David D. Pope - Pharmacy Health Information Technology

Curriculum Vitae
David D. Pope
858 Jasmine Tr, Evans, GA 30809
Licensure includes:
Pharmacist License No. RPH022069, Georgia Board of Pharmacy, 2004 – Present
Certification includes:
Pharmacy-Based Immunizations, 2003
Certified Diabetes Educator, 2008-Present
Certified Disease Manager, Diabetes, 2006
Certified Accu-Chek Spirit Insulin Pump Trainer, 2010-present
BLS CPR, 2003-present
University of Georgia College of Pharmacy, Athens, Georgia
Doctor of Pharmacy, May 2004
University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia
Pre-Pharmacy Major, 1999-2000
Georgia Southern University
Pre-Pharmacy Major, 1998-1999
CreativePharmacist, LLC January 2008-present
Creator, co-owner, Chief of Innovation, CreativePharmacist.com,
TheHealthyHeartClub.com, PharmacyForward.com
Manage staff of 9 employees. Oversee all pharmacy accounts (over 900). Write monthly
curriculum for ‘The Sweet Spot: Diabetes Education Classes for Everyday Living’ and
‘The Healthy Heart Club,’ including creation of PowerPoint presentation, Host Notes,
Curriculum Vitae
patient handouts. Act as Editor-in Chief and responsible for researching, verifying, and
peer reviewing all published information on the website. Responsible for writing,
creating, and designing all Resources material, including all flyers, letters to physicians,
logbooks, etc. Responsible for working with Cardinal Health through their Diabetes
Specialized Care Centers as well as Pharmacy Development Services. Responsible for
all marketing solutions. Responsible for all financial decisions, bookkeeping, etc.
Provide consulting duties (in regards to CreativePharmacist.com programs) to foreign
markets, including Ireland (Pharmasave) and China (Cardinal Health- China).
RxAlly, Leesburg, VA
April 2012 – August 2013
Serve as a clinical consultant to all clinical programs under development by RxAlly.
Design, develop, and provide insights for all product development, including MTM
platform, immunizations program, Concierge Program, medication reconciliation,
COPD/Smoking Cessation program, and hospital discharge program. Served as the
primary clinical advisor under VP of Product Development for a state-of-the-art
comprehensive MTM platform. Provide consulting services for virtually all departments
of RxAlly, including the RxAlly Institute and marketing.
Barney’s Pharmacy, Inc, Augusta GA
March 2004 - Present
Perform daily tasks related to medication transcribing and dispensing. Director of
Diabetes and Wellness Center, including organization of all vaccinations (approximately
2500 per year), director of diabetes self-management training (DSMT). Responsible for
all paperwork required for completing recognition from the American Diabetes
Association Recognition Program, including all action plans, planning activities of the
advisory board, assimilating all results information, marketing, and reviewing all
processes. Met individually and in groups to perform DSMT with persons living with
diabetes. Assist patients in creating action plans, educating patient on living with
diabetes, etc. Create, edit, review, market, and present classes and programs at the
diabetes and wellness center. Manage and perform MTM cases. Pharmacist-in-Charge
(PIC) of Barney’s Clinical Compounding, Inc. (a compounding subsidiary of Barney’s
Pharmacy). Preceptor for two PGY1 residents each year. Preceptor for Pharm.D. students
from two pharmacy schools (approximately two students every 5 weeks). Initiate,
manage, and educate all insulin pump patients. Educate persons interested in insulin
pump therapy. Assist with managing Smoking Cessation Program, COPD program. Plan,
organize, and implement yearly health fair. Oversee pharmacy technicians. Assist in
managing the “Healthy Heart Club, “ a cardiovascular risk reduction educational
program. Consult and answer drug information questions for Hope Medical Center, a
family physician practice.
Georgia Christian Medical, LLC, dba Hope Medical Center, Augusta, GA April 2007April 2013
Co-owner, President
Curriculum Vitae
As co-owner, evaluate all processes, employees, and finances as necessary. Work with all
staff, including physicians, physician assistants, and other medical staff to improve
workflow, environment, and productivity. Work with physicians and physician assistants
to provide congruency in clinical care between the physician’s office and the pharmacy.
Provide drug information for staff. Act as a liaison between medical staff and pharmacy
Co-Preceptor Community Rotation, USC Clerkships
Barney’s Pharmacy, Augusta, Georgia
Asst. Preceptor Ambulatory Care Rotation, UGA Clerkships
Hope Medical Center, Augusta, Georgia
March 2008-present
Asst. Preceptor Community Rotation, USC/MUSC Clerkships
Barney’s Pharmacy, Augusta, Georgia
March 2008-present
Preceptor Community Rotation, UGA Clerkships
Preceptor Ambulatory Care Rotation, USC/MUSC Clerkships
HOPE Medical Center, Augusta, Georgia
December 2009-present
March 2008-present
Preceptor, Community Residency (UGA).
