THE DO NOTHING BOX PROJECT DIRECTIONS 1. Give the students the drawing in the classroom 2 weeks before the lab. 2. Have them write down all their measurements and write up a material and tool list. 3. The students will give their material lists to the instructor (as their foreman) and the instructor writes up a material and tool list to turn in to the designated “purchasing agent.” 4. The students also have to think about material lead times. 5. On the day of their lab, each student gets only the material they identified on their lists and if they missed something, they will have to make a special trip to the “supply house.” (This way, they will see how they wasted time and money by not taking time to write up a proper material and tool list.) Everyone has to follow all of the steps as they would on the job. (We don’t just tell our company owners to send us all the materials to build the building; we have to supply a materials list.) This exercise helps to give the students a practical idea of how the material ordering process works in the field. In addition, the students practice working with different hand and power tools in a non-boring application. On their own, the students will compare their finished project with the ones made by their fellow students with friendly competition. They can even take their completed “Do Nothing Boxes” home and with pride show their families what they have learned and can do. This project is a great teaching aid that turns a dry exercise that the students do not value into a competitive project with hands-on applications. CORE CURRICULUM PERFORMANCE TASK Modules 00103 & 00104 Introductions to Hand & Power Tools These modules cover the selection, inspection, use and maintenance of common hand and power tools. NEXT WEEK HAVE STUDENTS BRING HAND TOOLS, A CORDLESS DRILL & SAFETY GLASSES DIVIDE INTO 2 PERSON TEAMS AND BUILD THE 2” x 4” PROJECT ABC WILL SUPPLY THE FOLLOWING MATERIAL: 8’ – 2” x 4” STUD 4 – 16 PENNY NAILS 6 – 8 PENNY NAILS FOR A NAIL GUN 4 – WOOD SCREWS 2’ – ½” PVC SCH 40 PIPE 1 – ½” PVC SCH 40, 90 ELL TEAMS WILL READ PROJECT DRAWING, MEASURE, CUT AND DRILL USING HAND AND POWER TOOLS TO BUILD THE PROJECT. ABC WILL SUPPLY THE FOLLOWING TOOLS IF NEEDED: AIR NAIL GUN ELECTRIC DRILL WITH ¾” FLAT WOOD BIT ELECTRIC CIRCULAR SAW CROSS CUT HANDSAW PHILIPS SCREWDRIVER CLAW HAMMER WOOD CHISEL MALLET MEASURING TAPE SPIRIT LEVEL COMBINATION SQUARE