Economics Acrostic Poem Follow these steps to write a nine-line acrostic poem explaining what economics is about. • Write the term ECONOMICS vertically along the left side of a notebook page. Begin each line with a word that starts with the appropriate letter. • Each line must help answer the question, What is economics all about? • Include the following terms somewhere in your acrostic: Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, scarcity, factors of production, land, labor, capital, entrepreneurship, goods, services, productivity, and technology Acrostic Poem Rubric Categories Exceptional 5 points Good 4 points Average 3 points Format All sentences in the acrostic poem begin with the correct letter. Most sentences in the acrostic poem begin with the correct letter. Some of the sentences in the acrostic poem begin with the correct letter. Title Acrostic poem includes a title. N/A N/A All sentences are related to the word. All terms used Most sentences are related to the word. Most terms used Some sentences are related to the word. Some terms used Content Terms Needs Improvement 2 points Few of the sentences in the acrostic poem begin with the correct letter. Acrostic poem does not include a title. Few sentences are related to the word . Few terms used