Barney’s Pharmacy, Augusta, GA
July 2011-present
Preceptor, Community Residency (USC- SCCP)
July 2011-present
Other Experience and Professional Memberships
National Community Pharmacists Association
American Pharmacists Association
National Association of Diabetes Educators
Presenter, NCPA DASPA Program
Georgia Pharmacists Association (GPhA)
April 2010-present
National Community Pharmacists Association (NCPA) Steering Committee 2010-present
Mirixa Corporation Advisory Board
GPhA Patient Care Committee
CDC Innovation Roundtable on Hypertension Control
RxAlly Committee on Innovation
URAC Community Pharmacy Accreditation Standards Committee Jan 2012-Dec 2012
Pharmacist Services Technical Advisory Coalition- Professional Claims and Codes
Curriculum Vitae
Pharmacist Services Technical Advisory Coalition- Communication Standards
Pharmacist Services Technical Advisory Coalition- Pharmacist EHR
Established the Diabetes and Wellness Center
Designed, organized, and implemented yearly health fair (over 500 people attend)
Performed all duties, completed all paperwork and objectives necessary to attain
recognition of diabetes self-management education by American Diabetes Association
(attained October 2008)
Attained CLIA certification for pharmacy
Assisted in creation of residency program
Created and implemented Pharmacist Clinical Ladder Program
Assist in marketing strategy, business strategy, and HR programs
Establish and operate monthly diabetes support group, “The Sweet Spot”
Improved workflow and assist in design of new pharmacy area
Established the monthly e-newsletter
Co-establish the “Apprentice” Assisted-Living Home Caregiver Continuing Education
Utilize Conversation Maps in Diabetes Education Classes
Created patient assistance program for under-resourced patients
Created, designed, and implemented Diabetes Champions Club
Created partnership between Barney’s and the City of Augusta and Blue Cross Blue
Shield to service their employees with wellness services
Implemented ‘The Healthy Heart Club’ program
Vanlandingham J, Pope DD. A Pharmacy Spotlight on Barney’s Pharmacy and Its
Innovative Clinical Services. America’s Pharmacist Magazine. October 2009. Vol 131,
Number 20.
Pope DD. ‘Market Your Independence.’ Cover Article. America’s Pharmacist Magazine.
April 2010. Vol 132, Number 4.
Pope DD. NCPA-AADE DASPA Program. Module 8: ‘Marketing Diabetes Educational
Services in Your Community.’ April 2010. ACPE- approved.
Pope DD. Cardinal Health-Presbyterian College Cardiovascular Risk Reduction Program.
MODULE 5: A Business Model for Cardiovascular Risk Reduction Services. April 2010.
Curriculum Vitae
Pope DD. The Pharmacist’s Role in the 21st Century. Drug Topics. October 2010.
Pope DD. Adherence: It Only Takes a Minute. America’s Pharmacist Magazine.
November 2010. Vol 132, Number 11.
Pope DD. Vanlandingham J. Empowering Cardiovascular Patients. Drug Topics.
October 2011. Vol 155, Number 10.
Pope DD. Rethinking the Status Quo. America’s Pharmacist Magazine. February 2012.
Vo. 134, Number 2.
Pope DD. Schedule an Appointment for Success. America’s Pharmacist Magazine.
November 2012. Vo. 134, Number 11.
Pope DD. Opportunities in Diabetes Education for Pharmacists. America’s Pharmacist
Magazine. February 2011. Vo. 133, Number 2. ACPE- approved.
Pope DD. An Appointment with the Pharmacist. Drug Topics. April, 2012.
Pope DD, Riggs A. Pharmacy Reaches Out to Patients with Mental Health Issues. Drug
Topics. June 2013.
Pope DD. HIV: A Clinical Opportunity for Community Pharmacy. Drug Topics. July
Pope DD, Vanlandingham J. Teed Up for a TOC Spike. America’s Pharmacist
Magazine. September 2013. Vo. 135, Number 9.
Georgia Pharmacy Journal. ‘Barney’s Pharmacy and David Pope Receive National
Recognition for Pharmacy Innovation.’ Cover Article. September 2010. Vol. 32,
Number 9.
Menighan T. ‘Doubting Pharmacists Read On.’ American Pharmacists’ Association
CEO Blog. August 16th, 2010.
Abelson R and Singer N. ‘Pharmacists Take Larger Role on Health Team. NY Times.
August 14th, 2010. Page A1.
Linville C. ‘A Game Changer.’ America’s Pharmacist Magazine. June 2010. Vol. 132,
Number 6.
Curriculum Vitae
Kaiser Permanente. Pharmacists offer extra options to compete with mail-order drug
firms. Washington Post. March 15 2011. (Syndicated with LA Times, MSNBC.com,
AARP.com, BusinessWeek.com, etc)
Staff. ‘Innovative Program Establishes Pharmacist as Health Coach, Partner.’ Drug
Topics. July 2011. Vol 155, Number 7.
Staff. ‘With Support from Web-Based Tools, Pharmacists Help Individuals Adopt
Healthier Behaviors, Reduce Cardiovascular Risk.’ June 2011. AHRQ.gov.
