Texas Government Texas Legislature and Executive Texas Legislature { Regular Legislative Sessions z z z z { Annual Salaries z z z z { Texas Æ 140 days, every other year California Æ 285 days New York Æ No limit Florida Æ 60 days Texas Æ $7200 California Æ $99000 New York Æ $79500 Florida Æ $26388 Women as Percentage of the Legislature (2000) z z z z Texas Æ 18% California Æ 26% New York Æ 20% Florida Æ 24% Texas Legislature { { { { { { Bicameral Congress 31 Senate Districts 150 House Districts No term limits Biennial 140 day regular session Districts { Single-member districts { Approximately equal population z z { 139,000 for House district 673,000 for Senate district Re-districting every 10 years Republican Strength in Texas House 20 01 19 97 19 93 19 89 Number of Seats 19 85 19 81 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Party Affiliation of Elected Officials in Texas, 2004 Office Total # of Officials Democrats Republicans U.S. Senate 2 0 2 U.S. House 32 11 21 State Executives 6 0 6 Texas Senate 31 12 19 Texas House 150 62 88 Texas Supreme Court 9 0 9 Texas Court of Criminal Appeals 9 0 9 Texas RR Commission 3 0 3 Texas SB of Education 15 5 10 Important Legislative Officers { Senate President Æ Lt. Governor z z z { Elected in statewide election 4 year term Casts tie-breaking vote, appoints committees and committee chairs, guides legislation through Senate President Pro-tempore of the Senate z Chosen by Senate members Important Legislative Officers { Speaker of the House z z { Elected by House members Election occurs on first day of regular session Speaker Pro-tempore of the House z Chosen by the Speaker Texas Executive { Governor’s Salary z z z z { Governors Who Became President z z z z { Texas Æ $115,345 California Æ 165,000 New York Æ $179,000 Florida Æ $117,240 Texas Æ George W. Bush California Æ Ronald Reagan New York Æ Van Buren, Cleveland, 2 Roosevelts Florida Æ None Maximum Number of Terms Allowed z z z z Texas Æ Unlimited California Æ 2 New York Æ Unlimited Florida Æ 2 Texas Executive { Weak executive z z { Power is fragmented Enhances policy innovation & experimentation Plural executive z z z Lt. Governor is a powerful office Attorney General Commissioner of the General Land Office Texas Governor { Qualifications z z z { Terms and Tenure z z { 4 year term Unlimited number of terms Impeachment z z { 30 Years of age U.S. citizen 5 years Texas resident prior to election Majority in House 2/3rd of Senate to convict Succession z By Lt. Governor Roles of Governor { { { { { Commander and Chief Chief Executive Officer Chief Budget Officer Chief Law Enforcement and Judicial Officer Chief Legislator Specific Powers of Texas Governor { { { { { { { Message Power Patronage Veto Line-item Veto Call Special Sessions of Legislature Budget Transfer Authority Lacks Pocket Veto Power Governor Bio Party Term Age Vetoes Left Office Occupation Richard Coke Democrat 1874-1876 43 24 Resigned Lawyer/Farmer Richard B. Hubbard Democrat 1876-1879 43 0 Defeated Lawyer Oran M. Roberts Democrat 1879-1883 63 13 Retired Lawyer/Educator John Ireland Democrat 1883-1887 56 10 Retired Lawyer Lawrence Sul Ross Democrat 1887-1891 48 7 Retired Farmer/Soldier James S. Hogg Democrat 1891-1895 39 21 Retired Lawyer/Educator Charles A. Culberson Democrat 1895-1899 39 33 Retired Lawyer Joseph D. Sayers Democrat 1899-1903 57 41 Retired Lawyer Samuel Lanham Democrat 1903-1907 56 32 Retired Lawyer Thomas M. Campbell Democrat 1907-1911 50 32 Retired Lawyer/Railroad Exec. Oscar B. Colquitt Democrat 1911-1915 49 60 Retired Lawyer/Editor James E. Ferguson Democrat 1915-1917 43 29 Impeached Banker/Lawyer/Farmer William P. Hobby Democrat 1917-1921 39 19 Retired Editor Pat M. Neff Democrat 1921-1925 49 58 Retired Lawyer/Educator Miriam A. Ferguson Democrat 1925-1927 49 30 Defeated Housewife Dan Moody Democrat 1927-1931 33 101 Retired Lawyer Ross Sterling Democrat 1931-1933 55 7 Defeated President of Mobil Oil Miriam A. Ferguson Democrat 1933-1935 57 24 Retired Housewife James V. Allred Democrat 1935-1939 35 48 Retired Lawyer W. Lee O'Daniel Democrat 1939-1941 57 48 Retired Businessperson/Salesperson Coke Stevenson Democrat 1941-1947 53 56 Retired Lawyer/Banker/Rancher Beauford Jester Democrat 1947-1949 54 19 Died Lawyer Allan Shivers Democrat 1949-1957 41 76 Retired Lawyer Price Daniel Democrat 1957-1963 46 42 Defeated Lawyer/Educator/Rancher John Connally Democrat 1963-1969 45 103 Retired Lawyer/Rancher Preston Smith Democrat 1969-1973 46 92 Defeated Businessperson Dolph Briscoe Democrat 1973-1979 49 72 Defeated Rancher/Banker Bill Clements Republican 1979-1983 61 78 Defeated Oilman Mark White Democrat 1983-1987 42 95 Defeated Lawyer Bill Clements Republican 1987-1991 69 112 Retired Oilman Ann Richards Democrat 1991-1995 57 62 Defeated Teacher/Campaigner George W. Bush Republican 1995-2000 48 95 Resigned Oilman/Businessperson Rick Perry Republican 2000- 45 132 Current Farmer/Rancher Texas Politics: 26 June 2007 Social and Political Characteristics { { { { { Only Anglos have served as Governor Two women have won History of Democratic dominance Only 3 Republicans have won Nearly all Texas Governors since 1930 have been conservative