post recruiting assessment given to all students who attended the SCOF as well as on “on site” informal survey with students in person (via Campus Labs/Baseline). Staff contact(s): Trey Truitt trey@lsu.edu, Courtney Edwards courtney@lsu.edu, Jennifer Gomez gomezj@lsu.edu, Amy Caillouet amyc@lsu.edu, Jessica Sanders jsand54@lsu.edu LSU Student Life & Enrollment Departmental Assessment Plan Page |1 2014-15 Assessment Plan Department: Olinde Career Center/Employment Services Timeline/frequency: A random sampling of students who are at the fair will be surveyed at the event. Those names will then be removed and an email survey via CampusLabs/Baseline will be sent post-event to all other students. Population/Sample to be assessed: Students who attend SCOF. Special challenges to this assessment: 1. Getting a comprehensive list of students who attended the event. 2. Getting those students to fill out the survey. Use to improve current practice: We are already asking employers who recruit to fill out a survey about the event. However, we have not surveyed students who were in attendance and have no history of student feedback. We would like to gather information to see if this event is meeting the needs of our student population and adjust as needed for future SCOF events. Plans for reporting results: We will report the results to the LSU Olinde Career Center Director. Campus Labs Used: Yes No Our post recruiting/posting assessment/evaluation for the program will be done in Campus Labs Summary of Results: In order to get a more accurate attendance list of students attending the event, we are going to give each employer a sign-in sheet and as that they have each student who visits their table sign in. We will then make a copy so we can better track who attended the event and follow up with those students after. We will do an “on the street” survey to random students asking them the questions to assess the event, ensuring to collect their name/info so that we can exclude them from the electronic survey sent after. The post event survey will be sent to students who attended the event (gathered from the employer sign in sheets and C3M, and exclude the duplicates and those that did the “on the street” survey). LSU Student Life & Enrollment Departmental Assessment Plan Page |2 2014-15 Assessment Plan Department: Olinde Career Center/Employment Services Questions will include the following (but not limited to): - How did you hear about this event? - Why did you attend? - What types of employers would you like to see? - How many employers did you speak to today? - Is this an ideal location for career related events? - Is this an ideal time for this type of career event? What type of job were you looking for when you visited today (internship, co-op, part-time, volunteer, other)? Outcomes: LSU Student Life & Enrollment Departmental Assessment Plan Page |3 2014-15 Assessment Plan Department: Olinde Career Center/Job Search Job Search Divisional Mission To recruit, admit, engage, retain, and graduate a diverse student population for success at LSU and beyond. We enhance learning by fostering critical thinking and ethical responsibility to create a university experience that transforms lives. Departmental Mission To assist students and alumni in choosing careers, obtaining career-related work experiences while in school, developing job search skills, and securing employment or admission to graduate or professional school. Program/Service Area Description (OPTIONAL) Job Search: prepare students with life-long skills to market themselves successfully for life after college. Student Success Outcome(s)/Strategic Plan Goal(s) Persistence & Academic Achievement. Project Specifics Project Title: Direct Measures of a Résumé Review Appointment. Purpose of the project: Students have historically cited, through an after appointment assessment, that they feel comfortable with the knowledge they received after meeting with a staff member. Through a newly designed rubric and learning outcomes for an individual appointment, our goal is to directly measure student learning during an appointment. Assessment Method: Rubric for pre and post-appointment review. Staff contact(s): Jesse Downs jdowns@lsu.edu, Blake Winchell bwinch1@lsu.edu LSU Student Life & Enrollment Departmental Assessment Plan Page |1 2014-15 Assessment Plan Department: Olinde Career Center/Job Search Timeline/frequency: Assessment will run from July 14, 2014 to June 30, 2015 for those students who schedule a résumé review appointment. Population/Sample to be assessed: Students who come in for a résumé review and maintain contact with our staff to get their résumé reviewed electronically after the changes are made to their document. Special challenges to this assessment: Collecting data for this assessment will be completely dependent on students responding to our offer to take a second look at their resume after they make our suggested changes. If a student does not email our staff their document after the appointment, the direct assessment of their learning cannot easily take place. Use to improve current practice: Our goal is to ensure that we are teaching students in a manner that they are grasping and able to implement on their own. This direct measure of our specific stated outcomes will give us tangible proof that students truly understand what we are trying to teach them in a resume review appointment. Plans for reporting results: Results will be discussed at bi-weekly Job Search Team meetings and passed up to the Leadership Team, if necessary. Campus Labs Used: Yes No Summary of Results: Outcomes: LSU Student Life & Enrollment Departmental Assessment Plan Page |2