Staff. ‘Creative Pharmacist Provides Online Guide to Best Workouts.’ Drug Topics.
March 13, 2012.
Stanley D. ‘Pharmacy Preceptors.’ Drug Topics. October 15th, 2012.
Talsma J. The New Reality. Drug Topics. May 2013.
“Marketing Diabetes Education Services in Your Community.” NCPA-AADE DASPA
Program. Missouri Pharmacy Association Annual Meeting. ACPE-Approved. June
“Cardiovascular Risk Reduction Certification Course.” Cardinal Health Retail Business
Conference. ACPE- Approved. July 2010.
“Clinical Pharmacists within the Community Setting.” Grand Rounds: Department of
Pharmacy. MCG Health and the University of Georgia College of Pharmacy. ACPEapproved. March 2009.
“Innovative Ideas to Attract Your Most Desirable Customers.” Cardinal Health Retail
Business Conference. ACPE-Approved. July 2010.
“The Chronic Care Pharmacy: Partnering With Your Customers To Improve Their
Health and the Bottom Line of Your Pharmacy.” Cardinal Health Retail Business
Conference. ACPE- Approved. July 2011.
“Cardiovascular Risk Reduction Certification Course.” Cardinal Health Retail Business
Conference. ACPE- Approved. July 2011.
“One Size Does Not Fit All: The Many Community Faces of Adherence.” NCPA
Convention. ACPE- Approved. October 2011.
Curriculum Vitae
“Rethinking the Status Quo.” Presbyterian College of Pharmacy Innovation Series.
January 30th, 2012.
“Rethink. Adherence.” NCPA Convention. NCPA Convention. ACPE-Approved.
October 2012.
“Establishing a Vaccination Program in the Community Pharmacy.” Augusta, GA. July
2012. Talk given on behalf of Merck. Also given throughout the 2012-2013 year.
“The Sweet Spot.” Monthly Diabetes Educational Classes. January 2009-Current.
Patient Audience. Topics focused on living with diabetes.
“The Healthy Heart Club.” Monthly Cardiovascular Classes. January 2009-Current.
Patient Audience. Topics focused on living with diabetes.
“The Apprentice: Coaching Caregivers to be their best.” January 2009-Current. Monthly
Personal Care Home Class. Caregivers of LTC patients audience. Topics focus on
improving outcomes and managing medications in LTC patients.
“The Sweet Spot.” Monthly Diabetes Educational Classes. January 2008-December
Patient Audience. Topics focused on living with diabetes.
“The Healthy Heart Club.” Monthly Cardiovascular Classes. January 2008-December
2008. Patient Audience. Topics focused on living with diabetes.
“The Apprentice: Coaching Caregivers to be their best.” January 2008- December 2008.
Monthly Personal Care Home Class. Caregivers of LTC patients audience. Topics focus
on improving outcomes and managing medications in LTC patients.
“The Sweet Spot.” Monthly Diabetes Educational Classes. January 2007-December
2007. Patient Audience. Topics focused on living with diabetes.
“What’s new with Medicare Part D.” Monthly Augusta Area Diabetes Educators
Association Meeting. June 2007
“The Sweet Spot.” Monthly Diabetes Educational Classes. January 2006-December
2006. Patient Audience. Topics focused on living with diabetes.
“Diabetes and Medications.” Project Hope (in association with the Augusta Area
Diabetes Educators Association). St. John’s Towers, Augusta, GA. March 2006
Curriculum Vitae
“The Sweet Spot.” Monthly Diabetes Educational Classes. January 2005-December
Patient Audience. Topics focused on living with diabetes.
“Exubera and its clinical role in insulin management.” UGA/MCG Department of
Pharmacy. Pharm.D. Experiential Presentation. January 2004
Named Top 50 Most Influential People in Independent Pharmacy (Rx PM Quarterly)
Spring 2013
Georgia Pharmacy Association Innovative Pharmacy Practice Award
July 2010
GPhA/GPhF’s New Practitioner Leadership Conference
April 2005
U.S. Diabetes Conversation Map Tools Completion
April 2009
UGA Rx Magazine
Spring 2009
Worship Leader, Warren Baptist Church
Worship Leader, The Church at Greenbrier
Youth Intern, Warren Baptist Church
March of Dimes, Augusta, GA
2006 - Present
Upward Children’s Basketball Coach, Augusta, Georgia 2004, 2011
Upward Basketball Referee, Augusta, Georgia
2004 – 2005
Wheelchair Basketball Referee, Augusta, Georgia 2004
Medical Mission Trip, Ibarra/ Rio Verde, Ecuador April 2002
Medical Mission Trip, Quito, Ecuador
Foreign Medical Mission Trip Preparation
2002 – Present
Warren Baptist Church, Augusta, Georgia
Judge for Good Neighbor Pharmacy NCPA Pruitt-Schutte Student Business Plan
Competition (2011)
Available upon request