Tuesday December 6, 2011 (12.6.11) 1. Materials 2. Agenda Minutes Composition Book + Pen or Pencil + 1 sheet of paper Planner 5-7 2 5 2 10 Remaining Activity Warm Up Homework Quiz on Ender’s Game (Ch. 1-6) Ender’s Game SLM Concept 3 “Talking Chips” Discuss Chapters 5-6 Mini-Project: Character Tree Ender’s Game 3. Special Announcements Please make sure you have out / borrow Ender’s Game and 1 sheet of paper before the music ends! Warm Up December 6, 2011 (12.6.11) Volume-O-Meter: 0 (No Talking) Time: 5 Minutes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Word Parts of the Day: retro — to go back (as in “retrospect”) 1. Brainstorm at least 5-7 words with the word part of the day in it. Now, choose one of those words and make a context clue sentence that helps give away the meaning of the word. 2. How have you been enjoying Ender’s Game lately— specifically chapters 5 and 6 when Ender is in school? Do you find it to be more or less like high school is now? Transition Student Planner Homework Date Given A S S I G N M E N T Tuesday 12.6 Assignment Record in Student Planner:Rubric • Complete mini-project (Character Tree) BASIC Due Date Wednesday 12.7 Quiz #1 Q U I Z Directions: Use Sheet of Paper Volume-O: 0 during quiz 5 minutes to complete the Quiz Can use Notebook Cannot use Novel Transition Ender’s Game SLM SLM Unit Essential Question: Do the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few? Key Text(s): Ender’s Game Concept 1: Pre-Reading S L M 1. Who is Orson Scott Card and what is Ender’s Game? Concept 2: Chapters 1-5 2. What is confusing about Chapter 1? (and 2 and 3!) 3. What does it feel like to lose everything you know? Vocabulary Orson Scott Card Vocabulary The buggers, Mazer Rackham, “Third,” Col. Graff, “Battle School” Concept 3: Chapters 6-10 Concept 4: Chapters 11-15 4. How is battle school like / unlike modern day high school? 5. How do we solve a problem with no correct answer? S L M Vocabulary “The Giant’s Drink” Vocabulary “Talking Chips” A S S I G N M E N T Directions: Distribute chips in teams Turn to Chapters 5-6 Use chips and discuss your reactions to Chapters 5-6 Some conversation starters: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Discuss your response to #2 on the warm up. How do you think Ender is adapting to Battle School? Do you think he’ll make it? Describe a typical day at Battle School…do you think they are being prepared properly for war? What is the Battle Room? How do people fight in it? (Ch. 6); how does Ender do compared to the others? How would you have handled the “Giant’s Drink” problem? What was the most surprising / shocking moment from the reading? Mini-Project: Character Tree Directions: A S S I G N M E N T Work with Shoulder Partner to make a character tree of Ender’s Game so far. Include all characters Include a 1-sentence description of that character and their relationship to Ender Place in Composition Notebook and label with sticky note Can be used on Final Exam Finish for homework