PSU Tutoring Services - Penn State University

PSU Tutoring Services
(hours and locations current as of Fall 2011)
Contact & Hours
The Center for Excellence in
220 Boucke Building
free drop-in service for help with a
Sun 6-10pm, M-Th 2-9:30pm
Phone: (814) 865-1841
variety of writing tasks
additional times by appointment
101 Pattee Library (Leisure Reading Room)
free drop-in tutoring
Sun-Thur 10pm - 12am
provides five teamwork areas for
students to work together on
220 Boucke Building, Call (814) 865-1841 to
The Teamwork Center*
collaborative assignments.
reserve a teamwork area.
review course content and develop
better study habits for ACCTG 211, BMB
211, CHEM 12 and 13, ECON 2 and 4,
Math 110 and 200, PHYS 211, and STAT Call for specific information about times and
Guided Study Groups*
(814) 865-1841
provides drop-in tutoring for MATH 004
through MATH 200. Copies of old exams 220 Boucke Building
and review sheets for future exams are Sun: 6-10pm; M-Th 10am - 10pm; Fri 10am The Math Center*
also available
(814) 865-1841
102 Wagner Building
drop-in tutoring for MATH 004 - 200
M-Th 7pm - 9pm
7 Sparks Building
drop-in tutoring Math 220-251
Sun-Th 6-10pm
220 Boucke Building
Sun and Thurs. 7-8pm
Statistics 250 Guided Study Group
Tutoring @ Penn State Math
(2011 club
president: Ryan S.
free tutoring by math club members for
Math 200 - 311
drop-in peer tutoring in the evenings in
French, Italian, Spanish, Japanese,
The Language Center* (814) Russian, and German are by
appointment only
offers individual tutors in a variety of
The Tutoring Center* (814) first-and second-year general education
114 McAllister Building
After weekly math club meetings Mondays,
6-7pm (may want to email to check)
7 Sparks Building
Spanish: M-Th 6:30 - 9:30pm
Location varies, see website or call
Leagh Anderson;; (814)8638183
In addition to the above centers, the
or Lisa Broniszewski; (814)865-1842;
Penn State Learning Center* PSU learning center also helps with
http://pennstatelearning.psu study strategies such as note taking,
*Please include psu access ID when leaving a
preparing for exams, and writing papers message*
*The majority of the above servies are provided by the Penn State Learning Center and are avialable to all students.
See website or call for updated hours and locations
PSU Student Services and Resources
Who it's for/Purpose
Student Suppor t Ser vices (SSSP)
Director, Ron Williams
Student Support Services Program
The Pennsylvania State University
312 Grange Building
(814) 863-9442
First-generation college students (which means
that the parent/guardian has not earned a fouryear college degree at the time of enrollment);
Students whose family income falls within the
limits set by the U.S. Department of Education
and verified by Penn State; students with
documented disabilities.
Academic (planning, montoring, tutoring,
workshops); Financial (review fin aid, identify add'l
resources, budget skills); Car eer (exloration,
resume/cover ltr help, prof development, mentoring,
grad school info); Per sonal (individual counseling,
cultural enrichment, community service, faculty/staff
Multicultur al Resour ce Center
Dr. Tara Scales Williams, Director
Multicultural Resource Center
220 Grange Building
University Park, PA 16802
Tel: 814.865.1773
financial aid assistance (Aid questions, locating
scholarships, money management), Car eer
Planning and Educational Resour ces (internships,
grad school, study abroad, jobs); Univer sity
policies; Academic Assistance (Study skills, time
provides undergraduate students of color at
management, and test-taking strategies, obtaining
University Park with academic and personal
support. Available to African/Black American, free tutorial assistance); assistance with
Inter per sonal matter s; Educational pr ogr amming
Latino/Hispanic American, Asian/Pacific
Islander American, American Indian/Alaskan (study groups and seminars; Assist with resolution
Native, and all other undergraduate students.
for targets of bias motivated incidents
College Assistance Migr ant
Pr ogr am (CAMP)
Melissa Landrau-Rodriguez
College Assistance Migrant Program
319 Grange Building
(814) 863-9440
1. U.S. citizen or legal resident, 2. have fewer
than 24 credits and 3. either be member of the
Migrant Education Program OR Applicant or a
household relative has worked as a migrant or
seasonal farmworker, in agricultural activities,
for at least 75 days in the past 24 months OR
eligible to participate in NFJP. Sec. 167 of the
financial assistance (scholoarships, textbook aid,
etc.), Academic Assistance (free tutoring, study skill
dev., etc.), Counseling and Advising, Other
(cultural, leadership, and social activities)
Office for Disability Ser vices
William Welsh
Director, Office for Disability
Pennsylvania State University
116 Boucke Building
Phone: 814 863-1807 (V/TTY)
students with disabilities
cordinate accomodations for disabilities,
scholarships, educational testing
Ronald E. McNair PostBaccalaur eate Achievement
Pr ogr am (McNair Scholar s) Teresa
Tassotti (
111 Kern
Phone: 863-1095
Fax: (814) 863-9822
works with backgrounds in order to prepare them to pursue advanced studies in the
disciplines of their choosing.
