v0"GAtsDO@UASGAUAf|_SV61I6R2 gewre 63 @F@c@@D G0BG;vuat\@N CN: Use blue tor A, purpletor B, red lor C, and very light colors for D andE. (1)Colorthe litles fol syslemicand pulmonarycirculalion;the lwo figures:and the bordersbrackelinglhe largeillustration.Also color purple(representingthe transilionalstate belweenoxygenationand the two capillaries,demonstratingthe ditference deoxygenation) betweencapillaryfunclion in lhe lungsversusthe body.(2)Begin in lhe rightatriumot the heart and color the tlow of deoxygenatedblood (A) intothe lungs.After coloringthe pulmonarycapillarynetwork(B), color lbe oxygenatedblood (C) that re-entersthe heart and is pumpedinlo a ndthrought he s y s t e m i cc i r c u i t . DC@.KVGBWAre@ ts&@@Do GAFIAL&A@Y BG@@Dg -, sv6tr€nn0c @AV@GNAfitrDtsU@@D. ^ @0R@VLAT0@figp Carbon dioxide waste products f.ilffil; PUgn0@n9ARV I\ GORGA4GASO@@e Oxygen aa1 \-.'t a d#ry Carbondioxide Circulation ot blood beginswith the heartwhich pumpsblood intoarteriesand receivesbloodfrom veins.Arleriesconducl bloodaway from the heart regardlessof lhe amountof oxygen (oxygenation) in that blood.Velnsconductbloodtowardthe heart,regardlessof the degreeof oxygenationof the blood. Capillaries are networksof extremelythin-walledvessels lhroughout lhe body tissuesthal permilthe exchangeof gases andnulrientsbetweenthe vesselinterior(vascularspace)and theareaexternalto the vessel(extracellular space).Capillaries receivebloodfrom small arteriesand conductbloodto small veins. Therearetwo circuitsof bloodllow:(1) lhe pulmonarycircuit, whichconveysdeoxygenatedblood trcm the rightside of the heartto the lungs and treshlyoxygenatedbloodback lo the left sloeof the heart,and (2) the syslemiccircuit,which conveys oxygenated bloodfrom lhe left heart to lhe bodytissuesand returnsdeoxygenatedbloodto the rightheart.The color red is useduniversaflyIor oxygenatedbtood;thecolor blue is usedfor oeoxygenatedblood. Clearly, nol all arterialblood is oxygenated(in the pulmonary circulation, arleriesconduct deoxygenatedbloodto the lungs), andnol all venousbloodis deoxygenated (pulmonary veins conductoxygenatedblood to the heart). Capiltarybloodis mixed;it is largelyoxygenatedon the arterial sideof the capillarybed, and it is largelydeoxygenatedon the venousside,as a consequenceof deliveringoxygen to and prcking up carbondioxidelrom the tissuesit supplies. Onecapillarynelworkgenerallyexistsbetweenan arteryand a vern;an exceptionis the portal circulationcharacterizedby two capillarysets betweenartery and vein.The vein betweenthe (w0networks is the portal vein.Such can be seen betweenthe gastrointestinal tract and the live( i I t t* PULMONARY VEIN L. ventricle Heart 'muscle Thoraci can d abdomi nalwal l ff^ c SYSTEMIC AFTEFY ?, JL Gastrointeslinal tracl Pelvisand perneum Lower limb @,