Wor kshops and seminar s dealing with aspects of
graduate life and graduate school applications,
financial aid, personal statements, etc.; GRE
pr epar ation; Social and cultural activities with a
faculty mentor ; Visitations to gr aduate schools;
Free tutor ing; Use of computer facility in the
McNair Program Office; Counseling and advising
with McNair staff; Attendance at confer ences;
Summer Resear ch Inter nship
Who it's for/Purpose
Pennsylvania College Advising
Cor ps. (PACAC)
Debra Simpson-Buchanan
PA College Advising Corps
The Pennsylvania State University
2650 Westview Drive-Suite E
Wyomissing, PA 19610
(610) 927-6431
hires recent college graduates to work as
advisers in high schools in low-income
neighborhoods. The advisers serve as mentors
by helping high school students enroll in
postsecondary institutions that best fit their
academic profile.
Asian Amer ican Students In
Action (AASIA)
Ed McKeon <eam214>
Multicultural Resource Center
220 Grange Building
Phone: (814) 865-1773
to assist Asian and Pacific Islander American
(APIA) students who are new to University
Park with their adjustment. In AASIA, firstyear, transfer, or change-of-assignment students
are provided with upper-class mentors who are
peer mentor ing, cultur al & social activities
high-achieving and actively engaged.
Women in the Sciences &
Engineer ing (WISE) Institute
Phone: (814) 865-3342
319 Boucke Building
women planning a science career; coordinates
information, research, and activities for and
about women in the sciences and engineering.
Office of Veter ans Pr ogr ams
Brian Clark, Director
Office of Veterans Programs
The Pennsylvania State University
325 Boucke Building
(814) 863-0465
r esour ces at all educational levels. For
under gr ads: book awar ds, outr each,
scholar ships, housing, tr avel gr ants, etc.
support for sons, daughters, and spouses of
deceased or totally disabled veterans; veterans
whose GI Bill benefits have expired or ended;
disabled veterans; or for emergency housing
Outr each, Cer tification, and Gener al Counseling,
also provides work study for veterans
All services located at University Park unless
otherwise noted.
Resour ces pr ior to college
Talent Sear ch (TS)
Stephen Holoviak
Talent Search
401 Grange Building
University Park, PA 16802
(814) 863-7359, Fax: (814) 8638617
helps eligible youth and adults to
continue in and complete
students come from households with secondary education or its
limited financial resources where no equivalent and to enroll in or
one has completed a higher education reenter a college or training
Talent Search York (TSY)
U.S. citizen, reside in York City
School District, and any of the
following: 1. middle school or HS
students, or graduate; 2. HS or
college drop out, 3. Limited family
income, 4. potential 1st generation
college student; 5. not currently
enrolled in college
Upward Bound (UB)
helps high-school students gain
academic skills and motivation to
Students who participate in PSU's
Upward Bound are enrolled at one of continue their education beyond
the seven following "target schools". high school.
Penn State UBMS serves eligible
students from Harrisburg, Reading
and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and
Upward Bound Math and Science in six target high schools located in
urban school districts in the state.
Educational Opportunity Center
help eligible youth and adults
continue in and complete
secondary education or its
equivalent and to enroll in or
reenter a college or training
Upward Bound Math and Science
provides educational
opportunities for low-income high
school students who show interest
in math and science.
US Citizens who are 19 years of age
or older and who are considered low
income by Federal guidelines and/or helps adults age 19 or older to
are whose parents did not receive a begin or to continue a program of
bachelor's degree.
postsecondary education.
Car eer Counseling & Development;
Academic Advising & Cousneling;
Financial Aide Counseling;
Assistance for those who dr opped
out of HS or College
Daren Dorm
Educational Talent Search Program York
Penn State University
MCB 205 A
1031 Edge Comb Avenue
York, PA 17403
college education info; car eer
planning; financial aid planning;
Phone: (717) 845-7512
field tr ips, special assistance
Fax: (717) 846-6349
Mickey Bellet, Director
Upward Bound
Turtoring, SAT prep, study skill help, The Pennsylvania State University
203 Grange Building
counseling, career exploration,
University Park, PA 16802
cultrual events, field trips, summer
(814) 865-2320, Fax: (814) 865-2766
courses at Penn State
Eduardo A. Juarez, Director,
Educational Opportunity Center
Penn State University
One Penn Center at Suburban Station
1617 JFK Boulevard - Suite 425
Philadelphia, PA 19103
(215) 246-3505
Tahirah Duncan,
Educational Opportunity Center / Southwestern PA
105 Main Building,
financial aid assistance (completing 4000 University Drive
FAFSA, locating scholarships),
McKeesport, PA 15132
Car eer Planning;
(412) 675-9077, Fax: (412) 675-9076